Chun Sakada, VOA Khmer
Phnom Penh Wednesday, 08 June 2011
“For political power, politicians have always used such a policy.”
Analysts say Prime Minister Hun Sen has gone on the offensive to discredit his political opponents ahead of elections, after a speech on Monday in which he took credit for helping both the Human Rights Party and the Sam Rainsy Party in previous years.
Speaking at a graduation ceremony at the Royal School of Administration, Hun Sen said he advised HRP president Kem Sokha in the 2007 formation of his party and had advised Sam Rainsy over a constitutional amendment that lowered the number of seats necessary to form a majority government—from a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly to a 51 percent majority.
Analysts said the speech was likely an attack on the credibility of the opposition aimed at boosting support for the ruling Cambodian People’s Party, with local elections set for 2012 and national elections the following year.
Lao Monghay, an independent analyst, said the strategy could test the loyalty of opposition and ruling party supporters alike. It could also “make confusion or a loss of confidence” among the opposition’s base, he said.
Hang Puthea, executive director of the Neutral and Impartial Committee for Free and Fair Elections, said Hun Sen’s statements on Monday could sew doubt in the minds of voters who cast ballots for the opposition in 2008 elections.
“This strategy is under the theory of divide and conquer,” said Chheang Vannarith, executive director of the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace. “For political power, politicians have always used such a policy.”
Pol Ham, a spokesman for the Human Rights Party, said Hun Sen was using “old tricks” to discredit the image of the party.
Recorded telephone conversations purportedly between the premier and Kem Sokha were leaked to the press last week, though HRP officials have denied the calls prove any kind of collusion between the two parties.
Yim Sovann, a spokesman for the Sam Rainsy Party, said that his party leader and Hun Sen often discussed politics in 2006, with Sam Rainsy meeting the prime minister at his home on occasion.
អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន ឈ្មោះដើមវាហ៊ុន ណាល់ ។ឪវា
ឈ្មោះ ហ៊ុន នៀង ជាចោរលួចគោនៅស្រុកក្រូច
ឆ្មារ ខេត្តកំពង់ចាម ម្ដាយវាឈ្មោះឌី ប៉ុកជា
អ្នកលក់នំអាកោរ។ អាហ៊ុន សែន ឈ្មោះដើម
វា គឺ ហ៊ុន ណាល់ ជាចោរដូចឪពុកវាដែរ។
មែកត្របែកខ្វាក់ភ្នែកម្ខាង ហើយឆ្នាំ៧០រត់ចូល
ចូលព្រៃម៉ាគី ធ្វើជាខ្មែរក្រហម។
ជំនាន់ខ្មែរក្រហម គណៈភូមិ គណៈឃុំ និង
គណៈតំបន់មួយចំនួនជាចោរ ឬ មេចោរលួច
គោ ឬ ក្របី។
ដល់មកបានធ្វើនាយករដ្ធមន្ត្រី កើតជាចោរលក់
ជាតិ លួចជាតិ។ឪអាហ៊ុន សែន ជាចោរ អាហ៊ុន
សែនជាចោរ អស់ទាំងមុខមន្រ្តីក៏ជាចោរដូចដែរ។
AH KWACK stop showing your ass in public!
You motherfucker should not record private conversation without permission from other party!
It may legal in your fucking stupid kingdome but it is so low class as a man in the civilize democracy world!
Do you sons really have a real PhD from England? Or all you and your sons are stupid in the blood?
Anyone speak yo ah Kwack would become his victime of BLACKMILLING! DO ma ah Kwack you stupid lowlive!
Anyone speak to ah Kwack would become his victime of BLACKMILLING!
DO ma ah Kwack you stupid lowlive!
The Viet have Hun Sen by the balls, there is no way out for him.
He knows that he has to stay in power for the rest of his life; even then his family’s members and his close associates’ lives will turn upside down when he dies.
There is no where for him to run now and in the future. What he is doing now is to bring calamity to his love ones and those who are close to him.
4:23 AM
Yes we, Khmer, call chheam sraek sbaek hov.
political parties attack each other all the time, so, i don't get what's the big fuss about it all, really! people's view can be so biased, here, there, everywhere, you know!
ក្នុងមួយពិភពលោកនេះ អ្នកណាៗក៏ដឹងគ្រប់គ្នាទាំងអស់ថា
អាយ៉ងក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុន សែន នេះ ជាមេក្បត់ជាតិ, ជាមេ
លក់ជាតិ, ជាមេឃាតករឈាមត្រជាក់, ជាមេខ្មែរក្រហម,
ជាមេទុច្ចរិត, ជាមេពុករលួយ, ជាមេក្រុមមនុស្សពាលនៅកម្ពុជាដែរ!
បើខ្មែរយើងមិននាំគ្នាកំចាត់វានិងបក្សពួកវាចោលទេ ប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានថ្ងៃបានសុខសាន្ត និងអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ប្រទេសជាតិ
ទឹកមុខអាខ្វាក់លើកនេៈហាក់ដូចជាខ្មៅ មានរឿង
អីឬ? បើតាមអញ់ស្មានប្រហែលជាអាឯងកើតរោគ
ថ្លើមឬរោគអេដ៍ហើយមើលទៅ! ឆាប់ចេញទៅព្យា
បាលជម្ងឺនៅហាណូយភ្លាមទៅ! ប៉ុន្តែបើឯងឆាប់
ង៉ាប់វារិតតែល្អដែរ ដើម្បីឱយពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរឆាប់មាន
ah chor kbatcheat ah slap tayhoong a kvak hun sen the time coming soon you and all HUN family and all traitors CPP go to hell
យើងទាំងអស់គ្នាធ្លាប់បានរស់នៅក្នុងរបបខ្មែរក្រហមជាងបីឆ្នាំ ដូច្នេៈយើងសុទ្ធតែធ្លាប់បានភ្លក់នូវ
សម្លរមួយឆ្នាំងរបស់យួននេៈ។ សម្លរនេៈមានរស់
ជាតិជូចត់ខ្លាំងណាស់ សួរថាតើហេតុអ្វីបានជា
ខ្មែរមួយចំនួនដែលបានស៊ីបាយប្រទេសសេរីហើយរួចដើរអោនក្បាលចូលទៅបំរើពួកក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុន សែន ទៀត។ តើពួកនេៈគិតយ៉ាងដូចម្តេច? តើពួកនេៈចង់ទៅជួយជាតិឬពួកនេៈចង់ទៅចុ..យ
Dear Mr Hun sen
តាំងពីសម រង្ស៊ី លោតចូលក្នុងភ្នក់ភ្លើង នយោបាយមក
យើងសង្កេតឃើញថាសម រង្ស៊ី បាននាំយកសកម្មជន
នយោបាយរបស់ខ្លួន និងពលរដ្ឋសាមញ្ញអោយទៅស្លាប់,
ជាប់គុក និងក្រុមឃាតករ ហ៊ុន សែនតាមប្រមាញ់ធ្វើឃាត ,
វាយបង្រ្កាប ងាប់ និង ខ្លាចបាក់ស្បាតរាប់មិនអស់ ...
តើអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាមើលឃើញសម រង្ស៊ី បាននិងកំពុង
ធ្វើស្អីដែរ ឬ ទេ???
I told you so! It was not about HRP and SRP, but it was all about CPP and Hun Sen setting everything up for HRP and SRP to fight. It was a very good trick by the thug Hun Sen, he did it to make all the oppositions look bad and make me people confuse and the opposition did took his bait and fighting with each other. Best thing is to never believe anything that come out from CPP and Hun Sen.
បងប្អូនខ្មែរជាទីគោរព យើងទាំងអស់គ្នាដែល
កំពុងតែរស់នៅក្រៅប្រទេសទូរទាំងពិភពលោក យើងត្រូវតែរួមកម្លាំងគ្នាជាធ្លុងមួយជាមួយចលនា
អំណាចពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរដែលដឹកនាំដោយលោក សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា ដើម្បីធ្វើការផ្លាស់ប្តូរមេដឹកនាំចង្រៃ
កុម្មុយនីស្ត ហ៊ុនសែននេៈចេញពីអំណាចឱយ
បានក្នុងពេលអនាគតដ៏ខ្លីខាងមុខនេៈ។ បើពុំនោៈ
Our Web:
well, if you don't learn to think for yourself and analyze for yourself, then anybody can trick you, really, not just cambodia, ok!
Hun Sen using Vietcong communist Poliburo Technique to divide and conquer amongs Khmers and Khmers nationalist.
All Khmers whose fear of Vietnamization shall be united and to disregard the poison tricky of the unhumane ciminal like HUN SEN.
Of course he will be charged by International court for his crimes against humanity in Cambodia.
what! you must be insane and arrogant, really! nobody cares about what you say here, really!
Rise up Cambodian!
Cambodia soon!
All Khmer people must standup and vote for the one that is protecting and saving Cambodia from the Vietnamese expansion.
បើតាមសំដីអាសយ សុភាព វាចា
គឺ កឹម សុខា ជាអ្នកផើម (ពោះធំ)
ហ៊ុន សែន ជាវេជ្ជបណ្ឌិត (អ្នកបង្កើត)
ចំណែកអាសយ សុភាព វាជាអ្នក កាន់កន្ត្រៃ
សំរាប់កាត់កណ្ដួយកឹម សុខា បើកូនកើតមិនចេញ !
All Khmer people must stand up and vote for a Party that is protecting and saving CAMBODIA from the Vietnamese expansion.
5:27 AM
Who the fuck are talking to, Ah stupid really! really!, really!, really!?
His face is to be sick, may be he will die very soon. I hate this ganster.
Almost Khmers, even an educated one, unconscientiously give SenVarman too much credits for something that he has completly done nothing with, 'cause he must desperately read from the note, in order to speak more reasonable statement, otherwise he publicly speaks as an insanse man!
Don't give him too much credit because it's just his words . By the election time , the Opposition Parties will bring up their agenda and the people who lost their land to the developing companies and the people who are scared of losing their land will leave CPP for other Parties.
how uneducated you are. you do not see the killers.
what you say is called: blame the victim.
Can never believe HonnXen game.
He alway flip flop for his youn master.
គណបក្សសិទ្ធិមនុស្ស ជាគណបក្សស៊ីឈ្នួល អោយពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិកញ្ជះយួន។
កឹម សុខា ជាប្រធានគណបក្សស៊ីឈ្នួល លក់ក្បាលអោយពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិកញ្ជះយួន។
ថ្ងៃនេះយើងស្ដាប់ឮជាក់និងត្រចៀករបស់យើង យ៉ាងច្បាស់លាស់ហើយ ថា៖
កឹម សុខា ពិតជាប្រធានគណបក្សស៊ីឈ្នួល លក់ក្បាលអោយពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិកញ្ជះយួនមែន។
រួមបញ្ចូលទាំងកូនស្ដេចសីហនុ និង សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា ចូលរួមទៅលិតបាតជើង ពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិកញ្ជះយួនផងដែរ។
ពួកនេះជ្រៅតែមាត់ គំនិតរាក់កំផេល ...!
ពួកអាពូជខ្ញុំគេ ៥រយជាតិ....!
Ah kbort jeat face!
ហា ហា...ពួកអាឆ្កែអត់ប្រយោជន៍ ។ គ្មានបានការអីទេពួកអ្ហែងនោះក្រៅពីជេរប្រទេចរដ្ឋាភិបាល ។ បើខ្លាំង, ម៉េចមិនបោះឆ្នោតឲ្យឈ្នះពួកអញទៅ ? សមត្ថភាពពួកអ្ហែងហ្នឹងឬចង់ធ្វើនាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តី ចង់ធ្វើអ្នកដឹកនាំប្រទេស ផង?
ហា ហា...ដឹកនាំតែបក្សខ្លួនឯងមួយមិនទាំងចង់បានផង ចង់មកដឹកនាំនគរទាំងមូល ។ មានរឿងអីអាងបោលក្បាលរត់ចោលស្រុក ហើយព្រុសឡូងៗពីក្រៅស្រុកមកវិញ ។ ធុនៗហ្នឹងអីចង់ធ្វើនាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តីផង ? ហា ហា... ដេកយល់សប្តិទៅពួកអាឆ្កែ។ ចង់ក្រោកឈរ ចង់បដិវត្ត ចង់ផ្ដួលរំលំអី សូមអញ្ជើញបាទ៎!! មានប៉ុន្មាន ម៉ោប៉ុណ្ណឹងម៉ោ!!
អាអាចម៍ !!
10:45 AM
Ah kbort jeat.
You are either a Viet or a Viet slave.
Election you motherfucker, the whole world knows that it is rigged.
The Viet have Hun Sen by the testicles, there is no way out for him.
He knows that he has no choice but to stay in power for the rest of his life; even then his family’s members and his close associates’ lives will turn upside down when he dies.
In fact there is no where for him to run now and in the future. What he is doing now is to bring calamity to his loved ones and those who are close to him when he dies.
10:45 AM
ពួកអញនៅក្នុងស្រុករង់ចាំតែឧកាសល្អណាមួយ នឹង
ឲ្យដាច់ពីស្មាហើយ ពួកអញមិនចោលគំនិតឡើយ
។ អញដឹងថាក្តួយរបស់ម៉ែអាអ្អែង ក្តួយប្អូនស្រី
បងស្រីអាអ្អែង ក្តួយកូនស្រីអាអ្អែង ក្តួយប្រពន្ឋ
អាអ្អែងត្រូវបានចៅហ្វាយយួនអាអ្អែងហ្នឹង ចុយ
បុករុក អុកយ៉ាងខ្លាំង ហើយបាញ់ទឹកក្តដាក់ក្នុង
រន្ឋក្តួយពួកវាទៀតផង ទើបបានជាធ្វើឲ្យ
អាកូនមីចោរយួនចុយអែ្អង ស្រណុក ស្រណុក
ស្រណុក រហូតគំរាម បំផ្លាញ ខ្មែរ យ៉ាងដូច្នេះ។
OK អញគ្មានអ្វីត្រូវ ពន្យល់អាកូនមីចោរយួនចុយអែ្អង
ទៀតទេ ក្រៅពីជូនពរឲ្យពួកអាយួន បានចុយ
ក្តួយម៉ែអាឯង ប្រពន្ឋ ព្រមទាំងសាច់ញាតិអាឯង
ហ្នឹងឲ្យបានស្រណុក រាល់ៗពេលចុះ
ដើម្បីកុំឲ្យអាកូនមីចោរយួនចុយអែ្អង តាមរករឿង
ah kvak hun sen ning CPP Pouk ah kbatchear ah slap tayhoong
Nothing is tricky about this at all....I saw it from the begining. One has to ask how could Kem Sopka use the olympic stadium to hold an opening ceremony for his party(HRP)? It must be sanctioned by ah real opposition can use any venues in phnom penh, unless they can improvise themself....
1) If a MAN can achive something for his group and society without casualty to his people he is a GOOD leader!
KIM SOKHA start a party in peacefull way with the help of goverment!
2)If a Man dare to preach good Idear it one BIG first step to achive something great and last long!
Kim SOKHA ask and show people of democracy systerm and term limit to TOP Leaders!
3)If a Man dare to take a big risk to defend the poor and justice (fighth abuse and oppression) He a real man and an exemple leader!
Sam Rainsy stand for the poor farmer!
4)The smart leader not see only short term resolve and please the crowd! He has vision and looking for long term and or lasting resolve!
Sam Rainsy dare for the 50 +1 formula to get rip off aaaaaaaaaah Kwack ah Kween sindrom and looking for goverment with responsible.
10:34 PM
Anonymous said...
1) If a MAN can achive something for his group and society without casualty to his people he is a GOOD leader!
KIM SOKHA start a party in peacefull way with the help of goverment!
2)If a Man dare to preach good Idear it one BIG first step to achive something great and last long!
Kim SOKHA ask and show people of democracy systerm and term limit to TOP Leaders!
3)If a Man dare to take a big risk to defend the poor and justice (fighth abuse and oppression) He a real man and an exemple leader!
Sam Rainsy stand for the poor farmer!
4)The smart leader not see only short term resolve and please the crowd! He has vision and looking for long term and or lasting resolve!
Sam Rainsy dare for the 50 +1 formula to get rip off aaaaaaaaaah Kwack ah Kween sindrom and looking for goverment with responsible.
ឈប់ជឿ ឈប់យកចិត្តទុកដាក់សម្ដីអាហ៊ុន សែន
ឈប់ស្ដាប់ពាក្យជនផ្ដាច់ការ ខ្ញុំកញ្ជះយួនដាច់ថ្លៃ
លក់ជាតិ បំផ្លាញជាតិ ជនក្បត់ជាតិ ជនផ្ដាច់ការ
ហ៊ុន សែន និងបក្សពួកវាជាការស្រេច។
អ្នកកាន់ហិបសន្លឹក អ្នកកាន់អំណាចភូមិឃុំស្រុក
មធ្យោបាយតែមួយគត់ គឺស្រុះស្រួលគ្នាធ្វើ
កម្លាំងបាយ អាវុធគ្រប់ប្រភេទ លះបង់ជីវិត
ដើម្បីសេរីភាព សមភាព និង វឌ្ឍនភាព
Lok Mom Yin: I appreciate you as being yourself - a true unique Khmer.
To all SRP supporters & Khmers: it's time to learn some history. Youn always paints our nationalists and then we start biting each other without thinking.
You need to accept the truth that Sam Rainsy's political career almost comes to an end. I appreciate his courage and his commitment to changes, but when comes to Leadership, he is not the most charismatic leader for Cambodia yet.
I invite you to be open-minded and to re-assess all his deeds:
- Changing 2/3 majority to 50%+1 is the biggest mistake to exchange for his return
- Claiming to boycott the 4th-term assembly meeting today and switching to attend the meeting the next day is considered what?...
- Blaming others for not wanting him and SRP to unite. What his rationale being a leader?
- Dropping case against Hun Xen in the US? Why need to drop?...
- Public debates among all opposition and self-claimed parties should be held and let the public judge.
I'm not a supporter of HRP, SRP and whosoever, but always attend those leaders' meeting. One solution for our nation is to UNITE, UNITE & UNITE. Don't use pretext/excuses.
Please learn to trust with vigilance.
Best Regards to all true Khmers!
Lok Mom Yin & Ly Diep: I appreciate you as being yourself - a true unique Khmer. Believe in what you are doing, you will succeed!
To all SRP supporters & Khmers: it's time to learn some history. Youns/Viets always paint our Khmer nationalists and then we start biting each other without thinking.
You need to accept the truth that Sam Rainsy's political career almost comes to an end. I appreciate his courage and his commitment to changes, but when comes to Leadership, he is not the most charismatic leader for Cambodia yet.
I invite you to be open-minded and to re-assess all his deeds:
- Changing 2/3 majority to 50%+1 is the biggest mistake to exchange for his return
- Claiming to boycott the 4th-term assembly meeting today and switching to attend the meeting the next day is considered what?...
- Blaming others for not wanting him and SRP to unite with other democratic parties. What his rationale being a leader?
- Dropping case against Hun Xen in the US? Why need to drop?...
- Why running away from your loyal members? Look at MP Mu Sochua. What Hun Xen can do to her?
- SRP needs to solve the internal issues and stop painting the ones who offer the ideas/opinions
- Public debates among all opposition and self-claimed democratic parties should be held publicly and let the public judge.
I'm not a supporter of HRP, SRP and whosoever, but always attend those leaders' meeting. One solution for our nation is to UNITE, UNITE & UNITE. Don't use pretext/excuses.
Please learn to trust with vigilance.
Best Regards to all true Khmers!
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