Monday, January 03, 2011

New Year’s Greeting to The Members and Supporters of The Sam Rainsy Party [in English and French]


January 1, 2011

Dear members of the great SRP family,

On this first day of the New Year 2011, I am pleased to share with each of you and your families my best wishes of health, success, prosperity and happiness.

I also take this occasion to thank you for the support you provided to our Party and to the members of the greater SRP family when they were in distress.

Our family is united and directed by our moral principles and our common ideals. The motto of our party is and always will be "Integrity, Truth, Justice." We fight now and will continue to fight tirelessly to defend our motherland and to serve our people. Our patriotic and democratic ideals provide us with the force and the determination to resist all pressures. Nobody can intimidate us, nobody can buy our conscience. It is our absolute fidelity with these principles and ideals which makes the force, the unity and the uniqueness of the SRP.

Today we enter not only a new year, but a new decade. The world is changing quickly and radically. With the progress of education and the diffusion of knowledge, every day that passes makes us more clearly aware that the Hun Sen regime, propped up by the occupying communist Vietnamese army in 1979, is increasingly anachronistic, feudalistic and regressive, and will not resist the changes of the modern world. Cambodia has much to gain by getting rid of this undemocratic and antinational regime as quickly as possible.

Cambodia needs true progress, modernity, sustainable and equitable economic development, social justice, decent employment for the large number of young people entering the job market, increased well-being for the entire population, and an intelligent and strong defense of the vital interests of the nation.

What I mean by "true progress" can best be understood by reading an article today by the Associated Press which reports the progress accomplished in Brazil during the last eight years under the direction of President Lula:

“Sao Paulo (AP) - After two four-year mandates at the head of Brazil marked by a decline of poverty and strong growth, the one who all Brazilians call "Lula" will finish his presidency on Saturday [January 1, 2011] with a popular record, yielding the position to Dilma Rousseff.

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, 65, leaves behind a country that has become a major economic and political actor equipped with model social programs, preparing to host the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016.

Since Lula’s first election in 2002, 29 million Brazilians have joined the middle-class, creating a new dynamic domestic market, and 20 million have escaped poverty.

The value of the real, the Brazilian currency, more than doubled against the dollar. The inequality gap decreased and the income of the poorest 10% of the population increased five times more quickly than that of the richest 10%. Inflation was controlled, unemployment is at an all-time low and illiteracy fell.

Brazil, which benefited from 30 billion dollars in aid from the International Monetary Fund when the state was close to economic collapse in 2002, today lends money to the IMF.”

It is perfectly clear: The way followed by Cambodia under Hun Sen is the opposite of that followed by Brazil under Lula.

The "development" under Hun Sen is done not for the people as in Brazil, but against the people, as shown by the disastrous policy of land confiscation, in which the poorest Cambodians are victims and which increases their poverty only further.

The Hun Sen regime does not serve the national interest, but rather the interests of a politico-financial oligarchy with undivided control of the Cambodian economy. This politico-financial oligarchy shamelessly exploits the country with the complicity of unscrupulous foreign companies. The great mass of the population continues to live in misery. A small group of corrupt leaders and business crooks become increasingly rich while the poor remain poor or become increasingly poorer. The inequalities and social injustices worsen without end.

Unlike Brazil enjoying true progress, there is no "model social program" or even simply an outline of any "social security" in Cambodia, where the most vulnerable and neediest are quite simply abandoned with their sad fate. Instead of developing a modern and transparent system of national solidarity, the Hun Sen regime is based on a feudal system of clientelism that perpetuates government corruption and allows them at the same time to buy election votes with gifts or alms, thus treating the people like beggars rather than citizens.

Our great difference with Brazil and true progress, unemployment (especially for young people) does nothing but grows, and constitutes a delayed-action time bomb on the social plan, showing the inability of the regime to ensure a solid economic base for the country. Instead of providing jobs, the regime distributes alms, capitalizing on ignorance and demagogy.

The corrupt Hun Sun regime does not worry about the national interest and sells or cedes all the goods of the state and the nation, while the people witness massive destruction of natural resources that makes them fear ecological and human catastrophes without precedent.

Finally, always the opposite of Brazil and true progress, Cambodia under Hun Sen takes pleasure in begging, remaining eternally dependent on international assistance and losing our sense of national dignity.

In addition, regarding foreign policy concerning the border issue, the Hun Sen regime allows neighboring countries, particularly Vietnam, to seize Khmer territories in complete impunity, with the complicity and the blessing of the authorities in Phnom Penh. Instead of defending the national territory, the Hun Sen government prefers to repress and punish patriotic Khmer citizens who dare to protest against violations of the territorial integrity of Cambodia. Victims of this political repression include Cambodian farmers who are directly and personally victims of border encroachment and who have been unjustly imprisoned because they dare to protest against the loss of their farmland. We see clearly that the Hun Sen government does nothing but defend and seek to satisfy its masters in Hanoi.

The Hun Sen government is not a "government of the people, by the people, for the people," according to Abraham Lincoln's formula, but it is a government of traitors, by tyrants, against the people, as shown by its daily intrigues.

The duty of the SRP is to carry the hope and the fight of the Khmer people who want to relieve Cambodia of the current dictatorship which represents a mortal danger to our country.

I invite all Cambodian patriots and democrats to support and reinforce our fight for national salvation.

Sam Rainsy
Member of Parliament
President of SRP

o x O x o


Paris, le 1er janvier 2011

Chers membres de la grande famille PSR,

En ce premier jour de la nouvelle année 2011, j’ai le plaisir de formuler à chacun de vous et à votre famille mes meilleurs vœux de santé, de réussite, de prospérité et de bonheur.

Je saisis aussi cette occasion pour vous remercier du soutien que vous avez apporté à notre Parti ainsi qu’à des membres de la grande famille PSR chaque fois qu’ils étaient dans la détresse.

Notre grande famille est unie, soudée et guidée par nos principes moraux et notre idéal commun. La devise de notre Parti est et restera toujours "Intégrité, Vérité, Justice". Nous combattons et combattrons sans relâche pour défendre notre Patrie et servir notre Peuple. Notre idéal patriotique et démocratique nous donne la force et la détermination de résister à toutes les pressions. Personne ne peut nous intimider et personne ne peut acheter notre conscience. C’est la fidélité absolue à nos principes et à notre idéal qui fait la force et l’unicité du PSR.

Aujourd’hui nous entrons non seulement dans une nouvelle année mais aussi dans une nouvelle décennie. Le monde est en train de changer rapidement et profondément. Avec les progrès de l’éducation et la diffusion du savoir, chaque jour qui passe fait prendre conscience de plus en plus clairement que le régime Hun Sen, mis en place par l’armée d’occupation communiste vietnamienne en 1979, est de plus en plus anachronique, obscurantiste et rétrograde, et ne résistera pas aux changements du monde moderne. Le Cambodge a tout à gagner à se débarrasser le plus rapidement possible de ce régime anti-démocratique et anti-national.

Le Cambodge a besoin de vrais progrès, de modernité, d’un développement économique durable et équitable, de justice sociale, d’emplois décents en grand nombre pour les jeunes qui arrivent en force sur le marché du travail, de bien-être accru pour l’ensemble de la population, d’une défense intelligente et résolue des intérêts vitaux de la nation.

Ce que j’entends par "de vrais progrès", vous pouvez en avoir une idée en lisant ce câble de ce jour de l’Associated Press qui relate les progrès accomplis par le Brésil au cours des huit dernières années sous la direction du Président Lula:

« SAO PAULO (AP) — Après deux mandats de quatre ans à la tête du Brésil, marqués par un recul de la pauvreté et une forte croissance, celui que tous les Brésiliens appellent "Lula" quittait la présidence samedi [1er janvier 2011] avec une popularité record pour céder la place à Dilma Rousseff.

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, 65 ans, laisse derrière lui un pays devenu un acteur économique et politique majeur, doté de programmes sociaux modèles, qui accueillera en 2014 la Coupe du monde de football et en 2016 les Jeux olympiques.

Depuis sa première élection en 2002, 29 millions de Brésiliens ont rejoint la classe moyenne, créant un nouveau marché intérieur dynamique et 20 millions sont sortis de la pauvreté.

La valeur du real, la monnaie brésilienne, a plus que doublé face au dollar. Les inégalités ont diminué et le revenu des 10% les plus pauvres de la population a augmenté cinq fois plus vite que celui des 10% les plus riches. L'inflation a été maîtrisée, le chômage n'a jamais été aussi bas et l'illettrisme a chuté.

Le Brésil, qui a bénéficié d'une aide de 30 milliards de dollars du Fonds monétaire international alors qu'il était proche de l'effondrement économique en 2002, prête aujourd'hui de l'argent au FMI. »

C’est évident: Le chemin suivi par le Cambodge sous Hun Sen est l’opposé de celui suivi par le Brésil sous Lula.

Le "développement" sous Hun Sen se fait non pas pour le peuple comme au Brésil mais contre le peuple comme le montre la désastreuse politique de confiscation de terres dont sont victimes les Cambodgiens les plus pauvres et qui conduit à accroître davantage leur pauvreté.

Le régime Hun Sen ne sert pas l’intérêt national mais uniquement celui d’une oligarchie politico-financière qui contrôle sans partage l’économie du Cambodge qu’elle exploite sans vergogne avec la complicité de sociétés étrangères sans scrupules. La grande masse de la population vit toujours dans la misère. Un petit groupe de dirigeants corrompus et d’hommes d’affaires véreux deviennent de plus en plus riches tandis que les pauvres restent toujours aussi pauvres ou deviennent même de plus en plus pauvres. Les inégalités et injustices sociales s’aggravent sans cesse.

Contrairement aussi au Brésil et aux vrais progrès, il n’y a au Cambodge aucun "programme social modèle" ou simplement aucune ébauche d’une quelconque "sécurité sociale" et les plus vulnérables et les plus nécessiteux sont tout simplement abandonnés à leur triste sort. Au lieu de développer un système moderne et transparent de solidarité nationale, le régime Hun Sen se base sur un système féodal de clientélisme pour pouvoir perpétuer la corruption gouvernementale et se permettre en même temps d’acheter des voix aux élections à coup de cadeaux ou aumônes, traitant ainsi les citoyens nécessiteux comme des mendiants.

Toujours à la différence du Brésil et de vrais progrès, le chômage – surtout celui des jeunes – ne fait que croître et constitue une bombe à retardement sur le plan social, montrant l’incapacité du régime à assurer un fondement économique solide pour le pays. Au lieu de fournir des emplois, le régime distribue des aumônes en utilisant l’ignorance et la démagogie.

Le régime corrompu de Hun Sun ne se soucie pas de l’intérêt national et vend ou aliène tous les biens de l’Etat et de la nation tandis que l’on assiste à une destruction massive de ressources naturelles qui fait craindre des catastrophes écologiques et humaines sans précédent.

Enfin, toujours aux antipodes du Brésil et de vrais progrès, le Cambodge sous Hun Sen se complaît dans la mendicité, restant éternellement dépendant de l’aide internationale et faisant perdre à notre pays le sens de la dignité nationale.

Par ailleurs, sur le plan extérieur, concernant le problème des frontières, le régime Hun Sen laisse des pays voisins, notamment le Vietnam, s’emparer de territoires khmers en toute impunité, avec la complicité et la bénédiction des autorités de Phnom Penh. Au lieu de défendre le territoire national, le gouvernement Hun Sen préfère réprimer et punir des citoyens khmers patriotes qui osent protester contre les violations de l’intégrité territoriale du Cambodge. Parmi les victimes de cette répression politique figurent des paysans cambodgiens qui sont directement et personnellement victimes de déplacements de bornes frontalières et qui ont été injustement emprisonnés parce qu’ils ont osé protester contre la perte de leurs rizières. Nous voyons clairement que le gouvernement Hun Sen ne fait que défendre et chercher à satisfaire ses maîtres à Hanoï.

Le gouvernement Hun Sen n’est pas un "gouvernement du peuple, par le peuple, pour le peuple", selon la formule d’Abraham Lincoln, mais c’est un gouvernement de traîtres, par des tyrans, contre le peuple, comme le montrent les agissements quotidiens de ce gouvernement.

Le devoir du PSR est d’incarner l’espoir et la lutte du peuple khmer qui veut libérer le Cambodge de la dictature actuelle qui représente un danger mortel pour notre pays.

J’appelle tous les Khmers patriotes et démocrates à soutenir et à renforcer notre combat pour le salut national.

Sam Rainsy
Président du PSR


Anonymous said...

Do we Khmer still have our language ?

Anonymous said...

10:54 AM,

Why don't you translate the article and ask KI Media to post it instead of asking such a question?

I challenge you to do it since you sound like you are so caring about our Khmer language.

Now, don't curse; just simply start translating it. I will be back in 3 days to see if KI has posted it.

Do it and stop asking!

Anonymous said...

the people would like to know, when will you return to Cambodia?

Anonymous said...


who r u talking about? Mr. Sam Ransy? nononono...don't say people, but only you want to know. I beleive Khmers/people want to know when ah kwack gong to die?

Anonymous said...

hypocrite - ah pong kdor pi krouy!

don't say khmer/people, YOU would want to know when PM Hun Sen is going to die?

Anonymous said...

We all know that what Sam Rainsy says about the Hun Sen regime is correct. What we don't know and want to know is how Sam Rainsy is going to stop Hun Sen.


Anonymous said...

When is Sam Rainsy going to kick the bucket so the Khmer people can celebrate?

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy forgets to point out one important aspect in his Brazil example. The successful Lula gives up power after two terms. Khmer leaders, including Sam Rainsy, cling on to power forever whether they are making what Sam Rainsy calls true progress or not.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

Kit Pi Choy,

What kind of power does Sam Rainsy has? You can't compare Sam Rainsy to PM Hun Sen and other previous Khmer leaders. There are logical distinction in characters, personalities, leadership skills, educations, and experiences, etc. in these people. You can't label Sam Rainsy as those leaders you are referring to. If Sam Rainsy's supporters and his members of his administration don't believe him as a good leader, they are now have a golden opportunity to drop hin, since he is in exile.

or perhaps, you have something so terrible about Sam Rainsy that you would like to share with the public. KI is definitely would love to hear juicy story from you and the public.

Go ahead, Kit Teh Pi Choy!

Anonymous said...

12:02 PM,

You are one of the few idiots! Your brain may be the same size with everyone else but your brain got hole in it. It can't contain important information about Khmer issues.

Ah Khmer Thouk Teap!

Anonymous said...

SAM RAINSY + Kit Pi Choy

Anonymous said...

MR. Rainsy your mentality is not tough (ladyboy), you are weak very weak and you got a avery, very and weake teams, you suround yourselfe with most ignorance people the only skile you and your team has is master in managing criticising, hatreat and anger to divide khmer ahte each other. how do you expect to win, you clearly see yourself you will faile evry ellections. most people they clearly I mean cristale clear see you Mr. Sam rainsy you make a living on SRP party. you don't have political party you set SRP for your own business with a agroup of your weakness people. Let looke at futur, Kem sokha will take over soon, and you Rainsy may bege Hun sen to joint new gov'e. you want to bet with me, your leadeshipe skile is nothing compared to hundred thousand of Cambodian people they are much smarter and higher talented than you are Rainsy. stope being supperior you only see yourself that way, now you forget many Cambodian people they have many PHD. honesely you got bunch of ignorance very skileful in criticising, you are weakness ladyboy that why you attract only weaker people around you, I can't afford to have those people with me. you Rainsy not even have a management skile.lived with your mess and stope cheat people money for your breat and better.

Anonymous said...

ហេតុដែលសំបុត្រជូនពរឆ្នាំថ្មីរបស់សមរង្ស៊ី សរសេរជាលាយលក្ខណ៍ភាសារបរទេស ពីព្រោះគាត់ខ្ពើមអក្សរខ្មែរយើងនេះណាស់ !
សព្វថ្អៃ ខ្មែរនៅបរទេស គឺមានគំនិតមិនខុស
ពីសមរង្ស៊ីនេះឡើយ គឺពួកគេកំពុងតែបំពាក់ភាសារអងគ្លេសទាំងស្រុង ជំនួស​អក្សរខ្មែរយើងវិញ ។ មើលទៅ! មានតែទៅពឹងយួន អោយមកជួយការពារ
ភាសារខ្មែរវិញ ប្រហែលជាមានផ្លូវជាង ៕

Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy you are sooooo prety baby, you wanna sleep with me

Anonymous said...

Ah Min Khmes, Niyeay Lop Lop!

Khmer Empire should be ashamed to have these people called themselves Khmer.

Anonymous said...

love hime, he looke so handsome, I want to see Sam Rainsy nake.

Anonymous said...

Comparison between Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen:

Hun Sen is a former Khmer Rouge and Sam Rainsy is not!

Hun Sen is a Vietcong slave and Sam Rainsy is not!

Hun Sen is a dictator and Sam Rainsy is not!

Hun Sen was hand pick by the Vietcong government as Prime Minister of Cambodia and Sam Rainsy is not!

Hun Sen owned everything in Cambodia including the court, the military, the police, the schools, the roads...including Cambodian King! and Sam Rainsy doesn't own anything!

Hun Sen want Cambodia to remain the same and Sam Rainsy demand a change!

As you can see the different between Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen are too great to be compared!

It is so easy to blame Sam Rainsy because he doesn't have the power to make a change. For those who praise Hun Sen because every fucken time they turn on the fucken television and they see Hun Sen as their father figure who is preaching in a one way communication to Cambodian people as if Cambodian people are so dumb to understand what the hell he is preaching about! Hun Sen doesn't need to instill fear in Cambodian poeple and if he want respect and he must earn it!

Anonymous said...

1.05 am
you are right Sam rainsy got nothing, that why he build his own business SRP company, I don't see Rainsy and his team strong enougth to dealt with HUn sen, Rainsy too weak he earn aliving by his criticised skile,,,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Cambodian people would love to label one another. They see good, they say bad. And they see bad, they say good. So lop! Instead of spending time in school and/or at least do some of their own readings/research, they choose to believe in fortune teller and Put Tum Neay.

Do you know who wrote Put Tum Neay? Have you ever questioned why things happened in Cambodia and to you Khmer were seem to be the way it was said in Put Tum Neay? Because they know that majority of Khmer people were uneducated and 90% of Khmer beliefe those stuff - they had made it happened. They were in the horizon 50 years ago, and 30 years ago, they knocked on the door, and now they are already inside your house. Why Khmer is so la-ngoung?

Believe me, their will be no more monarchy in Cambodia. Cambodian people will be minority. There will be no border posts, and their will be Cambodia. There won't be Indochina. Indochina is an illusion term used to make believe. There will be only VIETNAM.

Stop being so stupid, Khmer!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sam rainsy we like you you help alot of garment worker lost their jobs, and you help closed 76 factories, and you help Siam to acttack Khmer, remmember while we prepared for war durring The enermy Thai waging war you go straight to veit boder. to stope Veit from helping Khmer, you are agood boy that what Thai said.

Anonymous said...

don't be babbling about "criticised skill" or whatever you called it. Educate the public with concrete examples and facts.

The people would want to know so that they can be better informed about their decisions, who would be the best or better candidate(s) than Sam Rainsy for the next general election? And of course, don't forget, you have fundamental right for one vote for yourself. Put yourself out there, let see if you would be so convince and honor my vote. I would love to see any khmer stands up at the border and declare that this is Khmer land and Vietnam had, in fact, encroached into our Khmer land.

Old khmer mentality - power and greed, threatening the weaks, boast about things; they have nice car but live in the shack, type of things.

Go get yourself some education!

Anonymous said...

To 1:16PM

Well. Everything Hun Sen got and he stole it from dirt poor Cambodian people and What Sam Rainsy got ishis intelligence and the will to fight on for a better Cambodia!

By the way what Sam Rainsy got is in heaven and he doesn't need to own anything beside speak up for those helpless Cambodian people!

Anonymous said...

To 1:27PM

Oh? Sam Rainsy help close 76? ahaha
If you like dirt poor Cambodian workers to work as slave and who is stopping you and other dirt poor Cambodian workers to work as slave? And why do these dirt poor Cambodian workers have to go on strike to demand a better pay? Who would have thought that these dirt poor Cambodian workers are paid less than the prisoner in their country! The more you work and the poorer you have become!

As for the border issues and what is a better way to bring attention to the Eastern border with Vietnam?
It is only right that if AH HUN SEN is so concerned about the Western border with Thailand and why not with Vietnam too and after all these are Cambodian territories that we are talking about!

Remember! The Thai government never afraid to go straight to the United Nations to free their criminals from Cambodia but for AH HUN SEN he is so afraid to go to the United Nations to tell the world of the Thai and the Viet naked aggression on Cambodian sovereignty!

Anonymous said...

1:05 PM
Can say you don't know Mr. Sam Rainsy well, as you believed.
He worked with the Front National Liberation, means clearly worked with and supported the Khmer Rouge.
Not different what kind of work he has done, but the reality are the same.

Anonymous said...

ah 12.50 ah nis keu khoukbat youn pomdel yok khou mok picharana loeuy

Anonymous said...

សូមបងប្អូនខ្មែរគ្រប់គ្នាកុំច្រឡំ ការសរសេរជូនពរ
របស់សម រង្សី ដែលជាភាសាបរទេសពីព្រោះ
សម រង្សីយកលេសការជូនពរឆ្នាំថ្មីដើម្បីវាយ
ប្រហារសំអុយរាជរដ្ធាភិបាលប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។
តាមពិតសម រង្សីមិនខ្វាយខ្វល់ពីការជូនពរដល់
ប្រជាជនខ្មែរអោយបានសុខអ្វីទេ ដោយសម រង្សី
ដូច្នេះសម រង្សីមានគំនុំចានិច្ចជាមួយប្រជាជនខ្មែរ
ម្ចាស់ឆ្នោត។ ការសរសេរជាភាសាបរទេសគឺចង់

Anonymous said...

I don't flames to the dumbest person who's votes for ah CPP regimes, causes they're blinds like ah Kwack too, don't knew shit long ah Kwack gives them little bit of present they'll votes for them. And why da hell thus educates people keeps votes for this stupidest and slavering regimes call CPP for then. I though they educated they know better then the fucking dumbest person. Stops votes for this fucking slave regimes CPP if your considering your self education mother fuckers unless your fucking dumbest too mother fuckers.

Anonymous said...

Som Rainsy you must change your politics party name don't using your name ok, one more things if your realy loves and cares for your country you must united all of the politicals parties excepts ah slave Youn mother fuckers CPP ok if your one to win and make sure make terms limited for the president too don't do like ah Kwack regimes aright.

Anonymous said...

គ្មាន​សេចក្តី​សុខឯណា ប្រសើរជាង​ការ​ស្ងប់ចិត្តឡើយ

Bonne Année à tous les khmers

Wishing you Best wishes for the New Year.

Anonymous said...

12:32 PM, 1:16 PM, 2:20 PM and 2:49 PM

Reply to above people whom are criticizing Mr. Sam Rainsy...

1. Did they look around srok Khmer
or didn'e they?? The answer is youn every where I am telling the true. Even in Poypet Thai border we got youn there, surprise??? No it is not supprise because youn is every where in srok khmer.

2. Hun Sen is always talking about the border with Thai land and want to go to war with Thai land but what about the Vietnamese border?? We can not talk about the Vietnamese border, if we talk then he use the court to put us in jail like Mr. Sam Rainsy.

3. We all should thanks Mr. Sam Rainsy for taken action against the the Vietnamese about our Cambodian border.

4. I give you these proofs :

Hun Sen = Cambodia for sale for
99 years = youne very where in srok khmer = political is a family and friend business.

Before I finished I would like you to go around Cambodia and find out how many youn in srok Khmer before you say that Sam Rainsy only criticizing. Think again before it is too late, Cambodia don't need youn. We don't hate them but we don't want them in our country, they have their own country.
Thank you we don't want you youn.

Chheam Khmer

Anonymous said...

Could you please tell me to chose :

7 Thai nationals = Million of Vietnamese national


Anonymous said...

Could you please tell me to chose :

7 Thai nationals = Million of Vietnamese nationalS


Anonymous said...

To 5:32PM

You need to get your brain examine again! I am just amazed that you still don't understand the reason why Sam Rainsy used his name for his party! In fact the original party name was Khmer Nation Party and AH HUN SEN sent his mole AH NGOUN SEOUR to hijack his party! The only way not to repeat this same fucken mistake and Sam Rainsy resort to use his name instead and if any AH HUN SEN's mole want to hijack his party and it will be impossible. Sam Rainsy never want to use his name for his party.

As for AH HUN SEN he want to be in power for life and if he is not in power and he will go straight to jail right away!

Anonymous said...

How interesting to see some writers express their comments just like a mentally ill patient dances naked, dripping saliva from their mouth and humiliate themselves with vulgar terms.

It seems the writer(s) are empowered by an illusion that using the words, it would deter responses from others, thus would make them feel in control. I read their comments words by words, and I do really pity them for being suffered with such illusion, and cannot be cured from the terrible illness.

The words are not strange to us, we know its meaning, when, how and where we choose to use them.
My simple message to the writers simply asking them to find something new that we don't know or have not heard off, to share with us if they are a stable and able person to join or share issues of concern about Cambodia and Khmer people.

Yeay Tep

Anonymous said...

To me, whether the letter in Khmer or other language is not as important as its content because I believe that all readers can understand English. One thing that I think can be important is the title of the letter. It should be addressed to ALL KHMER PEOPLE not just the supporters.

Anonymous said...

We are vietnam ,we will be strong and will be a great vitnam soon ,now we control already laos and cambodia ,we put our people and our agents every where in cambodia ,even in government and in CPP ,we tie every thing ,in 1979 we work hard ,we send our suicide commando to phnom penh to catch samdat sihanouk ,we want him to stay with us and support us ,but the china workers at phnom penh catch our cammondo and destory them ,now samdat sihanouk come to support us by himself ,so every thing in our hand ,samdat sihanouk in our left hand and hun sen in our right hand ,we will be agreat vietnam soon china just a tiger stand up from disease ,china use to lost a battle at our north vietnam ,long life a great vietnam.

Anonymous said...

To 8:31PM

So tell me why are so disturb by such behavior of other commentators? How civilize are you?
Do you think that most of these commentators are targeting you or maybe they are trying to target some other audience?

Oh! What the fuck and the good come with the bad and the bad come with good! Just like night and and white...the poor and the rich...the pro-government and the opposition...

Just let people choose what they want to be...This is not about anonymous or self-empowerment or trying to be tough in front of computer screen...This is about speaking one mind without fear of going to jail as you have seen under AH HUN SEN regime as you have seen with "Seng Kunakar, the WFP employee, was arrested by the police on 18 December 2010 because he printed an article from KI-Media criticizing the government leaders in the border problem."

Anonymous said...

It's good to see khmers barking at each other.

Anonymous said...

8:31 PM

Hun Sen = Cambodia for sale for
99 years = youne very where in srok khmer = political is a family and friend business.

the fact must be shown every day to remind us what is really happening.

That is how the political campaign is all about. We must repeating to the people about the true nature of the present government, until there is a response from back.

Chheam Khmer

Anonymous said...

1032 pm,

it's good to have you as a cheerleader. It would be much better if you wear grass skirt and coconut pom pom.