Sunday, May 20, 2012

Grassroots Democracy and It Starts at Local Level

"One correction: I was never a member of the current ruling party and will never be." - Mu Sochua

Cambodian opposition MP starts election campaign

18 May 2012

Mu Sochua, an opposition member of the Cambodian parliament from the Sam Rainsy Party, commences her campaign in the lead up to coming elections in Cambodia.

Cambodian opposition party Member of Parliament and human rights advocate Mu Sochua commenced her campaign in Battambang in the run-up to the commune elections to be held in early June.

The campaign convoy started near Psar Nath, one of Battambang's main markets, and wound its way through the streets. Mu Sochua stopped a few times at other streetside markets to give speeches and meet with local people before moving to a temple several kilometres from town for a refreshment break.

Supporters wearing white t-shirts and caps printed with the Sam Rainsy Party logo took part in the convoy, riding motor scooters, cars and trucks through the outskirts of Battambang to the temple in Ek Phnom district

After the break, the convoy resumed its trip through the province.

Mu Sochua was a member of Prime Minister Hun Sen's Cambodian People's Party Funcinpec until January of 2004 when she left to join the opposition Sam Rainsy Party. While in the Cambodian People's Party Funcinpec, Mu Sochua served as Minister for Womens' Affairs, a post she held from 1998 until her resignation from the government party.

During that time, she fought extensively for women's rights in rural Cambodia and battled human trafficking. She is a renowned advocate for human rights, and this is the platform upon which her political campaign is built.


Anonymous said...

the srp party if they only focus on their youn paranoia, they are ineffective and unpopular, but if they start to diversify their poltical agenda to the economy, the improvement of the people's standard of living, the infrastructure, the social reforms, etc, then perhaps, they will be more accepted and supported, etc... but i don't know about their focus too much on their youn paranoia, that is illogical thinking on their part, i think. of course, there are more to cambodia than just their youn paranoia because people are not stupid, they will see that for themselves, really! anyway, i already told you, i hate stupid people. i only admire smart, wise, enlightened, educated people, not the stupid kind, really! call me discrimination against stupid people, well, i hate stupid people, what can you expect?

Anonymous said...

So, every body are stupid and you are smart,Heh? Mr. Really, OK?

In that case, can I split your head to see what your brain as made of?

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

Chop ah OK! Really!etc...!
Ah 1:10AM.
You are Vietnam dog.
Stop barking ah Cker chkuot!

Anonymous said...

These politicians are no difference from human garbage;they're the same garbage with different dumpster. That said, I want both from the political spectrum to kill each other--when that occurs--I will be sitting on the sideline watching you people murder each other. You people never learn ANYTHING from the Pol Pot era. Moreover, you people need to get a life, and stop depending on international donors, and start to learn how to be self-proficient.

US Embassy Phnom Penh

Anonymous said...

Holding the person's photo who is already dead will not gain more votes for the upcoming commune elections. Perhaps you people should hold a life and meaningful person's photo--not this individual who fled the country, while commanding others to do his dirty job. Is this the kind of leader you want to lead our nation?


Anonymous said...

I will not vote for neither of srp or cpp, especially cpp as they both do no difference in my eyes. Although srp are much more honest in helping Khmer people, I see the very opposit with cpp. Balls don't lie, cpp are deeply corrupted, and as long as they are all still in power, they will still continue their corruptions

chansary oum said...

Good luck Mrs:MP.Mu Sochua.
your are bright for all Khmer future we respecting you and your teams Party members will Win.
may god bless you and Srp.Supporter.

Thank you form Khmer Community Toronto Canada.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ការសង្ឃឹមអំពីជ័យជម្នៈរបស់គណបក្ស សម រង្សី គឺជាការសង្ឃឹមខ្យល់តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ! ពួកនេះសុទ្ធតែជាពួកកាន់មាត់បាវអោយចោរនិងជាអ្នកជួយទប់ជើងគ្រែអោយអា ហ៊ន សែន! ហើយពួកប្រឆាំងទាំងនេះគឺគ្មានបំណងធ្វើការផ្លាស់ប្តូរពិតប្រាកដទេ។

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

អាគណបក្សពងក្តធំ SAM RAINSY , គឺពិតជាដៃគូររបស់គណបក្សប្រជាជនយួន(CPP)ពិតប្រាកដមែន!

ខ្មែរយើងមិនបាច់ឆ្ងល់អីច្រើនពេកទៀតទេ !!!!!!!!!!
SRP គឺជាគណបក្សយួន...គឺជាគណបក្សខ្យល់....សង្ឃឹមខ្យល់ !គឺសម រង្សីបានជួយកាន់ក្តអោយអាចោរ HUN SEN តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ!