Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ព្រះមហាក្សត្រ អំពាវនាវ​ឲ្យ​ពលរដ្ឋ ដាំចេក



Anonymous said...

our king has Jaguar now. Gift from UK?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The king needs to do more of that by encourage people to grow their own food and make plan to do more fish farming. Don't depend on the Mekong River or raining season. This is a good start.

Because of this I won't criticize him for that.


Anonymous said...

ព្រៈមហារហ្សាត់ encouraged Khmer people to pant trees which is a very good idea. But who's gonna cut, sell them and keep the money when they're full grown?

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

It is a good idea to have your own food instead of a baggar nation.

Once you have the food don't worry there will be alot of people will take or eat the food.

Good Job King.

You need to do more like this.

Anonymous said...

ការចាប់អារម្មណ៍របស់ខ្ញុំឆ្ពោះទៅលើ បុរសកំពុង
អនិច្ចារាស្រ្តខ្មែរ រងទុក្ខឥតល្ហែ ពុំមានឈប់ឈរ
ត្រូវយួនធ្វើបាប តាមយុទ្ធសាស្រ្តហូ ជីមិញមេភរ

Anonymous said...

you plant , me cut.
you take care trees, me take care saw mills.

Anonymous said...

Bet 100% King did this per PAPA direction to compensate and cover up his non action on Beung Kak issue! King never has initiatives himself.

Anonymous said...

អាមោឃៈនេះឈ្មោះអាស្តាចម៌នរោត្តម សីហមុនី
អាមួយនេះមិនដឹងជាជាតិសាសន៏អីទេ ? ហេតុអ្វី
បានជាកូនខ្មែរគោរពលើកតម្កើងវាជាស្តាចម៏ ?
កាត់បារាំងនឹងយួ(ឪវាជាបារាំង ម៉ែវាជាយួន)។
នរោត្តម សីហនុ ។ អាសីហនុជាយួន ព្រោះម៉ែអាសីហនុ ឈ្មោះស៊ីសុវត្ត កុសមៈ បានរួមភេទជា
មួយយួនប្រុសម្នាក់ បង្កើតបានអាស៊ីហនុ នេះមក
ដូច្នេះអាសីហនុជាយួន ។ ឯមីម៉ូនិកក៏ជាយួនដែរ
ដល់ពេលអាសីហនុរួមភេទជាមួយមីម៉ូនិក បង្លើត
បានអាមោឃៈសីហមុនី ។ ដូច្នេះអាមោឃៈសីហមុ
នីជាយួនសុទ្ធ ? ហេតុអ្វីបានជាខ្មែរទៅយកកូន
យួននេះមកឧ្យធ្វើជាស្តាចម៏ខ្មែរ ត្រួតក្បាលខ្មែរទៅវិញយ៉ាងដូច្នេះ ? សូមកូនខ្មែរឈប់គោរពវាជាស្តា
ចម៏ ហើយនាំគ្នាសម្លាប់វាចោលទៅ ?

ម៏ខ្មែរតទៅទៀត ខ្មែរគ្មានបាចំណេញអ្វីដល់ប្រទេ
សខ្មែរទ្បើយ ?
បើខ្មែរនាំគ្នាសម្លាប់អាមោឃៈសីហមុនីនេះចោលចេញទៅ ក៏ខ្មែរមិនខាតអ្វីទ្បើយដល់ប្រទេសខ្មែរដែរ 
ពាវនាវឧ្យតែប្រជាពលរដ្ឋកសិករខ្មែរនាំគ្នាដាំដើមឈើទ្បើងវិញ ? តែជនក្បត់ជាតិដូជាអាមេចោរ
ធំហ៊ុន សែន ដែលជាអ្នកកាប់បំផ្លាញព្រៃឈើ
អាមោឃៈសីហមុនីមិនហ៊ានប៉ះពាល់វាទ្បើយ ?
គ្នាពីចារណាទ្បើងវិញឧ្យបានហ្មត់ចត់ ៕

Anonymous said...

It is for a start. We all can't be too negative. Please give people some respect if they have done something good for the society. Perhap, you and I don't need a lot of food, but a lot Cambodian people live on less than 1 dollar per day.

Thank you for being constructive.

I don't have a lot of repect for the King Father but in this case the King Sihamony have done something and encourage people to improve their lvies. That why I gave the King some respect.

Good Job the King Sihamony!

Anonymous said...

How often do you see these people in the high society have done something good for the communities?

I hope he does more this good encouragement of planing more food and fishery farm. Please encourage the high official surrounding to grow more trees and fruits. Once abundant you can export to the world.

I like to see people being productive like this. Thank King

Anonymous said...

King Sy Hak Mony doesn't have charisma and charming like SHN, when he was this age, who could woo and whip the crowd into frenzy.

I remember teachers would make us line up in the school yard for hours waiting to greet SHN. Those who had a chance to touch is hand would brag to the whole world for year.

May be people this day don't believe in god king any more or...may be SHN destroyed all royal popularity himself.

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

Replied to Baay Kdaing

3:35 AM

"may be SHN destroyed all royal popularity himself."

You are absolutely correct that King Xihanook distroy his own families and the Cambodian Nation. I can see that so many people still have postramatic sydrome from the war of the killing field.

Once again I agree with you. I remember when we were young, we were waiting for hours just to see the King Xihanook because we did not know any better. As we get older and more educated in the USA, I realized the King Xihanook is an idiot and dumb.

Just look at his associations and where he went to get the medical check up. Look at his North Korean body guards. Just go on Utube you will know what I am talking about.

Once again, even most children in Long Beach, California (USA) know that Ex-King Xihahook don't have any magic power and clout.

In the old day we have told that wherever, the king goes it will be a cloudly day or rainy day. once again we did not know any better.

Now, the Cambodian people in Long Beach think the ex-king is a stupid idiot for causing 3 million people death.

He still not admitted it was his fault or appoligized for his stupid mistake.

Anonymous said...

បើអាកូនស្តាចម៍ចម្កួតជ្រូកមួយក្បាលនេះវាពិតជាមានខួរជាខ្មែរចេះមានគំនិតចង់អោយពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរមានហូបចុកសម្បូរហូរហៀដូចអ្វីដែលកំពុងតែធ្វើនេះវាជាការប្រពៃណាស់ដែលអញអាចទទួលយកបាន តែអ្វីដែលអញមិនអាចទទួលយកបាននោះគឺទី១-អាឯងជាពូជស្តាចម៍កញ្ជៈយួន ២-អាក្បត់ហ៊ុន សែនឈូសឆាយដីធ្លីផ្ទៈសម្បែងវាយធ្វើបាបដូចសត្វធាតុនិងដឹងយកទៅចាក់ចោលនៅភ្នំបាតដោយគ្មានជម្រោក,គ្មានទឹកភ្លើង,គ្មានមន្ទីពេទ្យនិងសាលារៀន។ល។ ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរស្រែយំទូរទាំងប្រទេស ចុៈហេតុដូចម្តេចមិនដែលឃើញមុខអាស្តាចម៍ចម្កួតឯងចេញមុខទៅជួយដោះស្រាយផង! ភាគច្រើនអញឃើញមុខអាឯងនៅពេលកាត់ខ្សែបូឆ្លងអ្វីមួយនិងជួយប្រថាប់ត្រាអោយពួកអាគណបក្សប្រជាជនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ! ដូច្នេះជនណាក៏ដោយដែលចូលដៃចូលជើងរួមចំណែកក្បត់ជាតិឯងនោះនឹងត្រូវអន្តរធានជាក់ចាមិនខានដោយសារពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរបាននាំគ្នាដាក់បណ្តាសសារពួកអាឯងទូទាំងសកលលោក ចាប់តាំងពីយើងដាក់មកបាញ់បានស្វាពីរក្បាលហើយគឺអាស្វាសុខ អាននិងអាស្វាណាំ ហុង យើងនៅរងចាំដល់វេណអាមេស្វាធំមួយទៀត។

Anonymous said...

Just don't worry with this small job,King. Generally speaking, Khmer are(all)the farmers 99.99 of entire population.Even though a young boy,9,knew how to plow a soil in his rice field to plant a rice already and that job is rather tougher than plant a banana tree, isn't it.
Being as a god king, good king,Tatout king, Yeay tout king,King plus A-mei A thoang king, you all should perform a better job much better than you are supposed too, Okay. Don't just shows a fool Khmers'population by just doin' such as given a piece of cloth's material to make a cloth or planting a banana tree like that.
At very least You(king) should know how to protect the Khmer's will,Khmer's of interest,etc. Not just being loved to be the King of the family yourself. All khmer nationalist and Khmer patriotic they all have been suffered a long,long time to have seen khmer living in peace and to see their country have made her owned prosperity as well.
c.f. if you think you can reject all the bilateral signed during 1997,1982/83,87,2002 and 2005 between Khme/Youn/Siam,but adopted A Paris Peace According Agreement in 1991 by th 19 nations signatories on it . That it would be much better for all of as Khmers. Otherwise we will lose all the khmer land and Khmer maritime.
You know what who control who today? H.S or Youn , if I'm not wrong . Youn is controlled very well. H.s he is just a clans puppet only.

Anonymous said...

ដេកចាំ បានន័យថា ដាំចេក។
នេះមិនមែនជាដើមចេកទេ តែវាដើមឈើ ហើយ

កូនរាស្ត្រខ្មែរ ដេកចាំ ដាំចេក នៅក្រោមរូប
ប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ ដែលអ្នកមានមានឡាន
ខ្មៅយ៉ាងរលោងស្រិល នៅពេលដែលកូនក្មេង
ខ្មែរឥតជម្រក រកស៊ីកាយសំរាមស៊ី។
ការដាំដើមឈើនេះ សីហមូនី ទុកឲ្យយួនមក
បេះស៊ីផ្លែវា។ នេះឬស្ដេចខ្មែរថៅកែយួន ឬ
ប្រទេសខ្មែរ តែដីយួន។

Anonymous said...

Yeah Brother... I knew about the stressing of that word too. It's called a reverse cycle of khmer words
[ Dech Cham & Dam Chjek] . That's a bullied . Doesn't it. Oh! acnicha sas khmer. The main point during his regime the King doesn't like to have many of khmer intellectual at all because they afraid those Khmer's intellectual kicked their butt out of his palace. But in vice versa he loved to have or allowed The Viet Cong resided all along the khmer Territory as well during Viet Nam War with U.S. After the event happen we have a regime under Marshal Mr. Lon Nol reformed to against Youn.

Talking about about the King family,only, Mi queen monireth is a devil leading in king's family and more than that she is pro-youn .

Anonymous said...

មុននឹងចេញទៅចូកដី ឬ​កាន់ថាំងចាក់ទឹក ស្តេច
ក៏គួរតែសួរគេឯងផងដែរ ថាចបគេកាន់របៀបណា
ហើយថាំងទឹកគេកាន់របៀបណា ចៀសវាងកុំឲ្យ
យករូបមកបង្ហាញគេវាឆ្គងខ្លាំងពេកខ្មាស់ខ្មោច។ បើត្រូវថ្ងែមិនបានទេ នៅតែស្ងៀមក្នុងវាំងទៅ
បានហើយ កុំចាំបាច់ឲ្យគេបាំងក្លស់ឲ្យពេលទៅជី
កដីនោះ វាអាក្រក់មើលណាស់ ខ្មាស់ខ្មោច។ គួរ
ស្វែងរកឯករាជ្យពី ហ៊ុន សែន បន្តិចផងទៅបាន
ស៊ី អេង គ្រុយ

Anonymous said...

Good job ! But ... I am not sure whether he does at his own free will or he was told to act . if he cannot prevent illegal activity to destroy what he does , it is certainly a show off and just waste of time . បើកញ្ជើរវាធ្លុះ ប្រឹងអញ្ជត់ខាតតែពេល យ៉ាងហោចណាស់ក៏បានស្រែកឡូឡាប្រហែលសម្តេចតា
ដែរ ! កុំអោយគេថា វែកនៅក្នុងឆ្នាំងសម្លរហើយបែរជាមិនដឹងសាបប្រៃ ។