Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dust from trucks disturb Kampong Speu villagers


Anonymous said...

the people have legitimate complain about the dust. they should seal the roads or wet it with water daily or something to stop the it from creating the dust that affect people's health in this are. otherwise, the people will sue the company who built this road.

Anonymous said...

whoever built this road did not take into consideration the local people's health from breathing the dust everyday. the dust is bad for their health, to say the least, really!

i think all roads in cambodia should be sealed with asphalt, or they should have water trucks springle the roads with water daily to lessen the dust like this, you know!

the road builder should be responsible. who can enforce this rule, the gov't can. the people should complain to the gov't so they can tell the builder fix the roads like this.