November 25, 2009
Op-Ed by R. Visal
Mr. Sam Rainsy is elected representative of the Cambodian people by Cambodian people. Unconstitutional lifting his parliamentary immunity is stitching the mouth of all vulnerable Cambodian victims.
In Cambodia, where peaceful political activity is severely restricted, media are censored, and freedom of speech is sharply limited, thousands of citizens aiming to promote these basic human rights have also been harassed, arrested, imprisons or physically assaulted.
This is obvious the government is total lack of accountability. The Cambodian government has proven it’s unreliable. There is no authority that will come in and correct a situation gone wrong.
Who do people call when something goes wrong? If call the government, they ignore the call, who is in charge and who cares? Their selectmen? Their members of congress? The state or federal agencies?
Although I grew up and living abroad, I understand how people in Cambodia feel when government unethically take control of their resources, their land and their lives. People have no voice, no choice.
Voice means your right to free speech. Choice means exercising that right because freedom of speech is most certainly rights worth having. If you don't use your voice ... you've got no choice.
Mr. Sam Rainsy is one of the most outspoken figures for Cambodian countless victims. He has devoted much time and energy to the often dangerous task of leading a courageous crusade for justice in our homeland and helping the poor and vulnerable victims of abuses and injustices.
Therefore, I would like to urge and anticipate all Cambodian public unite to support Mr. Sam Rainsy and fights as unity to restore his parliamentary immunity to protect our people voice, which is the basic value of human rights in our homeland.
R. Visal
Philadelphia, PA
In Cambodia, where peaceful political activity is severely restricted, media are censored, and freedom of speech is sharply limited, thousands of citizens aiming to promote these basic human rights have also been harassed, arrested, imprisons or physically assaulted.
This is obvious the government is total lack of accountability. The Cambodian government has proven it’s unreliable. There is no authority that will come in and correct a situation gone wrong.
Who do people call when something goes wrong? If call the government, they ignore the call, who is in charge and who cares? Their selectmen? Their members of congress? The state or federal agencies?
Although I grew up and living abroad, I understand how people in Cambodia feel when government unethically take control of their resources, their land and their lives. People have no voice, no choice.
Voice means your right to free speech. Choice means exercising that right because freedom of speech is most certainly rights worth having. If you don't use your voice ... you've got no choice.
Mr. Sam Rainsy is one of the most outspoken figures for Cambodian countless victims. He has devoted much time and energy to the often dangerous task of leading a courageous crusade for justice in our homeland and helping the poor and vulnerable victims of abuses and injustices.
Therefore, I would like to urge and anticipate all Cambodian public unite to support Mr. Sam Rainsy and fights as unity to restore his parliamentary immunity to protect our people voice, which is the basic value of human rights in our homeland.
R. Visal
Philadelphia, PA
stop running....stand up and fight for it....where are the people that love our beloved country....stop talking...starts acting...and fight for it now before it is too late.....why all of you still voting for yuon congress man....stop it....or live and serve them.....as hun's
We must protect our voice! We must protect Mr. Sam Rainsy, to protect our people and nation.
Thank you Mr. Sam Rainsy for everything you do for our homeland.
To people in Cambodia:
You all must realize that Hun Xen do not own you and the country. Cambodian is owned by all Cambodian citizens not by anyone or any group individual. STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS!
If the people can't protect his immunity, how can he protect you and your homeland. Stop being coward! Have everyone learned? THE POL POT REGIME. Act now before it is too late.....
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តាមដំណើរទៅ អញមិនខ្វល់ ។
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12:58AM So you are former SRP. With this attitude is why SRP have not yet suceed.
Stop blushing! You are being sarcastic just to make yourself feels better. Everyone knows your type of people. If you considered you are highly educated, why haven't you recruited your educated type, have more educated and smart people to over thrown the government then? Obviously you are not all that good and you know it this is why you left the party because you know there's nothing for your type in SRP, the true patriotic organization.
No heart feelings, your flaky concious are non comparable to those who maybe less educated but true patriotic, big heart and never give up.
If you were CCP you and your family could have been dead.
Thanks for sharing your sarcastism. Hope you sleep well! Educated? Please, useless! Stop manipulating others and yourself!
Although I maybe alot younger then you but I have experienced with many people of your type, irogant. True educated and smart people respect others for trying and educated them for better improvement.
UNLIKE YOU, GAVE UP! Now you just waite and critise. PATHETIC!
All Khmers,
We support Sam saingsy as activist for Khmer people.
But we need another group, an arm uprising to root the Viet invaders and their puppet Hun Sen and his cronies, so Khmers will be free fromVietnamisation in the near future.
Raingsy cannot do anything more than jumping inside a hot pot always made by Hanoi and his puppet Hun Sen.
So Hun Sen and Hanoi always hurtsw us. We have to hurt them back, political or arm struggle.
Wake up all Khmers, you will die anyway by Viets and Hun Sen, or you die with HONOR by liberate yourselves from Hanoi's Vietnamisation.
How many years that he was a monk? Or he just shit like those ROOoYAL, faked monk!!!!!!
He is not Royal! Stop disrespect, stop being so negative would you. IT IS NOT HEALTHY!
When you think possitive, you will have possitive view and your possitive attitude reflect onto others to also be possitive. Those others possitive attitude will refect to more other people to become possitive. Then everyone around you and others are more possitive.
Stop being hate. Be love and people will love you back. SMILE!
If Sam Rainsy want to involve in politic again in Cambodia, he should be submission of our command at all time or stay refuge in foreign country forever.
Do you need more evidences when VN planted pole in Cambodian rice field?
If you don't let Sam Rainsy defends that land, Hun Sen will surely lose territory to reign before he dies.
Do ma ah Xkwwack!!!!!!!!
If Sam Rainsy does not change, pretty soon his party won't exist any more.
He need to work on people living condition such as inferstructure, economy, health and so on. Show the people that he can bring in investments, projects, jobs, and these signs $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Don't just only have one issue, which is borders and that it. People need improve standard of living not war.
please, stop making it sounds like sam rainsy is the only khmer person to make a difference. cambodia must also train and encourage the younger generation to be proactive and help make change or a real difference for cambodia and all our khmer society, etc... now, if we depend so much on only one individual like mr. sam rainsy, could would we deal with it if sam rainsy is gone due to old age, etc... see, we must abolish this kind of dependent mentality on only one or two individuals. there are more to cambodia than you and i, really! god bless cambodia.
Sam Raisy is not good for Khmer politic and he is not good for our Khmer leader,but he is good for Khmer economic adviser!Why?
(1) Sam Raisy drops Khmer Citizen and become French Citizen!
Mean in Politic betrayed our country,he can't be our Khmer leader!
If Vietcongs,Vietnamese drop Vietnam citizen and become Khmer Citizen is much better than Khmer drop our own citizen and become foreign citizen! Check up with Politic Mean!
Sam Raisy is not good for Khmer politic and he is not good for our Khmer leader,but he is good for Khmer economic adviser!Why?
(1) Sam Raisy drops Khmer Citizen and become French Citizen!
Mean in Politic betrayed our country,he can't be our Khmer leader!
If Vietcongs,Vietnamese drop Vietnam citizen and become Khmer Citizen is much better than Khmer drop our own citizen and become foreign citizen! Check up with Politic Mean!
"But we need another group, an arm uprising to root the Viet invaders and their puppet Hun Sen and his cronies, so Khmers will be free fromVietnamisation in the near future."
I will free coffins to those trying to the fight the Youn. They are too strong and they will kill you. Then they will rape your mother too !!
I heard people in this forum encourage Cambodians to fight to liberate our country but, to me, this amount to suicide. Right now we are ruled by a dictator, back by the Viets, who dares to do anything to eliminate us from his path. The laws of our country are for the weak and the poor whereas the rich and the powerful are above the laws. With 100,000 Viets army hiding behind civilian Viets in Cambodia, I don't know how it is possible to liberate our country without opting to choose suicide bombing just like the Arab or muslims did in Israel, Iraq, or Afghanistan. However, I don't think Cambodians people are willing to go that far.
7:12AM, you are a coward who is content to lick the Youn's dicks !
I will kill you first so I won't be shamed to have a Khmer like around me. Then I will go kill the Youn next.
I think 7:12AM's mother was raped by Youn in the ass and gave birth to him. Now he is happy to be a Youn's slave.
We will be better without him.
some people think war is the only solution. wrong! there are many other ways to solve problem, war is only last resort, however, it's not the only way to solve problem, really! please get educated, already. god bless cambodia.
khmer needs to empower khmerness. stop empowering viets or youn, ok! there are more to cambodia than you and i, really!
ah nis yok sasna mok jon chhli... That shit guy use our religion as bridge for political... he step on our religion...
People who choose to curse at people who never curse at them in the first place are people who either were born with brain damage or were born with syndrome deficiency or their parents did not bring them up properly and they are the most worthless person on earth.
There are some people who induce the people to fight to liberate the country from Hun Sen/Viets' domination. How do we know that you are not acting for Hun Sen/Viets to trick us into doing that so you can tip Hun Sen/Viets to arrest us?
7:12AM & 7:09AM
Why they willing to die to invade your country.Why you do not sacrifice your lie to protect country .IF you die ,die with honor
Die for motherland
Die for young generation
die for your country
Die for your children
Die for your sister and brother
when our country no more Youn and dictator .We rebuild our country and live peaceful lie .
SRP doesn't want to see Thaksin or his ally runs the government in Thailand. We want Abhisit as Thai PM for a long haul because his democrats party is our ally. In addition, Abhisit can help us to confront with Hun Sen and we use current Thailand's government to insult Hun Sen.
We do pray to Thai military to wage war with Cambodia, then we will point the blame to Hun Sen for bring the country into war with neighbour and destroyed Cambodia. If it's the case, we have a good chance to win the next election.
SRP (Candle Light)
I am ready to support do what ever it take to help fight for our beloved county with MP Samrainsy I have donated in the past to Samrainsyparty and I will do anything to help our country, because as what you can do for your county, as what your country will do for you. I know many Cambodian have feel the same way I do. I love and respected you Samrainsy.
Chose the right one!The best one!
Sam Raisy is not the right?
Kem Sokha is not the right?
Who the best?
Mam Sonando is the best?
All over twenty years already not the best for Khmers? Over 20 years and no win ,So all not the best!
Chose some one else the young one?
To 6:15, you can be the leader but so far what have you done in comparisons to Sam Raingsy and his party? this is the problem with Cambodians, everyone is Preah Bat Thoameuk? believe me 10 people = 100 opinions???? Perhaps it would be better off, if we unite and it's only my suggestion that since Sam Raingsy and his party came this far, maybe we should all unite behind him or if not bypass him but make sure you have a solid foundation if not ahead at least the same as SRP otherwise you just barking and everyone has ideas including my parrot. You should hear whenever she speaks!
To 11:47 it doesn't look like you can get anything done? as you seem to be undecided???? if we would do something it would start with political manifestations by those people that are unhappy with the current regime then follow with the support (hopefully) by the International community to put pressure on Hanoi! or better yet if things get out of hand such as the defection of Military leaders and Police such as Ke Kim Yan, and the local military, police, peasants, farmers, etc..... then it will become a people power (hopefully) to get rid of the CPP core leaders which is only about 1,500 of them and the rest of the military and police they have relatives whom maybe the victims or whom maybe a nationalist as well but at this time they are unable to speak up due to no one lead????? besides barking just like you and me or KhmerAphoap
1:26AM, I agree! Well said....
Most people THINK they can do better although they know they are uncapable deep inside. Some people are highly educated and igorant, spend most time critisiing others then helping to improve. Being highly educated does not surpass commonsense.
There are 3 kinds of people:
1. Wonder things happen
2. Watch things happen
Most people are the first and second catagory, NO ACTION. ALL TALKS.
sam rainsey, liar, arrogance troublemaker, disgrace and embarrassment fake monk
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