Tuesday, December 03, 2013

News from December 2, 2013

Military Court Asked to Scrutinize Newspaper Article
Website of Company Running Ship Registry Closed Down
Villagers Say Illegal Loggers Claim to Work for Try Pheap
ថ្ងៃទី ២ ធ្នូ ១៩៧៨ (by Sek Serei)
China provides agricultural engines to Cambodia for post-flood rehabilitation
ឈ្លេីងសង្គម និងឈ្លេីងសេដ្ឋកិច្ច Sam Rainsy
Declare assets, ACU tells former officials
Micro-insurance needs revamp: UN
Gov’t forwards publishing complaint to military court
Dams, climate a bad mix
SL reps, unionists to sign deal to end strike
Amid protests, ICJ ruling lingers
IMF chief cites growth but warns of challenges
Kem Sohka, Dam Seth may face lawsuits couple days old
Thailand's Yingluck Shinawatra talks of resignation to 'bring back peace' Latest update
សន្ទនាររវាង ហ៊ុន សែន និង យីងឡាក់
Mass Meeting to Mark the 35th Founding Anniversary of the SFDCM
King Highlights RGC’s Efforts in Protecting the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Khieu Kanharith Receives a Delegation of Yunnan Mobile Digital TV Corporation
Kindness One: In Cambodia, a collision with evil
ស្តាប់ ហ៊ុន សែន និង យីង ឡាក់ ជជែកគ្នា
Sam Rainsy: Prevention of goitre
TIME Picks the Top 10 Photos of 2013
Monks March for You…
City Hall Moves to Stop State Land Swaps
Official Charged With Misappropriating Funds
A Fundraising Ceremony in Springvale, Australia
ក្រសួង​ការពារ​ជាតិ​ប្ដឹង​ចាងហ្វាង​កាសែត ​"មនសិការ​ខ្មែរ"
រក​ឃើញ​លទ្ធផល​បោះឆ្នោត​លម្អៀង​ទៅ​បក្ស​កាន់​អំណាច Khmer version
IMF chief visits Cambodia
UPDATE: Thai PM calls for talks as police use rubber bullets on protesters
Thailand protests: PM rejects resignation demand
CVV Media Release on 02 December 2013

Previous news | 01.12.1330.11.1329.11.1328.11.13 | 27.11.13 | 26.11.13 | 25.11.13 

Popular post:December 2, 1978, Hanoi Approved a Plan for Full Scale Invasion


Anonymous said...

Dear Jendha,

I just visited your web site and want you to know that your posts are very inspiring! I was there for a few hours and I can clearly see your goal. Your page is very beautiful, just like you!

Thank you Jendha for your time. We are very proud of you.

Your Fan

Anonymous said...

Kept on kissin' you'll get shit out of that!....She was borned's Smart NOT book's Smart...No one born Smart,we all born with sins/greeds/stubborness...! Thatwise,the world spend tons of money to educate us [ Humanbeings] without schooling,or formal of education from either your parents nor elders and teachers or other sources,otherwise,we all as dumb as a cow on the field.

We all born with sins;
According to Christian's Bible we all were borned with sins,we inherited from Adam and Eve the first persons couple that created by God,they disobey God for eating forbidden's fruit of knowledge in the Garden,so God kicked them out,result was we all inherited sins from them.

We are borned with Greeds;
When a child is borned the first thing h/she does is crying,why are they crying!? They want something [milk] which is telling their mommy that I'm hungry,give me!.....give me...!
when they grow up to little boys/gals always me!me!me! Give me....That is mine! If you give them toys they fight each other for that toys due to GREEDS!...Hun sen's regime is proving that my theory is right,Cpp killed many people,robbed land from people because of GREEDS!..

We all born stubborness;
Cpp regime stolen people votes and stubborness to give up power because greeds and hard head refuse to leave with peace and not willing to find solution to political deadlock is because his Stubborness that Hun sen was borned with.

I myself wasn't born smart nor book smart;I owed all everything that I know to my parents,elders,teachers that teaching me since I was born to now,will never stop learning from those people I've mention above.I thanks them from the bottom of my heart.

Jendah sorry if i hurt your feeling,you were borned smart,I'm not.I just want to point out to the viewers about your" Born-Smart" I don't think any of us born smart.

Young Khmer professional.

Jendhamuni said...

Dear 10:24 PM,

You may want to go see a doctor. Feels like my word 'Born Smart' bothers you so much...Grow up, learn how to behave like a human being.


Anonymous said...

Yep, which doctor do you prefer me to see? Dr:Hun Samheang or Dr: Cpp gook that running scamafia these days?They all 'born Smart' can't trust'em!..Dr;from Hanoi is not qualify because they all born smart,they didn't learn from SCHOOL.Anyway,keep up your good work,I am appreciate your courageous as a Cham-Khmer like me,will see you one day.
***May Allah bless you and keep you,may you have peace,joy,love as always...Let all make love,don't make war!..

With respect;

Anonymous said...

No matter what anyone said about you, we love you! You are a perfect Khmer lady with a lotus heart! Do not change for anybody, Jend!

Anonymous said...

Kdamjor, leave Jendha alone! She does not need this from you!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Babe,sweety chocolate pie Jendah,remove anything you want,it your house,clean it,maintain it,pick up the trash!
Can you Re-POSTE Maya Men story again my love chocolate cokie Jendah!


12:05 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well,I love you to your floab of meat that hang below your belly called "Love-handle" I love it hang low...


12:10 AM

Jendhamuni said...

Dear 11:35 PM,

No need to argue. Those things will not bother me. There are worse things in the world that need our attention...

With Respect,

Anonymous said...

12;10AM &12:05AM,Do yourself a favour,please stop impersonated me,do not re-posts these two above! Will you please!....In the name of your God Buddha please stop it!!!!


Jendhamuni said...

12:33 AM,


Anonymous said...


What does it mean in KI page. there are 3 title of "Beauty is necessary for flourishing!"

It is a wasting page.

Jendhamuni said...

Dear 1:04 AM,

Those are not my posts...
Hope you understand.

With Respect,

Anonymous said...

10:24 PM

You do not sound like nor appear to be a professional. You have made us bonafide professionals emasculated by your very unprofessional conducts.

True Khmer Professional

Anonymous said...

Since you asked me nicely,I quit border your idol Jendah! And I leave this forum for good,just to make you happy!
**Allah arkbar to you all,shaloam,Amen,Buddha bless you all,may peace/joy/love be with you and your love ones...Goodbye!..


Jendhamuni said...

Dear 7:39 AM,

Take care.

Anonymous said...

We'll see about it!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we'll see about that!

Anonymous said...

No, we have to see about that!

Anonymous said...

គួរអោយសោកស្តាយដែល KI បានក្លាយជា ធុងសំរាមយួន ចុះផ្សាយឯការឬអត្ថបទពួកយួន ដែលដើរញ៉ុះញ៉ង់ លាបពណ៌ បំបេកបំបាកសង្គម អោយបែកបាក់ខ្ទិចខ្ទីតែម្តង ជាពិសេសអាចារកិច្ច យួន គិនចាន់ដារានិងបក្សពួកវា ដែលដើរតែលាបពណ៌បំផ្លេចបំផ្លាញសង្គមនិងជាតិ ខ្មែរ ។ ចំណែក ឯកសារអត្ថបទរបស់ខ្មែរ ពិតប្រាកដ KI ។

តើ KI កំពុងបំរើនរណា យួនឬខ្មែរ ?


Anonymous said...

គួរអោយសោកស្តាយដែល KI បានក្លាយជា ធុងសំរាមយួន ចុះផ្សាយឯការឬអត្ថបទពួកយួន ដែលដើរញ៉ុះញ៉ង់ លាបពណ៌ បំបេកបំបាកសង្គម អោយបែកបាក់ខ្ទិចខ្ទីតែម្តង ជាពិសេសអាចារកិច្ច យួន គិនចាន់ដារានិងបក្សពួកវា ដែលដើរតែលាបពណ៌បំផ្លេចបំផ្លាញសង្គមនិងជាតិ ខ្មែរ ។ ចំណែក ឯកសារអត្ថបទរបស់ខ្មែរ ពិតប្រាកដ KI បានចុះផ្សាយទេ ។

តើ KI កំពុងបំរើនរណា យួនឬខ្មែរ ?

សូមបងប្អូនខ្មែរ ប្រយត្ន័ជាមួយពួកក្រុមយួនដែល ដើរលាឫពណ៌ បំបែកបំបាកសង្គមខ្មែរ ក្រុមយួន ប្រភេទនេះ គ្រោះថ្នាក់ជាងក្រុមក្លែងក្លាយដែលវា បញ្ជូនមកទៅទៀត ។


Anonymous said...

គួរអោយសោកស្តាយដែល KI បានក្លាយជា ធុងសំរាមយួន ចុះផ្សាយឯការឬអត្ថបទពួកយួន ដែលដើរញ៉ុះញ៉ង់ លាបពណ៌ បំបេកបំបាកសង្គម អោយបែកបាក់ខ្ទិចខ្ទីតែម្តង ជាពិសេសអាចារកិច្ច យួន គិនចាន់ដារានិងបក្សពួកវា ដែលដើរតែលាបពណ៌បំផ្លេចបំផ្លាញសង្គមនិងជាតិ ខ្មែរ ។ ចំណែក ឯកសារអត្ថបទរបស់ខ្មែរ ពិតប្រាកដ KI មិនបានចុះផ្សាយទេ ។

តើ KI កំពុងបំរើនរណា យួនឬខ្មែរ ?

សូមបងប្អូនខ្មែរ ប្រយត្ន័ជាមួយពួកក្រុមយួនដែល ដើរលាឫពណ៌ បំបែកបំបាកសង្គមខ្មែរ ក្រុមយួន ប្រភេទនេះ គ្រោះថ្នាក់ជាងក្រុមក្លែងក្លាយដែលវា បញ្ជូនមកទៅទៀត ។


Anonymous said...

អាចារកិច្ច យួនញ៉ុះញ៉ង់ 3:10 PM

Anonymous said...

តើសង្គ្រោះជាតិពួកឯងស្អីដែរ? សង្គ្រោះជាតិខ្មែរឬ សង្គ្រោះជាតិយួនទេ? មិនចាំបាច់ពួកឯង និយាយពេកបោកប្រាស់ទេ មើលតែលទ្ធិផលទៅ ឃើញហើយ ធ្វើនយោបាយជិត២ទសវត្សហើយ បំរើនរណា សាសន៍ណាជាអ្នកចំណេញ សាសន៍ណាជាអ្នកខាត? ពួកឯងឆ្លើយបានទេ មេពួកឯងបានលុយប៉ុន្មានពីពួកអាផ្តាច់ការនិងចិនយួនហើយយកទៅលាក់ឯណាខ្លះ?