Friday, November 25, 2011

Dark new chapter in Boeung Kak story [-She should take Lao Meng Khin and his wife with her!!!]

Ou Sokcheat consoles the children of Chea Dara yesterday morning after their mother took her own life. (Photo by: Khouth Sophak Chakrya)

Choeung Sopheap (L) and Lao Meng Khin (R)
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Khouth Sophak Chakrya and David Boyle
The Phnom Penh Post

When Doeur Phou’s wife, Chea Dara, called on Tuesday night to tell him she was about to jump off the Chruoy Changva bridge because authorities had condemned their family to homelessness, the 55-year-old at first thought she was kidding.

“But when I heard her telling me to look after the children well, and she told me she was on the bridge handrail, I was shocked and drove my motorbike to see her,” he said yesterday.

To his impassioned pleas, the 33-year-old mother, who was convinced her family's eviction from their home at Boeung Kak lake had just been sealed, told her husband, “Look after the kids” and was gone, he said.

“[I said] don’t think in the short term, a few days later, we will think again’,” he said. “She told me that later authorities would force us to move to another place, because they did not agree to give us land ownership – if we didn't have a house, how could we live?”

Loss to Shukaku

On Friday, Chea Dara learned her household was the latest to be cut from a 12.4-hectare onsite relocation area that Prime Minister Hun Sen set aside in August for more than 750 families yet to be evicted at Boeung Kak from land leased to a private company for a real estate development in 2007.

An estimated 4,000 families will have lost their homes by the time a project, headed by ruling party Senator Lao Meng Khin’s Shukaku Inc, finishes reclaiming the Boeung Kak lake and seals the boundaries of its new satellite city.

Chea Dara’s elder sister, Chea Thavy, said her younger sibling had protested for years against the development, demanding fair compensation and even spending a night detained at the Phnom Penh Municipal Police commissioner’s office for her trouble.

But while Chea Thavy said eventually she was granted a title for onsite relocation, her sister, who lived in the adjacent house, was not so lucky.
Both their houses are located in a cluster of residences near the French embassy off street 70 in Daun Penh district’s Srah Chak commune.

A Right of Abode

Chhay Rithy Sen, the director of Phnom Penh’s department of urbanization, construction and Cadastral Survey, said residents at Boeung Kak with houses less than 39 metres from the middle of street 70 were not affected by the Shukaku project, and thus had not been offered resettlement.

Chea Dara’s house is just seven metres from street 70.

But both residents and rights groups yesterday said they did not believe authorities had any intention of allowing the residents of street 70 to remain.

Sia Phearum, secretariat director of the Housing Rights Taskforce, said his understanding was that authorities needed to expand the street and had already begun marking houses for demolition. “So far, the authorities sprayed the red paint and remarked that they will not get land titles because they are affected by the road expansion,” he said.

Resident Son Lorn, 49, who also lives adjacent to Chea Dara’s house, said he had been excluded from the resettlement program but received assurances he would not lose his house.

“But they banned us from making repairs and did not give us land titles,” he said.

Forty-seven families from villages 1, 6, 22 and 24 at Boeung Kak have also been cut out of the 12.44-hectare onsite relocation area since the agreement was announced in August.

In late September, police beat Boeung Kak resident and Sam Rainsy Party activist Suong Sophoan unconscious as excavators driven by Shukaku employees tore down several resident’s houses. Mathieu Pellerin, a consultant for the rights group Licadho, said the continual exclusion of families from the relocation area was “a huge injustice”. “It’s a huge concern and it’s twice as egregious when we hear that Lao Meng Khin has been issued land titles in the 12.44 hectares that were supposed to be put aside for the remaining families, while well over 10 per cent of them have been arbitrarily excluded,” he said.

In September, Srah Chak commune officials revealed that more than 21 plots in the relocation area had been granted to Shukaku.

Ek Tha, a spokesman for the council of ministers, said nobody should be drawing conclusions about Chea Dara’s death at this early stage.

“In general, the local police need a full investigation, and nobody can make any early conclusion if she commits suicide in this case or that case — we just do not know,” he said.

Chea Dara’s family tried but were unable to find her body.


Anonymous said...

When peoplelose all hope, you lose all fear. You get fucked, Hun Sen. It's just the matter of time, mate.

Anonymous said...

I let Khmer screw me; all Khmer screw Viet; they love Viet's food, they love Viet's ass...whether or not they surrender themselves to Viet, Khmer is now Viet (period.)
Hun Sen is a dumb Khmer/Viet!

Any more question, you dumb Khmer?
Come kiss my ass...

Ms. Soap

Anonymous said...

The Khmer king must take responsible for these to occur at his kingdom of wonder.

Or the king is now enjoy money over his people suffer as you know.

Bonk Kok lake is just afew minutes walk from his Palace. Why doesn't he care about? It must be this couple give the king some money from this.

King you are bad!

Anonymous said...

Ah Sihamoni, Ah Kbot cheat as his dad!

Anonymous said...

That is very sad. It broke my heart but these ruthless heartless Cpp people felt nothing as if there are no hearts in them. I am sorry to hear she died from the impact of her hopelessness from having a home for her family. This is only one example of hundreds of thousands of Cambodians are being evicted from their rightful homes. What do the CPP gov't do for you - HELP THEM EVICTING YOU OUT OF YOUR HEOMES. I AM VERY VERY DISAPPOINTED.

Anonymous said...

អា សីហមុនី ទីងមោង ចាំការពារផលប្រយោជន៍យួន

Anonymous said...

Good to see ah phkay chor Chea Dara family get
sufering from now and than...

Anonymous said...

ស្តាចមន៍ត្រសក់ + នាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី៧មករា =​ Banana Kingdom of Wonder

Anonymous said...

should bomb a hun sen before die

Anonymous said...

Dear all Khmer patriots,

Please don't blame King Sihamony because is a Khmer like us, his title King is only on the paper. He can't do all what he want. What he do, is always under command of CPP and Viet. For instance, during the Khmer prest against Vietnam on the border, he told his wall in the palace, I know all and understand well what my people stated but how can I do because around me are CPP and Viet.


Anonymous said...

This Shukaku families must revence like Boston movie. You are just killing and destroying Khmers blood my friend. Onrn back e day the revence will to your families clans, OK.

Anonymous said...

You steal food name from China. All of your food consist of glotamate. No for us.

Anonymous said...


You told us not to blame the king because the king can't do nothing for the poor Khmer. If you can't do nothing, why you want to stay on as the king? Just resign and fuck yourself out of Cambodia. If you stay on as king, it means you corporate with the traitor (Hun Sen and Youn) to kill Khmer people.

Don't give me a stupid dump answer.

We all well know about Sihanouk who dealt with Youn and help Youn to succeed. He is Khmer traitor as Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

people still sounded so evil in their tone when someone died! maybe it's a culture thing to mock people when they died, i told you people are evil in asia! they have no sympathy for the victim and no law to protect people's life, etc! one has to fight for their rights all the time until there is law and its strict enforcement, that's the only way people will see justice, really!

Anonymous said...

AH HUN SEN economic development is forcing the poor and the vulnerable to die!

The whole economic development scheme was not mention for Cambodian people because Cambodian people certainly did not benefit from it! Then AH HUN SEN economic development is for whom?

In any economic development it will bring jobs and tax revenue. It will make Cambodian people happy because they have job and money to spend. The living of standard will go up , the life expectancy will go up, and personal income will go up!

Tell me why AH HUN SEN economic development makes Cambodian people poorer and become homeless?

This is common sense which does not require PhD. or college degree to know this!

Anonymous said...