Sunday, September 04, 2011

Inhumanity [-Get rid of Hun Xen and the inhumanity will disappear!!!]!


Anonymous said...


Cambodians people why you learn to be little smarter . Let go to find all embassies and UN write you all petition sending email to all where you all can reach the world easily NOT HUN SEN nor SIHAKMONY.

Anonymous said...

How can Sdech Hun Sen help them? In the background Hun Sen get a lot money from those companies. That is the fact.

Anonymous said...

That is time for all Khmers people to do like Libya.

Anonymous said...

khmer come to ask the one who sign
the contract that land to some one
you think they will help you .I think it's no way.

Anonymous said...

I hate the word "Samdech Choury" those Khmer people used. How can ah Samdech because Ah sdech get share from those companies, please ask yourself why he is so rich?

Anonymous said...

That's cambodian wonder ??????

Anonymous said...

You ask thief to help you,
good luck brothers and sisters..

Anonymous said...

Those title "samdech, oknha, preah meh,..." are abominable. They are self congratulate, padded on the back title.

I hated very much. They ought to outlaw it.

To be fair - let's make everyone in Khmerland Samdech/Oknha.

Anonymous said...

Enough and Enough , I can not stand to see this such events Which people are crying almost everyday . Hun Sen you must do something for them ,They are reacting like this because their right had been abused .Your TVK Bayon Tv ,CTN never dare to broadcast this story to public ,The only word that these Tv stations dare to announce that is ,All These demonstrators were influenced by NGO ,

Anonymous said...

To all the victims:

Please do not call upon Hun Sen to help you finding a solution. Stop mention his name. What people need to do is to call the UN, other foreign organizations, and foreign embassies to help, not Ah Kwak Hun Sen. He helps Youn to steal Khmer land and Youn people who live in Cambodia illegal.

If it doesn't work out the way you want, revolution is the way to solve the problem. Topple him like Middle East people. Please don't be afraid to die. We all learn lesson from Khmer Rouge. We let them kill and torture us. Now we should not let Ah Kwak do whatever he wants.

Kill him and you will be a Khmer hero.

Khmer Oversea

Anonymous said...

Dear 8:03 AM,

I agree with you.

Let me quote your commentas follow:

Please do not call upon Hun Sen to help you finding a solution. Stop mention his name. What people need to do is to call the UN, other foreign organizations, and foreign embassies to help, not Ah Kwak Hun Sen. He helps Youn to steal Khmer land and Youn people who live in Cambodia illegal.

If it doesn't work out the way you want, revolution is the way to solve the problem. Topple him like Middle East people. Please don't be afraid to die. We all learn lesson from Khmer Rouge. We let them kill and torture us. Now we should not let Ah Kwak do whatever he wants.

Kill him and you will be a Khmer hero.

My comment :

It is all about Indochina Federation to put Cambodia into yuon yoke as they already did to Kampuchea-Krom and Laos.

Wake up all Khmer before it is too late like Champa, Kampuchea-Krom and Laos.

Anonymous said...


Anh Jet said...

^^^^^ you well go to hell 2099 just like Libya... Soon the people well stand up and A SEN well die

Anonymous said...

I don't think the strategy of calling the dictator for assistance is working, considering that he is the one behind all the eviction.

People do know that Hun Sen and his government are behind all of the evictions and confiscations of lands in Cambodia, but they hope that, by appealing to him for his help, they get his mercy.

With such an act, which looks stupid, they hope that their lands are spared, again demonstrating the unfortunate Cambodian characters of being indifferent to the plight of others.

As long as my land is not confiscated, I don't complain when other people's lands are taken.

History has shown that in Cambodia those who are not affected by the injustice committed by the government against its own people won't come out in droves to support those whose rights are violated or who suffer the injustice committed in the name of nation building and poverty-reduction developments.

This kind of developments is not sustainable and will do more harm in the long run to the poor.

Economic prosperity resulting from shrewed development policies and careful planning will bring everyone out of poverty and make all Cambodians happy. They will be blessings to all and not to a few who know how to say things, nod their heads, give a big smile and kiss the PM's ass when he walks by.

One can see clearly that the government's policy of development only affects the poor, very poor and the helpless while the rest of the people including the King turn their eyes in an opposite direction then walk away without even sighing.

I am not sure if one can tell these poor people to continue to be proud that they have been born Cambodians in the land where the leaders from one government to the next show only desire to enrich themselves and their associates.

Pissed off

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,

One of KI-Media member who has his name in Facebook as Khmer Sovannaphumi but his real name is Pang Sokhoeun, former political asylum and now living in Sweden. He always copies news from here to post in his facebook profile to promote himself, but right now, he tries to remove and blocked anyone who dares to reveal his con activity particular he tries to hide what he has cheated his wife (Sreypov Chea) by having a girlfriend (Sokunthear Sam) behind his wife back. Now, his girlfriend had run way from him after she knew his cheating.

A con man Pang Sokhoeun as well as KI-Media like to insult to the government officers who have affairs, but himself does even worse than other people. What a shame!

When one person had posted in KI-Media and accused that a con man Pang Sokhoeun is a brother of Som Ek (former Chief of Tiger's head sign guerilla, who was arrested and put in prison by Cambodian government) during that time, a cheater Pang Sokhoeun came to deny in his blogs immediately and had pointed the blame to Mr. Sourn Serey Rotha, but this time, he has bury his head in the sand because he cannot deny the truth that he has cheated his wife. Right now, all he can do is removed and blocked anyone who dared to reveal his cheating.

Anonymous said...

Mam Sonando's method to deal with authority is one of the best methods.

The authority has no choice but to deal with the informed and smarter citizens.

Thank you, Mr. Mam Sonando for your selfless work.

Pissed off