Please donate to help the 15 Boeung Kak Lake representatives jailed!
As reported by The Phnom Penh Post, in Prey Sar jail, “Food is inadequate both in terms of quantity and nutritional value. There are [also] health dangers related to . . . water, medical care, fresh air and space,” therefore our first goal is to send some money to the women and man jailed so that they may obtain adequate food in prison.
Our second goal is to help the children of these women and man so that they may survive while one of their parents are in jail.
After discussion with Mrs. Mu Sochua, she agreed to accept online donations through her website and turn them to the BKL 15. As of this writing, we are able to raise $100 from our KI-Media team members, our initial objective is to raise about $300 to provide about $20 each to these women and man for their immediate needs. If you can, please help donate for these women and man who are unfairly arrested and sentenced. Any donation amount, be it $1 or $5 or $10, would be greatly appreciated by them.
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(Photo: The Phnom Penh Post) |
Thank you for your generosity,
KI-Media team
PS: In the Paypal donation, please add a message to Mrs. Mu Sochua to let her know that the amount is for the BKL 15.
ចុះ ក៏វីរភាពដ៏គំរូរបស់អ្នកម្តាយមិនសាបសូន្យ
និងបរាជ័យដែរ។ នៅពេលណានៅមានពុទ្ធ
បរិស័ទ្ធថ្វាយបង្គំព្រះជាម្ចាស់ នៅពេលនោះ
ការតស៊ូររបស់អ្នកម្តាយ នឹងត្រូវតែទទួល
ការតស៊ូររបស់អ្នកម្តាយ ប្រកបដោយព្រហ្ម
វិហ៊ារធម័ មេត្តាករុណា ដើម្បីកូនៗបានជំរក
ការពារកំដៅ រងារ វាប្រសើរជាងពួកចោរប្លន់
ទឹកដីពីអ្នកម្តាយ ទៅផ្គត់ផ្គង់ក្រុមគ្រួសារវាប្រ
ឆាប់រលាយ វិនាសហឹនហោចព្រាត់ប្រាសក្នុងពេ
ល ឆាប់ៗនេះទៅហោង។សាធុរ!សាធុរ!សាធុរ!
This is Cambodia's law:
- Meatra Buon: Ah Chor Ruoch Khluon Mchass Chorp Kouk.
- Meatra Bey: Ah Chor York Dey, Mchass Dek Chenh Chem Thnal.
Bun Thoeun
All Cambodian are fighting to protecting their homeland are Super Heroes. All Cambodian must keep the fight goes on and STOP VOTING FOR CPP.
In America people will be punished and pay fine for not feeding and take care of their pets. In Cambodia Hun Sen treated his own people worst than pets in Western countries. Eventually Vietnamese will treated Hun Sen just like a dog in the cage. All Hun Sen expense for his safety and security cannot protect himself from the Vietnamese bullets.
yep in America when they propose a project dealing with development of their city they alway study about a envirenmental effect including species such as bird squerel, mouse, frog,....... if they found out all those animal have a big effect they will change their project. but Hun Sen when they develop they just study how much he get money from that project no metter how people loosing selter. I don't know why people stil support this old dog.
Stop voting for CPP, our Khmer women are being sent to prison to protecting our country. What are you DUMB Coward Khmer men doing?
Taking this chance to look for younger mistress and girlfriend? DUMB coward men will always be cowards.
I just donated $50 to BKL-15, I hope Cambodian oversea will do the same.
Publisher of
that's sad, but i blem all on those dump asses khmer that blem Youn all the time for their own ignorant. Some how i'm so glad to see those land being taken away for Youn. Fuck all the cockroach & potato diggers. Long live Hun Sen. Please keep voting for my hero Hun Sen.Pi Anh.
Ah kanduoy mer vear Khmer Rouge , since when did you and your killer group have any pity for Khmer ?
Whtn are you hiding in a free country, US. Fucking hypocrit
Even though I work very hard, I can't raise my standard of living.
សមបីខ្ញុំខំធ្វើការប៉ុណ្ណឹងហើយ សឹងចិញ្ចឹមខ្លួនពុំរស់ ។
Jerry the mouse in DUBAI
8:17 AM
Ah Pi Anh = Ah HUN SEN’s kdor sucker.
Stop sucking Ah HUN SEN’s kdor for a living; go and find a real job like a real man, my prostitute son (ah somphoeung bross da’oeu cha’unh chuok kdor ké chea acheep).
I am ashamed to be his father!!!!!!
Euv Ah Pi Anh.
Can any one tell me E-mail address of KI-Media.
Kmher in OH, USA
Can any one tell me E-mail address of KI-Media.
Kmher in OH, USA
Why the World lets the CPP regime abusing its own people? Where are you when Khmers people need Help?????
Just donated $30 through PayPal, it's not much but it's better than nothing. I bless this little money to help in anyway it can. Hope to donate more next time.
9:08AM, you motherfucker can kiss my asses right now. You dump fuck got no education, never been back to Cambodia, you're living in a dumspter. All your infors you got is from KI_MEDIA which are all full of lie & mislead infors. You fucking stupid asses should go ask & fuck yourself in the mirrow once in a while to see if you were really got the right news. 98% people support my CPP. You dump fuck still picking trashes to eat, nowonder you got a fuck up brain. Pi Anh.
i just made a donation of $100 to help good cause.
I do not believe anyone anybody such as Ki-Media able to make news of out of thin air. There are something out there which are not right, the proof is Cambodia listed as number 3 after Nepal and Afghanistan as the people who are suffering the most in 2011.
12:13 PM, You're such a kinded heart person, May your wishes & dream come true. I hope the money go to the needed people. Cambodia need your help to rebuild the country. Pi Anh.
Dear 10:04AM and 10:05AM,
To contact KI-Media, please send you email to
Thank you,
The root of the problem: Cambodia currently is not governed by Khmer. That's why we've always seen the problems.
The monster Vietnam stays behind the scene and pulls all kind of tricks to make Khmer hate each other.
This evil nation Vietnam must leave Cambodia alone.
Many issues of Cambodia are seemed to be the government is hungry for investors money which it do not need in the first place.
I think you have to go back to grammar school , learning arithmetic :
CPP has 92 seats out of 123 , how much percentage does CPP has ?
Here is a tip : ( 92/123 )* 100 = ??? is not 98% .
SAMDECH TECHO wants to do his job right to develop country but
his work is hindered by too many sycophant dogs such as Pi Ach , barking
around looking for piece of shit to disturb him . I hope you did not forget
to register to vote !!! if you did , you should be ashamed and shut up !!!
11:57 AM
Ah Pi Anh = Ah HUN SEN’s kdor sucker.
Stop sucking Ah HUN SEN’s kdor for a living; go and find a real job like a real man, my prostitute son (ah somphoeung bross da’oeu cha’unh chuok kdor ké chea acheep).
I am ashamed to be your father!!!!!!
Do you go mad against me, your father; because I know you suck kdor Ah HUN SEN.
Did you have a bad night with your boyfriend, Ah Kwack?
Euv Ah Pi Anh.
Dear Pi Anh,
I want to ask you how old are you? I don't know you are a man or a woman. I am a very little girl, yet i know everything. I can distinguish between good and bad action. However, you can differentiate that. Have you read the news? Have you saw how those poor people been threaten? You know they are so poor. They have nowhere to live. If our government just ignore them, how will their children's life gonna be. I don't mean to blame our prime minister "Hun Sen".. Our government action to BEOUNG KOK people as well as other people who have been evicted from their own land, is over my thought. Our government haven't find a good solution for them. Pi Anh, have you ever tasted the feeling that you are evicted from your place and you have no where to live? I am so surprise to see your words back to KI-Media. Ask yourself, if we are in a democracy country why do the government have to block any blog that works against the government.
P.S: i am only 16 years old if compare to you i think we are far much different in an age as well as the level of being educated. Sorry if i used any words that make you angry.
12:13 PM, well done mate!
Dear Anonymous below my comment,
After i have read PI ACH's comment, i was so stuck because i don't know what PI ACH is thinking. But then i asked myself, we are democracy country so we can leave our thought everywhere without fear. And then i started to write my above comment.
8:27 PM, 8:36 PM, we brought to this world without any instruction book. Learning through trials and errors are our ways of life. When we talk online we leave our age, sex and personal detail out and focus on the subject is the best way to go.
THE Cambodian Corruptions Government families tree Violations the democracy freedom of speeches and abused Human rights disrespecting International rule of Law.WE are Khmer Community North America Toronto.Condemn this aggression coward Act. We're Appealing To all level Government Independent the Stop Hun Sen's Khmer rouge Government regime release all Innocences Citizens..
today, I donated 50$ to BKL15 through Madam Mu Sochua paypal. Hope we can help them out of prison soon.
khmer in France,
Thanks a lot to KI Team,
គឺអញហ៊ុនសែន ដែលបញ្ជាឲ្យចាប់ញាត់គុក
ហើយអញ ក៏នឹងដោះលែងទាំងដប់ប្រាំក្បាលនេះវិញ មុនពេលបោះឆ្នោតឃុំសង្កាត់ខាងមុខនេះជាមិនខាន ព្រោះថាចង់ឲ្យ ពួកអ្នកស្រុកគេសរសើរអញថាជា មេដឹកនាំដែលមានចិត្តធម៌មេត្តា៕
សូមបងប្អូនខ្មែរទាំងឡាយ !
សូមងើបឡើងសម្លាប់អា ហ៊ុន សែនចោលទៅ !
ខ្មែរអើយ អើយខ្មែរ! ពេលនេះទឹកលេចដល់ច្រមុះហើយ!
បើយើងជាខ្មែរមិននាំគ្នារើបំរះ នោះទេក៏គង់តែយើងស្លាប់
ដ៏ដែល។ ដូច្នេះយើងជាខ្មែរត្រូវតែងើបឡើងទាំងអស់គ្នា
ជាមួយ កាំបិត, ពូថៅ, ដាវ , ខ្វែវ, ផ្គាក់, ព្រួញ, សរ, ច្បូក,លំពែង,ធ្នូ,
ដំបង, ព្រនង់, កាំភ្លើង, គ្រាប់បែក, បេសែសិប, បេសែមួយ, មីន, មីនកន្ត្រាក់, មីនបង្កប់, មីនក្លេម័រ, មីនតោន, កាំភ្លើងធំ, កាំភ្លើងត្បាល់,ក្រោកឡើងជាមួយយុទ្ធភ័ណ
5:52 AM
ចុះ ក៏វីរភាពដ៏គំរូរបស់អ្នកម្តាយមិនសាបសូន្យ
និងបរាជ័យដែរ។ នៅពេលណានៅមានពុទ្ធ
បរិស័ទ្ធថ្វាយបង្គំព្រះជាម្ចាស់ នៅពេលនោះ
ការតស៊ូររបស់អ្នកម្តាយ នឹងត្រូវតែទទួល
ប្រទេសអភិវឌ្ឍន៏ ក្នុងការកំចាត់ភាពក្រីក្រ អ្វីៗដែលកើតមានជាគ្រឿងលំអរសំរាប់ពពួកអ្នកមានអំណាច នៃពពួកក្រុមដឹកនាំសព្វថ្ងៃនេះ ខំទៅអ្វីៗដែលមើលឃើញគឺពពួកគ្រំទ្ររនៃរដ្ឋាភិបាលតែប៉ុណ្ណោះឯងទេ ចាប់ប្រជាជនដោយគ្មានកំហុស ប្រឹងកាពារទីលំនៅខ្លួន ដើម្បីកូនចៅរស់នៅឲ្យសមហេតុមិនលក់ជាតិ មិនលក់ទឹកដី បែរជាមានកំហុសតើនេះឬអំណាចក្រោមអ្នកដឺកនាំនៃបក្សបរជាជន ដែលចែងច្បាប់ការពារប្រជាជន គ្មានមន្ត្រីណាមួយខ្វល់ពីរាស្រ្តទេ ដើប្បីអំណាច ដើម្បីចៅហ្វាយនាយហ៊ានធ្វើអ្វីឲ្យតែខ្មែររលាយ ចាប់ប្រជាជនកាត់ទោសដោយគ្មានយុត្តិធម៏ ធ្វើឲ្យជនរងគ្រោះព្រាត់ពីកូនចៅ នេះឬពាក្យថា អភិវឌ្ឍន៏នៃពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ចះយួន អាឆ្កែលក់ជាតិ អាឆ្កែសម្លាប់ជាតិឯង នៃពួកបក្សប្រជាជន មានដើមកំណើតចេញពីខ្មែរវៀតមិញ ខ្មែរក្រហម ។
បរាយជ័យពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ចះយួន បរាជ័យបក្សប្រជាជន បរាជ័យក្រុមគ្រួសារអាបក្សប្រជាជន ទាំងក្មេងចាស់ ទាំងអាយួនរស់នៅក្នុងស្រុកខ្មែរ ។………
Us, khmer people deserve what we get. We vote for the same guys who beat our ass, and believe me, we will still vote for the same, because most the khmer people are uneducated and stupid. it is like behaving like a dog who is attracted by a sugar then the dog get the ass kick, but still love its master. this is how us khmer people we are. Yesterday evening, there was many landcruiser with CPP flags, campaining for CPP allthrough Phnom Penh, crossing thru red traffic light or going counter flow and by speeding all around. They do it obviously in front of everyone, in a very arrogant way . Well, you know Hun Sen cannot control everything, and these CPP thugs, they feel invicible, because there is no other alternative than CPP and Hun Sen to lead the country, because the rest are full of shit, including Samr rainsy and ranariddh. We wtill waiting for a real good leader, but until then, well, Hun Sen is the less worst solution...
Where is Sihaknuk ,and Sihak mony?
My people in miserable where all of you that the khmers called THE KING?
pls be nice to our king,, be respected to our king.
don't be rude
those peoples are deserved to be arrested.
if ,,,, this occur in USA - EU, the authorities will do the same..
Ah Sdach Choy Mray, he never care about Khmer people. Ah Sdach Ass hole.
3:25 PM
I cannot agree more to all the great comments and analysis above. But we cannot wait for Karma law to punish him. There are signs that he could not stay any longer in power:
1. He's not truthfull to Hanoi as before, Hanoi will change horse anytime soon when it can find a more stupid horse than Hun Sen;
2. He could not control and stop his staff from rampant corruption;
3. He could not find a better land policy to stop land grabbing and forced evictions;
4. Revenues from garment sector,fishing and natural resources are dramatically decreasing;
5. He own favour to all teacherous tycoons such as Yay Phou, Yay Phan and Mong Rithy. So, basically state power is in their hands.Napoleon said that when a state owns money the rich bankers, it is the rich bankers that control the state.
6. Unemployement is increasing, poverty and starvation are prevelent all rural areas throughout the country;
7. Tade imbalance is the major problem that he has no capability to tackle; and
8. Cambodia's economy would be collapse anytime soon.
So, Hun Sen is unluckly to wait for Karma law to punish him; he is unlikely to die of ripe old age.
Khmers everywhere need to learn to use credit cards and use PayPal, including the PayPal apps for Iphone, so that in case we want donate to Patriotic Khmer organizations, NGOs etc...which fight for Khmer cause etc...
SRP said Cambodians died of starvation!
Hun Sen said they died because they don't breath! sic
KI september 2005
The top 2 photos show Mrs. Loeuk Vân whose newborn child is highly malnourished due to her inability to produce breast milk caused by starvation. RFA reported that she starts producing small amount of milk again after having food to eat.
On Friday, September 23, 2005, Hun Sen said in a speech that people living in the Ta Moeun area - whom RFA and VOA reported of dying of starvation - were not starving, but had likely died of old age, disease and suicide. The day before Hun Sen's speech, the Sam Rainsy Party organized food relief for the area, largely paying for it with money raised by overseas Cambodians, said opposition parliamentarian Nuth Rumdoul, who was in Ta Moeun Monday morning handing out food to villagers. He said it was his third relief trip to the village.
អភិវឌ្ឍន៏នៃពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ចះយួន-លក់ជាតិ- សម្លាប់ជាតិ នៃពួកCPP,បក្សប្រជាជនខ្មែរក្រហម-វៀតមិញ មានដើមកំណើតចេញពីអាយួន VIETCONG......KONDUOY MER VEA !!!!!
សូមបងប្អូនខ្មែរទាំងឡាយ !
សូមងើបឡើងសម្លាប់អា ហ៊ុន សែនចោលទៅ !
សូមបងប្អូនខ្មែរទាំងឡាយ !
សូមងើបឡើងសម្លាប់អា ហ៊ុន សែនចោលទៅ !
សូមបងប្អូនខ្មែរទាំងឡាយ !
សូមងើបឡើងសម្លាប់អា ហ៊ុន សែនចោលទៅ !
សូមបងប្អូនខ្មែរទាំងឡាយ !
សូមងើបឡើងសម្លាប់អា យួន VIETCONG ហ៊ុន សែននេះចោលទៅ !
អា ហ៊ុន សែននេះជាយួនទេ !!!!!!!!!!!!
If we want to know were the killer in the Pol Pot regime, please don't turn back look to the past (1975-79), we must look at the present caused those who were involved in the killing fileds too.
MS HGET KHUN is now 69 years old, she must also punished for 2 years in prison? Is this regime not like Pol Pot? In Pol Pot regime they did not punished the old woman like this why now we see like this?
CPP have always said without 7 Januar helping by Viet Khmers must die all. This theory I will never believe, Yes Viet help CPP because Viet has plan to annex Khmer. CPP don't see this right?
AH tow sdach sold the heads to hun youn Sen already ,khmers are you all need puk ah TENIAH SDACH anymore.
Vietnam and the CPP are broke and their powers are now relying on terrorist gangs CPP and paid mercenaries to sow chaos in Cambodia. No victory was ever achieve through spying, cheating, fraud and intimidation forces who have no honor accept bride money. Khmer will survive as long as its people fight for their land and sovereignty.
7:51 PM
They have brain and can see it coming like we do, but for now they just enjoy their luxury cars, villas, young pussies…They don’t care about their nation future.
Their mentality is whenever happen, will happen. Most of the CPP top echelons have their money in the foreign banks; their children live and buy properties in the west.
I have a luxury car, a luxury house, money in banks, and properties. What is so special about that? It's the egoism that make it so special. When you have high in ego, you disconnect with your surroundings, the environment and the people. You ignore the poor, the sick and the sufferings. In your next life you shall born as an animal, a plant, no more egoism for you.
5:06 AM
How the hell do you know there will be a next life?
Have you ever met anybody who has been there and back?
The next life that you talk about exists only in your mind which comes out from your brain. When you die your brain is dead so is your mind.
The word "you" wasn't referring to you but the Cambodian people, who have very high in egoism, serve 95% of the time to self only. Good news, we are not meant to know about what happen after we die, also scientists unable to prove there is one. If we were to know, we would be restricted in our ways of livings. As a fact, 95% of people do not believe in the after life, so I respect your view.
Normally, in the west, everyone would have a membership card and would go straight directly to school ground of their suburb, and then straight to get their bullet paper containing pictures of their elected leaders whom they might want to vote e.g. pic1 Hun Sen-le an (name of rep)or pic2 SR- monie an, pic3 HR kem sokha-julie an etc. The commissioners/volunteer workers would hold a large book containing all of the voter's names from age 18 and over and who hold a khmer citizenship, ready to be ticked off from the book. at the end of the day the machine will tell who went to vote or not, for the not, there will be a fine of $70. But what the CPP did here,so far, is another dodgy things going on there. Nevertheless,it works according to their planned as usual...he said that he will rule until he turns 80, ring a bell, everyone? nevertheless the truth will always comes in the end, just wait and see how far.
Eh, you poor victims , go on voting for Hun Sen and stop crying. No need to change, stay there, stop whingeing
not the voters or victims at fault but the result from the CPP,'cheating people party' itself.
Saddam Hussein got 99.9% of the vote while he was in power.
Mubarak got over 90% of the vote.
The only way to win over these 2 cheaters was to pull their head down and their people did.
Saddam Hun Sen in Cambodia won over 80% of the vote.
So the only way to win over this yuon slave cheater is also to pull his dumb head down.
When will Khmer people do that???
Kuwaiti gets 10 years for Twitter blasphemy
Lawyer: Sentence was the maximum that 26-year-old man could have received
KUWAIT — A Kuwaiti man was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Monday after he was convicted of endangering state security by insulting the Prophet Mohammad and the Sunni Muslim rulers of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain on social media.
Shi'ite Muslim Hamad al-Naqi pleaded innocent at the start of the trial last month, saying he did not post the messages and that his Twitter account had been hacked.
The written verdict, delivered by Judge Hisham Abdullah, found Naqi guilty of all charges, a court secretary told Reuters. The sentence was the maximum that 26-year-old Naqi could have received, his lawyer Khaled al-Shatti said.
The judge found him guilty of insulting the Prophet, the Prophet's wife and companions, mocking Islam, provoking sectarian tensions, insulting the rulers of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain and misusing his mobile phone to spread the comments.
"The prison sentence is long but we have the chance to appeal," Shatti said.
Under Kuwaiti law, the defense can file an appeal within 20 days of the verdict and jail sentences have been reduced in the past for similar convictions.
The civil plaintiff arguing the case against Naqi, as well as some Kuwaiti politicians, had called for Naqi to be executed in a case that stoked sectarian tensions in the Gulf state.
"This verdict is a deterrent to those who insult the Prophet Mohammad, his companions and the mothers of the believers," civil plaintiff Dowaem al-Mowazry said in a text message.
He had argued in court that Naqi must be made an example of.
Dozens of Sunni Muslim activists and lawmakers protested against Naqi shortly after his arrest and he was attacked in jail by a fellow inmate, according to the Interior Ministry.
Sectarian tensions
Naqi did not appear in court on Monday. He was in the central prison where he has been held since his arrest in March, the court secretary said. He appeared in previous sessions in a wooden and metal cage, guarded by armed men in black balaclavas.
The activists who protested against him accused Naqi of links to Shi'ite regional power Iran, something he has denied.
Shi'ites are thought to number between 20-30 percent of Kuwait's 1.1 million nationals. Vocal members can be found in senior positions in parliament, media and business.
Jerry the mouse in DUBAI, UAE.
whatever mother fk eye for an eye. all CPP leaders will die in the same fate or worst.
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