Saturday, October 17, 2009

Regarding Rule No. 60 of the KRT Internal Rules

Let me have a say!

16 October 2009
Op-Ed by Ly Diep
Angkor Borei – The Khmer Voice Overseas
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
Click here to read the article in Khmer

  • On 25 September 2009, the Khmer Rouge Tribunal (KRT) already issued its summonses to a group of 6 former KR leaders – Chea Sim, Heng Samrtin, Keat Chhon, Hor Namhong, Ouk Bun Chhoeun and Sim Ka – asking them to come in and act as witnesses in the crimes against humanity and war crimes that took place under the “Democratic Kampuchea” (DK or KR) regime between 1975 and 1979.
  • In response to these summonses, it is not known yet whether these 6 former KR leaders will show up at the KRT or not, or whether they will try to evade it through various excuses.
  • Phay Siphan, Sok An’s spokesman, reacted by saying: “These summonses are ‘not necessary’ because there are many lucid witnesses and many documents already.” On the other hand, Khieu Kanharith, the minister of Information and spokesman for the government led by the most senior KR leader along the eastern shore of the Mekong River in 1977 by the name of “Hun Sen”, is contradicting the claim made by his boss who said: “They (high ranking government officials) were the ones who toppled the Pol Pot regime, and they were the ones who ratified the law putting the KR leaders on trial, and if they become witnesses, the accused will be even deader.” Hun Sen added: So where is justice? I’m thinking: Shoot! What are they doing? This is a legal problem for the tribunal, but the major problem that I understand is that the accusers are now turned into the witnesses, so wouldn’t the accused be dead?” (sic).
  • Khieu Kanharith attacked the KRT officials by saying: “The international officials working at the KRT, they can pack their clothes and go home if they are not pleased with this decision” (sic). The decision that Khieu Kanhrith mentioned is in fact the government’s “stance”, i.e.: The 6 former KR leaders can show up in court on a “voluntary basis” only. He! He!
  • Rule No. 60 of the KRT’s internal rules stipulates that: “Any person who has been summoned by the Co-Investigating Judges as a witness must appear. In the case of refusal to appear, the Co-Investigating Judges may issue an order requesting the Judicial Police to compel the witness to appear.”
  • Ha! Therefore, we understand that the tribunal knows what it is doing! With Chea Sim and Heng Samrin fulfilling the role of the “legislative branch leaders”, they must set themselves as example to show to the Cambodian people that “they respect the law” with utmost perfection, unlike the time when they could do what they wanted during the “DK” regime era.
  • Come to think of it, these people can twist and turn any way they please. They are already in the driving seat as far as the Cambodian court is concerned – from the top all the way to the bottom – and now, do they think that they are also in the driving seat of the KRT as well? If they really want to … let them steer it (!!) Furthermore, they should also ask King Sihanouk to come and steer the KRT with them as well (!!), but first and foremost, don’t forget to lift their parliamentary immunities first (!!)


Anonymous said...

Khmer song

Anonymous said...

The "righteous will live forever and wickedness will be terminated" Bible says, so repent yourself now before its too late. No one in this world can escape from any injustice act."Be true to yourself and to others, only then you too can live in peace" Buddha's wisdom of life. Please pass this information onto our new generations so that they too can live forever and ever with God. Life is too short, might as well do good ok. Aust

Anonymous said...

As some folks have reminded others, living overseas, to be aware not to fall into the trap of Yuons, I wonder how do they see and think about the governing body of Cambodia today, which comprises half Yuons and half Khmers? Are those khmers falling into the Yuons' trap or not?

Anonymous said...

In previous comment blog, one folk mentioned that, perhaps someone has had some problems with Ly Diep. Of course, they (and alot, not just someone) do have some problems. As far as I barely know:

1-Personal problem- Neung Seung, ex MP of Takeo or Svay Rieng (/); Men Bunna, the editor in-chief of Khemara Times.

2-Social problems-Yeras ago, Ly Diep wrote to express his strong objection against Hun Se's fawning clowns, all of whom are living in Long Beach, and who wanted to hold their Khmer New Year parade on April 17 of that year.

Recently, Watt Khmer Irap has had a financial problem, and Ly Diep probaly take the side of the majority Buddhist monks, and not the side of the thieves. In addition, Ly Diep had written many articles mentioning some thieves' name in each of his article. Folks will see some of the thives'comment respoding to mine soon. Correct me if I'm wrong about I barely know.

Anonymous said...

correction: ...about what I barely know

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen raises a good legal question. Can an accuser become a withness to the crime. Yes and No. Yes, since the 6 people mentioned were victims of the crime, therefore they can appear as withnesses. No, the 6 people can't be withnesses to the crime because they wrote the law to prosecute the accusers.
Because of the conflicting of roles of the 6 people, they are prejudiced and cannot be impartial witnesses to the crime.
Law Observer

Anonymous said...

To Khmer Rouge supporters

Ah PPU aka Ah Anthony
Ah New Phally
Ah Khmer-Australian
Ah Krama Man
Ah Thana
Ah Thes Meas
Ah Mercedez Benz (Identity Thief)
Ah Rorleay 

You're support Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples.
Please do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.

I am very disappointed that not one of Khmer Rouge supporters have any comment about the six Khmer Rouge leaders summon by Khmer Rouge Tribunal court.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice. 

Anonymous said...

lok puu ly diep is an educated man. he writes according to what he sees.

i don't know him but i have learned much from what he has been written. he usually cites the sources and anyone can't have any reasonable argument against him until they first check the sources first.

i wish him healthy and longivity!

Anonymous said...

Ly ngoc dinh/diep is not credable anymore after he hijacked Khmer newspaper and insulted Khmers for years. His new strategies don't change the majority of Khmers's views around the world. Don't brag we already knew what are Youn?

Anonymous said...

11:50AM can't rib money from khmer temple off any more,loss of revenue.
Some one stole temple charity money they will become to be vaulters in the next life.

Anonymous said...

you keep talking about "we" and "majority", which you probably have been confusing yourself. Let me ask you a very simple question, "Does the article point out any truth about the political situation in question?"

If you agree that the article had stated some truth, then what is your point?

Or perhaps, you just one of the few that have own "unresolved personal issues" against just about anyone.

Go do some readings, research, write your own political opinions and let the public take a lick at it, or best just go to school!

Anonymous said...

Ly ngoc dinh/diep is no longer interested me. He is no difference form his Youn people.

That's right the majority of my Khmer people who knew Ly Ngoc Dinh is not KK but Youn.

Now you are bragging that you are the only person who do the reading and searching?

Anonymous said...

Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep has never blamed his Youn who created the genocide in Cambodia like Baphoun wrote; Ngoc Dinh/Diep's mission is to attack only Khmers so he can divide Khmers not to unite. He plays god at oversea and his Youn inside Cambodia play god with Hun Sen thugs.

Hun Sen thugs said Youn inside Cambodia are nice and humble saved them, and some Khmers oversea said Youn Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep is humble and good man writes the truth, yep the truth by Youn.

Youn are good in playing gods to deceive some Khmers.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Baphoun is Khmer and Ly Ngoc Dinh/Yiep was a new comer from Vietnam and he became a Cambodian citizen of Viet decent. He was not Khmer Krom, but most Viets would use KK as their pretexts to enter Cambodia even though they are not KK. There were never Khmer Krom in the name Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep but Vietnamese.

Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep just changed his new strategies after he was harshly attacked by Khmer oversea from Europe, Aussie and US for reading his insulting Khmer leaders who tried to free Cambodia from his Viet invaders.

Some thugs extremists at oversea defend Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep and the thugs in Cambodia defend the Viet invaders in Cambodia.

Ly Ngoc Dinh is a good Viet spy at least he convinces some of these thugs at oversea to believe him; and these thugs are so happy to read this Viet spy cursing & blaming Khmer King.

Imagine Ly Ngoc Dinh didn't have to work with any company in the US, but writes propagandas to divide Khmers still he is able to survive easily.

Anonymous said...

As some folks have reminded others, living overseas, to be aware not to fall into the trap of Yuons, I wonder how do they see and think about the governing body of Cambodia today, which comprises half Yuons and half Khmers? Are those khmers falling into the Yuons' trap or not?

Anonymous said...

Why you afraid !!!!!
You must be involve too to be afraid from court.
You are just witness why afraid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck you all khmer killer

Anonymous said...

Not much comment on the actual article here surely.
Do khmers not criticise other khmers on here-what was the background of these six chaps?
Does anyone care?

Ly Diep said...

Dear Lok 9:25 PM.
Thank you for your comment, but I do not have a problem with Lok Noeung Sin or Lok Men Bunna.
Ly Diep

PS: For those who have accused me as YUON SPY,
please state your name so we can set up a location
and time for a public meeting so I can disprove all
of the evidence.

Anonymous said...

Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep is Vietnamese regardless what his citizen status.
He only writes the things we Khmers knew, some folks are fooled by him, but many of us aren't.

He thinks that we are stupid. The world internet is the fastest techonology and we can just jump on the chair do the search and find out on our own, we don't need this Viet spy Ly Ngoc to tell us about out country.

Why didn't this Viet spy Ly Ngoc post the sources of the problems started from his hero Phan Boi Chau, Ho Chi Minh ..and whereabout, bla bla, who created Youn Rouge then KR and LR, but this guy is purely YOUN SPY who persists to pinpoint on Khmer leaders who fought to free Cambodia from his Youn.
The genocide in Cambodia was created by his Youn. Ask for Dossier then see Stalin-Ho what those billion of dollars coming from. Ah jumkourt Sot Polin and his gangs sold the spirits to Youn still didn't know?

ECCC should call Youn government to testify and call some members of UN who took bribes from Youn to testify too.

Anonymous said...

To Law Observerve 10:53

People like you make me sick.

"Hun Sen raises a good legal question. Can an accuser become a withness to the crime. Yes and No. Yes, since the 6 people mentioned were victims of the crime, therefore they can appear as withnesses. No, the 6 people can't be withnesses to the crime because they wrote the law to prosecute the accusers.
Because of the conflicting of roles of the 6 people, they are prejudiced and cannot be impartial witnesses to the crime."

You have to understand that criminal doesn't play game by the rule.  Which means that these criminals responsible for killing almost two million innocent Khmer peoples, for the last thirty years they are in power therefore they are law makers.  One of the six Khmer Rouge name Hor Numhong who is a prison chief of Boeung Trobaek denial that he had any part in Khmer Rouge Regime.

Don't tell me about "conflicting of roles", if the six responsible for killing innocent Khmer peoples, the UN Khmer Rouge Tribunal court must indict these Khmer Rouges.

Ly Diep said...

Dear Lok anonymous Law Observer,
You are very right, SIR !!! And please don't be
too excited. These 6 ex-KR were witnesses for ECCC
only !! We must wait and see, don't we ?
Ly Diep

Ly Diep said...

Dear Lok 2:48,
I am questioning your NATIONALISM and your COURAGE, SIR.
Please state your name so we can set up a location
and time for a public meeting so I can disprove all
of the evidence.
And please may I ask you to give me the names of
the members of UN who took bribes from Youn.
Ly Diep

Anonymous said...

The place where peoples lies the most is inside a court room.

Hor Numhong lies to a French judge that he doesn't have any part in Khmer Rouge Regime and also said in fact, members of his families was killed by Khmer Rouges.

According to Document Center of Cambodia (DC Cam), Hor Numhong is a prison chief of Boeung Trobaek.

Ly Diep said...

Dear Lok 2:48AM,
I know you don't have all the NAMES of those UN Members in the ECCC.
Please be responsible and be honest to yourself.
And please don't bluff and go BLA BLA around !
Ly Diep

Anonymous said...

Hahahahhaahhhahahhhahahhahahhaha Look at shit talker about try to defame Ly Diep,but when Ly Diep ask for the name and set up the time and appointment to clarify he or she just shut up ,what a pathetic person is that like to defame character of person and shit talker and it turn to be real action freaking out.
I'm not Ly Diep friend but just his readers like some khmer else that like to read to observe my self to the even and what is going on in mother land.
In my personal observing the one that accused Ly Died.
The vaulters,the Pre`tes that can't steal charity's money donation to the khmer temples,and lost their jobs from stealing to make extra money for their personal greed.
#2 Sihaknuk mouth pieces that taking khmer through killing field left over two million death and the survivors living in the miserable s and afraid to face the truth,trying defending the boss with blindly eyes ,so spread all the rumors and baseless facts to ruin one to the others.
#3Hun Sen dogs,Like new phally ,khmer Australia,krama kroham and death search PPU(piss pee urine) who confused the readers in KIMedia from white to black ,but thanks Cambodian people today are smarter than bull shitter thinking the harder that they try the deeper down that they can sink.
Do not confuse ,I'm not Ly Diep friend but reader Fan

Anonymous said...


I think you may be the fake nick names like Vichet, or Heng Soy or Socheata or Khhmer Young or all members of KI who are working for the interest of Youn. Whoever you are, you are still Youn's tools just like Hun Sen and his thugs in Cambodia.

I checked in google I found a few that this Youn Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep has always asked readers who read his hatred posts to face him, but Ly Ngoc Dinh wouldn't dare to tell the true his Youn Hero like Phan Boi Chau through his hero Ho Chi Minh created KR or he wouldn't dare to say his Youn create the genocide in Cambodia either. But ah kantorb Ly Ngoc Dinh vows to atatck and curse Khmer King every day, and he is not even Khmer or Khmer Krom.

I never heard a crook would admit he is a crook, so why Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep needs to?

Great carry on your faithful duty to this Youn Spy Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep, because Hun Sen and CPP also carry on the same as you are.

I am not falling into either one of Youn propagandas pretending to smooth my eyes and ears.

I am a crazyglue but not crazy to be bought by Youn spies and Youn propagandas.

Ly Diep said...

Dear Lok 8:25 AM,
Angkor Borei News was established since 1985.
I wrote a lot of the documents that you are asking
for in Black and White.
Please state your name so we can set up a location
and time for a public meeting so I can disprove all
of the evidence.
Ly Diep

Anonymous said...

8:25am Sihaknuk (khmer king of killer) mouth piece admitted

Anonymous said...

Ly Ngoc Dinh or Diep or Yiep whatever your Vietnamese name is.
Those recipients you sent e-mail to, many hate you and many circulating e-mail across the world telling each others that you are Youn spy.

Here is how they don't trust you. First Many Khmer Krom said you were not Khmer krom.

Two: your name Ly Ngoc Dinh is not Khmer Krom but Youn name.

Three: you don't go to work besides publishing hate news cursing Khmer King at the same time the Youn spreading propagandas attacking Khmer King.

Fourth, your biased Newpaper never addressed about the Youn have never left Cambodia since in
mid-16th century; and Phan Boi Chau through Ho Chi Minh were already created Youn Rouge, Khmer Rouge and Laos Rouge in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos behind French back supported by Stalin.

Fifth: what was your mission to move from your native land Vietnam to Cambodia and then infiltrated into Gen Lon Nol's army and hiding the facts your Vietnamese government who were the ones who created the mess and created the genocide in Cambodia?

Khmer people who read online but chose not to reply are too many, they knew what you are up to.

To accuse Khmer King that he killed his own people, what Kingdom he fought for if all his people died? Are you really that crazy? I don't think you are because you get a talent to recruit a few Khmer extremists to follow you.

Why don't spend time to write your very own Vietnamese history in Khmer Newspaper so every body can understand about your background instead of bothering us for everything we already knew and saw?
What is big deal about you are hijacking Khmer Newspaper, if your compatriot Sok Kong also hijacking Angkor Wat and Cambodian governmnet?
You pretend to blame Hun Sen and pretend to call your own government "Youn" this and that, when you knew darn well that Hun Sen has no shit power, if your Vietnamese government does not give him a green light?

Your Youn created genocide you blame Khmers. Your Youn control Cambodia for 500 years you blamed on Khmers. Khmer Kings tried to free his country, your Youn blamed on Khmers, but Youn were the ones who created the genocide.

You can brainwash members of KI and a few like the radical extemists Hin Sithan, KC, Guechse.. but we aren't fooled by your Vietnamese propagandas.

Great the owner of Khmer newspaper has Youn name called Ly Diep (Ly Ngoc Dinh).

Anonymous said...

I hate the monarchy priest 12;24PM Sihaknuk did kill his people ,he hide youn out in Cambodia to fight with US,he feed youn with tons tons of food medicine,weapons supplied to youn he fuck with you Monique Crazee and you claimed Sihaknuk good,your mother fucker must be insane and retarded.
Go down ah mei ah thong
Go down the monarchy whom farming on it citizen back to survive!
Go down to all knee jerks!

Anonymous said...

with youn correction12:39

Anonymous said...

Because of ah sdach pleu cause youn to control Cambodia,have the nerve to defense Sihaknuk the international crime against human in Cambodia. So the defender and the crime committee the panel code of international laws are a bout to get punishment the same weight.

Ly Diep said...

Dear Lok 12:24 PM
I am questioning your NATIONALISM and your COURAGE, SIR.
Please state your name so we can set up a location
and time for a public meeting so I can disprove all
of the evidence.
Ly Diep
PS: Never mind about I was this or that. I will show you when we meet.

Anonymous said...

Ngoc Dinh/Diep.

You waste people time. You have asked Khmer people like that before, we found in google, but you can't change people's minds. They already knew you are not KK but Youn.

Post your Vietnamese history so some Khmer extremists who followed you can udnerstand when your Youn goverment started to create the Youn Rouge, KR and LR.

And write your very own biography when you entered Cambodia and why did you infiltrate in Lon Nol's army?

Anonymous said...

Hi youn kantorb 12:51 pm.
We heard more than enuf your song.

Anonymous said...

If you had enough do not listen or bother to read it just close your mother fucker ears and eyes up,and please no one invite your fucking low syndrome monarchy off sprint and Sihaknuk ball liker here .we are republican we no need that idiot who farm on our back or kdo ta mouy kondouy penh vaing ah roit ah reay doch dogs.
You got it the durst under Sihaknuk feet?

Anonymous said...

Actually, Ly Diep shouldn't respond to some idiots above more than twice. Just ignore those Sihanouk's and Hun Sen fawning clowns comments.

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep is Vietnamese name, and he was not Khmer Krom, and since he was born in Vietnam it makes him Vietnamese the spy.
Just a few Khmers who make comments to the Viet spy Dinh/Diep whereas the rest don't bother with this Viet spy.