Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What stops Sihamoni from conferring the title of "Emperors of Cambodia" to these 3 Yuon stooges?

Filial relationship between the king and the three Yuon stooges: Cambodia Operetta?

King Promotes CPP Leaders to Generals

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
28 December 2009

The three top leaders of the Cambodian People’s Party were awarded military ranks as five-star generals last week, by order of the king.

Prime Minister Hun Sen, Senate President Chea Sim and National Assembly President Heng Samrin all received their stars on Dec. 21, in a royal decree signed by King Norodom Sihamoni.

The newly conferred rank was based on national leadership achievements, according to a copy of the decree obtained by VOA Khmer.

Son Chhay, a lawmaker for the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, said by phone Wednesday Cambodia needs a law and a supreme military council to deal with such matters, although he acknowledged the king’s right to make promotions.

Kem Sokha, president of the opposition-aligned Human Rights Party, said the promotions were unnecessary. “Promotion should be balanced to figures of the army,” he said.

Cheam Yiep, a CPP lawmaker, said there was no need for further legislation on military ranks, as the king has the constitutional right to decide.


Anonymous said...

Vietnameses doesn't invest their money in Cambodia but
they take Cambodia,
they swallow Cambodia,
they exploit Cambodia.

CPP members are criminals,
CPP members are traitors.
They should be executed.
Ah Chkuot,

Anonymous said...

The ten Koor-85 members are in hierarchy descending order:

1. Mat Ly (Cham komboy dead)

2. Sim Ka(Yuon-Yuon)

3. Kan Man (yuon;

4. Nay Péna(yuon-Chi);

5. Chea Soth (samre);

6. Say Chhum (samre);

7. Bou Thang (Siam ethnic minority);

8. Say Bou Thang (Siam ethnic minority);

9. Heng Samrin (samre-lao);

10. Chea Sim (samre).

Alternate members:

Hun Sen(samre),

Men San An(yuon- brothel operator)

No Khmer Rouge here? May be all are with Sihanouk

Anonymous said...

Way to go shorty,gay,baldy sihamony you are the super king of bagdad, you are sitting in a country throne that are famous in human trafficking, very corrupted government, illegal logging, right abuse etc. and you are wore crowned that contain full of shit on your head. Cambodia people are tire of you and your supportive of idiot cpp officials, that make you look bad dumb ass king.

Anonymous said...

GW: Country for Sale (kh)
GW: Country for Sale (en)
Who Killed Chea Vichea
GW: Cambodias Family Trees (en)
Ho Sok - Funcipec
March 30, 1997
Coup, July 7, 1997
Om Radsady
Assassination of Om Radsady
Exclusive Hun Sen's Dirty Jobs
Statement of Heng Peov
Statement of Heng Peov
Statement of Peov in Khmer-I
Statement of Peov in Khmer-II
Piseth Pilika

Anonymous said...

Chea Sim look like Sva Ov..! Heng Somre look like Sva Kress..!

Anonymous said...

Please see those Khmer traitors because their power was given by Viet in 21th century. If the King Jajavarman VII is a live, he will take them a ways in 24 hours.

But all mistakes caused by Sihanouk's policy to cooperate with communist Ho Chi Mihn his best friend. He hate USA and free west countries but the question which country in the Globe that USA take for its colony in 21 th century ? Nearby Cambodia, Look at South Korea get full colony from USA or in Europe the West Germany? And look at their economic grouth and high tech by USA surpport?

I have never think the Khmer lose own country in 21 th century, now it will lose 100%, no way return back like 1863 as France came to help. The D-Day will come very soon

Anonymous said...

Chea Xim looked at Xihamoni and said this in his mind: Oh Ah Pleu Euy!Puok Anh Sruol Preur Ah Ting Mong Aing Nas!

Anonymous said...

Heu,puok ah chuy maray oss niss,phaung ah chhor op pong,ning op kanduoy sor-uy.
the end.

Anonymous said...

That is the result of Sihanouk policy with communist best friend. His neutrality policy (his definition) fail now into the Hand of Hanio 100%. Befose Pol Pot die he stated that Youn can took Khmer very soon, if the Khmer don't believe him, please look closely to the politic development in the future, now what he said is 100% correct.

Anonymous said...

Agree, Pol Pot was right...! Vietnam twisted things around and make Khmer hated Khmer, accusing each other, killing each other...Khmer/Khmer, it's all YOUNs Hanoi behind all of these Killing fields....

Anonymous said...

if sihamoni doesn't do this, he will not have any palace to call home.

Anonymous said...

5:48 AM,
Do you always drop perfum on your pong or your kanduoy sor-uy every day?

Oh brush it up 6:02 AM. Pol Pot should had studied hard in France instead of falling all classes then found nothing to do but to join Yuon Rouge. If he didn't Khmers didn't become disaster, and the King, Hu Yun, Hu Nim... didn't have to go after to save Cambodia after Pol Pot went too deep with Yuon Rouge. About neutrality, as much as King Sihanouk wanted, but the superpower and Yuon ignored.
If they cared, French didn't agree to sign and gave Khmer Kampuchea Krom to Yuon either, the US wanted KK to be US based military.
Fucking bashers know only to blame Khmers. Can you find other ways better? Pol Pot just found out later after he joined Yuon, but Yuon existed in Cambodia for centuries. During French colony, Yuon were in full control on Cambodia. So when French signed and gave Indochina to Yuon, don't you think Yuon knew everything inside Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

this basldy better of be a dancer.

Anonymous said...

This king does not deserve any title to be king at all because his father is behind the Khmer national killing field. Why can't Khmer get it? US, France, Aust, ZN, Singa, China including many other countries have eliminated their king, for the word of king nothing but destruction! So, wake up Khmer people, members of your family members and mine have been killed by this stupid king! so stop it him before history start itself.

Anonymous said...

This king does not deserve any title to be king at all because his father is behind the Khmer national killing field. Why can't Khmer get it? US, France, Aust, ZN, Singa, China including many other countries have eliminated their king, for the word of king nothing but destruction! So, wake up Khmer people, members of your family and mine have been killed by this stupid king! so stop it him before history repeat itself.

Anonymous said...

Do you think the King wanted to be King, fuckers 6;22am 'n 6;55am.
The King refused since the very time and refused again many times. He has his simple life in France teaching his people to keep Khmer traditional culture, but Rannaridh refused to give up his power as a politician, that's why the burden fallen on him.
The majority of Khmer in Cambodia want to have monarchy because they feel like the King is their parent while Hun Sen is persecuting them.

Anonymous said...

6:59 AM,
Come down to Cambodia and preach like what you just write in KI if you want to know those million Khmers will respond to your call.
No need authority to throw you in jail, but those people will slash your throat. They live in Cambodia and they knew what needs to survive. The minute you open your stupid mouth they wil call you Yuon and kill you without a trace.

Anonymous said...

Pro yat si kom plok khnong beung tro koun veuy! pro yat mot pro yat ko bontech...huh?

Anonymous said...

licker at 7:01 AM,

he had his right to refuse to accept to be king, and that gave perfect opportunity for you to be king ass licker.

fucking lame excuses. you people never had own right conscience.

Anonymous said...

Eh fucking bastard both 7;13am.
If he is licker, his million Khmer people in his country who loves their King are lickers. Now stay out of the million Khmer lickers, because you yourself are already fucking bastard below lickers.

Anonymous said...

พระบาทสมเด็จพระ Sihamoni เป็นคนฉลาดมากและเขายังเป็นคนดี. พระองค์จะทรงครองกัมพูชา-ลาว-เวียดนาม. เร็วกว่าประเทศไทยจะเข้าร่วมอินโดจีนเกินไปจะรอด. พฤษภาคมพระเจ้าปกป้องและให้ศีลให้พรสมเด็จ Sihamoni พระองค์.


His Majesty King Sihamoni is a very wise man and he is also a good man.He should rule over Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam. Sooner, Thailand will join Indochina too, to survive. May GOD Protect and Bless His Majesty Sihamoni.

From Thaksin's supporter.

Anonymous said...

1.Stop the War.
2.Restore the Kingdom of Cambodia.
3.Peace for all.

Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

6:52 AM,

US wanted KK to be US based military ? Every where in the Globe when US hired those countries for militery base, those countries has received a lot of money USA, after their operation finish then USreturn home, for instance: Germany, turky, Poland, Japan, Thailand. But the Viet don't hire at all , they come in and take your land for its people.

What is the difference between take your land and hire your land?

If you are still irgnorance, I can only tell you, your children will look for place in oversea for living freely because no longer the Viet take your land for its people. That is the expansion policy of Viet for 200 years ago. If you are Khmere like me you will in your eyes nearby the future. Once, I wanted tell you, after 1979 I had never see the Viet people living Kampuchea, but till 1987 I had see some but now every where I see the Viet people. From 1979- 1981 I was soldier and worked with Viet soldiers in Cambodia, those who loved me told all the goal of Viet on Khmer, esp. the Viet Soldiers from South Vietnam.
If you are living only the city NamYang (Phnom Penh), you know nothing what the game is playing behinde the szence. If you don't know khmer history, please look back to Champa, Khmer Kampuchea Krom, ...

God bless your children my friend (but only you are a real Khmer blood)

Anonymous said...

Eh bottom backdoor licker @ 7:20 AM,

Stop licking, nothing can be rewarded for your scumback like yourself.

The world knows all about your scumback lickers. Don't include the innocent khmer people. Because your scumback lickers people like yourself and your stupid king that was the reason why Cambodia is ro-leay. Ah ro-leay!

HE is a puppet king. Even a scarecrow can do a better job in watching over farmer's rice paddy.

Keep on licking!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, Sihamoni will earn that title very soon. These three (3) stupid Khmer Rouge killers had already given a title to Norodom Sihanouk as " Moha Vireak Khsat" with an annual spending budget of " the sky is the limit" and it will covered under the Cambodian national budget 100%.

Anonymous said...

"Pol Pot was right...!"

Let's welcome another Pol Pot Number 2 to start a new KR movement. Who enjoys killing Khmers who wear glasses? Well, I do and I am joining!

KR Supporter

Anonymous said...

You missconstrued his statement.
The history goes like this. After the french defeated, in DienBien Phu, the French signed and returned Land of Kampuchea Krom to Vietnam. Why didn't French return it to Cambodia? The US were coming to replace French and preferred that land Kampuchea Krom is part of Vietnam, for its own military based against Communists and for its space in SEA. I don't think anyone knows how much money the US gave to French or how much the French sold Kampuchea Krom to the US or Yuon????

We knew the history far beyond you asked, and thanks for your suggestions.

Anonymous said...

To the King of Cambodia:

I think the way you have promoted the top men in the government is absolutely right because your title were once given by these guys, too. But remember, while these guys are promoted based on the report from their monkeys, sooner or later, believe me, you will have no land and citizen to reign. Then, the history will condemn you.

To avoid being called a monkey king, I strongly advise you to resign the soonest possible.

Anonymous said...

7:41 AM,
OK if HM is a puppet King, is it why you are barking running amok and peeing around the fence?

We love our King and our King loves his people, so why are you jealous with million of us?
Visit Cambodia and tell us what you just said in here, see how we will welcome you with an axe.

Anonymous said...

7:59 AM,

You love your King but the Viet love your land and take your country for their people. The Viet invest more now in Xmer land but the khmer people get advendtage from this more, NO. Who? the 4- 5 millions Viet people those are living now in Cambodia. You can dream by no way at all.

God bless Xmer people

Anonymous said...

Hi blockeahd 7:54 AM,
If these stooges enjoys stars our King should give 'em. They won't make any different how these stooges will wear or will shit on it, because the stooges love PhD degress so others too gave 'em a bunch of PhD degrees. If they are happy with the stars and PhD degrees why can't the King and other outsiders give them? The King is wise to soft a mad dog by giving him a delicious bone.

If the boss don't know how to take care the mad dog, that mad dog will be running crazy just like you.
And you too, what do you want? Oknha title?

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.

"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union 
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.

Anonymous said...

8:06 am,
A good parent even poor he comforts, consols and unite his children while the house is under attack by same serial thives killers. Begging for mercy to feed his children until they become stronger is the best thing of every good parent has to do, unless you feel that some of your children should be dead because of thepowerty and because of death threat by the serial thei killers.

Anonymous said...

Oh king oh king... do you know your people in rural area like in Pursat are eating kdouch instead of rice? The money you spent on this protocal can save several Khmers lives.

I wish you a wiser king....

Anonymous said...

You know what I call Hun Sen, Heng Samrin and Chea Sim?

3 out of 37 who will be shot dead and their bodies tossed across the border and dumped into a Vietnamese garbage landfill near Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). All it takes is three bullets, $5 dollars US, and pack of cigarettes.

Anonymous said...

The King knows and he frequently visiting his people with supplies.
There are no photos of his works but he does frequently. Hopefullly the stars the stooges bought for themselves for the King to give to them will help to soft their hearts to becoming loving people and help the people who are living under poverty. Some people can change, and this King may be able to change the stooges to be good Khmer citizen.

Anonymous said...

Khmer or Cambodian born are too pluralistic. Maybe we all need to be reeducated at the US West Point Military Academy.

Anonymous said...

SEE no evil, HEAR no evil, and SPEAK no evil. "Three Stooges"

Anonymous said...


You are right to give the crazy dog a bone in order to calm her madness. But if I were your monkey king, I would unleash the crazy dog to attack such a nonsense guy like you, right?

Anonymous said...

You are too judgemental and too judgemental. If you behave as you just declare by unleashing the crazy dog to attack me, don't you think you are too savage just like those stooges? I am not a nonesense guy, I am a wise guy if you want to know.

Anonymous said...

I meant judgemental and too irrational ( my post & 9;10am).

Anonymous said...

If you put ten vietnames in the same room for ten days, they would create a country. If you put ten Khmers in the same room for ten days, they would have a civil war.

Come'n folks you can do better. Stop harassing each others, and start working together.

Anonymous said...

Not all Khmers this day would behave so irrational like the stooges and the anti-King like
9:00 am. Khmers this day knew too much about Yuon, and they are wiser like 9:10am, and I agree that the King is wiser.

Anonymous said...

These three monkeys are working for ah yuon. Khmer people need to dispost them and pick a new leaders.

Anonymous said...

Ah Sdach Lakhorn Bassac Ah Ting Mong!

Anonymous said...

So you just know that the three stooges work for Yuon? The whole Khmer population on the planet earth knew. The three are super rich, powerful and brutal, so you get to be wiser. Killing your enemy with your kindness, that's what Yuon have been doing to Khmers. Give them power, give them money then they die for.

Anonymous said...

Hi ah.me chumleuy batpsar Yuon kantorb 10:30 AM.
Ah.me chumleuy batpsar einh are below shit.

Anonymous said...

Oy ei kor chhleuy doch preat m'less ah.me taihorng niss?
You need a long stick like a horse to poke at your azz.

Anonymous said...

10:39 Ah Choy M'Ray!

Anonymous said...

Hey 10;63am. He will choy your m'ray and choy your wife and daughter if you don't stop. You call for it.

Anonymous said...

Oooppps. I said 10;53am not 10;63am. my bad. LOL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so called XIHA MEE NHEE alias PD Mee Kteuy

Anonymous said...

Oh ah.mee choy m'ray choy ov 11;15am and 11;19am. You need a sharp bamboo to poke into your a**hole 'til bleeding. If you don't know what Khmer King has tried to do to the stooges, you need that sharp bamboo sticking through your throat.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with pourk ah.mee T'mat who curse the King?

Pourk ah samrae Hun Sen, Heng Sanrin and Chea sim wanted to be wealthy and powerful and want golden stars, so they gave them.

They gave them degrees from Hanoi, from Bangkok, from Ireland, from Wesley college in the US, and what is wrong if pourk ah samrae enjoy to be recognized with golden stars they don't deserve? How long these samrae will live or last?

Don't ah T'mat and me T'mat who curse the King know that these 3 samrae are powerful and wealthy in Cambodia? It is good that the King can make them to like and respect him, and may be he can change them to help Khmers.

Anonymous said...

Dude. You forget PhD from S. Korea the samrae Hun Xen and his wife pahi muk yeak received.

Anonymous said...

All khmers remember this, king Sihanouk is a very idiot khmer king who ruins our country. If our king is good, we did not loose lands to Thailand and Vietnam. It is really sad but truth. I do believe in the next generation of khmers who would be able to save our beloved country from any future foreign country' s invasion. You guys out there are the sons of Khmers Empire. We have the rights to exercise and protect our sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Anonymous said...

Oh stop dividing Khmer people ah Yuon kantorb jumkourt taihorng 1;18pm.
We Khmers already heard enough, let Khmers have rooms to build life and country. Go and fuck your Viet blog and stop poisining this same shit.

Anonymous said...

Five Stars for what????? (1) For allowing the YOUNs to encroach on Khmer territory (2) for stripping the legal immunity of Mr. Sam Rainsy; (3) for forcing the return of the Uigher asylum seekers; (4) for kicking the Cambodians off their land; (5) for not recognizing the Khmer Krom people as Khmer citizens.

I am so sick of ah Heng Samre for not allowing Mr. Son Chhay to grill ah Svar Tai Horng on illegal border demarcation process.

Anonymous said...

You are bragging about yourself? How much did you know about the geopolitics in SEA around Cambodia, Laos, Yuon and Thailand?
Did you know anything at all but only know how to blame King Sihanouk?

Anonymous said...

12:18pm is correct
Chey Chetta lost a portion of Khmer land to Viet for Viet pussy.

Sdech Korn, Aphaivong family and Dap Chuon joined Thailand because they want power...same as Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin joined Viet for power...they do not care if power meant losing Khmer land to their respective masters.

King Sihamoni maybe sissy but he is smart enough to know these Th'mils (To-mi-lar), hoping that the golden stars bestowed by Kong Som Ol personally will change the goongs to work for the benefit of Khmer people...

One should ask oneself...how proud it is be elevated...I, Prime Minister, "Khyom Preah Karuna Khyom..." It's like smoking a joint of Marijuana!

All illegal treaties signed under viet puppet will be nullified under a future Khmer government...all land taken by the neighbors will be returned back to Cambodia with UN and world court help.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't take genius to figure out if Cambodia lost land as claimed by Sam Rainsy and Ke Kim Yan. It is true that many people don't know if we really lost land to Vietnam because the Khmer PM and M'Siah Var Kim Hong said none is lost... but our Khmer farmers along the border know. Better yet if you have a computer just zoom in yahoo or wikipedia sattelite map...you will find out that Cambodia lost land. Vinh Te canals was the border...now lush green viet farmland extend 1000-1400 metres westward into Khmer land with new canals...same as the recent sketch published on KI by Ke Kim Yan!

Anonymous said...

Nhek Bun Chhay signed treaty with Yuon, while King Sihamoni left to oversea and Chea Sim went to Bangkok Hospital. Yuon were the one who broke the international law, and Yuon should leave Cambodia and stop their expansionism.

Anonymous said...

Wow..1:50, you have good critical skills, especially the part that says: "How proud is it to be elevated when Hun Sen has to say, ""Khyom Preah Karuna Khyom..." It's like smoking a joint of Marijuana!"

Hahahah ahahah ahahah. Good criticism. Good critical thinking. But watch out, ah YOUN will build things on Khmer land and islands if we are not actively objecting to them.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is so happy with his current position , money and Power. But He forgot that his citizens now almost 50% Vietnamese, and now the 50% of Vienamese have started step-by step to kill his own kids. CHICKEN take care the foreins duck babies.

Kon Khmer

Anonymous said...

OOP others stupids from ah tra ngol Sihakmoney?
These three stooges called the fox to come our home,sold all natural resources ,kicked all the handicaps soldiers and families out of their shelters gave away our islands farm to viet nam oppressing their own people so what it mean to raise up the rank of these traitors mean? Ah trangol enjoy seeing koun khmer living in the misarables?
These three stooges + Ah Tragnol Sihakmoney ,one company

Anonymous said...

One third (1/3) of Cambodian population are Vietnamese. WOW, sound like almost the whole country are Youns. Wake up khmers, help yourself and help your country.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To all Khmer blood,
I personally don't think that the Khmer people can stand up against Youn (Vietnam) again, my long term prediction is that: 'Khmer must lose their country 100% like CHAMPA and KHMER KROM' max. 30 years from now.

If we turn back to view the political development after 1954 (after France withdraw from Indochina). Khmer leader under king Sihanouk has trouble to lead Cambodia for the right way with peace and freedom. The Freedom and peace between 1954 and 1970 was the fassade but the reality was differently.

The main actor of lose the Khmer land caused by his policy in the Vietnam war (he allowed the Vietcong and the Viet Army to use the Khmer territory as military basic for fighting against USA and South Vietnam) and by now he has never told the Khmer people about his grave mistake. Instead he always blamed only to:
1)a dead man Gen. Lon Nol (but he don't talk what Lon Nol must do when he (Sihanouk) went to France early 1970, after Lon Nol pushed the Viet people out and secret army in Phnom Penh and every where in Cambodia and start to fight against North Viet army, Lon Non had please king Sihanouk return back home, but he support Vietcang, Khmer Rouge instead.
2)A dead man Pol Pot who caused the Killing fields but who stand behind Pol Pot and who had propagenda for Pol Pot, in order to get an absolute power from 1973 – 1979.
3)US bombardement along the Cambodia -Vietnam border (before US did that USA told him more times about the Vietcong and north Viet army along in Cambodia-Vietnam border deep in Cambodia territory with aerial photos as proofs, but he ignored those)

The other logical principle of the Kingdom, which monarchy country in this Globe support fully the communism in the cold war? ONLY Kingdom of Cambodia for the experience and as suicide policy , because the Communist Manifesto and Monarchy institution are fast 100% differiently.

From now the darkness for Khmer Land is comming and what is up nest => 0000000


D-Day of Khmer

Anonymous said...

Hi KI's Posters who blame the King.

Don't get upset with the King. If you were him, you will do the same as he does. He makes friends with them and he is well respected by them, so let him does his duty as King or as a parent. A good parent must do what it takes to save his innocence children, he is a wise King.

He devoted his life alone to his country and his poor people inspite of some critics cursing him, but the King stays humble as we see. He went to Hanoi and spoke brieftly his concerns of our former Monk Tim Sakhan during his visit, later our ex Monk was released.

Prince Rannaridh wanted to be a politician, but if he decided to be King, he could. If Prince Rannaridh is King, he will be too busy with briberies, beautiful women though he has less love for Cambodia and his people.

And don't forget that these stooges hate Prince Rannaridh, which will be a very bad situations for Cambodia and all Khmers.

Anonymous said...

Hi ah.me Yuon kantorb 3:29 PM,
Your dividing Khmers' game is rotten and sour.

Anonymous said...

2:17 Ah Choy M'ray , Ah Trah Ngoal Vear Bok Kdeth Ah Aing Reu ban chea vear romos Mles Ah Choy M'ray Euy!

Anonymous said...

Khmer king should have a wife so his children can be his heir someday. 30 years down the road, when this king dies, who will be next in line to be king of Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

12:31pm King's dick doesn't go up! so what do you want? Suck Him? by the way another 30 years Xnom penh becomes Nam Vang.