January 3, 2013
To all Cambodians and their families and friends, I wish a Happy New Year 2013.
May this New Year 2013 – that will see the holding of national elections crucial for the future of Cambodia – be marked by the resurgence of the Khmer national conscience so as to save our Motherland from mortal danger.
May we celebrate later this year the victorious union of all patriotic and justice-loving Khmers.
May this New Year 2013 be blessed by Cambodia’s effective National Rescue associated with the victory of the Khmer people.
Sam Rainsy
3 janvier 2013
A tous les Cambodgiens et à leurs familles et amis, je souhaite une Bonne et Heureuse Année 2013.
Que cette Nouvelle Année 2013 – qui verra le déroulement d’élections nationales cruciales pour l’avenir du Cambodge – soit marquée par le réveil de la conscience nationale khmère pour sauver la patrie en danger.
Que cette Nouvelle Année 2013 consacre l’union victorieuse de tous les patriotes khmers
épris de liberté et de justice!
Que cette Nouvelle Année 2013 soit l’année du Salut National permis par la victoire du peuple khmer!
Sam Rainsy
We need the brave one who can go around like
this in Srok Khmer not in other country, cuz khmer knong srok are waiting for the brave one. Need more people like Morm Sonando to face the injustice, not
the one who run away the injustice. Sonando alone
in prison will not have enough pressure from the outside world, you got it?.
តាមព្រុំដែនថៃ គេការពារព្រៃឈើគេ ដោយបាញ់សំលាប់ ពួកអាដង្កូវ
ជញ្ជក់បរិស្ថាន (ខ្ញុំមិនទ្រាំទ្រពួកអាបំផ្លាញព្រៃឈើទេ) តែតាមព្រុំដែន
យួនវិញ វាជួយពួកអាដង្កូវបំផ្លាញព្រៃឈើ ឲ្យរួចខ្លួន ដើម្បិឲ្យពួកវា
ស្រួលដើរចូល មកនៅស្រុកខ្មែរយើង គិតមើលទៅ តើចង់អស់ 4km2
ឬ ចង់ឲ្យខ្មែររលាយ ទួទាំងនគរ?
ដល់ពេលពឹងថៃហើយម្តងនេះ ព្រោះ US នៅពីក្រោយថៃ គ្រាន់បើជាង
ឲ្យ Hun Sen យកដីទៅឲ្យយួន (កុំរំពឹងស្ដេចខ្ទើយគ្នានបានការ).
ថៃគេរងចាំតែជួយ ឲ្យតែមានអ្នកក្លាហានណាមួយ ហ៊ានទៅរកគេ។
គេគ្រាន់តែចង់បានដី 4km2 នៅក្បែរព្រះវិហារតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ តែគេអាច
ជួយយើងយកដី ស្រុកខ្មែរទាំងមួល បូកទាំងកោះត្រុលមកឲ្យយើងវិញបាន។
6:50 AM, you are thinking very stupid!
need to hire tai army to rescue us from hun sen grip or is it uncle ho chow mein?
7:36 AM
I'm 6:50 AM
I'm just so frustrated with these thieve by selling our
ancestor land.
I am wishing Ms Theary Seng a very happy new year and in 2013.May the Lord your God bless you and your love ones a very happy year with joyful,healthy,happiness,prosperity and great wisdom.May God bless Srok Khmer and her people every where around the globe.
Uncle Ho understand that Sam Rainsy as well as Lotus Revolution leaders are so coward and scare to die for your Khmer Nation and Uncle Ho understand that Sam Rainsy and Lotus Revolution leaders are trying so hard to provoke young innocent Cambodians to die for them to be rich but young innocent Cambodians will not die for you people (Sam Rainsy and Lotus Revolution leaders) to be rich anymore as they have learn enough of bullshit lessons from the past and present.
Young innocent Cambodians are so smart not to die creating another opportunity for you people to be rich because they know very well that Sam Rainsy and Lotus Revolution leaders are so coward and scare to die but using them to do the dirty work to create another opportunity for you people (Sam Rainsy and Lotus Revolution leaders) to be rich in government.
If Sam Rainsy and Lotus Revolution leaders are truth patriot, why don't they just come to Cambodia and lead the revolution and dare to die to show young innocent Cambodians, how patriot they are. Why??? Or they are opportunistic who is waiting for opportunity at very safe places and champagnes to pop up.
Prove Uncle Ho wrong by action not by words because our Vietnamese’s hero dare to die to protect Vietnam interest and action speak far better than words that is why We are Vietnamese own Angkor Watt temples and Koh Tral, not by using words but real action and real sacrificed of our heroes with lose count. Unlike Sam Rainsy can’t even find justice for his followers.
Uncle Ho will guarantees that Sam Rainsy and all Lotus Revoltion leaders won’t dare to die for the Khmer because they are so afraid of losing their opportunity to be rich in Cambodia government, once day.
I miss./;/-/.you know...ok...really...god bless cambodia...
Who killed you know, ok, really?
I am playing game until I can not come home.
I hope Kim Sokha will be Prime Minister instead of me, I knew Kim Sokha history but what can I do ? I have to let Kim Sokha run election because Kim Sokha knew Hun Sen very well.
I am retire for the rest of my life in France, oh I forgot who is lotus revolution leader? I saw they campaign in webside but I did not see in person or any activities on the ground like during Khmer Rough revolution.
Please do not wait for result and toss champagne to celebrate the lost of life and good position.
if you want me to do say lough and clear as I do not many year to live.
9:11 AM,
Yah! what happened to him?
2013 is the year that fugitive Sam Rainsy's political career comes to the end :) Please enjoy life after politics and wait to see opposition will be crashing defeated in the election on 28 July this year.
Pi Anh.
និងជាអ្នកជួយទប់ជើងគ្រែអោយអា ហ៊ន សែន!
Please delete the nonsense comment of evil Yuon/Vietnameese Dog eater @8:59AM. Thank you!
To 8:59 AM,
WE will make your uncle Ho's dreams into your uncle Ho's nightmare !!!
Anonymous khmer ក្នុងស្រុក said...
7:36 AM
I'm 6:50 AM
I'm just so frustrated with these thieve by selling our
ancestor land.
8:26 AM
Bamboo Raft!
Stop being a coward and return home, do not wast
time or if you so scare being arrest alone bring all the
support from all the 3rd countries with you at one
time, see if this croc government can do anything to
the group. They don't have enough prison for all of
us if all come at one. Plus lots of khmer knong srok
are waiting for this opportunity.
កុំកេ្អងកា្អងពេក ពួកអាឆ្កែបំរើ ខ្ញុំកញ្ជះដាច់ថ្លៃពួក
អាយួនកន្ទប ។ ពួកអាដែងខ្លាំងដល់សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ
ក៍ដោយសារមានពួកអាប្រែតយួនកន្ទបជួយទេ មិន
ណា ?។
រន្ទមនុស្ស មិនមែនរន្ទឆ្កែទេ ហើយ មានសមត្ត
ភាពមែន ពួកអាដែង កុំប្រើច្បាប់ព្រៃតាមបញ្ជារ
របស់ពួកអាចៅហ្វាយនាយឯងរាល់គ្នា ។ ដេញ
ពួកអាពួកអាកន្ទបអស់ហ្នុងចេញពីទឹកដី កុំឲពួកវា
បញ្ជារពីក្រោយខ្នង ។ ទុកឲពួកអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ
ទាំងអស់ នឹង គូរប្រកួតរបស់ខ្លួនចូលស្រុកដោយ
សេរី ហើយ ឈរតទល់គ្នាឲរាស្រ្គបោះឆ្នោតដោយ
សេរី ត្រឹមត្រូវ យុត្តិធម៌មើល តើអ្នកណាឈ្នះ ?។
បើចិត្តសឿងកូនម៉ែ ធ្វើបែបហ្នឹងទៅ បើពុំនោះទេ
វាពិតជាកូនឆ្កែ កើតចេញពីគូថឆ្កែមែនហើយ ។
បើជាកូនឆ្កែទេ កុំមកធ្វើអ្នកដឹកនាំស្រុកខ្មែរទៀត រត់ទៅធ្វើកូនឆ្កែឯស្រុកយួនវិញទៅ បើពុំនោះទេ
គង់តែស្លាប់ដូចខ្មោចឆ្កែដោយសារស្នាដៃប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរស្លូតត្រង់ ។ ដោយសារច្បាប់ធម្មជាតិផ្តន្ទា
ទោស នឹង ដោយសារពាកបណ្តាសារបស់អ្នករង
គ្រោះទាំងអស់ ក្នុងពេលឆាប់ ៗ មិនខាន ។
Using perseverance, persistence, and get rid of bad perception from our mind to save our motherland.
We need to strengthen our mind and start emancipating our country from this sickening Yuon's slave Hun Sen and his master Vietnam by firmly demanding Hun Sen to rescind any agreements relating to Angkor Wat between him and the thief Sok Kong.
If Hun Sen refuses, we commence a peaceful demonstration denouncing Hun Sen's act of treason about Angkor Wat.
Do the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramid, the Tah Mahal, etc… controlled by foreigners?
If not, Angkor Wat must not be controlled by a devil Yuon Sok Kong
We got to learn something from the painful history during the Pol Pot era.
During the Khmer Rouge regime, we stayed quite and let the Khmer Vietminh killed us at will – just hoping and praying that the Khmer Vietminh were not going to kill us. That mistake has led Vietnam to conquer Cambodia and installed its puppet government.
Likewise, this time, allowing the Khmer Vietminh to kill our soul or spirit will not help Khmer people and Cambodia either. Angkor wat is Khmer soul and we have tacitly let Vietnam kill it. We have not mounted any fierce fight against this neo-colonialist Vietnam about Angkor Wat.
To produce a different outcome, we got to insert a different input.
Staying quite – Som Ter Ross – has been our habit or norm (for some of our people). We got to change that if we want to see something bright for our country.
Protect whatever we feel is right for our country – make an ultimate sacrifice if necessary.
Hardening our mind by understanding clearly our weaknesses.
For our part, we must abandon these 3 notions:
1- “Ah Nah Kor Dauch Anar”. This saying implies that you accept the status quo: the one who is in power is good, no need to change. It is contrary to our thought.
2- “Oss Chet Heuy Reung Khmer”. This means you have no perseverance, no patience. Why do you “Oss Chet” when Vietnam is still swallowing Cambodia?
Perseverance and determination are the keys to help our motherland survive this monster Vietnam.
Think about this: how long did Vietnam plan to swallow Cambodia? If Vietnam has that “Oss Chet” attitude like us, it would not have accomplished its goal of colonizing Cambodia.
3- “Oss Chumneur Leu Khmer”. This statement is so irresponsible. You are Khmer and “you Oss Chum Neur Leu Khmer”? What is the adverse repercussion of such statement? It is enormous and catastrophic.
If you have not died and reincarnated to something that is not Khmer, you must have “Chum Neur Leu Khmer”. All Khmers are not the same; there are Khmer traitors and Khmer nationalists. Stop generalizing that all Khmers are bad and when you did that – all Khmers are bad - you have accidentally selected Vietnamese as your master.
Do not wait for somebody to drop from the sky to lead Cambodia, it will never happen. We must select Khmer to lead Khmer.
Bun Thoeun
Cher Trou de Cul Ho Chi Minh traite de la nation Yuon(Pi Anh),
Go Home YUon Ho Chi Minh, it is no place for you.I don't need YUON Ho Chi Minh.
Dr. Sam Rainsy,
We thank you for your leadership.
Please do not go to Cambodia yet at this time, because Dictator and Traitor Hun Sen WILL find ways to terminate you.
Keep drumming up our Nationalist causes with the international community.
As we all know, the Cambidia problems were created by Yuon expansionists. Stupid Khmer Vietminh Hun Sen is just their WORKING TOOL.
To prosper and to keep peace within, Vietnam, like Cambodia needs foreign monies and international supports.
You can hit Vietnam where it hurts !!!
Keep carrying the TORCH, we follow you to victory !!!
Long Live Kampucha !!!
Khmer Girl
2:38 AM,
WE don't want Mr. Sam Rainsy to go to Cambodia yet. Yuon's thug Hun Sen will destroy our Leader.
Let him solicit the supports of the international community.
7:49 AM,
WE don't need anybody.
We only need us.
We need Khmer UNITY.
Yuon divided us by using a Khmer traitor Hun Sen.
We must remove the Yuon's tool by votes and or by other means.
Khmer Who Loves Khmers
1:12 PM
Anh pee on Ah Pee Anh !!!
You are truely a Yuon's dog.
9:13 am
You're not right.
We don't want Jungle man Hun Sen kill our leader.
His brain and his leadership are extremely important to our cause.
Hun Sen is not the problem, Yuon is.
Yuon orders Hun Sen to make Mr. Sam Rainsy disappear in no time.
Definition of the word "Coward":
the coward is the person who use
guns to fight with those who
have no guns at all.
"Please enjoy life after politics and wait to see opposition will be crashing defeated in the election on 28 July this year..."
Hi, Ah Chhkout Pi Anh @ 1:12PM,
let me confirm with you Ah Chhkout Pi Anh, is it this year or every elections? Don't be stupid, everybody know that. It's your Vietcong plans of colonizing Cambodia with the Communist Vietcong barbarian.
But don't worry, your ASS and your Communist Vietcong barbarian plans will never succeed as long as real Khmer peoples still alive. That's right DUMB-ASS Communist Vietcong Barbarian.
Re. election, win or loose it's the same shit for CPP attitude never give-up power! So election is only on paper, DUMB-ASS! Why? Because your Communist Vietcong barbarian is everywhere in Cambodia.
"What a Shame for Communist Vietcong crocodiles"
"If Sam Rainsy and Lotus Revolution leaders are truth patriot, why don't they just come to Cambodia and lead the revolution and dare to die to show young innocent Cambodians, how patriot they are..."
Shut your ASS up Ah Communist Vietcong Barbarian @ 8:59AM,
If you and your puppet Ah Hun Shit are nothing but crocodiles, why should they want to see you, would you? Don't be stupid fuckin Communist Vietcong Barbarian.
All real Cambodian knew your plans very well, so stop being ASSHOLE! It never going to works. Go tell your mama your stories maybe she believe you. What a DUMB-ASS Communist Vietcong barbarian!
6:58 AM
Only words but no action
Sam Rainsy if you become our dog like your fellow Dr Lao Mong Hay than we allow you to come back into Cambodia but you have to be our dog. OK! Agree!
The actions start with you, Hyenas!
Just take all your communist Vietcong barbarians peoples back home, then you'll see actions.
Oppositions parties is not as stupid as you. Only you and your communist Vietcong barbarian is that stupid.
11:35 AM
It is doesn't matter what you are trying to say but the fact is Uncle Ho own Angkor Watt Temples and Koh Tral.
We are Vietnamese believe that if we can own Angkor Watt temples we can own the Khmer.
What are you gonna do now? Keep biching!
Now, listen up your maggots! Why is it so difficult for you dumbfuck to forget the past; the past is the past. Yes, all of you need to learn how to forget the past, and try not to dig up the past and cause trouble for Cambodia and its people, and instead have all of you come together and unite with your savior. Yes, with your savior (my strong-man Samdach Hun Sen), he the one who saved your sorry asses from the holocaust. Without your savior, you wouldn't have the occasion to chitchat with anh.
I'm relatively elated and ecstatic to have seen all of you killed each other over little thing, because you dumbfuck are NOTHING but another dumb and ignorant savage. In other words, you people are equivalent to "Panong" (Phnong). Is this how you sign up more opposition and other rivals for your cause.
In addition, it is critically imperative to remember to re-apply for your public assistance (food stamps and SSI)before the end of the month, because I don't want your children crying and cursing you because you don't have food on the table . Also, most importantly, whatever you do, don't forget your child-support payments, because I despise deadbeats. Sorry kids, I feel your PAIN.
Before I disappear from your ugly faces, I want to remind you that as the general election looms,I want ALL OF YOU vote for your savior (Samdach Decho). Remember he's the ONLY ONE who can save Cambodia from the suffering.
I recall three decades ago, Phnom Penh, the Cambodia's capital, as I marched into the city, it was punctuated by the emptiness of buildings and houses and filled with broken roads and bridges, and now the city has morphed into a proud, beautiful and vibrant city. I'm certain that you can guess who transformed this ghost city into a beautifully developed city.
As a democratic country, we not only an ASEAN member, but the chair of ASEAN. Because of this remarkable achievement, we have received numerous praises around the world, even the leader of the free world (Barak Obama) and other leaders. Yes, you dumbfuck should be proud with all these achievements. Remember it is okay to be critical, but it is not okay to be cynical, particular with my government and country. Again, I welcome criticism, but not cynicism. hahahah Pi Anh.
7:36 AM,
I wouldn't waste my time go to the pool staion DUMB-ASS. Why? Because your father Ah Hun Shit is a Dicktator not real Cambodian leader.
Election is only on paper DUMB-ASS. Can't even fix NEC, you call that election? If you don't know shit, don't say shit. Stop lying to yourself fucking communist Vietcong Barbarian!
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