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Suong Sophorn after the cops' beating (Photo: The Phnom Penh Post) |
If somebody tries to help you such as Suong Sophorn and got beaten by the brainless police, you don't stand still and watch. You must do with whatever you can to stop these brainless police. When you fiercely fight back, these stupid police will think twice before they initiate violence against you next time. The same perception should apply to the expansionist YiekCongs too.
You got to believe these animals (police) are afraid of dying like you too.
Stop standing still, stop crying and stop begging people to help you. Everything has price, and it costs something to get it. The helper like our hero Suong Sophorn has only one life to live like you too. Don't let him die in vain. We need collective efforts to successfully defend our right.
Stop acting chicken Khmer people !!
តាមពិតទៅ ពលរដ្ឋដែលគាត់កំពុងមានបញ្ហា
នៅបឹងកក់នោះ គឺពួកគាត់មិនព្រមចាកចេញ
ដោយខ្លួនឯងទេតើ ។
ជ័យយោ រជ្ជកាលទី៤នៃសមេ្តចអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ
ហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១! ជាទេវតាចាប់ជាតិ និង
ជាមេដឹកនាំដ៏ឆ្នើម សោយរាជ្យយូរជាងគេ នៃប្រវត្ដិសាស្ដ្រប្រទេសកម្ពុជា
បរាជ័យ! ពួកអាខ្មែរក្បត់ជាតិនៅក្នុងនិងក្រៅប្រទេស!
Yes but when you go to Cambodia. You still tip police at Airport.
99 years policy seem to work for the Cambodian high ranking official, but destroyed the country bringing more suffering to the poor Cambodians. It is “crueler than the Pol Pot regime.”
I hope the Cambodians people stand up and stop this madness that destroyed our beloved country.
Only a hand full of rich and high ranking official (Hon Xen, Xox Ahn and their gangs) that benefit from this.
At 7.36 Am ... That's why everyone look down on Cambodia Khmer so stupid let a Youn in Cambodia.. Now the Thai also want Cambodia ... Khmer people look around them are they cheaper than a dog???? Even the Arab are smarter fighting for there right Khmer wake up or Khmer well die ...
សម័យខ្មែរក្រហម ប៉ុលពត គេប្រើពាក្យថា "ស្នើ"
សម័យអាខ្វាក់ភ្លើ គេប្រើពាក្យថា "អភិវ័ធ"
តាមពិតពាក្យនេះគឺ "ប្លន់" ទេតើ...!
This is the way Hon Xen try to make a quick money by destroyed the country. Next time you remember who you are voting for??
Vote to destroyed your country or vote to improve the lives of the people without destroyed the country???
Only you yourselves can help your own country. CPP destroyed the country other parties might save the country from the destruction. 99 years policy should be scrap and new policy should be implemented to replace the policy that destroyed our country.
99 years policy = Cambodia for sale policy.
This policy should be scrap at once.
Cambodia has over 14 millions people but New Zealand has only less than 5 millions look at the difference between the two goverment! And ask Why ? and Why not ?
"Christchurch earthquake:
government wants to demolish 5,000 homes
The New Zealand government has offered to buy thousands of the most badly quake-damaged houses in Christchurch so it can demolish them.
Announcing the buyout plan, John Key, the prime minister, said some land in the worst-hit areas was so unstable it would be impossible to rebuild on it "for many years".
The decision means land in the razed suburbs will effectively be abandoned in the city's rebuild.
Christchurch, the country's second biggest city, was devastated by major earthquakes in September 2010 and again in February this year, and continues to be rocked by strong aftershocks which are causing more damage.
Mr Key said engineers have divided the city, home to 350,000 people, into four zones.
The government will offer to buy all 5,000 properties in the worst affected areas, classed as red zone.
Householders who accept must assign their right to an insurance payout to the government in return.
He estimated the net cost to the government would be up to NZ$635 million (£323 million).
About 10,000 houses in an orange zone need further investigation, while a further 100,000 in a green zone can be rebuilt.
Properties yet to be assessed comprise a white zone.
The worst-hit suburbs are all in low-lying eastern areas of the city that suffered liquefaction, a process in which the ground turns to liquid during the shaking and leaves a quagmire of sludge.
As beleaguered residents, frustrated by months of waiting for the announcement, pored over online maps to see which zone their street was in, Mr Key pledged: "The government remains fully committed to rebuilding Christchurch."
He went on: "Since September last year, the government has been working to provide certainty for residents, while recognising many people have their life savings tied up in their homes."
The prime minister said the move was "the next step in the government's ongoing work to give the people of greater Christchurch a clearer picture of what their future holds".
The cost of rebuilding Christchurch has been estimated at NZ$15 billion (£7.6 billion) or more."
Where is GOD or Buddha ? Why don't God or Buddah help the poor soul when they are in need help like these ?
Can the church answer this question ? Where is God ? Or God is not here Prist!
Can the monks answer this question ? Where is Load Buddah ? Or Load Buddah is not here to see injuctices!
Cambodia leader have one eye ter you know so it not see anything except its wife
Lord Buddha did not say he help you like your God. He said:
YOU help your self-
Atta hek- Attano-Neatho.
Cambodians will suffer for many years to come due to:
1: A lack of support for one another.
2: What's in it for me?
3: Its your problem, not mine.
4: Every Cambodians are for themselves.
This is pass down from one generations to the next.
When will we become once again, the Great Khmer Empire?
When will the suffering end? And when will the highest power shine upon us?
7:33 AM,
If your atrocious Hun Sen were to be angel being born in human form, then the God must really be crazy and His kingdom is full of blood!
10:51 AM,
Very good comment about Khmer characteristics!
sounds ignorant! some people don't understand that violence don't necessarily solve violence! how can anyone suggest such thoughtless action. remember the authority have weapons, and they are called peace officers or cop or police in short, ok! it is illegal for civilian to possess weapons of any sort, ok! i suggest a better way to get the right attention is to speak out loud and make peaceful protest to the proper authority such as the justice department, the police department heads, the prime minister, etc, etc... if you are biased against cambodia or against proper authority, of course, they don't support your request. it's called respect! this is not the dark ages or the lawless society or lawless country, ok! cambodia do have good laws, etc, know the law and get the right representitives and so forth to help facilitate the attention; however, not wise to use violence against aurthority, ok! again, stop being stupid forever, ok! otherwise, give it up and take whatever compensation they give you and move on, ok! stop being greedy and political about it, ok! this is a new cambodia, not the old kind, ok! cambodia changed with time as well, so should people, ok! all i'm saying is be smart and clever about it all, ok! good luck!
don't forget the majority of khmer people in cambodia live peaceful wherever they are in cambodia and the provinces, etc. these boeung kak squatters are politically motivated to act unruly against proper authority! it is very unacceptable, you know! these people should be tested for drug because they must be on drugs or something as they cannot understand the authority, etc, you know! stop being ignorant and uneducated and stupid forever, ok!
11:09 AM,
Unfortunately for me, you don't live in Boeung Kak; otherwise, I would get enough people to appoint you to be our leader to lead us in our demand using your so-called civilized and modern-time methods to negotiate with the brutal thugs you call law and discipline-abiding police.
I know you live in the US and no other western country and I am certainly sure I am 100% right. I don't guest; I have my way of knowing that fact.
One day when you are here in PP and you run into problems with these thugs for whatever reason, don't forget to call on us the former Boeung Kak residents so that we can come out to watch your style of resolving the problems with these brainless and thug-like cops.
Good Luck for what? My house is gone and you have got the gut to wish me good luck after you have told me to suck up to those who destroyed everything I possess.
Have you lost your home and everything you own yet? I guess not yet. Then shut up because you have not been there yet, thus completely unqualified to give even the slightest amount of advice. ok! ok! ok!
11:19 AM,
I think you should be the one to be tested for drugs!
this type of protest is very foreign to cambodia. in the past, cambodian people or khmer people never protest their authority like today. so, it shows time has changed! however, just be smart and wise about it, though! i don't believe in using violence against violence, especially with authority! they have more legal power than the protesters. i'm sure there are other ways to get the message across, and violence is not one of them, ok!
ទោះជាបោះឆ្នោតឱយគណបក្សប្រឆាំងណាមួយក៏វាមិនឈ្នៈអាខ្វាក់កញ្ជៈយួនដែរ! ចុៈបើដឹងថាបោះវាមិនឈ្នៈហើយនោះ! ម៉េចក៏ចេះតែបបួលពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរដែលលោកពុំសូវបានទទួលនូវពត៌មាននិងគ្មានឱកាសគិតពិចារណាថាត្រូវគួតែធ្វើយ៉ាងណានោះ។ ដើម្បីរំដោះស្រុកខ្មែរយើងបានគឺមានតែពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរទូទាំងប្រទេសត្រូវហ៊ានប្រើសិទ្ធរបស់យើងជាម្ចាស់ទឹកម្ចាស់ដី ងើបឡើងធ្វើការបៈបោរពេញទាំងប្រទេសដេញទម្លាក់ពួកអាក្បត់ឱយចេញពីអំណាច មធ្យោបាយឈ្នៈមួយនេះប្រទេសក្នុងពិភពលោកមួយចំនួនបានធ្វើជាគំរូ
តាមពិតទៅ ពលរដ្ឋដែលគាត់កំពុងមានបញ្ហា
នៅបឹងកក់នោះ គឺពួកគាត់មិនព្រមចាកចេញ
ដោយខ្លួនឯងទេតើ ។
ជ័យយោ រជ្ជកាលទី៤នៃសមេ្តចអគ្គមហាសេនាបតីតេជោ
ហ៊ុន សែន វរ្ម័នទី១! ជាទេវតាចាប់ជាតិ និង
ជាមេដឹកនាំដ៏ឆ្នើម សោយរាជ្យយូរជាងគេ នៃប្រវត្ដិសាស្ដ្រប្រទេសកម្ពុជា
បរាជ័យ! ពួកអាខ្មែរក្បត់ជាតិនៅក្នុងនិងក្រៅប្រទេស!
ខាងលើនេះជាសំណេររបស់ពួកឆ្កែអង្គេស៊ីអាខ្វាក់អផិវឌ្ឍន៍អ្នកមានទន្រ្ទានអ្នកក្រវាសរសេរមក។ សួរវាថាបើឲ្យអញចេញ អាហ្អែងឲ្យអញចេញទៅដេកឯណា ដេកលើក្បាលម៉ែអាហ្អេង? ដីមិនឲ្យអញ សំណងមិនសងតាមគោលការណ៍ច្បាប់ គឺសំណងសមរម្យនោះ? បើអាហ្អេងជាអញវិញនោះ តើអាហ្អែងចេញទៅដេកចតាមចិញ្ចើមថ្នល់ឬ?
អាហ្អែងមានកើតទាន់ទេប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តខ្មែរកន្លងមក ព្រោះតែការរំលោភបំពាន់យកដីនៅស្រុកសំលូត ខេត្តបាត់ដំបងនេះហើយធ្វើឲ្យមានក្រុមតស៊ូចលនាខ្មែរក្រហមកើតឡើង ហើយគេបំផុសឲ្យមានការចូលរួមពីអ្នកដែលត្រូវគេជិះជាន់សង្កត់សង្កិនធ្វើបាន ដែលក្នុងនើក៏មានជ័យវរ្ម័នទី១របស់អាហ្អែងនិងហេងសំរិនជាស៊ីមចូលរួមតស៊ូវាយរបបសាធារណារដ្ឋក្រោមពាក្យឃើសនាថាកូនចៅចូលព្រៃមាគីមាគារួមសាម្គីគ្នាជាកម្លាំងច្បាំងនិងពួកឆ្កែកញ្ជះអាមេរិកកាំង កំទេចពួកអ្នកមាន និងនាយទុន សក្តិភូមិដែលជិះជាន់អ្នកក្រីក្រតួយ៉ាងដូច្នេះឯង។ សួរថាចុះឥឡូវការរួបរួមគ្នាតស៊ូយកជ័យវាយឈ្នះពួកសាធារណៈរដ្ឋខ្មែរ របស់លោកសេនាប្រមុខប្រនាធិបតី លន់ នល់ ហើយ ហេតុអីហ៊ុនសែនជ័យវរ្ម័យទី១ និងបរិវានាំគ្នារត់ចូលទៅយួនពឹងយួនឲ្យមកជួយវាយខ្មែរក្រហមដែលជាបក្សពួករបស់គាត់ដែរនោះធ្វើអី? តាមពិតមិនមែនជាបំណងជួយប្រជាជនទេ គឺជាការលោភលន់ដែលថាក្រោយរំដោះ ១៧មេសា៧៥ហើយនោះពួកវា (ហ៊ុនសែន ជាស៊ីម ហេងសំរិន និងបរិវា) មិនបានកាន់អំណាច មិនមានតួនាទីធំៗ ព្រោះពេលនោះក្បាលម៉ាស៊ីនរដ្ឋរបស់ពួកខ្មែរក្រហមវាត្រូវការអ្នកមានចំណេះដឹងខ្ពស់ៗដែរថ្វីត្បិតថាជើងក្រោមរបស់វាសុទ្ធតែជាពួកអត់ចះអក្សរក៏ពិតមែន។ អចីហើយទើបបានជា(ហ៊ុនសែន ជាស៊ីម ហេងសំរិន និងបរិវាមួយចំនួ) ដែលមាន Capacity ទាប់ៗត្រូវបង្ខំចិត្តរត់ទៅយួនក្នុងខណៈដែលយួនកំពុងទន្ទឹងរងចាំឱកាសផងនោះ ក៏បំពាក់បំប៉ន និងសន្យាផ្តល់តួនាទីធំៗ និងសិទ្ធិសេរីភាពផ្សេងៗឲ្យពួកនេះពេលដែលពួកនេះជួយក្នុងការប្រយុទ្ធវាយខ្មែរក្រហមដើម្បីកាន់កាប់កម្ពុជា។ ម៉ែនពួកវាសាមគ្គីគ្នាជាមួយសត្រូវសួរពូជរបស់ខ្មែរ (សូមអានប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តខ្មែរ និងសៀវភៅនានាដែលនិយាយអំពីយួននិងខ្មែរកាលពីអតីតកាលឲ្យច្បាស់លាស់បន្តិច)(ហ៊ុនសែន ជាស៊ីម ហេងសំរិន និងបរិវាមួយចំនួន)បានឃោសនាថា រំដោះកម្ពុជាពីពួកបីសាចខ្មែរក្រហមដើម្បីជួយជីវិតខ្មែរ និងធ្វើឲ្យខ្មែររស់ក្នុងភាពបរិបូរណ៍រីកចំរើន ឡើងវិញ កំចាត់ពួកអ្នកេជិៈជាន់ប្រជាចនដូចដែលពួកខ្មែរក្រហមប៉ុលពតបានឃោសនាបញ្ឆោតប្រជាជនដូចគ្នា ទីបំផុតក្រោយថ្ងៃរំដោះ៧ មករា ១៩៧៩ ដែលមានកងទ័ពយួនមួយពាន់នាក់មានខ្មែរតែមួយនាក់ចូលមក រហូតដល់ឥស្សរជនមួយចំនួនគឹតថាជាការឈ្លានពានរបស់កងទ័ពយួនទេ ហើយបានប្រមូលកម្លាំងតស៊ូប្រឆាំងជាមយយរបបនេះ ដូចជាចលានលោកតាសឺនសាន ស៊ីហនុ និងពួកខ្មែរក្រហមដែលបាក់ទ័ពផងដែរ បានប្រយុទ្ទគ្នាមិនឈ្នះមិនចាញ់រហូតមកដល់មានកិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងទីក្រុងបារីស២៣តុលា១៩៩១ ដែលសម្រេចកិច្ចព្រមព្រោងឈប់បាញ់គ្នា និងធ្វើមាតុភូមិនិវត្តប្រជាចនភាសសិកមកមាតុភូមិវិញ និងរោបចំការបោះឆ្នោត១៩៩៣។ អ្វីបានកន្លងផុតទៅក្នុងក្តីសង្ឃឹមថានឹងមានរស្មី។ តែទីបំផុតគណបក្ស CPP ឈ្នះហើយឈ្នះទៀត ហើយអ្វីដែលអ្នកឈ្នះបានធ្វើនោះគឺ ពុករលួយ បំផ្លាញជាតិ និងសកម្ំភាពដូចនូវបឹងកក់នេះបានបង្ហាញពីអសមត្ថភាពរបស់អ្នកដឹកនាំហើយ។គឺកាលគាត់ត្រូវគេជិះជាន់គាត់រត់ចូលព្រៃខំតស៊ូ ដល់គាត់ឈ្នះគាត់ជិះជាន់រំលោភបំពានគេឯងម្តងវិញ?
This is how the most powerful country in the world teaches its citizens:
If you want peace, prepare for the war.
And in Cambodia, we should say: If you don't want the police to hit you, prepare to hit them back hard. Then, those police will be reluctant to hit you, because they don't want to get hurt or killed.
For instance, look at the villagers in Kompong Speu who used sticks, knifes, etc... to chase those barbarous police away.
The free world countries have shed so much blood and so many lives to save freedom. So the justice that we want is not free.
true, however, you have to know that that was in the beginning when america was created and transforms in to a great nation it is today. however, with cambodia's case, we don't necessarily have to go the same old route. in fact, we should learn from american history and know what to do and what not to do. be smart and clever about it, ok! be selective and learn to pick the best way, preferably non-violent way. look, people in cambodia don't have to follow the hard way, we can use the better way to get what we want.
ហេតុការកោះពិជទើបកន្លងផុតទៅថ្មីៗ ព្រលឹងកូនខ្មែរដែលបានស្លាប់មិនទាន់ចាកចេញពីទីនោះអស់ផង ស្រាប់តែមានហេតុបានកើតឡើងជាបន្តបន្ទាប់គឺមានកម្មកររោងចក្របានដួលសន្លប់នៅក្នុងរោងចក្ររាប់រយនាក់? សួរថាតើមកពីមូលហេតុអ្វី? សូមបងប្អូនមិនបាច់ឆ្ងល់ទេ ការស្លាប់ទាំងអស់នេះគឺពិតជាផែនការណ៍សម្លាប់កូនខ្មែរជាក់ស្តែងរបស់ពួកអាក្បត់ ហ៊ុន សែននិងចៅហ្វាយយួនរបស់វាជាពិតប្រាកដណាស់ ទិសដៅរបស់ពួកវាគឺរកល្បិចសម្លាប់ទំពាំងរបស់ខ្មែរឱយអស់ ពីព្រោះទំពាំងខ្មែរទាំងនេះគឺជាសមរាមនៅក្នុងភ្នែកពួកវា រួចហើយពួកវាបណ្តុៈទំពាំងឈាមយួនឡើងវិញ សូមពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរដែលកំពុងរស់នៅក្នុងប្រទេសត្រូវតែប្រុងប្រយ័ត្នកំរិតខ្ពស់ តាំងពីការដើរហើរស៊ីចុកនិងផឹកឡើងទៅ។ សព្វថ្ងៃយួនវាកំពុងប្រើថ្នាំបំពុលទូទាំងប្រទេស ឯកាលកោះពិជក៏វាមិនខុសគ្នាដែរ។
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