Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Who led to the killing of Khmer people ... - Opinion by Uon Sim



Anonymous said...

ដោយ​​សារតែ ខេអាយ​ មែនហើយ បានជាវានាំគ្នាទៅចែកអំណោយ យកចិត្តប្រជាជន
ព្រោះវាភ័យក្លាចដូច កាដាហ្វី ចេះតែថាវាទៀតទៅ
ខ្ញុំសុំសរសើណាចំពោះអ្នក កំណាព្យ អ្នកដាក់រូប អ្នកសរសេរសម្ភាសន៏ ទាំងអស់គ្នា
ជាពីសេស​គឺខេអាយតែម្តង ដែលបានធ្វើការទាំងយប់ទាំងថ្ងៃដើម្បីបម្រើបងប្ងូន
គ្រុប់ទីកន្លែង សុំ អរគុណ ណា៎ ......

Anonymous said...

បើចង់អោយខ្មែរ បានសុខ ត្រូវតែកំចាត់ ឆ្កែយួនហូជិមិញ ដូចជា សីហនុ ហ៊ុនសែន ជាស៊ីម ហេងសំរិន និងបក្សពួកវាជាច្រើនទៀត ។

អា សីហនុ ហ៊ុនសែន ជាស៊ីម ហេងសំរិន

ពួកអាប្រែត អស់នេះ ពួកវាចេញមកពីប្រភពតែមួយទេ

គឺយួនហូជិមិញ ពួកវាបំរើផលប្រយោជន៍អោយយួនហូជិមិញ

យួនហូជិមិញ ក្រោយពីវាប្រើប្រាស់ អាម្សៀរ សីហនុនេះអោយបំរើ នយោបាយវា ក្នុងការអោយយួនចូលស្រុកមក វាក៏ហៅអាម្សៀរនេះ ធ្វើជាមកគ្រងរាជ្យគ្រប់គ្រងខ្មែរ ដើម្បីបំភ័នភ្នែកអន្តរជាតិ និងដើម្បីទុកអោយ ស៊ីញ៉េ កាត់ដីអោយយួន ក្នុងលក្ខណះស្របច្បាប់ប៉ុណ្ណោះ ដើម្បីបំភ័នអន្តរជាតិ

Anonymous said...

អាម្សៀរ សីហនុ វាបំរើផលប្រយោជន៍អោយយួនហូជិមិញ

វាបានបង្កើតចលាចល ក្នុងស្រុក អោយយួនសំលាប់ខ្មែរ បង្កើតបានជាលេស អោយយួនចូលមកឈ្លានពាន និងកាន់កាប់ស្រុកខ្មែរ

ដូចសព្វថ្ងៃនេះ ។​​ អា សីហនុ វាគឺជាអ្នកត្រួសត្រាសផ្លូវអោយយួន ចូលស្រុកខ្មែរ តាមនយោបាយ អាប្រែត ហូជិមិញ

Anonymous said...

you cannot change all of them,
too much work,
Hun Sen alone would be enough,
Sihanouk is dying,
Chea Sim and Heng Samrin are just scarecrow.

Anonymous said...

Who Led to the Killing of Khmer people, please Read Top Secret Documents just Released by the State Department.

The killers were CIA under Nixon administration, China, Vietnam & Soviet. US, China, Soviet and Vietnam. They were the powerful nations who raped a small helpless Cambodia. These Four Should pay the price of the genocide in Cambodia.
Sihanouk did what he thought he could help his country from this calamity. Why these nations are afraid to call Sihanouk to stand Trial? Because they would be unmasked as the real killers.

No doubt Sihanouk was part to blame because he was a leader, but the Vietnam expansionism was already soaked deep inside Cambodia, and China promised/advised Sihanouk to choose the path that may free his country from these infiltrator Vietnamese who have always used the fight between the superpower nations to increase its expansionism.

It is so impossible that Sihanouk as a Khmer who would want to kill his own people and want to destroy his country. Without his country, he cannot be Khmer, and without Khmers, his country cannot be existed.

Now the Vietnamese strategy is to go after Sihanouk alone by spreading ONE blame on him alone, because Vietnamese want to keep friendship with superpower nations for themselves. Their intention is to divide and annihilate all Khmers. This division tactic has been carrying by the Vietnamese I see on the internet while Khmers are being annihilated by the invader Vietnamese behind CPP in every second.

Why don't the intruders like Uon Sim send its posts to the major Newspapers instead of posting in a Blog that is unrecognized as academics. Don't give me wrong, I've visited KI as a spectator, but KI is not academy.

Anonymous said...

10:19 PM,
You blamed foreigners for all the trouble Cambodia went through from 1970 up to now just so your prince can escape responsibily. But it's not how Khmer people see it. You know why Sihanouk only visit Communist countries such as China, Korea, where protest is restricted. Because he too scares to face with Khmer protesters in free countries such as America, French, Australia etc...where freedom of protest is guaranteed by the governments. His chicken attitude is comparable to Hun Sen. How many times Hun Sen visit free country? Besides Communist countries, Hun Sen and Sihanouk, have nowhere to go, as both of them don't feel safe.

Anonymous said...

ប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្ត និងកូនខ្មែរ បានចងចាំទុកក្នុងចិត្តរួចហើយថា

សីហនុ គឺជាឆ្កែយួនហូជិមិញ


បើគ្មានអាម្សៀរ សីហនុ​ នេះ

ផែនការ របស់យួនហូជិមិញ ក្នុងការយកខ្មែរ

បញ្ចូលក្នុង ឥណ្ឌូចិន ក៏ពុំអាចបានសំរេចដែរ

Anonymous said...

អា សីហនុ គឺជាត្រីងៀត ឆ្លាតពង

យួនប្រើវា អស់សាច់ហើយ វាឡើងអស់សាច់ហើយ

ដង្ហើមចង្រិតហើយ នូវវាឈ្លាតហាបបេរមាត់យួនហូជិមិញវាស្រែក

ជយោ គាំទ្ររបបយួនហូជិមិញ នៅស្រុកខ្មែរទៀត

គិតទៅ អានេះ សាហាវ អាក្រក់ខ្លាំងណាស់


Anonymous said...

11:28 PM
It is not about blaming game, it is about Khmers have never had a Unity from the start. If you read from the day Khmer empire collapsed, we saw the disunity and corruption, betrayal, caused by the Varaman royal families, etc., and when you read the day Annamese begun their expansionism toward South (first (Champa) we saw the disunity, corruption and betrayal, and that was a time we had so many records written by many foreign mercenaries and traders who witnessed and even involved with the real problems.

Khmers can never work with one group, it's always disunity issue.
Since Jayajetta II until today, the issue Khmers have dealt with Viets is not finished and it never will, because the Viet propaganda like this will not allow Khmers to move on to build their future.

I have not found any old documents wrote that the Vietnamese (intruders) have ever left Cambodia, since Jayajetta II's wife Ngoc Van reigned over Khmer court in Oudong until today. The crucial one was the French brought the Vietnamese to control over Khmer and Laos Kingdoms and not yet I can find any evidence to support the facts "when the Vietnamese left Cambodia:.

This crucial issue should be addressed in order for Khmers to find a comment ground such as Unity. Sihanouk or other Khmer leaders or any Khmer when comes to power in Cambodia will use the same or similar strategy to keep power because of no security among Khmers (distrust); and at the same time the enemy like Vietnamese whose hearts aim to annihilate Khmers are always inside of Khmer Kingdom, Khmers cannot recognize them and the tragedy keeps going.

I closed the chapter of this past tragedy but to move on to may be I can help the new generation to love Cambodia to build the country.

The Vietnamese propaganda like this article written in Khmer is launching to divide the Khmers from walking to a unity gate, I understand but Khmers can no longer decide their fate, because their souls are being destroyed by enemies whom they called best friends since 1600's.

Anonymous said...

12:10 AM,

Khmer people of the next generation are entitled to know what was going on with their history. They demand to know why their country called Cambodia is going through much suffering for 40 years or more. Compared to our neighbors, they are 20 or 30 time economically stronger while we, Cambodians, are the poorest on earth. Closing the chapter by eliminating history amount to hiding the truth from the next generation. Publishing Sihanouk's message is the rights of the people and free country cannot take this rights from him/her. If the publisher maliciously intends to slander or libel Sihanouk by faking Sihanouk's message then, the publisher should be condemned. Until then, please respect people's freedom.

Anonymous said...

Well said 12:46AM

I support Oun Sim s ambiguity. hearing 12:10AM said 100times it can't be comparable to the one time khmers people have been thrue. If hkmers want to be free ,first make the assassination Hun Sen ,second Sihaknuk or both the same time.

My compatriots i am admiring you that you are all understand the root of Cambodia s problems and fighting back with the PARROTS ,LIPS SERVICE,

khmers believe in Sihaknuk and Hun Sen khmers will be piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

Friend and Love it`s make you blind. the problem is you don`t know them. tha`s what`s happens to Sihanuk and Hun Sen. khmer freedom under these two evils Sinanuk and Hun Sen is not much differentfrom Pol Pot they close dose door full of crocdils(yourn)inside the house. some Khmer still never learn the past those person want to repeate whatever happens from the past to continue untill no khmer on eath by yorn . it`s we call khmer dumb.

Anonymous said...

ONE PICTURE MEAN THOUSAND WORDS,can some one post the picture of Sihaknukrouge and the broadcasting from Peking

Anonymous said...

I totally support 12:00am. I'm a new generation I read and knew more than this Sim Oun is trying to analyse about the Khmers' genocide. Please don't speak for the generation that they demand you to tell them. They can search from academic sources. You who have all the time to sit in front of computer typing without worrying of school work and job, don't need to waste too much time with this past that cannot undo. We new generation need to get education then job and help the families and help to rebuild the country before Yuon will own all the major companies.
We are too sick and tired to read this same crap we already knew. Thx

Anonymous said...

My post is 8:10am. I meant I agree with 12:10am.

Anonymous said...

8:14 AM,

If you are the next generation and can write better Khmer I assume that you live in Cambodia which is ruled by dictator Hun Sen in the past 32 years. In dictatorship countries, the same hold true for Communist countries, you have limited freedom of expression, let alone publish something. In the free world, you cannot just shut someone up or prevent someone from republishing an article which was already published by the author (in this case the author is Sihanouk himself) in the past just because you don't like the article. People in free countries were born with the rights while people in dictorship countries were born without the rights. If you can write English better, learn about the rights of the people from outside world. Don't be a frog in the well.

Anonymous said...

You know what? My parents work so hard still can't bring enough food to feed their three kids and am the oldest. My parents tauught me to fight hard to get education so I would't be poor and ignorant like them. Because Khmers had too poor and too many people that was were brainwashed by the Yuon Communists. Only a few elites ruled the country but they were not matched with Yuon because we had a big gap between the majority were ignorant and a few people were elites. We did't have enough educated people back then and we had NO unity, we're so divided from what I read and learned from so many real sources.
What is hidden in this article written in Khmer is no encouragement for my new generation to move forward and fight to claim our land as we are the rightful owner, and only education that will help us to take control of our destiny. How much you want to feed this same story we already knew in our brains we cannot undo yes we knew the cause of the problems, but what now? Why are you afraid of encouraging us to be top, be successful in school? How will we become masters in our home if are ignorant as our Khmers before KR? Master ignorant like Hun Sen? Yes you have your right to express the same story and we want to know why you are afraid of telling or speaking to us of becoming masters in our home? Thx

Anonymous said...

Teach Kaun Khmers to becoming hackers and so they can hack Yuon communist and hack Hun Sen, destroy all their data in Cambodia like Chinese and Yuon hacked each others.

Anonymous said...

dear 11:50 is this article disturbing you? is this article pop up in your school or pop up in your books. I think as long as you are not looking for it it`s is not looking fo you. are you dumb or you crazy?