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Police in Cambodia’s capital beat and detain residents seeking government intervention. (RFA) |
Radio Free Asia
Residents of Boeung Kak Lake scuffle with police in front of city hall in Phnom Penh, April 21, 2011.
Cambodian police on Thursday clashed with 100 people demonstrating in the capital against their eviction in a land deal, leaving four injured and detaining eight, according to a representative of the protesters.
The scuffle began when police armed with riot shields, wooden sticks and batons tried to disperse the demonstrators from city hall, where they had gathered to protest the planned eviction of 1,500 families from Phnom Penh’s Boeung Kak Lake district.
The families had been told to make way for a luxury residential complex being constructed by Chinese development firm Shukaku Inc.
During the clash, three women were beaten unconscious and an elderly woman suffered a blow to her head that left her bleeding. Eight female protesters were detained and remain in police custody.
From detention, group representative Tep Vanny told RFA that one of the detainees is pregnant, while another is wounded and suffering from a broken finger.
“We are concerned about our safety, but we don’t believe we will be put in prison because we’ve done nothing wrong,” she said.
“We only came to see [the government] demanding a solution as we have been living a very difficult life. For four years, Shukaku has been investing in [the Boeung Kak Lake] area and has offered no [acceptable] solution for us.”
Sothun, another resident from the Boeung Kak area said she was angered that the government had not listened to the requests of the residents.
“We have demanded nothing but a solution, but they will not solve the problem for us,” she said.
“My house is flooded [from construction]. I am so unhappy … Why have they done this to the people? They beat us. They won’t seek a solution for the people because they have no sympathy for us.”
‘Violation of rights’
Chit Sam Ath, a representative of Cambodian human rights watchdog LICADHO, called the use of force by police against the protesters “too extreme” and a “serious violation of human rights.”
“Even though [the authorities] must maintain order, they should employ nonviolent means first,” he said.
“We do not take sides. We know there was a brawl. But, the people only threw plastic bottles of water and pushed the police. The authorities should be patient and apply due process.”
But Pol Pithey, Vice Commissioner of Phnom Penh, defended the police action.
“The people were cursing and [verbally] abusing the competent authorities.”
Land deal
In February 2007, the Cambodian government sold 133 hectares of land around Boeung Kak Lake to Chinese firm Shukaku Inc. which, in a joint venture with a Cambodian tycoon, plans to build a luxury housing estate next to the lake.
A total of 2,752 families have already been driven from their homes around Boeung Kak Lake, and thousands more are under imminent threat of eviction as a result of the deal.
Residents have resisted evictions for years, maintaining that the government compensation packages are too low, but have been warned that they will face legal action if they do not leave the land.
Further complicating the issue, many Boeung Kak Lake residents do not have formal titles to their land although legal experts say that many are entitled to them.
Authorities say that the land has been illegally occupied, and that the residents live on state-owned land.
In March, the World Bank admitted that its land-titling program, which was shut down in 2009, did not adequately protect thousands of the lake’s residents who had been evicted over the past two years.
Ongoing issue
Cambodia’s land issue dates from the 1975-79 Khmer Rouge regime, which forced large-scale evacuations and relocations throughout the country. This was followed by mass confusion over land rights and the formation of squatter communities when the refugees returned in the 1990s after a decade of civil war.
Housing Cambodia’s large, young, and overwhelmingly poor population has posed a major problem ever since.
During his visit to Cambodia in February, the U.N. Special Rapporteur to Cambodia discussed land rights issues with the director of human rights organization ADHOC, Thun Saray.
“We propose a swift and satisfactory solution for those who have been affected by the land conflict,” Thun Saray said in an interview recounting their conversation.
U.K.-based Amnesty International said in a recent statement that as party to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and other international human rights treaties which prohibit related human rights violations, Cambodia’s government “has an obligation to stop forced evictions and to protect the population from forced evictions.”
Reported by RFA’s Khmer service. Translated by Sum Sok Ry. Written in English by Rachel Baker.
Only Mr. Sam Rainsy is the best solution for poor khmers.
Good Yuon Sydney CBT
Khmer Youn Sydney CBD = Hell in Ms Rattana Keo pussy for ethernity
Fuck Youn Sydney CBD
Dear Hun Sen, If she were your mother, your Aunt how is your feeling when you see this?
Beggar Phsar Thmey
Who the hell is this bastard yuon Sydney CBT? You think I don't know where you idiot is? I can track your IP address and can locate where it is! you be careful Ah Youn Kantop !
អាចុយម្រាយយួនស៊ីដនី ស៊ីបីធី កន្ទបនេះជាអ្នកណា? ហ្អែងគិតថា អញមិនដឹងហ្អែងនៅទីណាឫ? អញអាចចាប់ អាស័យដ្ឋាន IP របស់ហ្អែងបាន និងអាចកំណត់ទីតាំងហ្អែងបានទៀត! ប្រយ័ត្នអាយួនកន្ទប!
If khmer don't love khmer, no one in the world will! gov't needs to think that everyone is significantly important like he/she is another you or your children, parents grandparents aunties or uncles etc. Please do the right thing for the righteous will live forever the wicked will be terminated. No one in this world can get away from injustice that he/she is committed. So to have eternal life is "love, compasion, understanding and respect" Aust
youn & youn sydney CBD = polpot 2.0
Youn Sydney CBD = Evil of all kinds
Ms Rattana Keo will kill all Youn at Sydney for sure
Ms Rattana Keo and all her frinds will kill all Youn at Sydney.
Youn = Bad Evil Race On Earth
Ah Khmer Youn Sydney CBD, Hell gate is waiting for you and your families
4:27 PM Wah bout you?
Ah Proud Siam!
Those shit polices must send to Thai- Cambodia border, showing what you can with Thai, but not with own khmer people.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I would like to see all the people who had been evicted at one time or another to come together and carry out a huge protest. Hun Sen and his cronies will only get worried when there are a lot of people protesting. When there are small groups here and there, no result will be achieved. Learn what everyone else has known for ages- solidarity is victory.
Do you really think, it's possible for us or Khmer people to change Cambodian right now? No utopia
Damn, that Hun Sen is so powerful and no one can fight him in his ring..
looks what happen and what waiting for the people who want to face him or to criticize his politic and corruption..
Khmers citizens live under pressure and fear..
I already give up any hope..
sorry guys and now I feel like cambodian at this speed, is doomed to serve vietnameses, forever..
maybe the only day, I will get hope again, is when we will Accept to die, it's also the day when every of us are ready to fight until we die for a new Cambodia, with no dictator, no corruption and no king.
Passif khmer will die without trying..
Actif khmer will die worth trying
I think if the protest is to small the police can handle it. We need a bigger than life protest like Chea Vichea funeral. We need Khmer people to come out to support ours causes not just for the lake incident but for all Khmer and the country. We need a big crown...look at the Saudi!
Neak mdai mien jet kla hann nas...kon nung tor su jompos neak mdai teang os heuy nung jeat yerng
It's only going to change only if every Cambodian start to put national interest first rather theirs own individual, what we need regardless who the oppositions are we must united and stand against an oppression regime otherwise nothing going to change. First step is take your time and write a letter or your local representative to put more pressure on Cambodia government. It's good to discusse here. But the most important is the people in Washington DC.
My beloved 9:04PM!
I undeniably and entirely agree with ya,
but our mental couragement is increasingly and psychologically weaker each day, after the Civil War and the Killingfield. As long as the water isn't eventually reaching their noses, we Khmer ain't frightfully fighting for their lives. In the end, there is always too late!
Folks!do not blame the police b`cause
Ah one eye Hun Xen ,Ah Pol Saroeun,Ah
Sar Khen,Ah Touch Naroth has ordered and trained them like that.Beleive it or not but who to blame!!!!
Do we knew that Pol Pot, Noun Chea,Ing Sari,Khiev Samphan.etc. ever
personally killed Khmers,but see
what happened now.They are ended up
with solely responsible for the crime.It`s all added up for those Xen`s clans they won`t be going anywhere.Just wait and see folks!!.
ខ្ញុំសូមរំលឹកលោកបន្តិចឡើងវឹញ ពីភាពបាទដៃ
ទៅ :
១ ក្រោយរដ្ឋប្រហារឆ្នាំ១៩៩៧ សរអាបានស្នើឲ្យ
គណបក្សប្រជាជន តែរង្សីគេចចេញពីការរូបរួម
២ លោកសមរង្សីធ្លាប់សរសេរសំបុត្រទៅសុំ
ទោសលោកហ៊ុនសែន ហើយថ្មីៗនេះក៏ធ្លាប់
៣ លោករង្សីធ្លាប់ហុចដងដាវឲ្យអាយ៉ងយួនសម្លាប់
៤ លោករង្សីធ្លាប់នាំគ្រួសារទៅលេងនៅហា
៥ គួរឲ្យព្រឺខ្លួនមួយទៀតរង្សីបានប្រកាសថាខ្លួន
តើអំពើទាំងប៉ន្មានខាងលើនេះតើលោកកឹមសុខាឫលោករង្សីជាមនុស្ស hypocrite vendu au CPP.តើលោកកឹមសុខាមានធ្វើអ្វីខ្លះខុសដែល
ចាញ់វាធ្វើជាងិកង៉ក់ខុសនេះខុសនោះ ទាស់នេះទាស់នោះមិនឲ្យរូបរួមគ្នាកើត។
The Cambodian police only good in fighting with their own unarmed civilians, but NOT DARE touching Vietnamese illegal immigrants.
I WANT POL POT ERA TO COME BACK, but not the killing. Pol Pot would clean up illegal Vietnamese, the Chinese. Cambodia was a pure nation under Pol Pot.
If not killing, I think under Pol Pot is way much better than under Ah Chhke Hun Sen (A Viet dog, Hun Sen).
well, pol pot and his stupid KR people were so stupid, that's why they killed their own people and destroyed cambodia! nobody on this planet is more stupid and crazy than the stupid KR you know. they were so ignorant!
សមត្ថកិច្ច នៃរដ្ធាភិបាលអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន ដែលមាន ទាហាន ប៉ូលីស ប៉េអឹម ពេល ដែលបញ្ជូនទៅរៀននៅស្រុកយួន យួនមិន ដែលបានហ្វឹកហ្វឺនផ្នែកជួយសង្គ្រោះជីវិត ឬ
យួនគិតតែហ្វឹកហ្វឺនផ្នែក បាញ់, កំទេច,សម្លាប់, ពិឃាត, ប្រហារជីវិត, ផ្ដាច់ជីវិត, បំផ្លាញ,ច្បាម, ឆក់ប្លន់, ដុតផ្ទះ, ប្លន់ដណ្ដើមទ្រព្យ, កៀបសង្កត់, សង្កត់សង្កិន, ជិះជាន់, វាយបង្ក្រាប, ទាត់ធាក់ និងបោកគ្រាប់បែកសម្លាប់
បើមិនជឿសួរ ពួកអាមកពីហ្វឹកហ្វឺន ពីស្រុកយួន ១០០ ពួកវាថាដូចគ្នាទាំង ១០០ ។
Hun Sen doesn't own Cambodia so we must fight hard......or live death
Ah juoy marai Hun Sen is a former Khmer Rouge commander of the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime.
Ah juoy marai Hun Sen is now a leader of the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime.
Ah juoy marai Hun Sen is responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples and counting.
Ah juoy marai Hun Sen is responsible for killing more than one hundred members of FUNCIPEC party.
Ah juoy marai Hun Sen is responsible for killing more than eighty members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Ah juoy marai Hun Sen is responsible for killing at least 16 innocent Khmer peoples on March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack on peaceful demonstrator for justice reform.
Ah juoy marai Hun Sen is responsible for attempted to kill Sam Rainsy on March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack.
Ah juoy marai Hun Sen is responsible for attempted to kill Chea Vichea on March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack.
Ah juoy marai Hun Sen is responsible for attempted to kill Ron Abney (a United States citizen) on March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack.
Ah juoy marai Hun Sen is responsible for killing Chea Vichea on Chinese New Year January 22, 2004.
The Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's government continue to abuse innocent Khmer peoples.
Stupid and dumb Hun Sen and CPP Yuon bastards orders their Hidden Yuon military policemen to hit Cambodian people like that.
Look at older lady, do you think it is appropriate to hit older person like.
Hun Sen and CPP Yuon bastards and bitches are not thinking.
When the UN and International Communities and people around the world see this old lady (who is very innocent and has done nothing wrong), stupid Hun Sen and CPP Yuon bastards and bitches will be blamed for the criminal acts against Humanity.
What is wrong with you, Yuon CPP bastards and a son of the bitch, stupid Hun Sen!.
You are not feeling sorry for the poor and old lady and the rest of young girls and children and women.
It is a heart-broken feeling to see my poor old lady was beaten right on her head. It can't be imagined to see this.
CPP Yuon bastards and bitches, Yuon military policemen and Hun Sen have to be out of Cambodia. They are not allowed to be in Cambodia. It is not right to see older lady got hurt and beaten and other Cambodian women and children.
What a shame!
It is not right to see my Cambodian old lady was beaten right in her head.
Those military policemen of Yuon/Vietnamese CPP and Hun Sen are very very very stupid and very uneducated.
CPP Yuon bastards and Hun Sen, you guys are done...no more with you, communist dogs! We are out and not working with your stupid and shameful CPP Yuon bastards and Hun Sen.
Done is done!!! No fair to see those people suffered so much. It is heart-broken to see that poor old lady. She is very very very innocent and she has done nothing wrong.
Those bastards do not feel sorry for her and left her wounded like that.
The people in the world and international communities will see this poor old lady and give her big hugs and comfort her. It is not right and not fair for her.
This picture is very powerful though. I want to have this to show my international organizations to see this.
I want to write the letter to the UN and the U.S. to tell how bad Yuon CPP and Hen Sen along with their hidden Yuon/Vietnamese military policemen. They abused innocent Cambodian people!
Stupid P.P police procedure, Stupid police chief do not know how to manage protectors. Stupid police made brutaly.
Stupid P.P police chief have to go back to school of criminal justice system. And you have to lean more about emergency procedure. Stop to do stupid anymore dumphead.
Do not go to school in China or Hanoi ok dumhead.
Where is achamkuot PhD graduated Khmer in sydney CBD for seeing this kind of scene? Is there anything like this in Sydney?
Where is his moral toward Cambodian people?
Areak Prey
Anonymous Anonymous said...
CPP VietHun, the regime of lawlessness!
Karma says : V.V. Do good things get good things do bad things get bad things .... And look what happen Now Thaiand well finish the Khmers on Preah Vihear and the temple well belong to Thailand ...that's all go to say PP87
អា7:47 PM
អា6:18 AM
(Prime Minister)អាចម៏ក្តអីម៉េសអា?
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