Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Opposition Lawmakers Forgo Medal Ceremony

By Mean Veasna, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
08 April 2008

Twenty-four opposition lawmakers boycotted a ceremony Tuesday where National Assembly members were giving themselves medals.

The medals were to be issued to each lawmaker for "positive work" during the past legislative session. The next legislative session will not take place until after July's general election.

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy said his party "did not want to receive this kind of medal, because such medals are nonsense and valueless.

"Contrarily, I think that it is a shame for those who wear these medals," he said. "It is not an honor, because, in general, those who receive the medal are especially tainted, people with illegal businesses, and we do not want to compare ourselves with those people."

The party recommended in a statement that the National Assembly use its time to strengthen its capacity in order to improve social and moral values, through passing an anti-corruption law and pushing the government to apply responsibility for the national interest.

Lawmaker Chiem Yeap, of the ruling Cambodian People's Party, said the opposition's attitude, posting the statement and boycotting the ceremony, was in contempt of the king.

"The king signed the royal decree allowing the medal, via a proposal of the National Assembly medal committee," said Chiem Yeap, who is a deputy in the committee.

The SRP said in its statement the medal was given to several people, including foreign and Cambodian businessmen, as well as officials, and among them were "good people" and "criminals," like drug traffickers, smugglers, illegal loggers and land grabbers.

The medal did not represent merit, the statement said, but money and power.

Tuesday's medal ceremony came at the end of this five-year legislative term.

New lawmakers will meet again after the elections. The National Assembly failed again this session to pass a much-anticipated anti-corruption law.


Anonymous said...

An act of too extreme!!!

Instead of refusal, but except, and Sam Rainsy's PMs may go ahead use this ceremony or to create a posture site to display or to express in their whatever views in public regarding the medals. They can create a bullentin posted showing invalid/disgrace medals along with their opinions but not toward the whole institution.

This action is equal to an act of disrecognition/discrescpect to their jobs as well as their institution they work for. In this case why do they decide to stay as PM members? SRP on this issue has shown very poor judgment. some people may see different on this issue.

Like some US soldiers object to IRAQ war but decide to serve in the war anyway because of the obligation of being a soldiers. My nephew didn't like IRAQ war from the beginning but he got wounded while served in IRAQ and received a medal of honor. He didn't refuse the medal. He said the medal represents the institution but persons who make decision to go to war are not good.

Anonymous said...

For once,SRP nails it like it is. This calls TKO without a punch,

Anonymous said...

Odorous persons wear fragrant water
Poor persons wear jewlries
Proud persons wear dignity

Go you, all proud persons!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let be real for once! Tell me of AH HUN SEN achievement for Cambodia and dirt poor Cambodian people! And of course some of the Vietcong slave will come out with a list of AH HUN SEN endless achievement!

I have heard a lot of talk how Cambodia is recovering from the years of turmoil, the war, and the instability which AH HUN SEN himself help create since 1979! Even with the foreign aid around $500 million a year to support Cambodia and AH HUN SEN still get all the credit for Cambodian progress! Well, I will be damned and lightning will strike me for not telling the truth that Cambodia is entering an exploitation and corruption stage under AH HUN SEN dictatorial regime! I really hate to see Cambodia create in the image of AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave which he wanted it very bad and he even go as far to personify himself as Cambodian King as Sdac Korn!

I want all Cambodian people to understand one thing about AH HUN SEN as Cambodian leader! As a leader of Cambodia AH HUN SEN job is to make life harder or easier for dirt poor Cambodian people and that is it and all he can do is talk and talk and more talk!

So whatever AH HUN SEN bestow upon Cambodian people is just a token recognition! Why do I say it is a token recognition because Cambodia is still the poorest nation in the world and that is the real AH HUN SEN achievement! Tell me that I am wrong!

I wasn’t fool who was born yesterday! So in this case, I support the Opposition Lawmakers to forgo Medal Ceremony!

Anonymous said...

To me, the medals are a form of bribery, to soften their hearts for the ruling party's demands or to formulate a favor own to the ruling party.

Anonymous said...

ITS good that someone speak up and tell them like it.

The medal had no value. The medal is worst then a clown's suit.

I wouldn't wear it even I was paid to wear it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if someone don't want it, just take it and give it to me, alright? I am sure I can make a few dollars from it.

Anonymous said...

Attitudes and comments held by deputies of the party sam rainsy to have refused these medals are despicable of the parliamentary function which they represent, and make insult for the authority of the National Assembly.

What mean these acts and these comments of the deputies of sam rainsy party?
Are these deputies in the service of the country? Respect institutions?
They imagine rebellion or at war against the authorities?

Democracy and political pluralism also mean respect for the political institutions of the country and the dignity of its functions.

Attitudes and comments of the deputies of the sam rainsy party are inadmissible and deserve sanctions to disciplinairy.

Anonymous said...

Whatever! AH HUN SEN controls everything in Cambodia including your head! If there are any insult and it would be an insult toward AH HUN SEN Vietcong puppet government!