Tuesday, June 26, 2007

SRP not surprised with Keo Remy’s departure

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Mrs Mu Sochua, SRP Secretary-general, said that SRP is not surprised that Keo Remy resigned from the party to join Kem Sokha’s party. Nevertheless, Mu Scohua did not provide any reason for Keo Remy’s resignation. However, the (pro-CPP) Koh Santepheap newspaper indicated one SRP official said that it could be that Keo Remy did not help pay to support the party. But, Ho Vann, the SRP leader in Phnom Penh city, said that SRP plans to remove Keo Remy’s name from the list of the Phnom Penh MP candidates because he did not support the party campaign and expense during the commune election. Ho Vann said that Phnom Penh is hot spot for the SRP when compared to the CPP which is flushed with cash and has more people who came out to personally campaign at the local level. SRP had also pushed all its MPs to actively campaign, but some MPs are not willing to take this action.


Anonymous said...

It is not a big deal that just such thing led him to resign....but to extend real patriotic personalities is the goal of democratic movement.

Anonymous said...

Just let him be because he deserve that. I do think that keo remy and kem sokha are the men who have the same selfisnness and self-centeredness. Their poltical life is ended.

Anonymous said...

Want polical life that kicking and alive joint the CPP!

You will keep alive event if you were death by Vietname neukmam!

Anonymous said...

To whom it may concern
please stop blame each other.Keo Ramy didn't mention a single word about SRP that mean he is a really high class politician.So don't force him to through wood on fire.It is to late to blame and to late to stop Kem Sokha to lunch a Pol.Party.SRP and HRP do your own Campaign for best they can.I suggest 3rd party(not a Pol.Party)
from the seniors independent Khmer politicians to study how this 2 parties can get together? We still have time and stop nonsence barking mostly from SRP.Stop think that in Cambodia only SR can save Cambodia,may be somebody else can do better than SR.