Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Book Examines China's Policy Toward Cambodia

Sophie Richardson
Sihanouk and Chou En Lai
Sihanouk and Mao Zedong
Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk, right, arrives with Chinese President Hu Jintao, at a reception marking the 55th anniversary of the founding of communist China, in Beijing's Great Hall of the People Thursday, Sept. 30, 2004. (Photo: AP)
Hun Xen and Hu Jintao
Sihamini and Hu Jintao

Men Kimseng, VOA Khmer
Washington, DC Tuesday, 24 August 2010

“If Sihanouk got nothing else, in terms of his relationship with the Chinese government, his very early support and very public support for the one-China policy and for the PRC regaining the Chinese seat at the UN made an enormous difference.”
China's foreign policy follows five principles in dealing with other countries, including Cambodia, with which it has had ties since the 1950s. But changes in China's policy have at times had direct political effects on Cambodia.

In a new book "China, Cambodia, and the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence," author Sophie Richardson examines how China's foreign policy has influenced Cambodia.

“I think the Chinese government deals very conscientiously with all different kinds of countries and governments in pretty much the same way,” Richardson said a recent launch for her new title, in Washington. “It is not nicer to communist governments than it is to non-communist ones. It is not tougher on democracy than it is on dictatorship.”

Richardson, who is also advocacy director for Human Rights Watch, said her research was based mostly on archives, including China's, and on hundreds of interviews with diplomats.

The five principles espoused by China are mutual respect for sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference, equality, mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence. These were created by the founding members of the Chinese Communist Party in 1940 and furthered by Mao Zedong.

When Cambodia gained independence from France in 1954, China's policy towards it was based on the principles rather than security, wealth or ideology, Richardson said.

Cambodia was at first seen as a part of Indochina, but that changed with a meeting between Chinese premier Zhou Enlai and then-prince Norodom Sihanouk. China began to recognize Cambodia and Cambodia was a help to China.

“If Sihanouk got nothing else, in terms of his relationship with the Chinese government, his very early support and very public support for the one-China policy and for the PRC regaining the Chinese seat at the UN made an enormous difference,” Richardson said. “To this day, you'll hear people in Beijing talk about that particular decision on Sihanouk's part.”

China was also concerned about its own security and growing US involvement in Southeast Asia, while newly independent Cambodia wanted major powers to see it as neutral. That helped tie the two together.

Delegations followed, including one led by then secretary of state for education Pung Peng Cheng in late 1950. His daughter, Pung Chhiv Kek, who went on to found the rights group Licadho, remembers the trip.

“We had a royal ballet troupe that included Princess Bopha Devy and Prince [Norodom] Chakrapong,” Pung Chhiv Kek told VOA Khmer. “There didn't seem to be a political or economic discussion. I think it was mainly to strengthen friendship.”

That friendship did grow, and China kept close to its five principles for the most part. But when it did stray, developments in China were to have a sweeping impact on Cambodia.

Under the Cultural Revolution, radical Marxists began spreading their ideology and support. They developed close ties with the Khmer Rouge. Chinese officials also supported Norodom Sihanouk's exiled government, following his overthrow in 1970.

Those relationships made current diplomatic ties hard at first.

Richardson writes that the ruling Cambodian People's Party looked to China as “the best source of aid and diplomatic resources” without conditions, but that “Beijing's history with Sihanouk, the [Khmer Rouge], and [Democratic Kampuchea] made forging this relationship difficult.”

Hun Sen at first was wary of China, Richardson writes, quoting a Chinese article. But Hun Sen was “also aware that China is big and strong, peaceful and cooperative, does not interfere, and can help Cambodia out of its poverty, so the past must be forgotten to win China's support.”

In the end, mistrust on both sides was put aside.

“Beijing may have had its hesitation about Hun Sen, but the reverse was not true...One Chinese official was even willing to overlook the CPP's past connection to Hanoi in praising the stalwart CPP members who had not left the country in the 1980s.”

Today, China has become a major donor to Cambodia, and diplomatic ties are as strong as ever.


Anonymous said...

Swallower whole(big mouth,Mao)
Who killed 2 012 521 innocent people khmers?

I don't know,not me

Anonymous said...

Facking sick just look at this sorry leader who's have failed us. let my Khmer bro, sis and friend down.. the whole country is messup now 2010!

Anonymous said...


khmer song

Anonymous said...

Why the chinese looked scared to shaked Hun Sen's hand?

Anonymous said...

To Miss Richardson,

It is a debatable issue between the readers and the author, such as yourself, however, I have to respect your opinion in regards to Sihanouk and China. Sihanouk has long been the supporter of the Communist regime or esle he would not support Ho Chi Minh in the opening of the Ho Chi Minh Trial and at the same time also working with the Chinese in transporting arms to Khmer Rouge. The Chinese, without knowing Sihanouk, would not had the chance to supply the Khmer Rouge with surpluses of arms into Thailand. Because the Chinese understands about danger of "Encirclement" by Vietnam; in addition, Thailand also has the same idea in using Kampuchea or Cambodia as a "buffer zone or shield" from being invaded by the Vietnamese. Sihanouk has made one huge mistake by playing with fire which cost Cambodia of close to 2 millions lives. I should have written a book called " In the Hands of Politicians". I have never respected these so-called Khmer Politicians who care nothing about human lives because of their ignorance and lacks of how to run the country successfully. Both China and Thailand will continuo to use Cambodia as pawn and these idiots who claim to be intelligent against the Chinese and Thailand. I am educated here in the US and I can see perfectly clear of how the Chinese and Thailand using their foreign policies toward the name of their State's interests and less of humanitarian efforts. The influx of Chinese immigrants flowing into Cambodia freely soon the entire Khmer race would become a Sino-Khmer rather than Khmer. And this also applies to Vietnamese immigrants. I am not a racist person, but I see the fading of Khmer Race as days progress into the future. In conclusion, Cambodia will remain to be Cambodia but whoever that lives in Cambodia will caught in the middle of this tangible assets at the expense of the Chinese and Thailand...thus, the land of Cambodia is nothing, but an international dumpster where the life of all Khmers means nothing to the Chinese and Thailand.

Thank You.


Anonymous said...

mr. gaffar peang meth, what is your assertion since your were a potical science prof.?

Anonymous said...

Are you gay? X-men, I wanna fuck your ass, sweet heart

Anonymous said...

Hope UFO will come back and see how human destroys their region and their people.According to my consciousness UFO were here in this region,Khmer empire and now call The Kingdom of Cambodia.

KhmerIsrael said...

UFO's were B-52 bombers trying to cede a new kind of beings from those explosives?

Anonymous said...

What is bad in all of this ?
Cambodia was with USA in 1970 and Americans dropped Cambodians in 1975. That's not enough ?
With Americans, nothing would last, things change every 4 years.
Why not with China, China would never drop Cambodians.
China builds bridges, roads..
USA drops bombs, teaches how to kill, to destroy..

Anonymous said...

7:19PM! China is helping evils, We people want democracy, live under law and justice.
Fuck the Chinese and America! and the dictators may go to hell!