Monday, October 31, 2011

King Father invites Rainsy to crash the party

Monday, 31 October 2011
Meas Sokchea
The Phnom Penh Post

Self-exiled opposition leader Sam Rainsy has claimed an invitation from King Father Norodom Sihanouk to attend his birthday today is proof the royal family are at odds with the government over his criminal convictions.

The leader of the eponymous Sam Rainsy Party who lives in France said he received the invitation on Saturday to attend the annual celebration of Cambodia’s former leader, contradicting convictions against him in relation to disputed territory with Vietnam.

“[That] the King [Father] has the feeling to allow the Royal palace to send a letter to me means that the King [Father] regards me the same as other parliamentarians . . . without problems, as the government has accused,” he said yesterday.

Last year, Sam Rainsy was sentenced to a total of 12 years in prison in two separate cases. One set of charges – destroying public property, racial incitement, disinformation and falsifying public documents – followed a protest in which he uprooted a post demarcating Cambodia’s border with Vietnam and produced maps alleging territorial encroachment by the Kingdom’s eastern neighbour.

He was also found guilty of defaming Foreign Minister Hor Namhong for alleging he ran a prison under the Khmer Rouge.

Cheam Yeap, a Cambodian People’s Party lawmaker, said the King Father was within his rights to invite Sam Rainsy to the party, but added that the opposition leader would be arrested it he returned.
“It is the Prince’s royal rights. As the festival owner, who he invites is up to him – no problem,” Cheam Yeap said.

Last week, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, of which Cambodia is a member, issued a statement reaffirming its position that Sam Rainsy’s conviction for pulling out the border post was a political ruling that should be overturned in the interests of Cambodia’s democratic processes.

Cheam Yeap said, however, that although Cambodia was a member of the IPU, it had no authority over the Kingdom’s legal system.

There were only two ways Sam Rainsy could return to Cambodia: through a royal pardon requested by the prime minister or a parliamentary pardon, he added.


Anonymous said...

this is a time for sam rainsy to reconcile with everybody in cambodia that he didn't get along with. if he refuses this, it's his fault! if he's smart, he would request the monarch to pardon him through a chain of command, of course, as law dictates that. otherwise, he might just live overseas for the rest of his life if he doesn't take this chance for reconciliation and royal pardon.

Anonymous said...

nobody's going to do it for him, unless he takes action on his own!

Anonymous said...

Becareful Mr Sam Rainsy! It may be trick to get you inside Cambodia and Hun Sen goverment will put you in CPP prison.

Another reason, if the king ask you to drop the charge to Hun Sen and if you follow him, than your leadership will lost trust from your supporter.

Mr Sam Rainsy! You have to stand firmly to Khmer Nation and Cambodia. No more negotiate with Hun Sen goverment for little money.

Cambodia is truely need real Hero and Role Model. Don't act like Prince Ranaridth as classic example.

Thanks you!

Anonymous said...

Plaese Mr Sam Rainsy, Don't let them flip flop you and Cambodia and Khmer Nation again.

Cambodia need true khmer hero!

Cambodian kids need true khmer hero!

Cambodians don't want another Prince Ranaridth flip flop that lead to Khmer suffer.

Mr Sam Rainsy must stand firmly to real democracy. If you feel down please look at Gaddafi cases!

Anonymous said...

If he return to Cambodian how about the cases that he gonna sured CPP rgimese if he gonna stop or still continue forward.

Anonymous said...

Ah FUcking Hun Sen. AH fucking SIhanouk. Stop playing tricks. you stupid monkeys.

"added that the opposition leader would be arrested" AH POOK POL POT!

Anonymous said...

"He was also found guilty of defaming Foreign Minister Hor Namhong for alleging he ran a prison under the Khmer Rouge."

WTF Phnom Penh Post? Sam Rainsy was found inocent according to the lawsuit. Sam Rainsy was found cleared of defamation. Ah FUcking Hun Sen is behind your ass again?

Anonymous said...

អាស្តាចមន៍ត្រសក់ ឡេមឡឺម អត់បានការ

អាខ្សែរត្រសក់ចង្រៃ ឡេមឡឺម អត់បានការ

មិនដឹងជា ពួកវាធ្វើស្អីទេ ឡេមឡឺម ឡេមឡឺម

រកតែបាយច្រាស លិតជើងចិន ជើងយួន

អាខ្សែរស្តាចមន៍ ឡេមឡឺម

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sam Rainsy. please be a role model for our young generation. Be firm and be a hero!


Anonymous said...

If this time Mr Sam Rainsy stop sue CPP regimes and negotiate with CPP goverment than Cambodian people and khmer nation will be Vietnam.

At 2005, Mr Sam Rainsy hang his lawsuite one time already if he do it again than no one will support Sam Rainsy again.

If it happen Mr Sam Rainsy will be the new Prince Ranaridth PhD of Law from France that very bullshit

Anonymous said...

Mr Sam Rainsy must be firm, the real democracy and Cambodia and Cambodians will be win.

Cambodia need true hero!

Khmer Nation need true hero!

Young khmer generation need true hero to inspire them!

Plaese don't let Vietnam win again!

Anonymous said...

Mr Sam Rainsy is smarter than all these clowns put together.

Hoon Xen gonna go down with the vietgooks.

Sooner or later, the vietgooks gonna run and swims out of cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sam Rainsey doesn't need to go. Also the Monarchy in Cambodia has nothing to do with politic and it should stay that way. This is between King & Mr. Sam Rainsey. Who says Cambodia politic must stay the same forever? Mr. Sam Rainsey has his right to compete and to get along with the monarchy just like the rest CCP. King doesn't rule the country. Prime Minister is and Mr. Sam Rainsey can be new PM with enough popular votes. King knows that and must also be able to adjust. He is smart and kind to invite and build bridge now. Also can SRP be happy without King and the royal family's blessing while running the country? The royal family in Cambodia wasn't just there. They were gift from the UN in 1993 to fully restore Cambodia with true identity. Don't think one million or three millions Cambodian can destroy it easily. It won't happen.

Anonymous said...

Mr Sam Rainsy will make Decho Hun Sen and his CPP traitors share the same future as Gaddafi!

Long live Gaddafi and Decho Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

The Sunday message from the former King to the nation: "l'union fait la force" (his own words). Be united and the country get stronger. It is up to everyone to interprete it. For all leaders: To be or not to to be. Everyone knows how the real heros like Nelson Mendella or Aungsan Suchi pent their time so far.

Anonymous said...

តាមព្រំប្រទល់ខ្មែរយួន(ផ្លូវហូ ជី មិញ)។
សម រង្ស៊ីប្រយ័ត្នចាញ់បោកអាសីហនុ ចំកួតហ្លួង។
ប្រយ័ត្នអាហ៊ុន សែនចាប់ដាក់គុក។
បើធ្វើនយោបាយ ប្រយ័ត្នចាញ់នយោបោកក្រុម

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is a khmer patriot and hero. He is in exile, because the Cambodian Court in Phnom-Penh(which is not independent), under the instruction of Hun Sen, and Vietnam, indicted Sam Rainsy for a jail term of 12 years. This is in violation of the constitution of Cambodia established under the Paris Peace Agreement on October 23rd 1991 that provided immunity to all members of Parliament. He has no choice but stay abroad to continue fighting for freedom of Cambodia.

Sam Rainsy is the only Cambodian Leader who dares to challenge and criticizes Hun Sen and Vietnam for not abiding by the Paris Peace Agreement of Cambodia.

We, Cambodian patriots, agreed with Sam Rainsy and respect him as our spoke person. We praise him for his courage and protection of Cambodian inalienable right for Sovereignty, territorial integrity and neutral as provided by the Paris Peace Agreement.

Regarding King Sihanouk’s invitation to Sam Rainsy, unless publicly announced by Hun Sen Government that guaranty his safety, he should not take a chance to go to Cambodia

There is no way that Hun Sen can offer clemency to Sam Rainsy without the consent from Hanoi that perceives Sam Rainsy as the blocking wall of the Confederation of Indochina under the initiative of Ho Chi Ming. Accordingly, Vietnam will try by all means to eliminate Sam Rainsy from entering Cambodia.

As for Hun Sen, the most important thing for him to do if he wanted to leave a good name in Cambodian history and be a khmer patriot is to abolish or cancel Unequal Treaties with Vietnam since 1980 to date that reduced Cambodian Land and Maritime Territory for about 30,000.00 square Kilometers

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sam Rainsy. Please DON'T GO.
HM King Sihanouk and his son, the current King knew everything but they have no power except being puppets.

Anonymous said...

It is understandable that Cheam Yeap, a CPP lawmaker, a second degree Vietnamese slave, would not dare to say anything that offends his Vietnamese Boss.

It’s better off for Sam Rainsy to stay abroad so that he can voice his Opinions against 5,000,000.00 Illegal Vietnamese Immigrants in Cambodia and against Vietnamese Annexation of Cambodian Land and Maritime territory.

Vietnam imposed unequal treaties on Hun Sen Government since 1980 to date. These unequal and illegal treaties are prohibited by the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement and should have been null and void.

In additions, Sam Rainsy can ask international support from UN, European Union and 18 signatories of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement.

He is the only member of Parliament who has the audacity to fight for freedom and justice for Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

KAN Dearr MAI Woury

Anonymous said...

If the invitation of Sam Rainsy to attend the Ex- King birthday is true. It is a political move from the royalist party in the upcoming elections of 2012 and especially 2013 legislative to attempt to capture the voters of the Sam Rainsy Party. It is not sure this is proof that the royal family are at odds with the government over his criminal convictions as sam rainsy thought.

Everyone knows that Sam Rainsy Party is disintegrating right now.
Sam Rainsy is less useful to the royalist party. But voters and supporters of the Sam Rainsy Party interest to royalist party and other parties.

The royalist party found an opportunity here to make
a political gesture in the direction of the Sam Rainsy Party voters for upcoming elections.

Anonymous said...

Please don't go Mr Sam Rainsy! it is the trick for make you step into Cambodia soil so CPP Hun SEn goverment will use their power to kill you. If they success eliminate you Vietnam will win win as Hun Sen policy win win.

Please don't go to Cambodia by this trick!

Mr Sam Rainsy must stand very firm to what you are doing now! we all Cambodian people are supporting you even though we under bully from CPP Hun SEn and his master Vietnam very badly.

Cambodian people are supporting very much for what you are doing right now!

Don't feel down Mr Sam Rainsy! Look at Gaddafi the very srong man, where is he now ? Hun Sen won't be far away from Gaddafi if you still stand strong to what you are doing right now!

Don't be fool under King influence if you want Cambodia to be free from Vietnam.

Please don't go Mr Sam Rainsy! It is a trick from Hun Sen to use the king to invite you into Cambodia and Hun Sen and his Vietnam will kill you.

Anonymous said...