Monday, October 31, 2011

Return of the king [-Unfortunately this ain't no Lord of the Rings' ending]

King Father Norodom Sihanouk greets the crowd yesterday during a speech at the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh. (Photo by: Pha Lina)

Monday, 31 October 2011
Vong Sokheng
The Phnom Penh Post

Retired King Preah Norodom Sihanouk has come home – this time, for good. In his first public address since abdicating the throne in 2004, the King Father, who has spent much of the past several years living in Beijing, yesterday announced that he planned to reside in Cambodia indefinitely.

Speaking on the occasion of his 90th-birthday celebrations, the former king told a crowd of about 40,000 he would no longer travel outside the country but instead spend his remaining years supporting the ruling CPP government and national development in the Kingdom.

“I was born on October 31, 1922 . . . I will be 90 years old, so allow me to stay with you, beloved children and grandchildren,” the King Father told a crowd of government officials, diplomats, members of the Senate and National Assembly, civil servants, armed forces and citizens gathered outside the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh.

During his speech, which ran nearly half an hour, the former sovereign said his plan to stay exclusively in Cambodia would mean an end to his frequent medical treatment in Beijing.

Norodom Sihanouk was diagnosed with B-Cell lymphoma in his prostate in 1993. The cancer returned in his stomach in 2005, and another cancer was found in 2008.

He has been receiving medical treatment off and on in Beijing ever since.

“Even if my health is still a problem and I need to have Chinese doctors every day . . . we [King Father and Mother] have absolutely decided not to leave Cambodia,” Norodom Sihan-ouk said yesterday.

“We are happy to make this decis-ion, and when it is necessary to have our great friend China take care of my health, please send the Chinese doctors to Cambodia.”

The retired king’s 90th birthday coincides with the 20th anniversary of the Paris Peace Accords, which en-abled his return to the Kingdom from exile in 1991 after the collapse of the Khmer Rouge.

“All my great beloved . . . I appreciate your devotion to national development. We have a national unity, resolving all problems for the nation, such as for the poor. I am retired, but will remain with the government to help the nation’s development,” he said.

“We are happy, as it is the first time to have national unity, and no one can break [this national unity] or weaken it – for sure, we will be stronger and stronger.”

Speaking prior to the King Father, Prime Minister Hun Sen said the CPP was determined to pay strong attention to the protection of the monarchy, the Constitution, political stability and national reconciliation.

“The CPP and the government have always expressed high respect, love, gratitude and loyalty to the [King Father] as the father of unity and the national reconciliation,” Hun Sen said.


Anonymous said...

He comes back on time for KRT to start 003 and 004.... Comon's samdow ach we need you testify in court. Be a brave man. Don't be afraid you are getting old and die any way so let's help khmer find justice once for all.

Anonymous said...

អាស្តាចមន៍ត្រសក់ ឡេមឡឺម អត់បានការ

អាខ្សែរត្រសក់ចង្រៃ ឡេមឡឺម អត់បានការ

មិនដឹងជា ពួកវាធ្វើស្អីទេ ឡេមឡឺម ឡេមឡឺម

រកតែបាយច្រាស លិតជើងចិន ជើងយួន

អាខ្សែរស្តាចមន៍ ឡេមឡឺម

Anonymous said...

We brought nothing into this world and we will take nothing out of this world when we die, so it is better to be among the poor and be of a humble spirit then having great riches and many sorrows to go along with it. For the love of money is the root of all evil.

$1= 4 cents

Anonymous said...

He comes and stays in Cambodia for
the rest of his life because Keat Chhon won't allow fund to spend on his treatment in China any more.
Hope that he won't broadcast on the radio for all Khmer people to go into prey maki.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
in Cambodia it so crazy. too many somdich names we don`t know which somdich Name that I can call them.
wath a fuck.

11:16 AM

Anonymous said...
11:16 AM
You must be Yuon for not understanding the title in Khmer monarchy or Thai monarchy.
In the old day the title "Samdech" given to any man who achieved like a hero or a great man who achieve excellent extraordinary thing.
"Samdech" for commoners is the same as "Lord" in English (or Great Britain", and those men or women who received titles "Lord" or "Lady".
Sihanouk gave title "Samdech" to Hun Sen, Chea Sim and Heng Samrin was just a flattery not a good intention.

11:47 AM

Anonymous said...
This old King was born on October 31 which is in Halloween day.

11:52 AM

Anonymous said...
11:52 AM

Maybe that's why he has brought bad luck to Khmer people.

Bad King !!

12:05 PM

Anonymous said...
yes,I am with you.
Ah Sihanouk is a ghost and a fake
Go to hell craziest king in the world.

12:08 PM

Anonymous said...
Vietnam used Sihanouk once during Vietnam war and now used his family again to swallow Cambodia. Hun sen and cpp only pretend to be royalist

12:17 PM

Anonymous said...
people could be so rude! have some respect for the elderly, ok!

2:18 PM

Anonymous said...
Ah sdach choy mray!
Ah sdach thork teap!
Ah sdach kbot cheat!
Ah sdach chom kout!
Ah sdach lob lob!
Ah sdach ploy boy!
Ah sdach gnorb krom kuntuy kben!
Ah sdach pear lear!
Ah sdach tonnaha krass!
Ah sdach samram!
Ah sdach leamork!
Slab tov ah sdach choy mray, khmer people don't want to see your face.

3:12 PM

Anonymous said...
Ah fucking Sihanouk. TOnight the ghost of Halloween will come and take their souls back. If you want to live longer, put AH FUCKING HUN SEN on trials, and MI JROOK for the murder of Pilika, and AH FUCKING HOR NAM HONG for the mass murders. OKAY AH old MAN!

3:12 PM

Anonymous said...
Why should I respect them when they don't respect people

3:21 PM

Anonymous said...
អាស្តាចមន៍ត្រសក់ ឡេមឡឺម អត់បានការ

អាខ្សែរត្រសក់ចង្រៃ ឡេមឡឺម អត់បានការ

មិនដឹងជា ពួកវាធ្វើស្អីទេ ឡេមឡឺម ឡេមឡឺម

រកតែបាយច្រាស លិតជើងចិន ជើងយួន

អាខ្សែរស្តាចមន៍ ឡេមឡឺម

4:17 PM

Anonymous said...
អាស្តាចមន៍ត្រសក់ ឡេមឡឺម អត់បានការ

អាខ្សែរត្រសក់ចង្រៃ ឡេមឡឺម អត់បានការ

មិនដឹងជា ពួកវាធ្វើស្អីទេ ឡេមឡឺម ឡេមឡឺម

រកតែបាយច្រាស លិតជើងចិន ជើងយួន

អាខ្សែរស្តាចមន៍ ឡេមឡឺម

Anonymous said...

ស្ដេចនេះជាស្ដេចយួន​ គឺគាត់ធ្វើអ្វីៗដើម្បីតែយួនទាំងអស់។​ បើកុំតែខ្មែរជឿទុកចិត្តទៅលើស្ដេចនេះ ប្រទេសខ្មែរក៏មិនធ្លាក់ក្នុងកណ្ដាប់ដៃយួនដែរ។ បើគាត់មិនមែនយួនទេនោះ ហេតុអ្វីបានជាគាត់ក្បត់ខ្មែរ​​បើប្រជាជនខ្មែរគោរពស្រឡាញ់គាត់ប្រៀបដូចអទិទេពហើយនោះ។ 

Anonymous said...

Ah sdach choy mray!
Ah sdach thork teap!
Ah sdach kbot cheat!
Ah sdach chom kout!
Ah sdach lob lob!
Ah sdach ploy boy!
Ah sdach gnorb krom kuntuy kben!
Ah sdach pear lear!
Ah sdach tonnaha krass!
Ah sdach samram!
Ah sdach leamork!
Ah sdach chorl ma seat!
A sdach poul kduch!
Ah sdach vong veng jeat!

Anonymous said...

If you're 90 years old, would you want to stay put? It's about time the Chinese doctors & hospital are moving to Cambodia. May be the rest of the population can also get excellent medical care from them like King does.

veng vang hung said...

Apn.said too many Vietcong young girls in vharng phnom penh the gay young king don't know what to do he's calling old dog king come to help out. and enjoy befor his die

Anonymous said...

អាចំកួត៤០,០០០នាក់មកអបអរ អាចំកួតហ្លួង
បល់បាយ។ពេលចិនត្រូវការវាប្រើជណ្ដើរ ដល់ចិន
អាយួន,អាហ៊ុន សែនត្រូវការអាសីហនុត្រងោល
ឥតសីល ដើម្បីបន្ធូរបន្ថយចិត្តរាស្ត្រខ្មែរនិងអ្នកដឹក
បើសម រង្ស៊ីចូលទៅត្រូវជាប់គុក។ចាញ់បោកអា

Anonymous said...

Be brave Old Man!
Be good Old Man!
Be with justice Old Man!
Come and live by the law with the rest of us! Would you?

Anonymous said...

Are you with the devil or the people?

We kind of know the answer spoiled Litle Old Man!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk will give new title to Hun Sen as:

Samdach Maha Dech Chress Oudom Pronom preah thom Krormom Lich Doss Komloss Kdor Krorlet Snhenh chenh Kdet lich Mormiss Sen.

Anonymous said...

How do you feel to have ah Youn kiet Chorn and Hor Nam Hon look behind your heads, ROyal??????

Anonymous said...

PM biger than King, just like has one ball biger than peny and othe ball!!!!!!

Olo!!!! OooooP!

Anonymous said...

oiy, i got a big headache already from hearing all the arguments. can you stop fighting for a change?

Anonymous said...

1:12 AM, you are too funny. ROTFLMAO!!!

6:46 AM, if you're hearing all the argument, it's not from us. It's in your head! Seek help, before I start an argument with you, via posting......that is.

Anonymous said...