Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sinatoon: Who needs it?

Cartoon by V. Sina


Anonymous said...

i think leaders should set personal issues aside and focus more on working to solve the difference between parties, etc, really! i think some politician lost their focus. remember, it's shouldn't be about personal altercation or personal argument, it should be about listening to different perspectives or point of view and respecting the existing law, etc, you know! if people lose focus, this causes conflict among them! i always say it's not about you and me, it's about doing what is right, keeping in mind cambodia's national interest. of course, there are more to cambodia than you and i, really! that's my grain of salt!

Anonymous said...

V Sina Are you Thai or Ex khmer rough? keep that dirty garbage ideas to yourself and your family, may you live with garbage hatred for verer. now sir you are happy right?. You sir Mr V Sina are the most low life man on earth, now was't you? Keep doing what you love that love is to spread hatred to million of people by your dirty cold blood heart. and you are proud to be idoit slave Sam Rainsy or Thai thug.

Anonymous said...

Better than Youn' s thug!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

learn to distinguish between problem solvers and haters! i think that so-called race card is getting old. and people are sick and tired of it, you know! it goes in circle nonstop! people need to be enlightened, really! this is not the dark ages era nor the stone ages era, ok!

may i suggest if you have spare time, take a course or two in conflict and resolutions, they have such course in america's many colleges and universities' studies, really! my all means, please check it out. and also a course in diplomacy as well, ok! good luck! and military leadership as well, etc, etc, ok! ever heard of west point, go there and they will teach you a lot about militaryy leadership, self-discipline, etc, etc, really! get a clue, ok!

Anonymous said...

sina, u sucked n stupid,,,
i'm proud ..

Anonymous said...

ដោយ ដែន អយុធ្យា


អាណាព្យាបាល និង​សិស្សានុសិស្ស​ស្ថិត​ក្នុង​គ្រួសារ​ក្រីក្រ​រស់​នៅ​ខេត្ត​ព្រៃវែង បាន​សម្ដែង​ក្ដី​ព្រួយ​បារម្ភ​ចំពោះ​ការ​គំរាម​បិទ​​សាលា​បង្រៀន​ឯកទេស​ភាសា​អង់គ្លេស និង​កុំព្យូទ័រ រៀន​មិន​បង់​ប្រាក់ ដែល​ឧបត្ថម្ភ​ដោយ​គណបក្ស​សិទ្ធិ​មនុស្ស ពី​សំណាក់​មន្ត្រី​អប់រំ​យុវជន និង​កីឡា ខេត្តព្រៃ​វែង។

Stupid Khmer!

Yourn can teach yourn children in Cambodia and there no body go to harass them but when Khmer Volunteers want to teach Khmer children, they threaten to close the school.

Anonymous said...

Jet Roy, Very funny and it's true!

Anonymous said...


SEE no Evil...?
HEAR no Evil...?
SPEAK no Evil...?

Anonymous said...

តើមូលហេតុអ្វីបានជាអា ហ៊ុន សែនកញ្ជៈយួននិង
ទីក្រុងប៉ារីសថ្ងៃ២៣តុលា,១៩៩១នេះមកធ្វើការដោះស្រាយនូវជម្លោះរវាងខ្មែរថៃ? ដោយពួកអា
ក្រពើរយួននេះបានដឹងច្បាស់ណាស់! កាលណា
មានការប៉ៈពាល់ទៅដល់គម្រោងត្របាក់លេបទឹកដីកម្ពុជាយើងគឺយួនមិនអនុញ្ញាត្តឱយយកសន្ធិសញ្ញានេះមកនិយាយចាដាច់ខាត។ ដោយពួកអាក្រពើរ
យួនខ្លួនឯងក៏ជាប្រទេសហត្ថលខីនៃសន្ធិសញ្ញាទីក្រុងប៉ារីសនេះផងដែរ។ ដូច្នេះហើយបានជា
យើងឃើញថាជម្លោះរវាងខ្មែរនិងថៃនេះបានអូសបន្លាយជិតបីឆ្នាំកន្លងមក ដោយពួកអា ហ៊ុន សែន កញ្ជៈយួនបានខំនិយាយយកលេះថា៖រដ្ឋាភិបាលយើងខំធ្វើការអត់ធ្មត់ហើយនៅតែធ្វើការដោះស្រាយជម្លោះនេះដោយសន្តិវិធីតាមទ្វេភាគគី។ អង្គការ
វិច្ឆេទកម្មអន្តរជាតិ កាលណាពួកគេជួយដោះ
ខាងលិចទាំងខាងកើត ចំណុចដូចខាងលើនេះ

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:52 PM + 12:21 AM

Eh, Ah really! really! really! really!
It seems like posting on KI is your full time job, so:
1- If you live in Cambodia you must be on Hun Sen payroll in order to survive.
2- If you live in a Western country, you must be on SSI. So why don’t you go and get a real job and be productive to your host country.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen was originally a son of peasant/remote family. He was lack of education in HS and did not know the Khmer Empire back then when he was installed illegally as a Cambodian PM by Yuon Communist leaders from Hanoi (along with Hen Samrin, Chea Sim who are a little monkey themselves). Hun Sen has misled Cambodia and allowed Yuon/Vietnamese leaders and folks to take advantages of Cambodian Natural Resources and lands, to operate Cambodia illegally to do the business, to learn, write and speak Khmer language, and more. So, everything Hun Sen has done is incredibly disastrous.

He needs to be removed by the hands of Khmer people with the helps from the outsiders (except Yuon and Thai).

Yuon/Vietnamese folks and leaders are the worst in Southeast Asia and in the world.

Anonymous said...

Khmer heads are too big to work together, event they have a common goal. Khmer shames to amid that they are wrong and they rather take their mistake to the grave with them. See our old king for example. Until we can see out mistake, then we will not able free our Motherland.

Former CPP

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sina for your good work.
Keep it up.

Dictators are afraid the true.

Anonymous said...

Land grabbing is easy if you are rich and corrupted or government official. Stupid judges just give it to you anyway... We also should talk about land concession, hundred and thousand even million of hectare of land were given to the youn for the development, and what did they do? they just clearing and logging the forest and sell all the good wood and then didn't do any shit.

99 years = ah youn Hun SEn

Anonymous said...

អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន ឈ្មោះដើមវាហ៊ុន ណាល់ ។
ឪវាឈ្មោះ ហ៊ុន នៀង ជាចោរលួចគោនៅស្រុកក្រូច
ឆ្មារ ខេត្តកំពង់ចាម ម្ដាយវាឈ្មោះឌី ប៉ុកជា
អ្នកលក់នំអាកោរ។ អាហ៊ុន សែន ឈ្មោះដើម
វា គឺ ហ៊ុន ណាល់ ជាចោរដូចឪពុកវាដែរ។
មែកត្របែកខ្វាក់ភ្នែកម្ខាង ហើយឆ្នាំ៧០រត់ចូល
ចូលព្រៃម៉ាគី ធ្វើជាខ្មែរក្រហម។
ជំនាន់ខ្មែរក្រហម គណៈភូមិ គណៈឃុំ និង
គណៈតំបន់មួយចំនួនជាចោរ ឬ មេចោរលួច
គោ ឬ ក្របី។
ដល់មកបានធ្វើនាយករដ្ធមន្ត្រី កើតជាចោរលក់
ជាតិ លួចជាតិ។ឪអាហ៊ុន សែន ជាចោរ អាហ៊ុន
សែនជាចោរ អស់ទាំងមុខមន្រ្តីក៏ជាចោរដូច អាខ្វាក់
ហ៊ុន សែន ដែរ។

Anonymous said...

Mr Sam Rainsy, Why don't you sue PM Hun Sen as you promise to us Cambodian people and your true supporters?

Are you tried to bargain or negotiate with PM Hun Sen again like 2005 lawsuit at America??? Why?? Why??

We want to see Mr Sam Rainsy act as he said to sue PM Hun Sen in every democracy Countries court of justice around the world.

We want the results as transparency, from your progress in suing PM Hun Sen in every court of justices!!!

We are Cambodian people afraid that you are just using the lawsuit to scare PM Hun Sen than when PM Hun Sen gives you (Mr Sam Rainsy) green light. You again, hang your Lawsuit like 2005.

Mr Sam Rainsy, You must do as you said, otherwise you the same as Mr Kim Soka.

Mr Sam Rainsy, where are your law suit VS Hun SEn in America Court of justice? We want to see and hear the stories transparency because we afraid that you are just try to bargain with Hun Sen like 2005 again.

We Cambodian people as well as your supporters are waiting to see your real action in suing PM Hun Sen (In America Court of justice, all countries’ court of justice in Europe, Japan Court of justice, Australia Court of justice, New Zealand court of justice, Canada court of Justice, UN court of justice, World Human Right court of justice, NATO court of justice…) as you Mr Sam Rainsy said.

Mr Sam Rainsy must do as you said OK. Don’t you dare to bargain with PM Hun Sen like 2005 again?

May be you can’t be Prime Minister of Cambodia because of unfair election as 5-6 million Vietnamese votes for Hun Sen and Hun Sen add up his cheating skill in every election but you can be a great Khmer Hero by suing PM Hun Sen about the facts that he has done to Cambodia and Cambodian people so far.

If you Can’t be Prime Miniter due unfair election all the times but Mr Sam Rainsy, you can gives a great stain to PM Hun Sen and CPP Vietnam slave about their crimes against Cambodian people since 1970 until today.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen not going to tell all khmers people the truth BUT SINA TUNE is.
Cambodian people please judge on this as you are all walking witness .
AH MUOY PNEK MAKHARNG on the top picture IS.

Anonymous said...

Sam Are you Thai or Ex khmer traitor family? keep that dirty garbage ideas to yourself and your family, may you lived with garbage hatred for ever. now sir Sam you are happy right?. You sir Mr Rainsy are the most low life man on earth, now was't it irght sir? Keep doing what you love that love is to spread hatred to million of people by your dirty cold blood heart. and you are proud to be idoit slave Thai thug.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

8:59 Am

Can you get back over 30 000 km2 of cambodia that Hun Sen and CPP regime gave to vietnam after 1979 ? Can you ?

Anonymous said...

9"58 AM

He can't because he is Vietcog slave but Mr Sam Rainsy can get back over 30 000km2 from Vietnam to Cambodian people by using internation law and international communitis to help. Hun SEn and CPP don't want to do that. Ask yourself question why and why not ?

Anonymous said...

8:59 AM

these guys give over 30 000 km2 of Cambodia lands, sea and islands to vietnam. They don't even regrade. They are real khmer traitors. Isn't it ?

Khmer natural resources are nearly vanish because of then CPP and Hun SEn families, relatives and friends.

Anonymous said...

Mr Sam Rainsy! You must act as you said to bring Hun Sen to USA court of justice. You have to find justice for the victims of Hun SEn regime.

You have to do as you said to us.

Anonymous said...

Yes! You have to do it Mr SAm Rainsy!!!!

Anonymous said...

ក្នុងមួយពិភពលោកនេះ អ្នកណាៗក៏ដឹងគ្រប់គ្នាទាំងអស់ថា
អាយ៉ងក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុន សែន នេះ ជាមេក្បត់ជាតិ, ជាមេ
លក់ជាតិ, ជាមេឃាតករឈាមត្រជាក់, ជាមេខ្មែរក្រហម,
ជាមេទុច្ចរិត, ជាមេពុករលួយ, ជាមេក្រុមមនុស្សពាលនៅកម្ពុជាដែរ!
បើខ្មែរយើងមិននាំគ្នាកំចាត់វានិងបក្សពួកវាចោលទេ ប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានថ្ងៃបានសុខសាន្ត និងអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ប្រទេសជាតិ

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំសូមគាំទ្រ 2:17AM ទាំងស្រុង។
ហេតុអ្វីបានជាអាយួននិងអាហ៊ុន សែនខ្លាច
អាហ៊ុន សែន ត្រូវបាត់បង់អំណាច។អាយួន
អាហ៊ុន សែន គ្រាន់តែជាចៅហ្វាយខេត្តមួយ
របស់យួន ហើយ យួនអាចសំលាប់គ្រួសារ
ហ៊ុន សែន ម្ដងៗមួយ។ជាទីបញ្ចប់ ខ្មែរក៏ក្លាយ
រឿងនេះ ជារឿងខ្មែរនៅបរទេស និង ខ្មែរនៅ
ក្នុងស្រុកដោះស្រាយជាមួយគ្នា។ ត្រូវជួយគ្នា
ទៅវិញទៅមក រួបរួមសាមគ្គីគ្នាជាធ្លុងមួយ
មួយរំលំរដ្ធអំណាចអាហ៊ុន សែន ក្រោមការញាក់

Anonymous said...

Over 30 000km2 of Cambodia area had given to Vietnam by Hun Sen CPP regime treatiesafter 1979.

It is real unfair for real khmer people. Mr Sam RAinsy must help khmer people.

My Sam RAinsy! You are the air for real khmer people. Please help us.

Anonymous said...

DEar all khmers
If you guys ,gals don't know Mr.hun sen ,in this cartoon is a real hun sen Ci Pee Pee eat Youn shit.

Anonymous said...

Ah hun sen ah eang neung slap tayhorng doch ah hok lundi,pel khmer klary jea INDOCHINA, yuon vea min tuk ah tae,jarm meul joss ah norourk see sourt joss ach reak k'ourt.

Mee Kaheang