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15 January 2010: Villagers from 2 communes in Bantey Srey district, Siem Reap province, protest against demarcation for land concessions that could affect their properties (Photo: Hang Savyouth, RFA) |
May Titthara
The Phnom Penh Post
More than 1,000 families from four districts in Siem Reap province involved in ongoing land disputes released a joint statement on Friday asking for intervention from government officials.
Villagers involved in six separate land disputes with various private companies in four districts claim a total of 3,138 hectares of land has been taken from them since 2003, according to the statement.
It calls on national government officials to urge provincial authorities to return the land, and urges authorities to stop jailing villagers who attempt to enter land they claim to own.
Tok Pounleuk, a villager from Chi Kraeng district where 175 families claim to have been stripped of 475 hectares of land, said the villagers released the joint statement to inform government leaders that there is solidarity among communities involved in land disputes across the province.
“We lost the land together and we have the same problem, so we have to approach the situation together,” he said.
Banteay Srei villager Keo Sophy said 90 families in her community had been affected after 183 hectares of land was taken from them in 2003.
Keo Sophy said the land had yet to be returned and provincial authorities had been unwilling to intervene.
“We have been waiting for so long. We have decided to issue this joint statement to alert the government officials about the problem, otherwise we will remain cheated,” she said.
On August 26, Prime Minister Hun Sen warned that economic land concessions would be withdrawn if the companies they were granted to failed to solve land disputes with villagers who had lived in their concession area for “a long time”.
Am Sam Ath, senior investigator for rights group Licadho, said the villagers had been dealing with the effects of the land dispute for a long time but provincial authorities had failed to help them.
“We are worried about those who have lost their land . . . they become poorer from one day to the next,” he said.
YOUN/VIET wanted Cambodia. First they have to buy land, any lands and import their products to Cambodia to wip up Khmer products, and bring their people to live freely on the Tonle Sap river along the provinces in Cambodia. This is what Vietname/YOUN wants to take over Cambodia. We all Cambodian must stand up.
ក្នុងដំណាក់កាលនេះ បងប្អូនខ្មែរដែលត្រូវគេរិបអូ
សដី ត្រូវនាំគ្នាងើបតវ៉ាឲ្យបានគ្រប់ទឹសទី តាមទី
កន្លែងឲ្យបានព្រមគ្នា លើសពីនេះទៅទៀត ត្រូវគាំ
ទ្រគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក ទាក់ទងគ្នាឲ្យបានជាប់លាប់
ហើយឈប់លើករូបថតជនក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុន-សែន
ប៊ុន-សំហ៊ាង ហៅប៊ុន-រ៉ានី តទៀតទៅ ព្រោះគឺពួក
វានេះហើយដែលសម្បទានដីរបស់បងប្អូនទៅឲ្យបនរបស់ពួកវា។ មានហេតុភេទអ្វីទៅដែលពួកវានឹង ជួយបងប្អូននោះ??? សូមពិចារណា។
ស៊ី អេងគ្រុយ
បងប្អូនខ្មែរនៅក្នុងស្រុកជាទីគោរព! ចាប់តាំងពីពេលនេះតទៅ សូមបងប្អូនឈប់ស្រែកសុំឱយអាក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុន សែន ជួយដោះស្រាយនូវបញ្ហាទីលំនៅនិងដីល្លីរបស់បងប្អូនទៅ ឱយវាជួយយ៉ាងម៉េចនិងកើតបើវាជាមេចោរធំបញ្ជាឱយរឹបអូសយកដីធ្លីរបស់បងប្អូន។ បងប្អូនត្រូវនាំដាក់ទំនាយពួកវាឱយឆាប់ង៉ាប់តៃហោងយ៉ាងវេទនាជាទីបំផុត ហើយបងប្អូនខំនាំគ្នាអុជធូបបន់ស្រន់ដល់ព្រៈពុទ្ធព្រៈធម៌,ព្រៈសង្ឈនិងបងប្អូនខ្មែរនៅក្រៅប្រទេសឱយជួយបងប្អូនវិញទើបបាន។ យើងជាខ្មែរនៅក្រៅប្រទេសមិនព្រងើយកន្តើយទេការរងទុក្ខវេទនារបស់បងប្អូនទាំងអំបាលម៉ាណពួកយើងនៅក្រៅប្រទេសបានដឹងអស់ហើយ។ ពួកយើងកំពុងតែធ្វើសកម្មភាពដើម្បីឆ្ពោះទៅរកការរំដោះស្រុកនិងរំដោះបងប្អូនឱយមានសេរីភាពនិងរួចពីក្រញាំដៃរបស់អាក្បត់ ហ៊ុន សែន និងអាក្រពើយួន។ សូមបងប្អូនមានសង្ឃឹមចុៈ! ពន្លឺសេរីភាពបានចាប់ផ្តើមរៈមកពីទិសខាងលិចហើយបងប្អូន។ ចលនាអំណាចបលរដ្ឋខ្មែរកំពុងធ្វើដំណើរទៅរំដោះបងប្អូនហើយ! សូមបងប្អូនសង្ឍឹមចុៈ។
ហ្អេ!!!!!!!!!អាក្បាក់ ជនរងគ្រោះ says:
បើខួរក្បាលហ្អែងវាមានបញ្ហា ទៅពេទ្យទៅណា ! កុំម៉ោខំមេនមិនមើលខ្លឹមសារអត្ថបទគេអញ្ចឹង! ងួតទឹកនៅមុនចេញដើរហ្នឹងខ្លួនឲ្យស្អុយគគ្រុក!
That will be more land grabbling in Cambodian. CPP, Hun Sen government has profitted much more with this TACs TICs. First, they evicted landowners. Second, they have blueprint to show what will be developed, market or factory. Third, surrounding the market or factory, CPP officers are divided land in 4 1/2 metre * 16 metre to sell for profit. Forth, they build market, then rent them to the community members. This is the way of CPP's development.
All Khmers must be united whereever we are, we have a common mission to liberate our beloved Cambodia.
Khmers with foods, shelters etc... must share it(them) with Khmers without foods, shelters..., look out for each other..., Thank you.
Only puok ah khmer rouge use the word REVOLUTION.
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