Monday, September 19, 2011

Boeung Kak Lake Activist Savagely Beaten by Mob of Police Officers during Forced Eviction

Sam Rainsy Party to send a letter to World Bank to hold all future funding to Cambodia till solutions are found. Solutions that are acceptable to all residents of the Boeung kak Lake and not fake ones as recently proposed by the government that keeps exposing hundreds of residents to violence and forced evictions.

Mu Sochua
The following was originally posted at:

Video: Boeung Kak Lake Activist Savagely Beaten by Mob of Police Officers during Forced Eviction

September 17, 2011 - Yesterday witnessed the most violent forced eviction of Boeung Kak lake residents to date. Early in the afternoon, a hundred “anti-riot” intervention police officers and Daun Penh district security guards positioned themselves nearby homes of lake residents. Two excavators, protected by the armed group, proceeded in destroying homes of families arbitrarily disqualified from the 12.44 hectares of land given to the remaining lake families.

Later in the afternoon, as the excavators were on the move to destroy more houses, lake resident and activist Suong Sophorn was savagely assaulted by a mob of intervention police officers who left him for dead after kicking and beating him with bricks and batons.


Anonymous said...

Ok, start the Lotus revolution now. Enough is enough. On second thought, who's going to start it. Let's face it, we khmers are too chicken. We rather face suffering then rise up against anybody. Also, we are very afraid of the dictator too. Not only that, a lot of us still think the dictator and his bitch are the good people. Without these two beasts, Cambodia will collapse. Let's face it again, we, khmer are too stupid. We are so used to suffering that oftentime we just accept it as faith rather than actually do anything about it. It's sad but very true.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rise up khmer. Rise up khmer.

This is due to the invasion of cambodia by vietcong.

Anonymous said...

So what are we waiting for? Can we start a revolution now? Where are all the youths? Have they been all brainwashed or too busy singing in the karaoke bars? What's wrong with this race? Nobody is doing anything when clearly something has to be done.

Anonymous said...

i told you, violence don't necessarily solve violence, ok! don't be stupid forever, ok! this is not your mother's inheritance, ok!

Anonymous said...

ក្នុងរូបភាពវីដេអូនេះ ខ្ញុំបានឃើញបុរសចំណាស់ម្នាក់
ស្រែកអំពាវនាវរកជំនួយពី លោកជំទាវ ប៉ុន្តែដឹង
មិនជាជំទាវណាទេ ប៉ុន្តែប្រសិនបើលោកជំទាវ
ក្តួយធំព្រឹទ្ឋបណ្ឌិត កាហ៊ាង (Hiềnប៊ុនរ៉ាន្នីហ៊ុនសែន)នោះមិនខុសពី អង្វរចោរ
ប្លន់ឲ្យប្រគល់ទ្រព្យរបស់ខ្លួនមកវិញនោះទេ។ វិធីមាន
តែមួយគឺ មិនត្រូវអង្វរចោរទេ ប៉ុន្តែត្រូវស្វះស្វែងរកច្បាប់​។


Anonymous said...

Vietcongs, still continue killing Khmers people. Vietcongs should stop now and go back home.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

some people chose to learn the hard way by using violence against violence! you now see the result, so think wisely next time, ok! and get educated to be a better person, ok!

Anonymous said...

អញ្ចឹងហើយបានគេហៅវាអាខ្វាក់គឺមិនខុសមែន ព្រោះវាខ្វាក់មែន វាមើលឃើញតែក្រុមប៏ក្សពួក
វានឹងអាណាចេះអែបអបវា អាឆ្កែណាចេះសរសើរ
វាឲ្យសុខទាំងអស់ អាប័ក្សប្រជាជនវាមិនដែល
តែបើប្រជាជនអាយួន ហៅអាញឿង ឬអាស្រកី
ដូង អាយួនធ្មេញខ្មៅ វាមើលឃើញច្បាស់ជាង
ថ្ងៃទៅទៀតពួករលាយឆាប់ៗ រាស្ត្រខ្មែរត្រូវពួក
ឈប់ថ្ងៃណាទេ វាសហាវជាងសម័យខ្មែរក្រហម
ទៅទៀតពួកអារលត់រលាយ តើអាច្បាប់ពុករលួយ
ពីអារដ្ឋសភាពទីងមោង ចាំតែលើកដៃខុសក៏

Anonymous said...

It's unimaginable to see police brutality towards unarmed, innocent people, especially to their own race..lack training, uneducated....

People will start to change their thinking when see this powerful video and others. The problem is how can they have access to it. Maybe it can be sent via cell phone.

My heart goes out to Sophoan.

Anonymous said...

oh stop staging and exploiting the situation, ok! we all know opposition political ambition. they are all hypocrites! without the rule of law, it's like my turn, their turn, our turn, etc; thus, the cycle of violence never ends! stop being stupid forever, ok! this is not the dark ages, ok! of course, there are more to cambodia than you and i, ok!

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំ ជឿថា បើមានការបះបោរ កើតឡើងនៅកណ្តាល
ក្រុងភ្នំពេញ និង នៅតាមខេត្តនាៗ ដើម្បីវ៉ៃបណ្តេញ
អាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន មែននោះពួកអាទាហាន
អីចឹង គឺពួកអាទាហានខ្មែរឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនវានឹង បាញ់
បើយោងទៅតាមអំពើរយ៉ាងសាហាវឃោរឃៅ ព្រៃផ្សៃ

Anonymous said...

ក្នុងមួយពិភពលោកនេះ អ្នកណាៗក៏ដឹងគ្រប់គ្នាទាំងអស់ថា
អាយ៉ងក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុន សែន នេះ ជាមេក្បត់ជាតិ, ជាមេ
លក់ជាតិ, ជាមេឃាតករឈាមត្រជាក់, ជាមេខ្មែរក្រហម,
បើខ្មែរយើងមិននាំគ្នាកំចាត់វានិងបក្សពួកវាចោលទេ ប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានថ្ងៃបានសុខសាន្ត និងអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ប្រទេសជាតិ

Anonymous said...

នែ+ពួកអាកងប្រដាប់អាវុធខ្មែរកញ្ជៈអាឆ្កែ ហ៊ុន សែន និង
អាឆ្កែយួនហាណូយ! អញសូមប្រាប់ពួកអាឆ្កែអស់ឯងថា៖ អំពើរដែលពួកអាអស់ឯងកំពុងតែធ្វើមកលើពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ
និងថោកទៀបជាទីបំផុត។ ពួកឯងកុំភ្លេចឱយសោះថា៖ នៅថ្ងៃដ៏ខ្លីខាងមុខនេះពួកអាឆ្កែអស់ឯងនឹងត្រូវបាន
ង៉ាប់តៃហោងវិញជាក់ជាមិនខាន! យួនបានប្រើល្បិចឱយខ្មែរសម្លាប់ខ្មែរគ្នាឯង

Anonymous said...

DEcho has no power, the real power is the secret powerful rich people around him. The never obey his words.

Anonymous said...

Why Ah Kantorbs, behind Ah Kwack's force, have been able to destroy Khmer Nationalists one by one such as beating up this brave young Khmer, Suong Sophorn ?

This puppet government has been facilitating its master’s plan of colonizing Cambodia by pushing Khmer people to live farther and farther from the city, encountering stiff hardships stemming from the lack of foods, cleaned water, school, etc…Thus shorten their life span. This is another way to kill Khmer people.

Look at the newcomers Yiekcongs who have penetrated freely into Cambodia occupied all the places that possess all natural resource and enjoy easy life while the indigenous Khmers deprive almost everything.

With the extreme discontent among Khmer people toward the puppet government, the 2013 election should heavily favor the opposition parties to win this most crucial election.
However, if the puppet government wins the election again that would surely imply that the number of yiekcongs inside Cambodia has surpassed the expert’s estimate. So, the puppet government got the votes from Yiekcongs, not from Khmer people.


That circumstance will leave Khmer people no choice, but to mount a popular uprising against this monster expansionist Yiekcong.

And it come to the conclusion that either we die – through peaceful massive demonstration - after this 2013 election to give Cambodia a chance to live or we cowardly stay still and let these yiekcongs eat our motherland alive. That is the choice we have to make.

Just remember that this is not the first time that Yiekcongs occupy our country. In the past, some ways and some how, our ancestors were able to get rid of them. We must do the same as our ancestors did.

Anonymous said...


May God be with you and help you recover fast and safely without any long-term physical adverse effects!

You have won a respect as a true defender of the poor from me.

Pissed off

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen polices abuses citizens, and the U.N and U.S do nothing. If you dare to toss a few hand grenades at the riots poilces, the future of forced eviction must be in minimal.

Anonymous said...

8:06 AM,

You have just hit the nail right on the very head!

You are so right!

There are always reasons why things are the way they are in Cambodia!

I have lost hope for Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

រដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជាបច្ចុប្បន្នគឺជារដ្ឋាភិបាលក្បត់ជាតិ,ក្បត់ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ,ឆ្កែកញ្ជៈយួនហាណូយ,តិរិច្ឆានសាហាវព្រៃផ្សៃ,ឃោរឃៅនិងរំលោភលើសទ្ធិមនុស្ស ហើយថោកទៀបជាទីបំផុតរកលេខដាក់គ្មាន​។

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen Order to killed mr. Suong Sophorn when show up.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen Order to killed mr. Suong Sophorn when show up.

Anonymous said...

This is some stupid Hun Sen' dogs! All khmer people have to know about this fucking regime of some sons of bitches leaders who want to destroy khmer race. If a stupid Hun Sen and his members still leading the country, the name of khmer is in his ass.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Cambodia has over 14 millions people but New Zealand has only less than 5 millions look at the difference between the two goverment! And ask Why ? and Why not ?

"Christchurch earthquake:

government wants to demolish 5,000 homes
The New Zealand government has offered to buy thousands of the most badly quake-damaged houses in Christchurch so it can demolish them.

Announcing the buyout plan, John Key, the prime minister, said some land in the worst-hit areas was so unstable it would be impossible to rebuild on it "for many years".
The decision means land in the razed suburbs will effectively be abandoned in the city's rebuild.
Christchurch, the country's second biggest city, was devastated by major earthquakes in September 2010 and again in February this year, and continues to be rocked by strong aftershocks which are causing more damage.

Mr Key said engineers have divided the city, home to 350,000 people, into four zones.

The government will offer to buy all 5,000 properties in the worst affected areas, classed as red zone.
Householders who accept must assign their right to an insurance payout to the government in return.
He estimated the net cost to the government would be up to NZ$635 million (£323 million).

About 10,000 houses in an orange zone need further investigation, while a further 100,000 in a green zone can be rebuilt.
Properties yet to be assessed comprise a white zone.

The worst-hit suburbs are all in low-lying eastern areas of the city that suffered liquefaction, a process in which the ground turns to liquid during the shaking and leaves a quagmire of sludge.
As beleaguered residents, frustrated by months of waiting for the announcement, pored over online maps to see which zone their street was in, Mr Key pledged: "The government remains fully committed to rebuilding Christchurch."

He went on: "Since September last year, the government has been working to provide certainty for residents, while recognising many people have their life savings tied up in their homes."
The prime minister said the move was "the next step in the government's ongoing work to give the people of greater Christchurch a clearer picture of what their future holds".

The cost of rebuilding Christchurch has been estimated at NZ$15 billion (£7.6 billion) or more."

Anonymous said...

ពពួកអាឆ្កែប៉ូលិសចិត្តអប្រីយ៏ទាំងមេទាំងកូន ពួក
អាឯងឈឺចាប់ដែរឬទេ ពពួកអាឯងនេះគឺពិតជាអា
ពុករលួយឲ្យពួកហ្នែងស្លាប់តៃហោងឆាប់ៗ នេះ
​ បរាជ័យពួកអាឆ្កែបំរើយួនឬបំរើនាយទុនបរទេស

Anonymous said...

កណ្ដួយម៉ែ កំពូជអាខ្មែរកំឡៅ ...!
ពួកអាហ្អែងគង់មានថ្ងៃទេវនា និង វិនាសហិនហោច
អន្ដរធានទេ អាខ្មែរកំឡៅចុយម្រ៉ាយ...!

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ទាំងឡាយអើយ!
គ្មានអ្វីស្ថិតស្ថេរជាអមត:នោះទេ!! សូមមើល ហ៊ីត្លែ ,
សាដាមហ៊ុនសេន, សីហនុ, ប៉ុលពត, បិន អាលី,
មូបារ៉ាក់, កាដាហ្វ៊ី ទៅ....អាឆ្កែ...

វានឹងមកដល់នៅពេលណាមួយមិនខាន!! Bingo..!

Anonymous said...

Is it Khmer police or Youn police?

Anonymous said...

I agree, khmer think suffering, by being beaten n interwined will faith will change the ways of the brutal politics, but eveyone khnows this does not work throughout centuries of khmer history, iinocents get themslves killed 

Tolerence, but continue on helping the khmer ppl who needs the support, when our ppl is helped physically n mentally  all ppl will come together n feel strong

How can u build an army when they are not being taken care of? Why cant the opposition party form an army from sratch n buy weapons, form alias with internatinal right groups?

Start forming a thicker foundation, start with helping the common khmer ppl throughout the country little by little instead of focusing on the stronger politics,

Like buddhist monks only helping all ppl n spreading a communtiy intervention, 

Anonymous said...

I hate to see our own Uncles, aunt, throwing themselves to be beaten by those nasty dogs, it could be anyones father, mother, etc... left for dead beaten brutally by those nasty brainwashed worked dogs,

I know i wouldnt let any of my famiky members go kill themselves, suffering sympathetic strategy, am ready to fight them face to face in hell,

If those Son of a bitch jerks have the will to live as long, am willing to live as long along with them,

Khmer ppl are no moron r a fool to let their life be left for dead from those nasty dogs. U ppl call them names r basically just relling them to go kill theirselves, wheres the foundation?

Those dirty ppl have thick skin,

I wait till when all comes to an end, and am be ready to see all of them die in hell,

*nasty jerks ur morons living in hell, killing another life, u act like what yur doing ur not going to die urself,

Or khmer ppl r no morons to waste our life for u dogs, when we know r life is priceless, we be ready to signal n wave u a smirk when u suffer in hell too, but the souls of all good will rise, u nasty devils will die!

Calling us khmer ppl chickens, when life is priceless, those nasty dogs lives are thick n strive to live min, themselves, we khmer ppl should strive to live to see wgen rhey meet ys in hell at the same time,