Thursday, February 02, 2012

Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy's Personal message to every member and friend of the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP)

Personal message to every member and friend of the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP)

Paris, February 2, 2012

Dear fellow countryman,

Over the last 12 months we have won two successive legal victories versus the Hun Sen government at the Paris tribunal:

1. My definitive victory versus Hor Nam Hong at the "Cour de Cassation" (French Supreme Court) on April 27, 2011, exposing the criminal past of one of the leaders of the current regime.

2. The reopening by the state prosecutor on January 24, 2012 of the case concerning the grenade attack in Phnom Penh on March 30, 1997, carried out on the orders of Hun Sen.

These legal victories are the prelude to further successes. They set the stage for the truth to emerge and will have very important political consequences which will hasten the fall of the Hun Sen regime. After the truth follows justice. The triumph of justice in Cambodia will signify liberty for the Khmer people and the coming of democracy to our country.

I await democracy's coming in the knowledge that night is never eternal and that dawn always breaks.

The legal struggle against this murderous and treacherous regime must be continued before independent courts in democratic countries, and before competent international bodies such as the International Criminal Court.

I count on your support and participation in this peaceful but decisive battle to save our country.

Please accept my warmest fraternal greetings,

Sam Rainsy


January 27, 2012


On January 24, 2012 the Prosecutor of the French Republic at the Paris Tribunal decided to resume the judicial investigation into a deadly grenade attack perpetrated in Phnom Penh on March 30, 1997. The attack was an assassination attempt on Sam Rainsy who is a French citizen.

For more details please read our statement in Khmer

Message personnel à tous les membres et amis du Parti Sam Rainsy (PSR)

Paris, le 2 février 2012

Cher compatriote,

Au cours des douze derniers mois, nous venons de remporter deux victoires judiciaires successives devant le Tribunal de Paris sur le régime de Hun Sen:

1. Ma victoire définitive sur Hor Nam Hong devant la Cour de Cassation le 27 avril 2011 qui expose le passé criminel d’un des principaux dirigeants du régime actuel

2. La réouverture par le Procureur de la République le 24 janvier 2012 de l’information judiciaire portant sur l’attaque à la grenade perpétrée à Phnom Penh le 30 mars 1997 et commanditée par Hun Sen.

Ces deux victoires judiciaires en annoncent d’autres qui vont venir. Elles préparent la voie à la victoire de la Vérité et vont avoir des conséquences politiques très importantes qui vont hâter la chute du régime Hun Sen. Car après la Vérité viendra la Justice. Le triomphe de la Justice au Cambodge signifiera la Liberté pour le peuple khmer et l’avènement de la Démocratie dans notre pays.

J’attends l’avènement de la Démocratie au Cambodge comme j’attends que le jour se lève, car il n’y a pas de nuit éternelle.

Il faut donc continuer la bataille judiciaire contre ce régime d’assassins et de traîtres devant des tribunaux indépendants, c’est-à-dire ceux de pays démocratiques, et devant les juridictions internationales compétentes comme la Cour Pénale Internationale.

Je compte sur votre soutien et votre participation pour continuer cette bataille pacifique mais décisive pour sauver notre Patrie.

Veillez recevoir mes salutations fraternelles.

Sam Rainsy


27 janvier 2012


Le 24 janvier 2012 le Procureur de la République près le Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris a signé la réouverture de l’information judiciaire portant sur l’attaque meurtrière à la grenade perpétrée à Phnom Penh le 30 mars 1997. L’attaque correspondait à une tentative d’assassinat à l’encontre de Sam Rainsy qui détient la nationalité française.

Pour plus de détails veuillez lire notre communiqué en khmer


Anonymous said...

Send Dictator Hun Sen to see his Vietnamese mother!

Anonymous said...

hun sen n'écoute jamais l'éducation de sa mere(ming pok),prions ensemble la court pénal international d' envoyer hun sen pour rejoindre ming pok dans un but d'apprendre les bons conseils de sa mere(ming pok).car,c'est le temps que le beau soleil brille complettement et partout dans notre chere patrie. bravo LES NATIONALISTES KHMERS MÉAS SOTS

Ran Yimsut said...

"I count on your support and participation in this peaceful but decisive battle to save our country." Best and smartest comment by HE SR to date... Rancancel

Anonymous said...

We alway love and support your cause,because you are our gracious leader, you are very active in saving our nation. We love you always.

Anonymous said...

Super message...
Bravo Mr Sam Rainsy,je crois en vous comme notre sauveur,il n'y a pas un jour où je ne pense à notre Mère patrie le Cambodge.
Que le DARMA vous protège.
Vive la Vérité,vive la Justice,
vive la Démocratie et vive la Liberté.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Sam Rainsy, the world is watching Hun Sen and his cronies. Action must be decisive. Justice will prevail.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to YOU, Dr. Sam Rainsy
and to SRP !!!
We support your ideas and ideals.

A Proud Khmer

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sam Rainsy,

Thank you for your untiring efforts to save our beloved motherland.

Anonymous said...

There are millions of illigal migrants in our country, millions of Khmer passports and Identity cards given to illigal migrants by corrupt officials or under pressure, therefore SRP when in power or when possible, needs to look into wether we, the Kingdom of Cambodia, should cancel all old Khmer Identity cards and passports and use new Identity cards and passports and let our department of Immigration assesses who entered the country legally and who entered illigally.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy isnt as brave as Ran Yimsut. Ran Yimsut is the real Khmer.

Ran Yimsut dares to stand against the odd. Ran Yimsut is a smart person, so before Sam Rainsy makes anymore stupid comments. Sam Rainsy should think twice, and write a few books before stepping in Khmer.

Khmer Sydney

Anonymous said...

Let Sam Rainsy proves it what he is capable of.

Action speaks louder than words.

Anonymous said...

Ran Yimsut and Sam Rainsy are both cowards. All the do is preach and no action. Ran Yimsut at least wrote a book about his ordeal in the Khmer Rouge Regime.

Ran Yimsut is a Khmer hero

Anonymous said...

message to all khmer people who still support AR-samrangsy is AR-PLOR AND LA-GHONG ...ALL of you never look what ar-samrangsy work a long with AR-SIHANUK ,AND all of you khew what AR-sihanuk did ?

AR-SAMRANSY= AR-SIHANUK...SO WHO IS AR-HUN SEN AND AR-SAMRANGSY ..they are deferance ? use your brain to all ar-khmer plor

Anonymous said...

nonymous said...
message to all khmer people who still support AR-samrangsy is AR-PLOR AND LA-GHONG ...ALL of you never look what ar-samrangsy work a long with AR-SIHANUK ,AND all of you khew what AR-sihanuk did ?

AR-SAMRANSY= AR-SIHANUK...SO WHO IS AR-HUN SEN AND AR-SAMRANGSY ..they are deferance ? use your brain to all ar-khmer plor

12:31 PM

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is the best and most effective Khmer hero in dealing with the Phnom Penh regime and Hanoi.

You are on the right track, Mr. Sam Rainsy, keep going.

Ran Yimsut said...

Let's us not get too personal. Let's simply keep it professional, OK?