Saturday, March 03, 2012

No arrest of Chhouk Bandit: Hing Bun Chea, Svay Rieng prosecutor - [The CPP Bandit is still at large?]

CPP Bandit
03 March 2012
By Sok Pheakdey
Cambodia Express News
Translated from Khmer by Soch

Phnom Penh – Hing Bun Chea, the prosecutor for the Svay Rieng provincial court, told CEN in the morning of 03 March 2012 that there was no arrest made against CHhouk Bandit, the mayor of Bavet city who was accused of shooting and seriously injuring 3 factory workers. He said that the case is still in the hand of the prosecutor.

Hing Bun Chea said over the phone: “I did not take care of this case yet. The case is still in my hand. Therefore, there was no arrest made. If there was [any arrest made against Chhouk Bandit], the cops would have reported this to me.

Hing Bun Chea’s statement was made after human rights activists have indicated that the Svay Rieng police had reported that Chhouk Bandit – the mayor of Bavet city who is suspected of shooting on protesting workers on 20 February 2012 and causing serious injuries to 3 workers – was arrested in the evening of 02 March 2012 in Romeas Hek district, near the Vietnamese border. It was reported further that Chhouk Bandit was detained at the Svay Rieng police station.

Nevertheless, Hing Bun Chea added: “There was no arrest made [against Hing Bun Chea]. Sometimes they just want to stir the situation only. I am still looking into this case. It is now noon time and I do not dare go home yet. I am trying to work on the details of this case. In summary, there was no arrest made.”

With his statements above, Hing Bun Chea added that he did not contact Chhouk Bandit yet because he does not know his whereabout.

An official from the Bavet city hall, a town located next to the Vietnamese border, indicated that, following the 20 February 2012 incident, Chhouk Bandit never show up to work at his office in the city hall at all.


Anonymous said...

you can run, but you can't hide!

Anonymous said...

This case will not go away unless they arrest him. Bring it too the people before election, to let them know about CPP justice system. A lot of people are victims of the CPP kangaroo court. We must bring to the people's attention and the world about Cambodia's court system. It's a tool for the CPP to arrest people for their political gains only. Cambodia is ruled by Hun Sen's orders only or nothing get done. It is the wrong approach to democracy; one man can hurt the country. This is equivalent to put all your eggs in one basket. It is dangerous to concentrate all power in one man and you who I am talking about...