Sunday, March 11, 2012

Why the US policy on Counterterrorism can't do anything against Hun Xen, the terrorists' leader - Op-Ed by Tieng Narith


Anonymous said...

The US's policy is not about Cambodia, or to make right what it did wrong to Cambodia in the tragic past, but just for self serving geopolitical reasons.

That's why we can see clearly that the US has been cosying up with its former foe Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

keep whining like a stupid person, where is the terms limit law?

Anonymous said...

i told you, these whiners aren't very smart at all!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Tieng Narith. I will have this copy and share with my American friends and some of my friends of worlds.

Yes, the U.S. and UN are not doing enough works to expose Cambodian government led by Hun Sen is not independent from Vietnam. I will write the letter and have these copies of your written reports passed to my local U.S. District Attorney and then my local U.S. District Attorney will reach to the U.S. congress and senate.

Again, thank you for your written reports and thanks to KI-Media.

Anonymous said...

President Obama is not even a U.S citizen and yet he is allowed to be the president of a country not his own. Go figure!

I'm telling you, United States is not what you think that it is. I understand the United Nations treachery to undermine the Constitution of United States of America. The United Nations wants to bring America down on her knees. I'm not a proponent of the United Nations. Their insidious ways been implemented in my state and other states. They want to bring America under its thumb and they are accomplishing this through Mother, Hillary Roden Clinton and the President himself.


Anonymous said...

The USA gained independent from
the United Kingdom since 1776 AD
to 2012.She has had 236 as a superpower in the world.
The United Nations has 196 nation
members without the USA superpower,
the world will be disordered.
The Soviet Unions collapsed;will China collapse?Yes she will.
Because Tibet,Inside Mongolia,and
other states want to be free from

The Soviet Unions sent men to the
moon;the USA sent men to the moon
Yes,China sent three men to the
moon last week.Two astronauts to
moon and one of them circle around the moon.
China will be failed like Russia,
but the USA will be strong as she is.

Anonymous said...

Who are behind the assassination of Haing S. Ngor (The Killing Fields) Los Engeles in 1996?
Is the party in power in Cambodia or the opposing party who organized this global terror?
Or the old head chief of both political parties who have written
this scenario to murder his political opponent?

Paris V. Sunday, 11/03/2012

Anonymous said...

Who are behind the assassination of - Haing S. Ngor ????
- Chea Vichea ????
- Piset Pilika ????
- Touch Srey Nix ???
- FUNCINPEC Party ??
- E t c .............................