Sunday, June 20, 2010

Attack on Queen Mother's Birthday

Dear KI Staffs,

As faithful follower of your blog I would like to share the following feedback and observations with you.

Currently, the antagonizing against the King-Father and Mother has really been on the rise especially on note of their planned official visit to Vietnam.

Although KI-Media has its part in this divisive new trend - evidence in the fact that no other time is this kind of behavior more prevalent than now - it is not entirely KI-Media's fault. I like the service you provide and i trust that your enthusiasm for our country will keep it going for a very long time. But, I wonder sometimes, in light of immaturity of Khmer society shown her in adopting this new IT communications tool, if KI-Media's dedication to bringing sensitive news and opening up anonymous interaction is rather more detrimental than being a positive and open venue for Cambodians to participate and voice their concern and frustration in their country's development and politics.

Why do I wonder this? Because these various virile increase number of attacks at least to me, points to conclusion that mob mentality is on the rise and that KI through its sometimes provocative titles to images -albeit without intention to divide- are lending a helping hand to creating a negative space on the net and negative mob mentality.

Over and over again, here on KI-Media when I observed that once a person is attacked, a whole group of commentators equipped with anonymity as their shield will reign in and echo the attacks, and only at even more disturbing level of cruelty. Whether these people can expressed their opinions clearly and respectfully does not matter as long as they have the megaphone of anonymity they will spout out anything. Even the dignity of an elderly women is not off the subject!

Case and point clear example, such persons who made comments under the article you post

A study of contrast ... well, Happy Birthday Your Majesty Queen Mother!

were attacking Queen Mother very personally and cruelly referring to her various physicals features. It is unbelievable that such person him/herself was also born of a mother, and grandmother. As a Khmer myself, It is hard for me to believe that this was or is part of Khmer tradition! This is ភ្លើ (Pleu) tradition (How do we say Pleu in English)? We should understand that we Khmer have these words because we have a beautiful culture of respect and defined these characters clearly for which our children are to be rear up against.

Myself, born as Khmer was taught to respect other people and especially our elders. But I wonder why these aspect of Khmer character are not demonstrated with these cruel commentators? Are they Khmer? Do they know what it means to be Khmer? In light of this, do they even qualify to speak about the Khmer problem when they themselves are part of the problem?

In light of such despicable acts and disrespect should they even have the right to speak at all? Freedom of speech is only free and wonderful if we respect the rights of others.

I like to ask KI-Media and its readers to think about what distinguish such persons from Hun Sen? Hun Sen is a man who deserves to be put in isolation not a person deserving of respect as head of state. He has no dignity. Just this past week, we as Khmer has helped to sign over 2000 petitions against this man and his view of women. Yet here on KI-Media, we see no other attitude from some readers then the one we just condemned! Is it not those type of character and personality which KI-Media and we Khmer patriots work so hard to eliminate from our society? Or do we still wish to foster and support that culture of disrespectful,savage characterization and personal attacks of people we disagree with?

Because ultimately, whether we Khmer like it or not, it is purely a disagreement in policy.

I for one, vehemently disagree with former King's father's visit and perfectly agree and appreciate the well thought out but harsh analysis by Neay Krud and Khmer Young and Khmerization and other civil analysis given here, but I am appalled by the level of ignorance and pheap akseliathor from some so called "Khmer" people who speaks here when they disagree. These people give bad name to all Khmer character as a whole.

I believe KI-Media with its increasing influence has a role to play. You are now building a very large follower and therefore you have a "power" and with this power of information should also comes responsibility.

I hope that KI-Media will continue to grow into mature media in order to help us Khmer in Cambodia and oversea understand our country, and shape our future together as Khmer through constructive dialogue and listening, to affect the decision-making and fate of our nation.

As you all know, the people in government also follows your site. You can use this rare opportunity, because I believe no other site is more popular and far reaching as KI-Media. Let this be a tool for call to unity rather than to help foster mentalities, characters, and altitude like that which Mr. Hun Sen portrays!

That said, I am not asking you to stop your exposé of the government's shortcomings and corruptions- in fact it is these very type of news and information that drives me and many other Khmer to your website. I just ask that you consider your power and responsibility within this new framework of IT news and help to continue open the dialogue space for all Cambodian people but steer clear of leading a mob and negative mentality.

I also understand that you cannot control your commentator and the extreme opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect your own.

I like to finish my long tirade with one of your commentators in the forum, "Leave room for some tradition". We are Khmer.

Thank you,

Name withheld by request


Anonymous said...

every well said, 100% i support you thought, as my mother taught me, the elderly have a dignity to be respected at least for his age that is older than me. This is a tradition and culture as Khmer

Anonymous said...

You all should learn how to become more mature. Should use only constructive criticism, not the destructive ones. From a student of PUC

Anonymous said...

Good idea, From: Khmer young girl

Anonymous said...

I agree with the writer perhap if Queen mother was not involved with Khmer rouge regime. But the entire Nation has knew very well that the Queen mother was behind of what the King Sihanouk has done in the70", therefore she cannot escape from the crime she had involved which has killed millions of Khmer citizen. As a Queen of a Nation, she has also held responsibility for the past which was part of her action to declare National apology if she didn't involve with the crime. I cannot compare her to any ordinary woman who did nothing to damage Cambodian at all. we must make it clear that she was one of the pionner of the war of 1970-1975 against Khmer People. I have never attack verbally or from my writing the Queen. But I cannot blame to the people who wanted to express their opinion openly in this forum. You cannot hide a big death elephant by a small cover. the smell will get into your nose at all time.

Sothea Tith

Anonymous said...

Maturity starts from your inside heart. I want to see the comments people here expressing are more reasonable than they are now. I want to learn from you all because I am a student who is your next generation. A student of PUC

Anonymous said...

Who killed the so-call millions khmers ? The truth is not found yet? It cannot be found in this circumstence either. Vietnamese agents have been behind the dark wall since 1944.

Young khmer

Anonymous said...

Watch khmer chinese movies then learn more and you see at the end.

Traitor or faithful person, bad or good, friend or ennemy are in the movies. The young khmer generation
must be vigilant. You have a great opportinuty to learn, to research, to listen, to discuss, to debate. You are not isolate from the world any more. When you have education then work for the country, don't sell yourself. Poor or rich is for the sake of Khmers and country. Be faithful to yourself. We depend on your generation.

For you, young khmer

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with the author about new approach we Khmer should realize.

Our elders in the past have pursued a politics of extremism that finally let to the mass killing and dividing which have been hard to retie.

Hun Sen has well portrayed the manner of old men who violently attacked and acted without conscience. I cannot estimate how many thousand Khmers younger generations have imitated Hun Sen's style but his style is ultimately unacceptable.

Maturity is in need for Cambodia. Both government and opposition leaders have to develop their political maturity, if not so, the fate of Cambodia might slip into the dark cave.

Let develop maturity together.

PS: I applause the critical writing of Neary Krud, KY and Khmerization. Their analysis is always in a balance to target the collective benefit of Cambodia as whole.

I want to read more articles from all other Khmer scholars though they prefer to be anonymous.

From a Khmer student in Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

KI-Media is undeniably a blog of SRP or a of group of SRP supporters. They love posting something insulting the King Father. I think the best ways, they should be more sincere to him and left him living in peace.

Anonymous said...

I wrote the comments signed as " For you, your khmer". I am not SRP. I highly respect my beloved KING FATHER, MOTHER, AND KING SIHAMONI whom I have hoped for the unity of khmers in and abroad.
I do not affiliate with any political parties. I just an ordinary khmer who sincerely desires to express my view for the young khmer generation.

For you, young khmer

Anonymous said...

Don't consider that the views expressed here reflect the majority of serious Khmers.
Be serious.

Nobody believes that media is a media Ki serious except clowns, immature and activists anti GRC.
No illusions about the intellectual value of KI Media and its team and its fans.

The value of policy analysis that are given here on KI Media are of anything. it's shit.

Anonymous said...

The writer to KI Media seems to put all brilliant philosophy in his comment but "fail", and I repeat again "fail" to understand in depth on the people suffering, havoc and lives shattering engineered by Sihanouk and Monique from the '60 on wards. The truth are ugly and hurt, yet he claims the analysis were harsh...
I bet the writer would write or comment differently if he were to experience or witness his immediate family were treated much worse than animals like the other 2 million Khmer victims during KR regime.

I don't condone the crass and crude language being used here as provocation take place. However I think they are not Khmer tradition they are just the human reaction when they are insensitive and out of control.

It's coincide with Refugee Week, being the survivors from the Killing Fields and the former Khmer refugees, we are struggling to find justice or at least closure for the crime that the couple and their clan have committed. Most of us continue to have nightmares and Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder and have to learn to cope with it.
If the writer is so sensitized with the issue and take his time to write to defend the couple, but what about us, the victims of their crimes?

Is it because we are not the divine being like them so we can live to rot with our suffering and they can live in this cover up for ever?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations KI-Media !
You cannot to be a neutral ...coz you're side of the weakest people,the small people and the innocent people in Cambodia.
You're the most popular Icon of Khmer blog.
The tallest tree...the more you grow up the more you're providing the shading to Khmer Victims in Cambodia.
As you know no less than 500 visitors per hour,who've been surfing into to your site.
And again many thanks to your devotees mighty team who have a real heart for Cambodia & its People.
Jeyo Kampuchea Serey !
Jeyo Srok Khmer samrap Reatr Khmer !
Jeyo Khmer Moha Nokor !
Dendey Khmer Pres-Tha Sovannaphum !

Anonymous said...

Cheyo NEW KI IDOL IDIOT message ! We kow who you are behind KI IDIOCY ...

Anonymous said...

Some comments bothered the author inner traditional Khmerness and so called respected Khmer but in give and take truthfully as old sage Lao Tzu said," truthful words are not beautiful."
This applies to all inviduals included royalty or beggar as M.K Gandhi urged," be the change You want to see in the world." To put it more blunt old Kung Fu Tzu put," to see what is right and NOT do it is cowardice."

Queen or not when comes to truth,she is the cause which is warranted effects.
Not an excuse so the queen lives the lies and lies to live.

In a nutshell that do deserve neither respect not to say Khmerness when the author is speaking of truth.

Anonymous said...

I don't know WTF they call that son of a bitch queen "mother". Of course the other bastard king "Father".

I think they should call her piece of shit, the same goes for the bastard sihanouk.

With 3 millions Khmer dead because of that yuon bitch and the small brain bastard, I'm very sorry folks respect for them I don't have any.

They could go live in Hanoi forever, I would not mind.

Anonymous said...

Whoever write this shit without signing their names is probably the queen name on the bottom? And yet criticizing those who blog Anonymously? Hypocrite? You get respect when you earn it. You call people who blog nasty things about queen mother as to saying bad things to their own mother? Is that your way of insulting these bloggers? If you ate insulting queen mother then you are essentially insulting your own mother too? Go fuck yourself and queen mother. What have they spoken about the borderline of Cambodia? Oh wait they would that super tasks to their adopted son Ahhh Dek cho Ahhh Hun Sen? And yes I am a son of Khmer who is proud of helping his local Khmer community but is very sick and tired of these political statement you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

I don't trust them since day one!

Anonymous said...

when people saying truth, it turned out disrespect. People should not respect the dirty ugly one.
Why Khmer lost half of it's population in the 70'?

Let's faced it, how do you feel if your father sleeping wiht your sister or you aunt( your grand mother sister?

KhmerIsrael said...

How do I know that Cambodians are not sons of Belial? The way most of them express themselves are sure of their lineage.

I don't have any hope for a better future of Cambodia. Not by what proceed forth from the hearts of many profane individual on these posts.

Beside, I look on the world political scene from a different perspective that most readers are unaware of.

Anonymous said...

In Buddhism, the simple truth is cause and effect (Kam-Phal). Hence, one must face and accept the results of one's deeds. The vitriolic languages and the undignifying expression against former or current leaders dead or alive are part of this cause-effect truth. No one, regardless of who we are, is immune from this truth as long as we live and act to satisfy our desires.

Son of a farmer said...

My beloved Khmers!

Forgive me for openly or increasingly hating SihanoukVarman, the man who not only fully, but also not partailly responsibles for his repeatedly uncountable mistakes. Is conscientiously wrong to hate him who also indirectly or directly has made almost my entire family gone?

Anonymous said...

I would love to go back to Cambodia to help my people. The only problem I see that if you do you'll be met with obstacle or even death. So the way I see it is when I no living life In myself, I will go there and try to blow up every police, military or even picking out the most important people to kill. What have these oppositions succeed so far?you can only ove throw a tyrant but force! Rise up Khmer people!

Anonymous said...

KI-Media wants to end monarchy in Cambodia!! They are pro-communist and one party states!!

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what is the issue here?! KI-media is a free forum, and one is free to express one's opinion. And one expresses his/her thought basing on one's political spectrum. One is classified as a leftist or a centralist or a rightist.

Whoever wrote "soft" comments I consider him/her a leftist or a centralist. Because one is a leftist, does not mean all the centralist and rightist have to agree too--to not saying something not nice about the monarchy.

Under a democratic principle, no one lives above the law, not even the monarchy. True. The monarchy do not rule, but the monarchy represent Khmer identity and pride. When the communist Hanoi regime and their puppet dictator Hun Sen try to tarnish the Khmer monarchy, by bringing the monarchy into this picture in order to legitimize the gross violations and border encroachments by Vietnam, as Khmer children with moral duty must response positively or negatively against whoever are not on Khmer side of the fence.

If the monarchy do not want to get lured into this sensitive matter such as border issues with Vietnam, why can't the monarchy advise the Hun Sen government that the monarchy desire neutral position, and to postpone HRH's trip to Vietnam until border issues are resolved first. Why the monarchy choose to travel to Vietnam at this crucial moment? Why? To most Khmer compatriots, the monarchy's trip to Vietnam is to legitimize Vietnam's encroachment actions.


KHMER Angkor

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmer Angkor,
I give you my support 100%. I cannot accept that we have to respect our leaders what ever they have done to us and to our country. I only support them if they are right and I will tell them to go to Hell if they are wrong. They must go to jail if they commit a crime. They are all human bring like everyone else. Therefore, they cannot be deserved to be special than anyone else.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

All Khmer,

The Viet of origin from birth to her Viet mother and raised by her step mother Yeay Pom.

She was the masterminded against KHmer Killing Fields to pave the way for the VIETNAMISATION of Cambodia.

All Viet girls had been trained this way to conquer the neighboring countries when the opportunity was, is , and will be available by using their own flesh and body to expand their Viet country of birth.

Stupid Khmer kings of Trasak Pha'om dynasty.

Anonymous said...

Who is Monich? and what did she do in the past?
I hope all koun khmers read the histories.

Anonymous said...

10:24AM! what's history and where should i read??????