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Opposition leader Sam Rainsy |
In a 20 July 2011 call-in program broadcast live on Phnom Penh-based Beehive Radio FM 105 MHz, opposition leader Sam Rainsy – who is currently in Tunisia – answered from Paris questions from listeners from all parts of Cambodia related to the 18 July 2011 decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the border conflict with Thailand.
Sam Rainsy elaborated on four main points:
- The ICJ decision is unfair because it puts the victim (Cambodia) and the aggressor (Thailand) on the same footing. “Both a legitimate house owner and a thieve illegally occupying the house are asked by the Court to simultaneously vacate the house.”
- The Hun Sen government is incompetent in the defense of Cambodia’s territorial integrity: What it obtained in 2011 from the ICJ is a serious setback compared to what then-Prince Norodom Sihanouk government obtained in 1962 from the same ICJ on the same Preah Vihear temple issue.
- The Hun Sen government refuses to call for the implementation of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreements on Cambodia, as suggested by the Sam Rainsy Party, because any effective means to legally and peacefully force Thailand to vacate any illegally occupied portion of Cambodia’s territory, would also force Vietnam to do the same. As a matter of fact, Hanoi – to which Hun Sen’s CPP is subservient – has stolen more land from Cambodia than Bangkok.
- Troops from friendly countries, such as units from the Indonesian army, should be asked to also monitor Cambodia’s border with Vietnam. Thousands of Cambodian farmers, who are losing their farmland in the ongoing secretive border demarcation process, are crying for help in the face of Vietnam’s aggression in the form of displacement of border posts, as evidenced by recent incidents in Svay Rieng, Takeo and Kampong Cham provinces.
Please listen to Sam Rainsy’s explanations in Khmer at:
SRP Cabinet
Criminal don't talk, Miss Sam. Better shut your mouth and butter your asshole, its a night shift and your customers are coming. You gonna love it, don't you?
Dude, this guy talks like he is President Obama or Ban Ki Moon, why people have to listen to you, ah ha? Try another drug called little Mojo, it will make you more powerful. Keep suggesting my ass, Sir
With this stand, you can enjoy your lengthy vacation, Mr. Sam Rainsy!!!
CPP thugs are paid to always be the first to attack the Sam Rainsy Party. They are so cheap in their language and their manners.
The irony is that when the owner pulls down the fence, he finds himself outside the house, and can not get back in.
et al
To Mr Sam Rainsy,
Did you sue Hun Sen as you said to us Cambodian people through Radio and media?
If you are genuine please provide us the evidences that you had sued Hun Sen as you said so far.
Show us the real evidences so far that you sue Hun Sen through KI Media, Mr Sam Rainsy.
Well, The CJC is very wrong!!! They should order the bloody Thai to out of the khmer territory and leave khmer people alone to do whatever they want because it is their land!!!.
What is wrong with the world today? where are their morality? In the end, the good will win the matter what. curse to those who are continuing to do wrong. where are your eyes and justice? let the injust fall upon you, your family and your country. It is like whatever you played with, you will die by that.
Khmer have suffered long enough and for them to continue to take advantage of us, 'GO TO HELL'. Thai has never been nice to their neighbouring countries for centuries, they are the whore or cancer of the southeast asia and now they are still doing it to us as their neighbour.
Unlike Viet, chiness, USSR and other nations, they feel for us, they have some good heart and they would help us to rebuild our country and nation. Unlike thais, they are pure evil that is why half of their nation have HIV aids and hopefull a whole more yet to come their way, by then justice will be done for all khmer people...
To Mr Sam Rainsy,
Did you sue Hun Sen as you said to us Cambodian people through Radio and media?
If you are genuine please provide us the evidences that you had sued Hun Sen as you said so far.
Show us the real evidences so far that you sue Hun Sen through KI Media, Mr Sam Rainsy.
To Mr Sam Rainsy,
Did you sue Hun Sen as you said to us Cambodian people through Radio and media?
If you are genuine please provide us the evidences that you had sued Hun Sen as you said so far.
Show us the real evidences so far that you sue Hun Sen through KI Media, Mr Sam Rainsy.
To Mr Sam Rainsy,
Did you sue Hun Sen as you said to us Cambodian people through Radio and media?
If you are genuine please provide us the evidences that you had sued Hun Sen as you said so far.
Show us the real evidences so far that you sue Hun Sen through KI Media, Mr Sam Rainsy.
People at Phnom Penh and country side are ready, Mr Sam Rainsy. We are waiting for your call to rise up as one in every provinces and the cities.
We Are Ready To Rise Up To Fight with No Fear.
ទៀត ពុំខ្មាស់ប្រជាជនខ្មែរសោះ
តុលាការខ្មែរវាថា តុលាការកងការូរ ឯតុលាការ
អន្តរជាតិ ឡាអេ វាថាមិនកើត មិនត្រឹមត្រូវ បើ
តាមមើល ទាលតែយកឳវាមកធ្វើតុលាការហើយ
តែគួរឳយស្តាយខ្មែរមាននាយករដ្ធមន្រ្តីហើយ តែមានកន្លែងនៅសល់ ភ្នុំក្រវ៉ាយនៅសល់កន្លែងគឺ
សត្វស្វា ពុំទាន់មានមាដឹកនាំ គួរណាស់ទៅធ្វើ
អ្នកដែលធ្លាប់គាំទ្រសម រង្សីគួរពិចារណាម្តងទៀត
ទៀតឫយ៉ាងណា? ពីព្រោះបើសង្កេតទៅសម រង្សី
កំពុងឆ្កួតពេញទីហើយ ដែលយករឿងពីរផ្ទុយគ្នា
សតិបែបនេះ។ សូមពិចារណាថា បើគាំទ្រមនុស្ស
បដិវត្តន៏ផ្កាម្លិះ ដែលត្រូវធ្វើជាដំបូង គឺត្រូវធ្វើនៅ
ក្នុងបក្សសម រង្សីដែលជាបក្សមួយខុសគេយក
ឈ្មោះខ្លួនឯងជាឈ្មោះរបស់បក្ស ដោយប្រធាន
ផ្តាច់ការ និង អសមត្ថភាព។
Those who are attacking mr sam rainsy.
They don't have commen sense or know the difference between black and white.
They think they are the center of the universe. They are no better than hanoi vietcong or khmer rouge.
The idiot who kept printing the following shits must stop. I think If you are a human being, you will stop printing it.
However, if you are a slave of Ah Kantorp, you will keep printing it.
This shit that I am talk about:
To Mr Sam Rainsy,
Did you sue Hun Sen as you said to us Cambodian people through Radio and media?
If you are genuine please provide us the evidences that you had sued Hun Sen as you said so far.
Show us the real evidences so far that you sue Hun Sen through KI Media, Mr Sam Rainsy.
5:04 PM
9:48 PM
I think it is great idea the people just want to know what is going on about Rainsy sue Hun Sen, Nothing is real wrong about unless Mr Sam Rainsy don't do what he said and flip flop as 2005 again.
What is wrong with that ?
like Mr. Rainsy said
Hanoi, to which Hun Sen's CPP is subservient to, stole more land than Bangkok.
Mr. Rainsy has more important thing to do than to answer silly comment in here.
Mr. Rainsy is not an ordinary person like most of us.
this i agreed! troops from friendly countries must also monitor cambodia's borderlines with vietnam and all of cambodia's borderlines too as well! and cambodia must stop keeping our border areas isolated and unoccupied or undeveloped, etc... this why thug-like neighbors are robbing from us because of easy and isolation. make it hard and difficult for them to steal from us by monitor it constantly and village populate the border areas and by development and by all means, stop isolating cambodia, ok! stop being stupid forever in this sense! develop every corner of cambodia from now on, ok!
It is the right time and the best time to bring the awareness of Vietnam encroaching on Cambodia throughout history. HUN SEN must be willing to speak of Vietnamese encroaching on Cambodia's land... He must not only dealing with just Thailand's aggression. Everyone must bring the awareness...
I better died under leadership Mr.SAM RAINSY then CPP's regime. Bravo SAM RAINSY!
this is the right thing to do, i agree as well because every borderline must be monitored and developed. no more isolation for cambodia, ok!
មានសកម្មជនរបស់គណបក្សសម រង្សីមួយចំនួន
ក្នុងប្រទេសសៀមសព្វថ្ងៃនេះ។ ពួកនេះត្រូវបាន
អនុគ្រោះតាមសំណូមពររបស់សម រង្សី។
បញ្ហាមួយនឹងចោទចំពោះពួកគេ ដោយសារនៅ
រយៈពេលយ៉ាងខ្លីខាងមុខ រដ្ឋាភិបាលថ្មីរបស់
អ្វីជាមួយមេបក្សសម រង្សី។
តើសម រង្សីបានគិតដល់វាសនាពួកនេះទេ?
2:47 PM,
And you are not?
scam rainsyis no hero of cambodia, though, most have the same thinking about protecting cambodia from illegal foreigners, especially like siem and youn thugs stealing, ok! so, it's not like only scam rainsy is thinking like that, ok!
People at Phnom Penh and country side are ready, Mr Sam Rainsy. We are waiting for your call to rise up as one in every provinces and the cities.
We Are Ready To Rise Up To Fight With No Fear.
កោកៗសឹកតែមាត់ក្រដោក ឆ្អែតតែពោះក្របី។
ស្តាប់ដែរ។បញ្ហាដែលត្រូវតែដោះស្រាយបាន គឺធ្វើដូចម្តេចទម្លាក់វាឲ្យចេញពីអំណាចឲ្យទាល់
ចាំពេលបោះឆ្នោតក្រុមប្រឹក្សាឃុំរួច បក្សរង្សីនឹងបែកហ្វូងហើយ។
ចាំដល់ពេលនោះគឺ ពេលដែលត្រូវយំ ។
គ្មានអ្នកណាសម្លាប់ខ្លួនទេ គឺខ្លួនធ្វើ
Only Khmer people will love their own country, for those who love money, power and corruption are slaves to foreigner (youn) just to be in power and sell every national assets and land (land concession) to foreigner. CPP LEADERS are slave to youn. I mean the LEADERS of the CPP, they don't care about the soldiers they only care about their power. Their are so many disable soldiers that begging on street for food. DID THEY CARE?????? No I don't think so. They only using them when they are able.
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