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Suong Sophoan lies unconscious during a clash with police officers at Boeung Kak Lake in Phnom Penh, Sept. 16, 2011. (RFA) |
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Police charge protesters during a clash at Boeung Kak Lake in Phnom Penh, Sept. 16, 2011 |
Villagers in Cambodia’s capital square off with police at a development site.
Authorities have beaten unconscious an activist who led villagers in a standoff Friday against a construction crew hired to demolish their homes in the latest dustup over a controversial development project in the Cambodian capital.
Suong Sophoan, a villager of the Boeung Kak Lake area of central Phnom Penh, was beaten until he lay bloody and motionless, a witness said, after he and a group of protesters tried to break through a cordon of anti-riot police armed with electric batons and shields.
“I saw a police officer hurl a concrete stone. It happened so fast,” said the witness, who asked to remain anonymous.
Soon after, Suong Sophoan was taken to the hospital for treatment, the witness said.
The police had been sent by municipal authorities to protect workers of the Shukaku Inc. development company from angered protesters who had been evicted Friday despite an order last month from Prime Minister Hun Sen setting land aside for their use.
According to Hun Sen’s decree, 12.44 hectares (31 acres) was to be set aside for 794 families who were facing eviction to develop themselves.
But local authorities have excluded 47 families from the land, and villagers say that the implementation of the decree has lacked transparency. The protesters were from among the excluded families, who authorities said did not have land titles recognized by the government.
Nearly 3,000 families had been evicted before the order to set aside land went into effect, as many residents were forced to accept what they considered inadequate compensation from the government.
Shukaku Inc. is a Chinese-Cambodian company owned by a politician from the ruling Cambodian People’s Party which has been filling in the lake with sand in preparation for the construction of a luxury residential site.
Plea for help
The families had marched across the city on Thursday to the U.S., U.K., and Chinese embassies, pleading for intervention and calling on Hun Sen for assistance.
But the developer moved in a day later, and as they watched their homes being destroyed, many were left to wonder what recourse remained for them.
A villager named Bo Chorvy who lost her house called on the prime minister for help.
“Where is Samdech [Hun Sen]?” she asked. “They have destroyed everything I’ve earned in my life in one second.”
Another villager, Doung Suor, echoed the plea.
“Where can I live? Samdech please help me,” he said.
One 13-year-old girl, who gave her name as Srey Lak, said that she feared for her education.
“I have lost my house. I don’t have a place to live anymore. How can I go to school?” she asked.
At least eight homes were destroyed during the demolition, witnesses said.
Loans halted
Hun Sen’s decision to earmark property for the remaining families came a week after an announcement by the World Bank that it would halt new loans to Cambodia until the land dispute was resolved.
But Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan told RFA at the time that the decision was not a result of pressure from the World Bank, adding that it was “the government’s stance” on the issue.
Boeung Kak villagers welcomed the government’s decision, but expressed concern that corruption and mismanagement by local authorities might leave residents landless in the end.
They said the central government would be less motivated to follow through on implementation because it had simply cut a deal with the villagers to restart funding from the World Bank.
In March, an independent inspection panel found that the World Bank had mishandled a land titling program that led to the eviction of residents from the lake district over the past two years.
Following the panel’s findings, the bank offered to help the government find a solution for the residents, but it also warned that it would reconsider its work in the country if the forced relocations were not halted.
The families who remained at Boeung Kak Lake had held frequent protests in recent months, saying they were holding out for property on the same site after the construction is complete, or for greater compensation.
They say they are entitled to the property under Cambodia’s Land Law, though few of them possess titles, because they have lived there for decades.
Police and company workers had threatened and harassed the residents in attempts to prevent them from holding meetings and from peacefully protesting against the forced eviction.
Police had also used excessive force against some residents when they gathered to bring the issue to the attention of visiting dignitaries and Cambodian politicians, rights groups said.
Ongoing issue
Cambodia’s land issue dates from the 1975-79 Khmer Rouge regime, which forced large-scale evacuations and relocations throughout the country.
This was followed by mass confusion over land rights and the formation of squatter communities when the refugees returned in the 1990s after a decade of civil war.
Housing Cambodia’s large, young, and overwhelmingly poor population has posed a major problem ever since.
An estimated 30,000 people a year in Cambodia are driven from farmland or urban areas to make way for real estate developments or mining and agricultural projects.
Reported and translated by Samean Yun for RFA’s Khmer service. Written in English by Joshua Lipes.
“This kind of leader should understand that his time is past because the era of repressive regimes has ended.”
OH SHIT take the soldiers to smash the citizen,what the hell go on in that KONDOMN of Kampuchea?
So sorry to see Khmers have to endure this painful situation. I hope Khmers know now and will vote for a change next election. We know outsider like UN, can't do much. They don't feel the same as Khmers, because it's not happening to them directly. We are the people of Cambodia must stand up and fight.
Ah Hun Sen Ah kbot cheat!
បញ្ជាឲ្យវ៉ៃគាត់ដូច្នេះ គឺគេទទួលបញ្ជាតាំងតែពីមុន
គេបញ្ជូន ពូលីសទៅម្លេះ ឃើញទេនេះជារបៀបពំបិទ
មាត់ ហើយកំឡាចរបៀបនេះឯង គេមិនខ្លាចប្រើទេ
ហើយគេនឹងប្រើទៀតចាំមើលទៅ គេមិនអាណិត
ឈាមខ្មែរដូចគ្នាទេ គេយកតែពីឈ្នះៗរហូតឲ្យតែ
ខ្មែរ បើវឿតកុងវិញគ្រាន់តែកាប់ឈើមួយដើមក៏ទៅ
សុំច្បាប់រួចអង្វរគេដែរ តើវាសមណាស់ឬ ?
Dear all
Most people who resided in Boung Kok are illigal Vietnamese. They resided there after 1993. Before that Boung Kok is a park for everyone enjoy. I knew this because I used to have fun with my girl friend.
ថ្ងៃនេះខ្ញុំញ័រខ្លួននៅពេលឃើញហ្វូងប៉ូលីសយកដំថ្ម នឹងទាត់វាយ លើខ្មែរ ដែលខ្ញុំគិតថាបើគាត់ជា ពុកខ្ញុំ បងប្រុសខ្ញុំ ជា ប្អូនប្រុសខ្ញុះ ទឹកភ្នែគខ្ញុំស្រក់ភ្លាម ហេតុអ្វីខ្ញុំចិត្តទន់យ៉ាងនេះ។ ចិត្តទន់ព្រោះ តែខ្មែរសំលាប់ខ្មែរ (ឱលោកអាឆ្កែរប៉ូលីសវាគ្មាន ចិត្តដូចខ្ញុំទេរឺ?) ខ្ញុំដឹងថាអាទមិឡរ មានលុយនោះ អោយម៉ាបេសកម្មគឺ ម្នាក់ពីទៅបីរយដុល្លាម្នាក់ ធ្វើយ៉ាងណា កំទេចចោលភូមិឋាន ដែលខ្មែររស់នៅ (ចុះយួនដែលនៅលើបឹងទន្លេសាបម្តេចក៍មិនថាខុសច្បាប់ហើយនាំគ្នាទៅថ្វើដូចគ្នាទៅ) ។
ខ្ញុំមិនថាទេបើបុរសនោះជា អាចោប្លន់សំលាប់អ្នកដូរលុយនៅ ចោមចៅ តែគាត់ខុសអី គ្រាន់តែការពារលំនៅដ្ឋានគាត់សោះ ។ ខ្ញុំសូមបន់ស្រន់សំពះទេវតា សូមអោយអ្នកណាសំលាប់ខ្មែរ សូមអោយជួបតែ ប្រពន្ឋ កូនស្លាប់ឡានកិនបែកខួរ នឹង កូនកើតមកគ្មានដៃជើង រឺថា អោយពួកអារលាយ នឹង វា ជួបតែអសុភមង្គល មួយជីវិត រស់នៅស្គាល់តែ ភាព វិនាស ទឹកភ្នែក ឈឺថ្កាត់ជារាងរហូត ។
Can you find some hand grenades and through into those polices. That sure will stop the actions.
ក្នុងមួយពិភពលោកនេះ អ្នកណាៗក៏ដឹងគ្រប់គ្នាទាំងអស់ថា
អាយ៉ងក្បត់ជាតិ ហ៊ុន សែន នេះ ជាមេក្បត់ជាតិ, ជាមេ
លក់ជាតិ, ជាមេឃាតករឈាមត្រជាក់, ជាមេខ្មែរក្រហម,
បើខ្មែរយើងមិននាំគ្នាកំចាត់វានិងបក្សពួកវាចោលទេ ប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានថ្ងៃបានសុខសាន្ត និងអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ប្រទេសជាតិ
Can we track these killer polices and take of them?
Trace to their gang leader and do the same.
ខ្មែរអើយ អើយខ្មែរ! ពេលនេះទឹកលេចដល់ច្រមុៈ
ឡើងទាំងអស់គ្នាជាមួយ កាំបិត, ពូថៅ, ដាវ , ខ្វែវ, ផ្គាក់, ព្រួញ, សរ, ច្បូក,លំពែង,ធ្នូ,ដំបង,
ព្រនង់, កាំភ្លើង, គ្រាប់បែក, បេសែសិប, បេសែមួយ, មីន, មីនកន្ត្រាក់, មីនបង្កប់, មីនក្លេម័រ, មីនតោន, កាំភ្លើងធំ, កាំភ្លើងត្បាល់, ក្រោកឡើងជាមួយយុទ្ធភ័ណទាំងអស់នេះ បាញ់និងកាប់ក្បាលអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនសងសិកអោយខ្មែរ
យើងត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាអុជធូបទៀន, ជេរប្រទេចផ្ដាសា
និង ដាក់ទំនាយ, មេដឹកនាំកម្ពុជា ទាំងយប់ ទាំងថ្ងៃ ជេរប្រទេចផ្ដាសា, ដាក់ទំនាយហើយ ជេរប្រទេចផ្ដាសា, ដាក់ទំនាយទៀត ហូតដល់ ពួកវា ឪ ម៉ែ បងប្អូន កូនចៅវា និរាសព្រាត់ប្រាស និងវិនាសអន្ដរាយរលាយរលត់
សូមអុជធូប ៩ សសៃ ហើយថាតាមខ្ញុំ :
សូមអស់លោកអារុក្ខអារក្ស អ្នកតា ទេវតាឆ្នាំថ្មី
និងបារមីដ៏ស័ក្តិសិទ្ធិទាំងអស់ តាមបំផ្លាញ ពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិទាំងអស់គ្នាឱ្យវាវិនាស ឱ្យងាប់តៃហោង
យ៉ាងវេទនាដោយត្រូវគ្រាប់កាំភ្លើង សៀម នឹងយួន
ឱ្យរន្ទះបាញ់ ព្រះធរណីស្រូប ភ្លើងឆេះផ្ទះ ឲ្យធ្លាក់យន្ដហោះ ឲ្យលិចទូកកប៉ាល់ ឲ្យក្រឡាប់ឡាន ឲ្យឡានម៉ូតូបុក ឲ្យដំរីព្រេច ឱ្យពស់ចឹក ខ្លាខាំស៊ី ឱ្យវាព្រាត់ព្រាសឪពុកម្តាយ បងប្អូន កូនចៅវា ឱ្យក្ររហេមរហាម រងទុក្ខវេទនាអស់៥០០ជាតិ....
សូមឲ្យពួកវាត្រូវបណ្ដាសានេះហោងចុះ ឱម្មសិទ្ធីស្វាហាយ:
សព្វ រដ្ឋាភិបាល, មន្ដ្រី, រដ្ឋបាល វិនាសសន្តិអស្សិតោ ... ៕
សមត្ថកិច្ច នៃរដ្ធាភិបាលអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន ដែលមាន ទាហាន ប៉ូលីស ប៉េអឹម ពេល ដែលបញ្ជូនទៅរៀននៅស្រុកយួន យួនមិន ដែលបានហ្វឹកហ្វឺនផ្នែកជួយសង្គ្រោះជីវិត ឬ
យួនគិតតែហ្វឹកហ្វឺនផ្នែក បាញ់, កំទេច,សម្លាប់, ពិឃាត, ប្រហារជីវិត, ផ្ដាច់ជីវិត, បំផ្លាញ,ច្បាម, ឆក់ប្លន់, ដុតផ្ទះ, ប្លន់ដណ្ដើមទ្រព្យ, កៀបសង្កត់, សង្កត់សង្កិន, ជិះជាន់, វាយបង្ក្រាប, ទាត់ធាក់ និងបោកគ្រាប់បែកសម្លាប់
បើមិនជឿសួរ ពួកអាមកពីហ្វឹកហ្វឺន ពីស្រុកយួន ១០០ ពួកវាថាដូចគ្នាទាំង ១០០ ។
Why Ah Kantorbs, behind Ah Kwack's force, have been able to destroy Khmer Nationalists one by one such as this brave young student, Suong Sophorn ?
This puppet government has been facilitating its master’s plan of colonizing Cambodia by pushing Khmer people to live farther and farther from the city, encountering stiff hardships stemming from the lack of foods, cleaned water, school, etc…Thus shorten their life span. This is another way to kill Khmer people.
Look at the newcomers Yiekcongs who have penetrated freely into Cambodia occupied all the places that possess all natural resource and enjoy easy life while the indigenous Khmers deprive almost everything.
With the extreme discontent among Khmer people, the 2013 election should heavily favor all democratic parties to win this most crucial election.
However, if the puppet government wins the election again that would surely imply that the number of yiekcongs inside Cambodia has surpassed the expert’s estimate.
Then there will be no way that the real Khmer nationalists will win future elections.
That circumstance will leave Khmer people no choice, but to mount a popular uprising against this monster expansionist Yiekcong.
And it come to the conclusion that either we die – through peaceful massive demonstration - after this 2013 election to give Cambodia a chance to live or we cowardly stay still and let these yiekcongs eat our motherland alive. That is the choice that we have to make.
Just remember that this is not the first time that Yiekcongs occupy our country. Some ways and some how, our ancestors were able to get rid of them. We must do the same as our ancestors.
នៅបណ្តាប្រទេសថ្លៃថ្នូរ អ្នកដឹកនាំរបស់គេតែងតែរក្សានូវកិត្តិយស្តនិងភាពថ្លៃថ្នូរនៅអំឡុងពេលដែលពួកកំពុងកាន់អំណាច តែផ្ទុយទៅវិញប្រទេសខ្មែរយើងអ្នកកាន់អំណាច បែរជាគ្មានខ្វល់អំពីរភាពថ្លៃថ្នូរនិងកេរ៍ឈ្មោះល្អ គិតតែប្រព្រឹត្តថោកទៀប, អំពើរឃោរឃៅព្រៃផ្សៃ, បំបិទសិទ្ធសេរីភាពគ្រប់បែបយ៉ាង, ឆក់ប្លន់ដីធ្លី, បណ្តេញចេញពីទីលំនៅនិងធ្វើបាបកាប់សម្លាប់ពលរដ្ឋខ្លួនឯងទៅវិញ ដើម្បីការពារតែអំណាចសម្រាប់ខ្លួនឯងនិងបក្សពួកខ្លួនតេប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ ទង្វើរបស់ពួកក្បត់ ហ៊ុន សែននេះបានបង្ហាញឱយពិភពលោកបានឃើញអំពីការដឹកនាំដ៏សែនថោកទៀបនិងផ្តាច់ការរបស់អ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មែរនាបច្ចុប្បន្ន (ព្រលឹងលោកតាឃ្លាំងមឿង។
Should we lets these animals in power or we sould kick them out? when we have a s murderer, dumb,stupid leader that`s what happens. it`s all from now on is your decision do or die win or loose it is all of you and all of us to decide. my decision is kick their ass. these animals they want to show to scare Khmer peoples their strategy make sure we don`t make a big demonstrate to against them. that`s what they try to show us. these animals are deadly wrong the more these animals against peoples the more peoples gain power .
A con man Pang Sokhoeun, new name Pang Vitor and nickname: Kolbot and name in Facebook: Khmer Sovannaphumi will be like in this picture if he dares to come to Cambodia. We are watching you a con man Pang Sokhoeun.
10:34, I thought the same thraw a grenade on those police, bulldozers, I wilk be quiet for a while. Why no one think about this. Stop putting your hand, down on your knees, no one pith you! They act cruely on you, you should act cruel back in return! I wish I was there!!!!!
នែ+ពួកអាកងប្រដាប់អាវុធខ្មែរកញ្ជៈ ហ៊ុន សែននិងយួនហាណូយ! អញសូមប្រាប់ពួកអាឆ្កែអស់ឯងថា៖ អំពើរដែលពួកអាអស់ឯងកំពុងតែធ្វើមកលើពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរខ្លួនឯងនេះ គឺជាអំពើររំលោភសិទ្ធមនុស្សដ៏ធ្ដន់ធ្ងរនិងថោកទៀបជាទីបំផុត។ ពួកឯងកុំភ្លេចឱយសោះថា៖ នៅថ្ងៃដ៏ខ្លីខាងមុខនេះពួកអាឆ្កែអស់ឯងនឹងត្រូវបានង៉ាប់តៃហោងវិញជាក់ជាមិនខាន! យួនបានប្រើល្បិចឱយខ្មែរសម្លាប់ខ្មែរគ្នាឯង ដូច្នេះពួកអស់ឯងមុននិងក្រោយគឺត្រូវតែតៃហោង (ព្រលឹងលោកតាឃ្លាំងមឿង)។
this is our people, please help take one minute of your time to write and tell your senators about the current situation. http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
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