Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Letter from Reader Ros Visal from Philadelphia

SRP march on August 4, 2009 following the verdict handed down to Mrs. Mu Sochua (Photo: SRP)

Dear Mr. Sam Rainsy, Mrs. Mu Sochua, Dedicated Committees, All SRP’s Members and Supporters in Cambodia:

On behalf of the second generation Cambodian/American from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) we thank lord Buddha for you, your courage, tenacity and vigilance.

Since the deliberate attack to you, our members and supporters on August 4, 2009, Walk for Justice Rally in Phnom Penh with Mrs. Mu Sochua, you have been deployed around the world and have demonstrated that you can win psychological battle against the injustice governance system by the current unethical ruling government.

The effects of your courage on that liberation rally in Phnom Penh are reverberating throughout the world. In short, you have given rise to the bright light of liberty in places where darkness has reign Cambodia for generations.

More than 200 years ago. The first president of the United States, George Washington in his First Inaugural Address: "The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people." Now you are passing on that sacred fire to Cambodians and others throughout the region.

You Patriots --Mr. Sam Rainsy, Mrs. Mu Sochua, Committees, Friends, Families, Members and Supporters-- have plowed the ground for liberty. We remain proud because you have stood bravely in harm's way and remain on post today. For this, we, the Cambodian/American People, offer our heartfelt thanks in your dignity to our nation. Although we grew up and live in America, we committed to support for you and SRP every day 100%.

Today, although we are safe but we do not forget those who suffered behind.


Ros Visal
Philadelphia, PA


Anonymous said...

Hey Ah Khmer in Philadelphia, PA stop causing problem against Cambodian govenrment.

Angkorian Krama Man

Anonymous said...

Ahkorian Krama Man 2:37 AM.
Wow, there's actually an idiot out there supporting CPP, THE CORRUPTED GOVERNMENT (how much are they paying you?). Cambodian current ruling government, CPP is the one causig problems with it's people and nation! They steal fom our people and sell our land! EVERYONE GREE?

CPP, have no ehtics! All CPP supporters have no integrity, honesty and justice! With todays society, we don't need to strenghten violence! Cambodia needs no strong man but stronger institutions, and push for the passing of corruption laws which is long overdue. CPP must be replace, for any hope to save our little people and country.....

It is sad that strenght beats brains in Cambodia. This must be reverse!

Anonymous said...

To 2:54 AM,

Yes! You didn’t know that…there is lot of Cambodian who support the Cambodian People Party in Cambodia I believe there is more abroad. Yes! This idiot supports CPP and Yes! CPP pays me daily for my living NOT Ah Rainsy and Mee Mu Sochua. And you get pay by Sam Rainsy party right? How much per month? You live abroad right? Corruption is every where not just in Cambodia.

Also I cut and paste my written to share with you again. Sorry this too long for you to read.

About Me! I Don't realy particular care concerning Khmer Rouge's case.

Yes! I can assure you that I was a Khmer Rouged cadre, I jointed the soldier on May 1974 in the jungle I was 16 year old of age and also, my uncle jointed Khmer Rouge soldier since 1970 when we captured Angkor Wat temple and the vicinity were closed. During the Vietnam invaded 1979 I immediately ran to Thailand I had a Thai wife and letter on devoice her because she refused to live in Cambodia with me. She loved me because the way I looked and attracted to her. I was a young good-looking Black Khmer man that time. I learned English all years around. I was a young Cambodian smart led who had been helped and saved people lives even thought I was a Khmer Rouge cadre. I hate Chackrupot Americ because they bombed and did not help my country. Khmer Rouges NOT all were uneducated as to what you and other people state here in this forum. Currently, I live in Cambodia, I work at night shift sometime day shift thus I am able to communicate with you guy here (KI Media news) and enjoy providing any comments, suggestions and respect to the people. We all Khmers (Khmer Rouge), stop accusing too much on Khmer Rouge, it’s not going to any good. I wish the country could turn back to day one again, because I hate people.

Note: if you write long sentence like a whole book, I don’t have time to read it. Thanks)

(Note: if you post long sentence like a book, I won’t have time to read it. Thanks)

Angkorian Krama Man

Anonymous said...

Ah Krama Man...Just shut your mouth up....

Khmer P.Penh

Anonymous said...

to ankorian,
soome thoose loke ankorian, mdech kor how kyom ah! pourk kyom nov philadelpha min mane oss rir kow chaer thea. kmean sel-la-tor soss!
Philadlephia is a major city not a jungle where you came from!

That's right, you are cpp! CPP have no integrity!

you quote, "you hate people"
that's why you talk such a jugle language just like your leader, Hun Xen. If you hates people that much, why don't you just kill yourself! so you can be away from people.

no, i don't get pay from any body from cambodia. i wrote with my true heart and honored. i am not a sold out like you! i only do what's right! money is not everything, it's only a whole wold to people like you, destroying your own nation.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To: Angkorian Krama Man

I have a JOKE!!! for you today.
Just relax and refresh you mind. I need you to join me at the bar. You'll be the THIRD person okay.

Three men are at a bar and two of the men are talking about the control they have over their wives, while the third remains silent.

The third man turns to the first two and says, "Well, I'll tell you, just other day I had her on her knees."

The first two men were dumbfounded.

"WOW! What happened next?" they asked.

The third man takes a healthy swig of his beer, sighs and mutters, "Then she started screaming, 'Get out from under the bed and fight like a man!'"


Anonymous said...

I love you guy my KHMER brothers/sisters out there all over the world. Keep on writing KHMER script and showed our KHMER people those who don't know how to read/write/speak. Believe me some of those kids that born abroad don't know not even 1 KHMER script. Most kids from abroad speak majority of English, French, German, nor Dutch.

I've learnt so fast every times open this up. I called my dad/mom read it for me. That how I learnt it very fast. GO to YOUTUBE and GOOGLE and you will learn alot more than you think. I taught myself from computer no class has taken.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ហេ អា Angkorian Krama Man

ស្ដាប់បាន ៖


Anonymous said...

Mr. Sam Rainsy is shouting out in that regard. Matter of fact, he's the only leader stand up for our people. Where's is Hun Xen? Siting at home shining his balls? Hun Xen don't care about the citizens. He don't even care about his mom. All true Cambodians hope he get strike by a lighting very soon.

Anonymous said...

the person who wrote this letter is none scent just like musokhu and somrangsy they can not win the heart of cambodian people by election so they turn their head around to the us .let me ask you what have they achive in developing cambodia? have they ever spend a dollar on building school or hospital for the poor people in cambodia??? not a cent! i tell you what mu sokhu and somrangsy is rich people especially somrangsy he got more then $100 million deposit in franc i never see him spend a dollar to the poor people in cambodia ,they have to do this so the us and euroupean union would give them money if they stay quite they arn't get nothing. a party withought an proper office how would you so trust in them? none scen

Anonymous said...

Retarded picture above!