Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Khork Bomnang - "Deceived": Peom in Khmer by Chham Chhany


Anonymous said...

So true ! :( Thank you. What a great poem . Hun Sen will go down as the worst leader in Khmer history.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

bad graphics

Anonymous said...

i like it . thankyou
see you next page

Anonymous said...

If you want to attract readers to read your message through your poem, then make it clear so the readers may
be able to read. You tried too hard to blend the poem sticking to the green leaves and who the hell would try to strength their eyes to just read the unclear black letters? Get color of the alphabets brighter so readers can read.
You waste your time and people's time to just look without reading then toss it away.
You know every day I see stupid people like you hanging around and messing up the dashboard do no good to any society. Sad but true.