Wednesday, September 01, 2010

NA deputy responds to opposition barb

The gang of corruptors? Nguon Nhel next to his boss (Photo: The Phnom Penh Post)

Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Thet Sambath and James O’Toole
The Phnom Penh Post

THE first deputy president of the National Assembly has hit back at allegations that he employs an excessive number of advisers, and says he is considering filing a defamation suit against opposition lawmakers in response to the criticism.

Last week, 13 lawmakers from the opposition Sam Rainsy Party wrote a letter to National Assembly President Heng Samrin alleging that deputy president Nguon Nhel employs 71 different advisers and asking Heng Samrin to investigate this “irregularlity”. Yesterday, however, Nguon Nhel defended his use of the advisers, saying they were a necessary part of his work for the legislature.

“I need advisers to work for people in the provinces and other places,” Nguon Nhel said. “They are working to collect information from people, and they are intervening to assist people whenever they have any problems.”

Nguon Nhel declined to confirm the number of advisers he employed, but said all worked diligently and were appointed through legal channels.

“I am considering filing a complaint against the Sam Rainsy Party for defaming me,” he added.

The SRP lawmakers alleged that the government pays a total of US$26,730 each month to Nguon Nhel’s advisers, including Hang Vichet, the Assembly secretariat’s financial department chief, and Nhem Thavy, a lawmaker from Kampong Thom province who is Nguon Nhel’s brother-in-law.

Nguon Nhel said yesterday that he was unsure why the SRP considered his familial relations relevant.

Observers said the quarrel raised questions about efficiency and transparency in Cambodia’s public administration.

Koul Panha, executive director of local election monitor Comfrel, said advisers played an important role at the Assembly but were concentrated unnecessarily among high-ranking officials.

“We need strong advisers ... but it should be a fair distribution,” he said.

Cambodian Centre for Human Rights president Ou Virak said, though, that the proliferation of government advisers was in most cases a waste of revenue.

“Everybody in Cambodia knows that these people don’t really report to work – they don’t advise,” Ou Virak said. He also questioned the legality of those already employed by the National Assembly drawing second salaries in advisory roles.

The International Monetary Fund warned last September that “very large increases in the civil service and military wage bill” were helping to run up the Kingdom’s deficit to unsustainable levels. SRP lawmaker Son Chhay called yesterday for the government to audit Nguon Nhel’s staff and identify unjustified expenses.

Cheam Yeap, head of the National Assembly’s Finance and Banking Committee, said yesterday that he employed three advisers and, like other lawmakers, had doled out these roles appropriately.

“We do not appoint people who do not work and just come to collect their salary,” he said.


Anonymous said...

Ok! what's proper chanel?
Ah Kwack stingy mouth?

Anonymous said...

Choy may heiy meil mok vear!

Anonymous said...

Choy may heiy meil mok vear!

Anonymous said...

Waht legal chanel! the one put people in jail for protecting their land?

Anonymous said...

Motherfuckers ah choymaray CPP of ah Kwax death brain Hun Xen! Why you motherfuckers jail people who just exercise their right in their own property?

You motherfucker ah roontaihbangn you motherfuckers just like ah Pol Pot in oppressing people and kille their spirit as human!

May lightning strike the evil motherfuckers and its supporters!

Kon me choymaray , son of the hooker! ah Kwack Hun Xen choymaray motherfucker!!!!

Anonymous said...

នៅស្រុកខ្មែរឱ្យតែមានមុខងារជា...ស្ដេច, សម្ដេច, លួង, ឯកឧត្ដម, លោកជំទាវ, ឧកញ៉ា, បណ្ឌិត...សុទ្ធតែមេចោរលក់ជាតិ,ក្បត់ជាតិទាំងអស់តាំងពីសករាជ តាត្រសក់ ផ្អែមមកម្ល៉េះ!

ពួកអាឆ្កែខ្ញុំកញ្ជះយួន, ពួកអាបំផ្លាញជាតិ, ពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិ
កាត់ក្បាលពួកវាដោតធ្វើជាបង្គោល​របង ទីក្រុងមិនខានទេ!

បើអា ងួន ញ៉ឹល គ្មានសមត្ថភាពធ្វើជាអនុប្រធាន​ទី១​នៃ​រដ្ឋសភាបំរើពលរដ្ឋទេ ល្មមសុំលាឈប់ពីតំណែងទៅ!
កុំនៅតោងអំណាចយូរពេក នាំឱ្យតែជាតិរីងស្ងួតដោយ
សារតែពួកអាមនុស្សល្ងង់, ក្បត់ជាតិអស់ឯងហ្ន័ងហើយ!


Anonymous said...

Just file a defamation law suit and eliminate the rest of SRP members of Parliament, then CPP will have a communist style government. What a sad state of Cambodia!! The more people try to gain liberty, the more oppressed they become. Desires and greeds seem to have overcome our common sense.

Anonymous said...

The state of Cambodia is a communist country,not a free world country.Khmer,Lao,and Vietnam will be an Indochina Federation under Vietnam umbrella soon.Khmer communist country has a king; I have never heard before,what a stupid communist in the world.Now back to Nguon Nhel,this guy is Mr. NO NOTHING.The boss is like slave and slave is like boss....same....same. I like the one wrote second paragraph in Khmer of this blog;I mean 1:04AM.Thank you.

Anonymous said...

nguon nhiel knows that killing the Khmer people. When he lived in France, he lived on welfare.

Now A nguon nhiel is in power with A Hun Sen. He eats, he kills without mercy and destroyed the Khmer people.

A gang of thieves !!!!!

Anonymous said...

What's an idiot!filing a defamation suit. No wonder he needs so many advisers to help his idiot. He is going to need adviser to help him file a defamation suit, too.

Anonymous said...

Where is a layer, Ky Ky?

Anonymous said...

This is not a unique case. Majority of these stupid, brainless so call Cambodia leaders surround themself with hundred of advisores, wasting hard earning Cambodian people who barely survive daily food intake. More than that people borrow and donated are just wasted on their few family while all Cambodian carry the burden. Shamless, these people have no heart, no shame, don't give sht about Cambodian, the country, that gave them birth. They are AkataU to her. Oh motherland do you hear your children suffering?!!!

Anonymous said...

Ngoun Nhel and their bunch of idiots, all they do is to sue. Can they do something benefit to the country rather then keep killing the critic to hide your stupid talentless brain. You brainless, good for nothing.

Anonymous said...

2 hog heads in the photo above!!!!!

Anonymous said...

2:49 AM
When I call my dog, I always call
"Ky Ky" where are you?

Anonymous said...

In addition, we must concentrate on rule of law, because only rule of law can take Cambodia into another level of expectation. Rule of law helps us to walk, drive and navigate according to plans like a sailor needs his Compass while at the High Sea. Only rule of law can truely change Cambodia into the directions everyone wants. Look at Thailand for example, they know what they. In 1915, Siam decided to follow the West and thus they have chosen America and British as their Compass and guidance. The King and I should have explained that better than anything that has ever written for all Siamese. Once the Siamese have decided on what they want they will never look back, and we can see the result of the present time...they have outgrew Cambodia when it comes to success and being established. Having said that, Cambodia ought to do the same thing. As a nation, we must pick a model, the best model there is in the world t use it as guidance and compassing our hardest time and made it to a greater and better place for all. In the one is stopping us from growing, but ourselves. Democracy is there for us to grasp, rule of law is there for us to be written, models are there for us to follow. The question is...when will we say enough is enough and this is the time to rise up to the challenges. WE CAN DO IT. NO MORE EXCUSES.

I thank you.


3:15 AM

Anonymous said...

Nguon Nhel , you are just like all of those government officials from CPP , it doesnt matter who is wrong or right , if you dont like it you will use the corrupted court to sue whoever criticize you . Hun Sen is stupid his followers are also stupid.

Anonymous said...

Nguon Nhel has 72 advisors to work. Two possible reasons: (1) He's totally dump (did he finish high school?); or (2) He's been taking a large portion of those salaries into his pocket (as most do).

Anonymous said...

Where does one think where Nguon Ngel got the tricks from? Of course it is from his master- the Dictator HUN SEN!

If DICTATOR HUN SEN WHIPS THESE CPP SLAVES, then they follow him like a dog. However, DICTATOR HUN SEN is a wolf hence he is more hungry than his dogs--hence they are stealing from the poor and powerless.

KHMER Angkor

Anonymous said...

new phally boasts of himself being an advisor to nguon nhel.
this guy posts regularly here.
being paid a salary in the us? a spy?

Anonymous said...

If RGC officials need advisors, those who are working in social organisations are the key people.

That will reduce so much waste on the budget.

Three to four expertised advisors could be employed for specific areas of their roles of minister.

Otherwise these advisors become their servants or slaves to own needs.

It should start to reduce from PM.


Anonymous said...

Cambodia will be the leader of indochina federation very soon