Saturday, March 31, 2012

SRP officials commemorate victims of the 30 March 1997 grenade attack

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No doubt about Hand grenade attacked was ordered by Hun Sen. Hun Sen has been a criminal for killing innocent Cambodian as follow:

1. Killing innocent Cambodian in Eastern zone between 1975-1978.

2. Killing innocent Cambodian in 1980s known as K 5 plan.

3. Killing innocent Cambodian in 1997 known as hand grenade attack.

4. Sold the whole nation to yuon in exchange for personal power.

Note: The whole international communities, UN, US they all know very well about theses criminal act by Hun Sen but they have turned blind eyes to the so-called Hun Sem government created by late Ho Chi Minh in 1951 and led by Son Ngoc Minh or better known as Achar Mea to put Lao and Cambodian under yuon annex and to exterminate ethnic Cambodians from their homeland one of many other dirty tricks of yuon Hanoi to achieve this is by using Hun Sen as a political tool to influx million of illegal yuon migrants into Cambodia to comply yuon genocide Khmer known as Indochina Federation.