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The former KR commanders from left to right: Xamd-ach Heng Xamrin, Xamd-ach Chea Xim, Xamd-ach Hun Xen (Photo: Sovannara, RFI) |
Translated from Khmer by Soch
Regarding the declaration made by opposition leader Sam Rainsy linking the current CPP leaders to the Khmer Rouge leaders, Cheam Yeap, a henchman of the CPP regime and a CPP MP, rejected this accusation. He also warned that Sam Rainsy could face another lawsuit because of such accusation. Cheam Yeab said: “If the three Samd-achs – Samd-ach Chea Xim, Samd-ach Hun Xen and Samd-ach Heng Xamrin – give an eye signal to the lawyers, these lawyers could sue Mr. Sam Rainsy and the latter could face more jail time. (sic!) But, I know that Mr. Sam Rainsy is desperate, he wants to return back home, this is why he raises one issue after another.” Cheam Yeap added that Samd-ach Chea Xim, Samd-ach Hun Xen and Samd-ach Heng Xamrin knew that Pol Pot was a traitor to the nation and he killed people, that’s why these KR traitors fled to Vietnam to form the 02 December 1978 movement to liberate people from the KR regime [KI-Media Note: Vietnam said they were the one who liberated Cambodia, Hun Xen, Chea Xim and Heng Xamrin only hitched a ride with them.]
Come to sue my ass idiots, in fact they're fugitive leftover from the Khmer Rouge regimes fuckers why you so dumb bitch. Don't sucks your boss to much toad man Cheam Yeap.
In my point of views ah midget dumbs ass motherfuckers King, ah Dog Hun Xen, ah Dog Chea Xim, ah Dog Heng Xamrin, ah Dog Hor Nam Hong and ah Dog Va Kim Hong etc.... are the killers of our Khmer innocences in the Khmer Rouge area we must bring all of those motherfuckers go to court. They are the killers that still alive we must catch those evils anamils put them in the cell now before they are dies causes alots of them are fucking old already. Why we let the fugitive walks free and do whatever they wants like that.
Cheam Yeap and his gangs can sue Mr Sam Ransy for another 100 years of jail doesn't make Mr Sam ransy any worry and it doesn't make me felt any excitement because These CPP craps wanted only to see their fellow Cambodian to be in jail so that they steal and they can rob Cambodian lands. They are all graduated from Tuol Krasang for their PhD.
Areak Prey
a cheam yeap he is spy viet he all way protect him boss the time coming he run before a hun sen chea sim heng samrin to northvietnam he the team trators
It's easy for those three thugs to ruins the country samdach fuckhead Hun thug samdach fuckhead Chea thug and samdach fuckhead Samrin midget.
It is hard for these three thugs rebuild the whole country.
This is one reason that these three thugs are greedy for power.
ធម្មតាឆ្កែបម្រើ ខំបម្រើម្ចាស់របស់វាណាស់ បើទោះជាម្ចាស់វាប្រើអោយធ្វើអ្វីក៍ដោយ ក៍វាយកចិត្តធ្វើដោយសប្បាយរីករាយ ប៉ុន្តែមានឆ្កែខ្លះវាភ្លេចគិតថា៖ ម្ចាស់របស់វាចូលចិត្តស៊ីសាច់ឆ្កែនោះទេ នៅថ្ងៃនាមួយវាប្រើការលែងកើតឬក៍ម្ចាស់របស់វាអត់សាច់ស៊ី ច្បាស់ជាអារសាច់ឆ្កែបម្រើហ្នឹងស៊ីជាក់ជាមិនខាន។
Every body know who is who. who are not Khmer Rough dare to go to ECCC.
Dog Cheam Leap, dog Phay siphan,and dog Sya Kimhong you almost end of yours big-mount.
Die or do come sonn!
now rainsy he go around the world to disgrace khmer, he bring with his brain loade with giant of garbag to preach and spread hatreat and dividing among khmer community yes, now you clearly see Rainsy absoultly mster and skilfull in criticising, am I right?. give hime a punch right betweent the eye, stope this negative garbarg selfdestructive characteristic, Rainsy you should know, no wiseman will follow leader whom master in criticism, wsn't it righ?. mike
Anonymous said...
Idiot Rainsy Khmer rough was get rid by hun sen sice 1979, are you fucking blind, idiot, the will of people or you stupid working for evile Thai thug, you got piad by thai. you want proof, thai gave one Helecopter during election compaign in 2003 to Rainsy, and thai financialy support Rainsy office in Bangkok, you are double agnet for our enermy thai, wasn't it right?. Hun sen said he reassure oto khmer peole his missin is to eliminate Khmer rough, it absolutly clear isn't it? you are either ex-khmer rough or you are Thai thieve try to devide Khmer. go to hell thai idiot evil
Look at the drivers. They are Viet cong with reserved smile..... "You THREE MONKEYS enjoy while you can, each of your turn is just around the corner!"
*Since year 1978 Hun sen escape to viet-nam and his jailed by viet-nam soldiers too.Why?
-why Hun sen escape to viet-nam?
1-Because his Hate Pol pot ?.
2-Because since year 1966-70 his sold Medecines to viet-cong???.
*All 3Guys look like Dogs for Hanoi.
Motherfucker ah rontaihbanch!
If someone told the truth about Hun
Sen,Chea Sim,Heng Samrin,Khmer Rouge,
Khmer Vietminh,and Vietnam,some
blogger here are so mad and burned
their temper or upset.
People are able to read their minds
and their sadness.
These three monkeys stood up tall,not
because of Cambodians supporting them
but Vietnamese immigrants and Vietnam govt are supporting them.
They are Vietnam monkeys.
ឃ្លោកលិចអំបែងអំដែត ពួកមេប្រែតឡើងជាស្តេច ពួកស្តេចលិចជាប្រែត
Wow our leader
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