Monday, April 09, 2012

Think Twice about Election Boycott

08 April 2012
By Mu Sochua

To those who are calling for Cambodians to boycott the next elections, they should be watching this very simple message from Youth Stars-Nigeria.

All over Cambodia, the grassroots candidates for the 3 June commune elections are preparing themselves for the competition.

The National League for Democracy in Burma just won a land slide.

The Sam Rainsy Party is confident that there are enough local issues for its candidates to mobilize voters in every village to fulfill their duty as citizens and to think of the meaning of their votes.

No to election boycott and a big YES to local democracy in Cambodia on 3 June, 2012.


Anonymous said...

think ahead, if your party is a minority (and ineffective and incompetent, run away to hide overseas, etc) and you cannot win in election with the majority, you boycott it in advance. evil clever, isn't it? (sarcastically speaking that is!) this political is the stupidest party i've ever seen! they always bash and bias with cambodia. i have a feeling this party is probably working for some foreign interest that want to create disunity and chaos in my country cambodia. they probably thrive under the cover of darkness or chaos, you know! cambodia will not allow them to do just that to our country, really! god bless my country cambodia.

Anonymous said...

YOU said you love your country, but
you bash and denounce the ONLY opposition party that may have a better chance to win against CPP and its Viet slaves.
Your country is being occupied by Khmer Vietminhs and Hanoi's slaves.

Anonymous said...



SRP has to change its within first in order to change the country behavior.

Boycott is harakiri for SRP credibility.

Voters saw no difference between CPP or SRP elites.

ចាស់ៗថាះ សូវឲ្យស្តួច ហោចឲ្យដាច់

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំពិតជាពេញចិត្តនិងឧទាហរណ៍នេះណាស់ ។
អរគុណ អ្នកមីងដែលបានយកវីឌេអូនេះមក ផ្សព្វផ្សាយ ។
ខ្ញុំមិនយល់ពីអ្វីដែលអ្នកទាំងបីសរសេរខាងលើនេះទេ ពីព្រោះដូចជាគេមិនបានអាននិងមើលវីឌេអូឲ្យបានចប់សព្វគ្រប់នោះទេ ។
ពាក្យខ្មែរពោលថា មើលឲ្យជាក់ ចាំញាក់ចិញ្ចើម ។

Anonymous said...

Cambodians can only blame themselves if they do not vote for a change.

Give the opposition a chance and see what happens for the next four years; you don't have to vote for them again if you don't think they have done a good job at the end of their term.

Why would one expect to see a different result when one does the same thing over and over again? It would be foolish to think otherwise.

Even a smart Vietnamese living in Cambodia would vote for a change by trying a different party other than the CPP!

Pissed off

Anonymous said...

12:29 AM,

Boy, you totally misunderstood the message of the article and its heading completely!

I hope you are not living in an English-speaking country, because that would look very bad on you for not being able to read and understand such a simple English that our young people here in Cambodia who have just got a limited amount of English can understand very well.

Anonymous said...

5:33 AM,

That clearly shows the bias on the part of 12:29 AM. He probably just read the heading without reading the article and watching the video and started writing his comment.

Well, stupidity is part of mankind!

Anonymous said...

i think young, bright, intelligent khmer people are capable and educated better to understand for themselves and how to make their decision without interference from some radical political activists like the no good opposition people, you know. well, they have their prerogative to run and compete in the national election; however, they are capable of winning or not is up to the majority of the population of cambodia to vote for them, really! people will vote for which ever political party they most admired and liked, etc. if you don't participate you will lose out, really! i don't think the younger generation of khmer public are stupid anymore like the past. in fact they are much clever and smarter and brighter and braver and more educated than their parents' generation, if any, you know. god bless all the new generation of khmer people.