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Opposition leader Sam Rainsy |
By Kuoch Kuntheara
Radio France Internationale
Translated from Khmer by Khloy Ek
This week’s guest in Kuoch Kuntheara’s program is Mr. Sam Rainsy, President of the Sam Rainsy Party. On Monday 06 June 2011, PM Hun Xen warned that he will release secret documents related to Sam Rainsy. Today, Sam Rainsy indicated that he is not concerned with this warning and he did not receive any advice from Hun Xen nor did he want anything from Hun Xen. At the same time, Sam Rainsy also indicated that, starting from now, the SRP cannot unite with the HRP that sneaked to hold secret negotiations with the CPP.
Click the control below to listen to the interview in Khmer:
Good interview. Kouch Kuntheara did not allow Sam Rainsy to duck his questions.
et al
6:52 AM
I am not Khmer but I can write and speak Khmer very well. I like the way Sam Rainsy blasted Hun Sen.
គណបក្សសមរង្ស៊ី ទូទាំងពិភពលោកអំពាវនាវ
សូមខ្មែរទាំងអស់ប្រយ័ត្ន កឹម សុខា និង សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា អោយមែនទែន..!
ពីព្រោះបុគ្គលទាំងពីររូបនេះបានលក់ ឧត្ដមគតិ, មនសិការនឹង សតិសម្បជ្ជញ្ញ: ទៅបំរើបនក្បត់ជាតិអាយ៉ងយួនកុម្មុយនីស្ដ
ឱ្យមកសុំលុយកាស ពីខ្មែរក្រៅប្រទេសនឹង
ហេតុអ្វីបបានជា សម រង្សី មិនទទួលចង សម្ពន្ធភាពជាមួយ កឹម សុខា ? ពីព្រោះសម រង្សី ស្គាល់ក្រយៅក្បាលកឹម សុខា ដុះនៅឯណាយ៉ាងច្បាស់ណាស់។
Earlier, Khmer krome had all kinds of movements to fight Yourn to free them self.
Yourn created the same movement by their secret agents to discredit Khmer Krome's movements, after a while, Khmer Kromes who wanted to joint the movement did not know which one was the legit movement and which one was the fake.
Those who jointed the fake movement were arrested by Hanoi spy agents.
In the early 80's, there were free Khmer movements at border Khmer/Thai bordera. At the same time, Viet's secret agents created their own fake free Khmer movement in Phnom penh and other provinces.
Those who thought they were jointing the real free Khmer movement were arrested, one of them was the president of Pochentong weaving company.
Nowaday, Cambodians can not tell who is the real patriot and who is working for Yourn because Viet stirs up our head to make us ll dizzy.
Bayy Kdaing
Oftentime, I have publicly insulted our beloved SamRsainsy's simply repeating mistakes of "Hit&Run" poliSick, but I'm still gradually hopeful that he will not afraid of going back home and challanging SenVarman, 'cause he could not win, if he is kept continuously staying outside of Srok Khmer.
Hun Sen leaked the documents or so call a secret tape, but they didn't do any damaged to HRP. Hun Sen later on warned that He will leak a tape between him and Sam Rainsy and also said that he might allow Sam Rainsy to go back to Cambodia. Hun Sen will allow Sam Rainsy to go back to Cambodia, but Sam Rainsy will have to promise Hun Sen that he will not ever merge with another opposition parties such as HRP. Hun Sen's goal is to have each opposition party stay and stand by itself. This is a good political move by Hun Sen, because Hun Sen knew full well that Sam Rainsy Party will never ever going to win on it own and Hun Sen is right on that. Sam rainsy will never win just on his own party. If Sam Rainsy decide to go back to cambodia and promise not to merge with any other opposition parties and it seem he is going that direction, he will walk into hun sen's trap. Sam Rainsy will make another major mistake like 50 + 1. 50+1, was a major mistake by Sam Rainsy Party and by Sam Rainsy and Rainsy himself has admitted that. Cpp and Hun Sen is playing a very smart game, CPP is working hard to keep opposition parties stay away from each other and will never merge with each other. Rainsy has to be very smart and think about this throughly and not allow hun sen walk over him again. Hun sen has to think of away to win and he has to be a bigger man to realize that he can't win alone.
Sam, your gay whore, be a great hero to come back to your own soil rather than going around an barking like mad dog
10:56 AM
What about your court system in phnom Penh? Fair? If he's been around in Cambodia he would die by the unjustness of your court.
We all knew that Vietnam is colonizing Cambodia through the puppet government. We must avoid breaking ourselves apart.
Please try to think logically.
Sam Rainsy party has created a long time with the main goal to liberate Cambodia from Vietnam’s domination.
Mr. Kem Sokha has just recently created his party. Both parties have identical principals.
If Mr. Kem Sokha is truly a nationalist, why didn’t he joint Sam Rainsy party? Why did he create another party in the first place? This Human right party is wrong since its inception because it will automatically split the voice of the “democratic parties”, thus help the puppet government.
He should ask this question a thousand times before he creates his party. Who will be benefited from my party’s existence?
By not creating his Human right party, Cambodian people would not have this problem: “Sam Rainsy party and Human right party cannot unite”. And the focus of the people will be on removing the puppet party from the power.
The number of the Vietnamese immigrants inside Cambodia and the way they destroyed our natural resource should produce enough motive for Cambodian people to vote against the puppet government.
Those who speak up against Sam Rainsy are supporting evil.
10:48 AM
Hun Sen is not the one who does all the tricks, but Hanoi does for him.
Hun Sen is not smart anything, and if he is, then he would have freed himself from Hanoi already.
I am not Khmer but I can read and write Khmer very well and believe me, nothing that can hide from me about Hun Sen and Khmer politicians.
I vote for Sam Rainsy the best.
Can Mr. Kouch Kuntheara interview and Kem Sokha?
Kem Sokha is being used by US-Vietnam alliance vs. China. The US will do everything in Cambodia for Vietnam if asked as long as Vietnam does not sleep with China, and Vietnam wants to isolate Kem Sokha from Rainsy to keep Hun Sen under its claws. Kem Sokha is rich and he wants more money and tehy will give it to him to cut him off from Sam Rainsy.
Hanoi uses the same strategy as Ngoc Van and Hien Vuong did to King Ramathipadi I or Chao Ponhea Khan. If Hue (hanoi) didn't break Khmers apart King Ramathipadi would defeat Hue already by the helps from the Muslims.
1:09 PM
Kouch Kuntheara is in France and he is paid by CPP/hanoi.
លោកសម រង្សី តើគណបក្សរបស់លោកនៅតែ
សង្ឃឹមទៅលើការបោៈឆ្នោតទៀតឬយ៉ាងណា? បើ
តាមយោបល់របស់ខ្ញុំបាទដូចជាគ្មានសង្ឃឹមទេលោកលោកបានចាញ់ហ៊ុន សែនបីអណត្តរួចហើយ! ដូច្នេៈលោកគួរតែដូរនូវយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តថ្មីហើយ តែបើ
Kouch Kuntheara, please interview your boss Hun Sen too and ask Hun Sen to disclose all document he conversated with Sam Rainsy, ok! Be a man man. Interview your boss.
ថ្វីបើ ហ៊ុនសែនបានបង្កើតព្រឹត្តិការ ក្រោមរូបភាព ទំលាយការសន្ទនាសំងាត់ ហ៊ុនសែន-កឹមសុខា តាមទូរសព្ទ រៀបចំ ដោយក្រុមហ៊ុនសែន ជាសំលេងសន្ទនាក្លែង តាមទូរសព្ទ សំរាប់ហ៊ុនសែន យកលេសចោទកឹមសុខា, កឹមសុខា នៅតែជានិច្ច ជា អ្នកទទួលរាល់បញ្ជា ពីហ៊ុនសែន ប៉ុន្តែមានភាពសំងាត់ជាងមុន ព្រោះ គោលដៅចំបង នៃរាល់ទង្វើ របស់ហ៊ុនសែន-កឹមសុខា គ្មានអ្វីក្រៅពី បំបែកគណបក្សសមរង្ស៊ី ។
ទង្វើ ដែលពួកកំមុយនីស្ត បានបង្កើតព្រឹត្តិការបែបចឹង សំដៅបន្តបិទបាំង រាល់ទង្វើទទួលបញ្ជា ជាសំងាត់ របស់កឹមសុខា ពីហ៊ុនសែន។
ថ្វីបើ ពួកកំមុយនីស្តកញ្ជះយួន បង្កើតព្រឹត្តិការបំភាន់ភ្នែកកូនខ្មែរ ដោយបង្ហាញថា កឹមសុខា នឹងលែងជាគ្នីគ្នា របស់ពួកកំមុយនីស្ត ប៉ុន្តែគោលដៅចំបង របស់ពួក កំមុយនីស្តកញ្ជះយួន គ្មានអ្វីក្រៅពី ត្រូវការ កឹមសុខាជ្រៀតចូល គណបក្សសមរង្ស៊ី តាមគ្រប់វិធី អោយខានតែបាន សំដៅគ្រប់ពេល បំបែកគណបក្សសមរង្ស៊ី។
ពេលនេះ កឹមសុខា ពិតជាភ្នាក់ងារសំងាត់បំផុត របស់ហ៊ុនសែនកញ្ជះយួន ដែលគោលដៅចំបងបំផុត គ្មានអ្វីក្រៅពី រកគ្រប់វិធី ជ្រៀតចូល/បំបែក គណបក្សសមរង្ស៊ី។
សូមរាល់កូនខ្មែរ វិភាគរាល់ព្រឹត្តិការកន្លង ទាក់ទិន រាល់ទង្វើ របស់ហ៊ុនសែន និង រាល់ទង្វើ របស់កឹមសុខា។
12:59 PM
What is your country of birth?
8:59 PM
He was born in Hungary educated in France now in the US working for uncle Sam. He speaks and writes 5 languages fluently (Chinese, Khmer, Vietnamese, French and English). Why ask?
Sam Rainsy is a real kon khmer, so he works for khmers
Thanks Mr Sam Hero Rainsy.
ah Kuoch kuntheara chea youn
11:17 AM
អាខ្វាក់ហ៊ុន សែន ឈ្មោះដើមវាហ៊ុន ណាល់ ។ឪវា
ឈ្មោះ ហ៊ុន នៀង ជាចោរលួចគោនៅស្រុកក្រូច
ឆ្មារ ខេត្តកំពង់ចាម ម្ដាយវាឈ្មោះឌី ប៉ុកជា
អ្នកលក់នំអាកោរ។ អាហ៊ុន សែន ឈ្មោះដើម
វា គឺ ហ៊ុន ណាល់ ជាចោរដូចឪពុកវាដែរ។
មែកត្របែកខ្វាក់ភ្នែកម្ខាង ហើយឆ្នាំ៧០រត់ចូល
ចូលព្រៃម៉ាគី ធ្វើជាខ្មែរក្រហម។
ជំនាន់ខ្មែរក្រហម គណៈភូមិ គណៈឃុំ និង
គណៈតំបន់មួយចំនួនជាចោរ ឬ មេចោរលួច
គោ ឬ ក្របី។
ដល់មកបានធ្វើនាយករដ្ធមន្ត្រី កើតជាចោរលក់
ជាតិ លួចជាតិ។ឪអាហ៊ុន សែន ជាចោរ អាហ៊ុន
សែនជាចោរ អស់ទាំងមុខមន្រ្តីក៏ជាចោរដូច អាខ្វាក់
ហ៊ុន សែន ដែរ។
it should be about cambodia, not about sam rainsy or any personal issue, really! if sam rainsy forget that, then he is just a greedy, self-serving politician, really! there are more to cambodia than just sam rainy alone, really! wake up, people! work for cambodia, not for your own political ambition, ok! rule of law will prevent people from stealing power, power hungry, etc, etc, you know! cambodia changed, not the same like in the past, ok! wake up, already!
12:51 AM
You criticized Sam Rainsy, the one who has never sold the land of Cambodia to Vietnam? I am sure you cannot deny that everywhere are Viets in Cambodia. The Viets can come into Cambodia with passports, but Cambodians cannot even live in their own land. You are very crazy.
12:51 AM
You criticized Sam Rainsy, the one who has never sold the land of Cambodia to Vietnam? I am sure you cannot deny that everywhere are Viets in Cambodia. The Viets can come into Cambodia with NO passports, but Cambodians cannot even live in their own land. You are very crazy.
KI team, please post this if you can!
To Lok Prothean Sam Rainsy:
Have you spent a few minutes to think over and re-assess your progressive performance in the political arena so far? SWOT analysis from different perspectives will help!
- What defines Leadership to you?
- MPs Mu Sochua, Son Chhay & Mao Monivann and a few more are the core pillars of SRP. Ms. Mu has shown her great leadership skills. Everyday, she spends her time helping the poor Khmer victims. She refused to run away from the Kangaroo's court when come to injustice. You should not be afraid and stay in Cambodia. What can Hun Xen do to you? Instead, you will be gaining more popularity by showing your bravery/lealership. Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar dared to stay in the country even though she well knew that she risked her life. Nelson Mandela of S. Africa stayed in the prison for 27 years in exchange for true justice & freedom. That's the true leader.
- Stop painting the same Khmers. This is a lose-lose strategy. Speculation would lead to nowhere besides destroying our country.
The thing is not about CPP is stronger than SRP or HRP, but the opposition parties never learnt its past failure and refused to accept new ideas.
If SRP continues to run on the same status-quo platform with obsolete leadership skills, you will never ever be able to win the CPP/Youn Hun Xen.
Hope KI could help post this in your blog.
Best Regards,
SRP+HRP+All True Khmers > CPP/Youns!
8:13, great comment. people that support Sam Rainsy complaint why there has to be another opposition parties such as hrp. These supporters have to understand that after over 10 yrs people do not have hope with SR and not all khmer that hate cpp like Sam Rainsy. In a democratic country, more than one opposition parties are welcome. I wish that SR and SRP supporters can stop imagine that SRP is the only opposition party that can save cambodia and stop imagine that only SRP and SRP supporters that love khmer and care for Cambodia. Continue to think that other opposition is bad and yourself is good and not looking at your own failure for the past how many years ago, also not even willing to change , that is dangerous.
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