Monday, October 31, 2011

Escaping Arrest by The Hun Sen Police, Mr. Kong Kiet is Now in The U.S.

October 30, 2011


After three years in hiding in a neighboring country to escape arrest by the Cambodian police, Mr. Kong Kiet, 51, his wife and their three children finally landed this week in the USA where they will be resettled as political refugees.

Three years ago, a few days after the July 27, 2008 national election that gave a “landslide victory” to the ruling CPP, I met for the first time with Mr. Kong Kiet who was a resident of Boeung Tumpun commune in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district.

Mr. Kong Kiet was not registered as a voter in his commune of residence. However, he was able to cast a ballot for the CPP. His story is not an isolated case but reflects the pattern of a massive election trick that contributed nationwide to the CPP victory.

The pattern is the following: A few days before, and sometimes on, voting day, the CPP-controlled local authorities (commune chief, village chief) come to meet with people like Mr. Kong Kiet who look like any legitimate voters but are actually not registered on the voter list in the commune in question. They give them money and a fake ID document and push them to go to vote at a nearby polling station by casting a ballot for the CPP.

The trick is based on two irregularities:
  1. The voter list is inflated with ghost names (the large number of ghost voters has been decried by independent observers and human rights NGOs).
  2. A fake ID document (the controversial “1018 Form”) showing the name of a ghost voter is delivered to an illegitimate voter such as Mr. Kong Kiet (illegitimate voters could also include other unregistered citizens, foreigners, person below 18-year-old, passers-by paid to vote for the CPP).
In the “1018 Form” he received in 2008, Mr. Kong Kiet was given a stranger’s name: Yov Phet, and another year of birth: 1955 instead of 1960 associated with his real age.

Because he dared to publicly expose the truth and to accept to testify in the complaint that the SRP lodged against the CPP authorities (see documents attached herewith), the police came to arrest Mr. Kong Kiet, who luckily managed to escape just in time.

One can see why the National Election Committee (NEC) controlled by the CPP persistently refuses to provide the opposition SRP with the voter lists for all Cambodia’s communes: They don’t want us to check and to delete the names of ghost voters (dead persons, persons registered twice or more, persons who have permanently left the commune in question, persons who have never existed, etc). Only the SRP, with its over 3,000 locally elected officials in virtually all communes, can confront the CPP by systematically checking on the spot the names of ghost voters and asking for their deletion.

One can see why the NEC persistently wants the CPP-controlled local authorities to continue to issue controversial ID documents, such as the “1018 Form” or a new version of it in 2012 and 2013, rather than ensuring that every citizen be delivered the same standardized national ID card. Ghost voters combined with fake IDs given to illegitimate voters allow the NEC to boast a high voter turnout and to claim a strong citizen participation reflecting a democratic election!

One can see why a courageous man like Mr. Kong Kiet who exposed the CPP election tricks as a witness and a victim, can be a danger for the Hun Sen regime which has managed to "win" a long series of elections over many decades, using probably the same tricks as the Hosni Mubarak regime in Egypt that was toppled earlier this year after 30 years of dictatorship.

Sam Rainsy
Elected Member of Parliament

SRP's complaint against Suos Sarin for issuing the illegal 1018 form

Illegal form 1018

Kong Kiet's actual ID card


Anonymous said...

Don't think that it only happens in Srok Khmer, it was here in the Great U.S.A, land of the brave & free. I know about it because I dared to not listen to Mass Media during Obama election.

$1= 4 cents

Anonymous said...

Congratulation to Lok Kong Kiet and family for your arried in USA the new land and fully democracy. I hope your children will become to the new Cambodia newgeneration which can be a good human rssource and can help our country Cambodia to improve democracy.

Good luck to lok Kong Kiet.

Oum Sara

Khmer Sweden.

Formers Assisatn to MP Sam Rainsy permanent in Bangkok Thailand.

Anonymous said...

What do you "Khmer Democratic" lovers think of what the Israeli Government did in exchange for one of their people to release over one thousand Palestinian terrorists in exchange for peace?

Another words, 1,000 Palestinians, most of them were terrorists, have been released from Israeli prison in exchange for one Israeli soldier who was kidnap by Hamas. And he was kept in a dungeon for most of those five years.

More than likely, those released terrorists will strike again against Israeli citizen. Palestinians want a Palestinian state but they don't want a Jewish state to exist at all. On the Jewish side, OK, you can have your own state and sovereignty but let us also have our own Jewish state and sovereignty, but the Palestinians defy of a Jewish state. Peace... Uh? Yes, pieces blown up by suicide bomb-mers.

$1= 4 cents

Anonymous said...

for your information, cambodia is always in favor of democracy; however we just don't like the individual who likes to incite, who makes disinformation, who is detrimental to the growth and development of cambodia and so forth, you know!

Anonymous said...

$1= 4 cents @1:13 AM,

What does Israel got to do with this topic? Who give a fuck about Israel! You actually think someone's going to reply to your unrelated topic?
This is about Khmer.......idiot!

Anonymous said...

Thank you KI-Media for posting this case of fraudulent voter.
I have tried in the past explaining this to the Western World but none believe what I meant by 'ghost vote.'
Some think that the people is actually vote for the CPP.
They blame the people for continuing to vote for Hun Sen.
Hopefully, this story will shed some light on those who are residing in the land of the free.

Anonymous said...

$1= 4 cents @ 12:34 AM
There's a big different there buddy! One is balance and in a control environs. The other, is unbalance and suppressive.
Don't compare a Democratic country to a country's that lack of Democracy.

Anonymous said...

$1= 4 cents

His dollar is worth almost no cent.
So as his name is applied his opinions are worth no sense.

Anonymous said...

Agree with ya 3:16! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


You must live in the USA for so long that you think America is fraud in voting too. But, So do I. I came to America for 30 years by now and live here happily after during Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and now Obama. Don't tell me America is the same as Hun Sen regime in voting. If America cheating in vote, the US supreme won't allow it to happen and the individual will face the consequence.

Do you know who controls election in Cambodia? 100% Youn Vietcong is controlling the voting system in Cambodia led by Youn agent named Ong Touer. He is the one who controls every election in Cambodia to ensure Hun Sen is in power forever.

Youn in Cambodia have Khmer identity and can vote in every election. Khmer citizens who Hun Sen is suspicious to side with opposition won't have the right to vote.

So get lost. You're not welcome in this forum.

Anonymous said...

Ah fucking Hun Sen. Stop crippling the nation so you can stay in power.

Anonymous said...

Believe me, nobody think Hosni Mubarak, Ben Ali, Qaddafi can be removed from power. Only their own people within their party can't tolerate anymore. They got tired of the same guy leading the country. Otherwise Hun Sen will face the same fate like those former of N. Africa countries.

Anonymous said...

Kong Kiet, twisted it a little bit,

Its " Viet Cong "
Its like Klaw Kloat.

Anonymous said...

12:34 AM

you are a fucking idiot. To say that the great U.S.A election fraud is the same as Khmer, you must be quite stupid and got hit by a bus on your way to the voting ballot to come up with that theory.

Anonymous said...

Please send this Info to all signatory countries of the 1991 Paris Peace Accord.

Wake them up and push them to read, otherwise we will suffer again.

Noting that before and after the 1993 election, Vietnam has pushed a few million of its citizens into Cambodia.

That issue needs to be addressed too.

That is why it is so right to call Ah Kwack Ah Chor Kbot Cheat Khmer because he has allowed Vietnamese to take over Cambodia like Kampuchea Krom

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that we have many smart people on this forum. I don't mine being a little stupid and have no sense.

I happen to be one who listen to what is not been told in main stream media. And read books that you guys have not read.

$1= 4 cents. It means the U.S dollar is only worth 4 cents in it;s purchasing power in today's economy. Don't you think that is cheating? My wages doesn't keep up with the falling dollar my work for every hour is worth less & less but the energy I use is the same in producing what I need to produce in hourly wages. Something is wrong, don't you think?

4 cents

Anonymous said...

What if the justice of nations are hinged upon Israel peace, will you not consider the ramification? If it would not be for Israel existence today Cambodia would not exist either. The world revolse around the Jewish nation, not around Cambodia. I know it's hard for you people to understand and swallow. Fact is fact and it's been proven to be so. God wants to bless all nations on behalf of Israel.

When the temple was still standing, during the festival of Sukkot, the Jews sacrificed a bull for every nation so that God would bless the 70 nations along with Israel. This was done by the command of God, not of their own thinking. God wants to make peace with all nations if they stop kicking him in the face. I wish you people know the truth like I do. It;s our own ignorant that destroy us, not God. I see what sees, meaning by what is already written in the bible concerning the world and this age.
$1= 4 cents

Anonymous said...

8:01 AM 4 cents

Im glad, you can admit you are stupid and have no sense. The above article suggested that Ghost Voting is a common trick used by the CPP, would you care to share us a similar trick used in the U.S?

Anonymous said...

why some people like to incite others? i told you i don't like primitive society, you know!

Anonymous said...

9:59 AM
So what is your society?
If you are not White, you belong to the primitive society, don't you know?
I am feeling privilege to be born White.

Anonymous said...

គង់ គាត គ្រាន់តែជាឈ្មោះខ្មែរដែលវាយកមកដាក់ទេ
ដឹងទេ?។ នៅខេត្តស្វាយរៀង ក្រុងបាវិត ភូមិបាវិត
កណ្តាល មានមីយួនមួយឈ្មោះ NGUYEN THI
HONG NGAN វាបានកាន់អត្តសញ្ញាណប័ណ្ណខ្មែរ
ដែលមានឈ្មោះថា អ៊ុំ ស្រីមុំ ដល់ទៅសួរវាជា
ភាសាខ្មែរទៅ គ្មានចេះមួយម៉ាត់ណាសោះ។
មានយួនច្រើនក្បាលទៀត ក្នុងខេត្តស្វាយរៀង
ខ្លះកាន់អត្តសញ្ញាណខ្មែរ ប៉ុន្តែកំពុងរស់នៅ
ទីក្រុងព្រៃនគរ ប្រទេសយួនឯណោះទៅវិញ។
ចង្វាត្រូវភ្លៀង ខ្លះមកដេកចាំពីរបីថ្ងៃមុន។
បើតែយ៉ាងនេះ ប៉ុន្មានរយអណត្តទើបបោះឆ្នោត

ឳអាហ៊ុនសែន យួនអ៊ើយ! ម្តេចក៏អា ជាឆ្កែបំរើ

Anonymous said...

why people like this like to incite others and falsify information? what is their real motive? to tarnish cambodia's good image? that is so stupid and ignorant!

Anonymous said...

2:17 PM
Why stupid people incite people by accusing people incite shit?

Anonymous said...


Hok Lundy II

Anonymous said...

2:17 PM,
What ignorant is you who can't seems to see pass the well that you're in.
Get out! See the world like it was meant to be seen. That's what you preach, right?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kiet I respect you, your wife, and your 3 children. My little ordinary words may have no meaning towards you or your family, yet to me, this means a lot. I hope you enjoy your life in America, and hope it will be better than your life in Cambodia. When your family gets the chance, I'm sure you can get your house back. I'm sure you can get your old life back. I hope your kids will grow up to be successful and have great fortune, and hope for you and your wife to enjoy life now in America.

To Hun Sen & his government:

IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL JUSTICE? JUSTICE, WHERE EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO VOTE? WHERE THE PEOPLE HAVE A FREEDOM OF SPEECH? SHAME ON YOU. THESE WORDS ARE PROBABLY SOMETHING YOU HEAR AND SEE EVERYDAY. Yet it's true that capital letters don't scare you at all and these ordinary words are so common from all of your haters, these little words coming from a normal person, it isn't ordinary.

You will get all of the consequences that you have done, and they will all come fall on you and your family.

In America, where we have a government who is FAIR to everyone, we call this KARMA.