KI-Media loves to hear from you, and we're giving you a bullhorn. We just ask that you keep things civil. Please leave out personal attacks, do not use profanity, ethnic or racial slurs, or take shots at anyone's sexual orientation or religion. We thank you for your cooperation!
Cambodia is a communist dictatorship under Hun Sen rule. The high and low CPP officials threatened,killed,injured,and cheated to win election like they have done. How could COMFREL manage the ballots during and after the election because million people heard Hun Sen broadcasted before the ballot counting. Hun Sen cheated to win,and win to cheat. Khmer people never trust COMFREL and CPP at all.
One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokhoeun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to removed and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Sam) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had ran way from him after she knew his cheating.
A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What ashame!
When one person had posted in KI-Media and accused that a con man Pang Sokhoeun is a brother of Som Ek (former Chief of Tiger's head sign guerilla, who was arrested and put in prison by Cambodian government) during that time, a cheater Pang Sokhoeun came to deny in his blogs immediately and had pointed the blame to Mr. Sourn Serey Rotha, but this time, he has bury his head in the sand because he cannot deny the truth that he has cheated his wife. Right now, all he can do is removed and blocked anyone who dared to reveal his cheating.
the US and vietnam were once enemies, now they are friends? something is wrong here!
what was that war all about then? why did they be friends at the start? why now? cambodia has to question this!
Cambodia is a communist dictatorship under Hun Sen rule.
The high and low CPP officials
cheated to win election like they
have done.
How could COMFREL manage the
ballots during and after the election because million people
heard Hun Sen broadcasted before
the ballot counting.
Hun Sen cheated to win,and win to
Khmer people never trust COMFREL
and CPP at all.
Hi Everyone,
One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokhoeun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to removed and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Sam) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had ran way from him after she knew his cheating.
A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What ashame!
When one person had posted in KI-Media and accused that a con man Pang Sokhoeun is a brother of Som Ek (former Chief of Tiger's head sign guerilla, who was arrested and put in prison by Cambodian government) during that time, a cheater Pang Sokhoeun came to deny in his blogs immediately and had pointed the blame to Mr. Sourn Serey Rotha, but this time, he has bury his head in the sand because he cannot deny the truth that he has cheated his wife. Right now, all he can do is removed and blocked anyone who dared to reveal his cheating.
ស្តាយមិនគួមានមនុស្សជម្ងឺខួរក្បាលហើយមិនទៅព្រែកត្នោត ! បែជាមក comment តែអារឿងត្រឹមចង្កេះចុះក្រោម អត់មើលអត្ថបទគេសរសេរពីអី ! អូភ្លេចអាចំគួតមួយហ្នឹងត្រូវបានមីស្រីអារ៉ាត់អារាយបំរ៉ុងយកទៅស្រុកខ្មែរឆាប់ៗហើយ ! ព្រោះវាត្រូវទៅដេកមើលខួរក្បាលឆ្គួតៗ របស់វា ហិ ហិ អាប្រុសចេះត្រឹមធ្វើរឿងត្រឹមចង្កេះចុះក្រោម !!!! ពិតជាពូជន៏អាអត់កំណើតមែន !!
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