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Cambodia's exiled opposition leader Sam Rainsy poses for the camera outside Australia's Parliament house in Canberra. Photograph: AFP PHOTO |
Monday, 09 July 2012
Meas Sokchea and Joseph Freeman
The Phnom Penh Post
The National Election Committee is considering a new rule that would effectively ban self-exiled opposition leader Sam Rainsy from campaigning for his party from abroad.
The move, coming ahead of parliamentary elections in July next year, could further isolate Rainsy, who lives in France and reaches most of his supporters via the internet or rousing video broadcasts.
NEC Secretary-General Tep Nytha told the Post yesterday that Rainsy is already barred from registering to vote or standing for office because he was convicted of a crime.
In 2010, courts sentenced him in absentia to a total of 12 years for uprooting a post on Cambodia’s border with Vietnam and producing Google maps he used to allege territorial encroachment.
And since he cannot cast a ballot or run for a seat, “do we allow him to propagandise or not?” asked Nytha, who did not say when a decision would be made on the potential ban.
“The experts in our department have been studying this issue, because it is related to the law.”
It is unclear how Rainsy would reach supporters if the ban goes into effect, a task he has already been having trouble with.
During the commune elections last month, he spoke to party members via a video speech broadcast from abroad.
The NEC later fined him US$2,500 for, among other things, using the platform to call Prime Minister Hun Sen a “traitor”.
Sam Rainsy Party spokesman Yim Sovann called the proposal “unacceptable”.
“They should not concentrate on banning Mr Sam Rainsy. Mr Sam Rainsy is not a criminal; he’s a patriot. I appeal to the NEC to suspend this idea.”
Koul Panha, the head of the election monitoring group Comfrel, said the NEC does not have the right to issue such a far-reaching ban.
There were more pressing laws the NEC should look at strengthening, such as the loosely enforced rule prohibiting civil servants and armed forces from campaigning for political parties.
Keep going Ah Knhom Yuon!!
Ah Norouk Nytha,
You should let Khmer people know that you are just Ah Ting Moung, which move when your master Vietnam move you.
Tep Nitha motherfucker son of the bitch! you can judge him through his fcae.
cambodia don't support for scam rainsy because everybody can agree that cambodia is not about him. there are more to cambodia than just sam rainsy, you know. scam rainsy ran away on his own, nobody forced him to do that, you know. cambodia don't need a run away self-proclaimed leader like that, you know. even scam rainsy should play by the rule of law and stop bashing cambodia's law, etc, ok. cambodia is not about scam rainsy, ok! don't even try that again, it won't work again this time!
2:07 PM
Sorry to hear that you and him broke up since he didn't return to Cambodia. If I were you, I'll go to find another gay partner. I'm sure you can find one just like him, just try and try again.
Monkey, shut up !
This is just one more Hun Sen 's jungle law.
Get rid of Hun Sen, then Cambodia problems are gone.
Let's support the criminal lawsuit brought against Hun Sen by Suorn Serey Ratha.
The cpp = communist people party wants to band any thing khmer and promote anything youn!
Those Khmer Vietminh, Vietnam's slave, are so dumb to understand the difference between wrong and right.
I think the end for these animals is approaching.
Ah Tep Nitha, you must go to Hanoi, if not you will die by Khmer nationalist soon. We are 1000 per cent that is the Hun's strategy under Youn command my friends and you make under this command, so you are the traitor too, and then first must get coffin. As you know, Youn know excactly when SRP and HRP will be unit one party nearby before 2013, then CPP under Youn will be loser.
Ah eign niss Chet Rouy tov chmous ah eign niss chhea chmuss KHMER TRAITOR.
to 2:07 PM,
you don't support Sam Rainsy because you are a slave 's Viet selling khmer land to Viet but you must know that this is not belong to you alone ok?
you don't support Sam Rainsy but x-Sam Rainsy will come to blash your face as a traitor of Khmer nation. Please think back to 1790 and 1846, what Khmer did with Viet?
to 4:06 PM,
Those animals CPPs must destroy like the real history in Tombstone movie:
Tombstone Movie;
His name is not Tep Nytha.it is ah Pret Nytha or ah Noruok Nytha.
Don't call him Tep Nytha ,call him Ah Pret Nytha
Yes of course ,Nambodia never supports Sam Rainsy as you are Nambodian .....Do" ma¡¡¡ ah yuon's slave
a hun sen and his clans are the criminals not sam rainsy. if sam rainsy did not run the son of a bitch would have put him in jail already. a hun sen married to a viet whore and sold our khmerland to the viets just like the old time. a hun sen is a blinded man who knows nothing but fucking around and talking like shit just like a king whore. a hun sen will pay the price very soon and hell is waiting for him.
Personne n'a forcé HUN SEN et son clan à partir au Vietname en 1978. Rainsy est menacé de mort par Hun Sen et Youn Hanoi. C'est raison pour laquelle il est exilé en France car il ne veut pas encore mourir comme Hun Sen et son clan et y compris celui qui a écrit des commentaires dans ce forum. Il veut défendre l'intérêt supérieur de la nation Khmère. Rainsy n'a jamais cédé quoi que ce soit au Youn Hanoi comme Hun Sen. Le crime de Rainsy est de ne pas pouvoir donner la terre et la mer Khmer au Youn!!! Voilà, c'est son seul et unique crime!!!
Sam Rainsy is found guilty of Crime because he was found guilty with evidence that the Board or Cambodian territories has been illegally encroached on by Vietnam and confirmed that Hun Sen and his Hor5Hong CPP are the root cause of this problem. Hence Sam Rainsy is 100% guilty of having caught the Blind, Ah PM Hun Sen with evidence that he has given away Khmer and Cambodian land and sea to Viet, let understand this as a fact.
One of my best classmate during my high school time is a judge in PP. As I've asked him about Sam Rainsy, he replied that Mr. Sam Rainsy has absolutely no guilt. But that's the conspiracy theory between Phnom Penh and Hanoi. He added that almost every judge in PP knew exactly what happened to him, but they could not do anything about this if anyone again this those will lose their post and judicial system here is always dependent.
អ្នកជួយរាស្ត្រការពារទឹកដីខ្មែរ គេកាត់
ទោសដាក់គុក ១២ ឆ្នាំ ចុះអ្នកកាត់ដី
ខ្មែរឲ្យយួន មានកោះត្រល់និងកោះផ្សេងៗ
ទៀត ជាយដែនមានបណ្ដោយជាង ១ពាន់
គីឡូម៉ែត្រ មានដោះដូរភូមិខ្មែរជាដើមនោះ
តើត្រូវជាប់គុកប៉ុន្មានឆ្នាំ ? ឲ្យពួកអាស្វា
គ ជ ប ឆ្លើយមកមើល ? ពួកអាឯងនឹង
មានវាសនាដូច ហោ ណាំហុង និងអា
សុខ អាន ជាដើម ។
Ah Thork Nytha,
I don't believe that you are really Khmer, because Khmer cannot commit this act of treason to facilitate " Vietnamization ".
Hell is welcomed you to stay for free forever. Yumphubal said he liked you and planned to take you soon.
It's copy cat of the two-wives law that Hun Sen created to sentence Ran Narith to prison term because Ran Narith was a threat to him at that time.
Hun Sen and his regime create the (jungle)law along the way to benefit his party and punish/weaken those who is a threat to him and his regime.
Baay Kdaing
all I can say is, Sam Rainsy is an idiot, and a stupid SOB. He should stick with what he knows, accounting. Not politic.
To Tep Nytha,
On the constitution, Cambodia is the democratic state but internal this country is still communist style, the democracy just onle facade. They are always trying to manipulated the content of law constantly.
CPP and its boss know that SRP+HRP will unit before 2013. This party will be stronger, so they must destroy their leader now, otherwise it will complicated to annex Khmer in the 21st century and Cambodia under CPP Hun Sen must pay more for Viet. How long and how many, the poor Khmer have no chance to know this.
Now, I will ask you. During the Viet war Vietnam has had debts to China $ 152 billions (since 1975) + interest. Viet has never pay back to China but fought back China with China's weapons. This info you can ask the Chinese students and people who will tell you the fact.
And when the war between China and Vietnam break again because the island who will give the Viet the new weapons, USA? Who will pay back.
But why Khmer under CPP must pay without end?
Anyway, if you work in the west countries, you will get jebless for a long time ago and you must have been punished by court too.
yeah rainsy, stick with what you know best, accounting, not politics, ok. and what's up with people with accounting degree, they always became radical in politics, take that other accountant that sits in american jail for terrorist act against cambodia, a foreign gov't, by using american soil and territories to do so. shame on these accountants. scam rainsy should go to jail too by using french soil and territories to stage trouble-making with cambodia all the time. shame on scam rainey, really!
To 4:29 AM>
You need to prove it, don't just accuse him like CPP party, you youn slave! Foreign countries will not using jungle law like Cambodia, because it's ashame to do so. You
must be youn slave or Vietcong, and the most ignorant, outdated person I ever know! "Go back to Hanoi" You don't belong in Cambodia.
He is better off counting beans. Politic is suited for a hero and not for a run away idiot!
sam rainsi is mam sonando's girlfriend.
សម រង្ស៊ីមិនមែនជាឧក្រិដ្ឋជន ????
តែសម រង្ស៊ីជាឧក្រិដ្ឋជន...ឧក្រិដ្ឋជនប្រយោល,
គឺ :
-សមរង្ស៊ី នៅតែបន្តលេងល្បែងបោះឆ្នោត
-សម រង្ស៊ីមិនមែនបោះឆ្នោតជាមួយខ្មែរទេ។
-សម រង្ស៊ីជាឧក្រិដ្ឋជនដែលមិនបានប្រឆាំង និងវត្តមានយួននៅក្នុងស្រុកខ្មែរ
-សម រង្ស៊ីជាឧក្រិដ្ឋជនដែលនៅតែប្រឆាំង
ដែលយល់ថាការបោះឆ្នោតនេះវាជាល្បែងបង្រ្គប់កិច្ចឲ្យអំណាចទៅយួនជាអ្នកឈ្នះ---------ខ្មែរជាអ្នកចាញ់ !
ដើម្បី អោយបនក្បត់ភ្នំពេញមានឧកាសអោយយួនចូលមកលេបយកទឹកដីខ្មែរជាបន្ត។
-ដូច្នេះសម រង្ស៊ីជាឧក្រិដ្ឋជនផង និងជាជនក្បត់ជាតិផងដែរ
គឺសម រង្ស៊ីកំពុងតែសម្លាប់វាសនាជាតិខ្មែរ !!!
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