Saturday, February 04, 2012

Three Topics in Sam Rainsy’s Interview With Radio France Internationale (RFI)

February 4, 2012


In an interview with Radio France Internationale (RFI) broadcast on February 4, 2012 opposition leader Sam Rainsy elaborated on three main topics:

Click the control below to listen to the interview

- Senatorial elections: The opposition’s remarkable gains (from two to 11 seats) at the January 29 Senate elections represented a victory of the human spirit over intimidation and the power of money. The ruling CPP lamentably failed to weaken the opposition SRP, which appears stronger than ever and stands as the only force capable of challenging Hun Sen’s anachronistic regime and bringing back dignity to the Khmer people.

- Triangular relations between Cambodia, China and Vietnam: It is in the interest of Cambodia to support the legitimate sovereignty right of China over the Xisha (or Paracel) Islands and the Nansha (or Spratly) Islands in the South China Sea. The Cambodian people should gratefully remember China’s punitive military intervention against Vietnam in February 1979 following the invasion and occupation of Cambodia by the Vietnamese army the previous month. In the future,
only China can effectively help Cambodia defend its national sovereignty and territorial integrity against expansionist Vietnam.

- Role of Cambodia as the new ASEAN president: Among other tasks, Cambodia should help Myanmar (or Burma) move further toward democracy. But ironically enough, whereas in Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has just been released from house arrest and allowed to run at coming national elections, in Cambodia the opposition leader has been forced into exile and prevented from running at coming national elections. Therefore Cambodia has shamefully become worse than Myanmar and cannot pretend to be a leader of any sort.

Listen to Sam Rainsy’s 10-minute interview in Khmer at

SRP Cabinet


Anonymous said...

Dictator Hun Sen has killed to many Khmer souls. He must resign and see his Vietnamese mother who gave birth to him.

Anonymous said...

គណៈបក្សណាក៏ដោយដែលចូលរួមក្នុងការបោះឆ្នោតនាឆ្នាំ២០១៣ខាងមុខនេះ គឺបានរួមដៃជាមួយសត្រូវសម្លាប់ជាតិខ្លួនឯង។

Anonymous said...

idiot Rainsy love china??? man this idiot is very slick he hates cambodian but loves chinese. And claim he don't love money. asshole asshole asshole. real traitor.

sith. phila, pa

Anonymous said...

6:14 PM - You are way out of your mind. You are a silly goose! You don't know what you are talking about. You sound like you are being drugged and alcoholic! LOL

You need to go back to learn and read something before you jumped conclusion with your mental illness.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i hope china will destroy the vietcong

Anonymous said...

Min trem tae china rumleay vietcong te kampuchea kor kmean teat dae!

Anonymous said...

6:47 PM. LOL. I agree.

Anonymous said...

I must admit that Sam Rainsy's interview with Radio France International on Saturday is of exceptional top statemanship. Khmer politicians should learn from this. But the problem is Mr. Sam Rainsy only says these sort of things when he has a political dead end. Is it enough for the Chinese to support SRP? Should China forgo Sihanouk and Samdech Hun Sen? Stay tune, time will tell. All cards for China to play now....

After knocking on the doors of USA and the West allies for years, Sam Rainsy came to a road block but now trying to "buy" China's support as a last resort. Let think again, a tiny nation such as Cambodia, what can Cambodia do for China in term of protection? I could think of protection, like SRP issuing statements in the case of the CPP's illegal land eviction? This is Sam Rainsy's weird idea of protecting China's interest and saving Khmer land. Think again SRP supporters! Cambodia does not have economical and/or political weight - NIL, period! All China wanted is Cambodia's land as bad as the Viet. The fighting in 1979 between China and Viet was to protect China's interest. Like in Phnom Penh city big businesses are operating by the the Chinese already. The present best climate for China interest in Cambodia is through Samdech Hun Sen courtesy of the CPP. Therefore, the best comment Sam Rainsy could make is to shut up on this regard but should try to unite all Khmer nationalist/democratic groups.

China would not believe Sam Rainsy any way. A few years back, Sam Rainsy said China had strong complicated connection with Khmer rouge. Sam Rainsy wanted to know how much involvement were Sihanouk and China during 1975 - 1979. Again Samdech Hun Sen is doing a better job to conceal this by undermining ECCC, the Khmer Rouge tribunal.

We know China keeps Sihanouk and the monarchy as their Khmer pawn. Gradually, Hun Sen is within China's sight also, as ongoing interest and potential interest for years to come. That's why we've started to see "crack" between Hun Sen and Vietman. And Vietnam is playing a double sword edge politics with the USA. USA is coming back to Asia and Asia Pacific. This might be good and/or bad for Cambodia's land depend on Viet's behaviour.

Reminding you that Mr. Sam Sary, a cunning politician like Mr. Sam Rainsy, Sam Rainsy's father was allegedly killed by Sihanouk. Sihanouk is China's "special" long term friend. Through good times and bad times, Sihanouk always says "Yes, China!" You can not buy support in a few short statements as Sam Rainsy was making through radio interview. And now Sam Rainsy "fingers" at the USA and the West over the islands in the South China Sea. Very dangerous move for Srok Khmer.

Rainsy, Rainsy,អើយ Rainsy,.....​just stay in France if you truely care about Cambodia!

All Khmer, think again for the benefit of Cambodia.

Khmer in Cabramatta, Sydney

Anonymous said...

ar-choy-mray SAMRANGSY YOU WANT khmerouge tral get case 03 and 04 than you support ar-sihanuk ? you are run out of idea you are such wase time that why ar-choy-mray hun sen have a lot chance to kill khmer people because, of you fucker

Anonymous said...

3:50 PM. HEY FUCKER. How many Khmer has Sam Rainsy killed?