Originally posted at http://blog.thecauseofprogress.com/2011/09/17/an-act-of-cruelty-and-a-savage-beating/
Yesterday was undoubtedly the cruelest day so far for the people at Boeung Kak. Shukaku Inc. excavators tore down at least eight homes, without warning, while peoples belongings were still inside. The impunity is appalling, these homes have been arbitrarily excluded from the 12.44 hectare concession, and it appears that both the company and the municipality are going to do everything within their power to wipe out the excluded homes, as quickly as possible. Perhaps they think that by destroying their homes, the families will no longer have any grounds on which to complain. It is almost certain that the company will try to do the same to the remaining homes in the coming days and weeks.
At one point, a Sam Rainsy Party member arrived and encouraged the crowd to try to push back the excavators and stop them destroying the remaining homes, and he paid a heavy price for his bravery. More than ten riot police beat him with their batons, shields and other weapons, leaving him bloody and unconscious on the ground. The beating spelled the end of the evictions, as rain began to soak what belongings the families could save from their homes.
Shukaku destroy homes at Boeung Kak Lake from Little Ease Films on Vimeo.
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Residents and a monk try to prevent riot police and excavators from destroying homes at Boeung Kak lake. © Nicolas Axelrod 2011 |
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A young Boeung Kak resident is targeted by riot police during protest. © Nicolas Axelrod 2011 |
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Residents rush to save belongings from a house minutes before an excavator moves in to destroy it. © Nicolas Axelrod 2011 |
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A resident with his belongings in his home as an excavator waits to flatten it. © Nicolas Axelrod 2011 |
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An excavator takes down a house. © Nicolas Axelrod 2011 |
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A member of the political opposition, the Sam Rainsy Party is left unconscious after been beaten by riot police. © Nicolas Axelrod 2011 |
បើសិនខ្ញុំជាអ្នកបឹងកក់ខ្ញុំសុខចិត្តនាំគ្នានៅក្នុងតផ្ទះទាំងអស់គ្នារង់ចាំសេចក្តីស្លាប់ដោយការឈួសបំផ្លាញផ្ទះនេះ ! ព្រោះនេះជាជំរើសចុងក្រោយហើយ! ខ្ញុំមិនជឿថាពួកវាហ៊ានឈួសផ្ទះខណះពេលមនុស្សទាំអស់នៅក្នុងផ្ទហនោះទេ!
2:07 PM,
You are absolutely right!
Rous Prous Hean Slap!
It is incredible that these cops committing such a brutal violence against one innocent man can get away with murder.
Watching the video several times and one can see that in a dictatorial regime, the police forces are concentrating on one brave man in this case, Mr. Soung Sophoan.
You can't fight the Hun Sen's regime and expect to defeat it when most people who are affected by injustice are cowards and chose not to confront the cops and there is only one brave man to face the brutal cops.
Watch any video and you can see they will go after the one courageous man.
Chea Vichea is also a good example.
Ven. Loun Savath will be targeted next.
Cambodians are just simply not together enough to resist such injustice. They can't kill many of them, but surely they can kill one or two who are courageous. And the courageous one always pays the high price for the affected majority.
We are too passive as a people and that probably explains why the KR could kill many of us so easily!
Pissed off
យើងត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាអុជធូបទៀន, ជេរប្រទេចផ្ដាសា
និង ដាក់ទំនាយ, មេដឹកនាំកម្ពុជា ទាំងយប់ ទាំងថ្ងៃ ជេរប្រទេចផ្ដាសា, ដាក់ទំនាយហើយ ជេរប្រទេចផ្ដាសា, ដាក់ទំនាយទៀត ហូតដល់ ពួកវា ឪ ម៉ែ បងប្អូន កូនចៅវា និរាសព្រាត់ប្រាស និងវិនាសអន្ដរាយរលាយរលត់
សូមអុជធូប ៩ សសៃ ហើយថាតាមខ្ញុំ :
សូមអស់លោកអារុក្ខអារក្ស អ្នកតា ទេវតាឆ្នាំថ្មី
និងបារមីដ៏ស័ក្តិសិទ្ធិទាំងអស់ តាមបំផ្លាញ ពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិទាំងអស់គ្នាឱ្យវាវិនាស ឱ្យងាប់តៃហោង
យ៉ាងវេទនាដោយត្រូវគ្រាប់កាំភ្លើង សៀម នឹងយួន
ឱ្យរន្ទះបាញ់ ព្រះធរណីស្រូប ភ្លើងឆេះផ្ទះ ឲ្យធ្លាក់យន្ដហោះ ឲ្យលិចទូកកប៉ាល់ ឲ្យក្រឡាប់ឡាន ឲ្យឡានម៉ូតូបុក ឲ្យដំរីព្រេច ឱ្យពស់ចឹក ខ្លាខាំស៊ី ឱ្យវាព្រាត់ព្រាសឪពុកម្តាយ បងប្អូន កូនចៅវា ឱ្យក្ររហេមរហាម រងទុក្ខវេទនាអស់៥០០ជាតិ....
សូមឲ្យពួកវាត្រូវបណ្ដាសានេះហោងចុះ ឱម្មសិទ្ធីស្វាហាយ:
សព្វ រដ្ឋាភិបាល, មន្ដ្រី, រដ្ឋបាល វិនាសសន្តិអស្សិតោ ... ៕
Ah Kwack you motherfucker you can arrest people but not beat them and left them to die like that!
Ah choymaray Hun Xen Motherfucker you are a criminal, a killer!!!
They act more like ganster or teroriste than police force!
We need the have this oppressing force reform!
Try to remember all the oppressor, beater faces, when change come kill them, chop them into million pieces.
I would suggest the samething to 2:43PM. Keep pictures of those cops and we will give them gift when we have chance. Oh..I have a friend in Tacoma, WA saying that CPP or CCP having formed their affiliate there right now. Ah khmer with yourn face is the president. I wonder why khmer people in Tacoma so cheap let CPP uses their association?
Can you guys beat all the stupid Khmer CPP that live in the U.S. Those idiots since your likes ah Kwack regimes so much why your motherfuckers hiding in the U.S. for motherfuckers go back to live in your slave regimes motherfuckers.
Trace killer cops to their gang leaders. And people should know exactly what to do... Don't let this pass, be relentless!!!
Keep voting for CCP and Hun Sen. let see if they care about Khmer people...
This is really a sign to collapse of CPP regime because the more they abusing, mistreating and oppressing the people they will be like Tunisia, Egypt and Libya in near future.
Soon these police will not shoot to those demonstrators because one of them could be police's son or relative. That was happened in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya..
During pol pot, they came to get you at night in the cover of darkness. Victims didn't have a chance to react.
Now, during pol pot 2.0, they come to get you in plain daylight, no need to hide. People must not sit still and watch anymore.
WE must be proactive in this fight together. Fight MUST fight back to protect ourselves and families.
Where is Obama, Hillary, Sarkozy, Camaron???????????????
Lok SUONG SOPHUON's khmer revolution model and is khmer hero !
Why Ah Kantorbs, behind Ah Kwack's force, have been able to destroy Khmer Nationalists one by one such as this brave young Khmer, Suong Sophorn ?
This puppet government has been facilitating its master’s plan of colonizing Cambodia by pushing Khmer people to live farther and farther from the city, encountering stiff hardships stemming from the lack of foods, cleaned water, school, etc…Thus shorten their life span. This is another way to kill Khmer people.
Look at the newcomers Yiekcongs who have penetrated freely into Cambodia occupied all the places that possess all natural resource and enjoy easy life while the indigenous Khmers deprive almost everything.
With the extreme discontent among Khmer people, the 2013 election should heavily favor all democratic parties to win this most crucial election.
However, if the puppet government wins the election again that would surely imply that the number of yiekcongs inside Cambodia has surpassed the expert’s estimate. So, the puppet government got the votes from Yiekcongs, not from Khmer people.
Then there will be no way that the real Khmer nationalists will win future elections.
That circumstance will leave Khmer people no choice, but to mount a popular uprising against this monster expansionist Yiekcong.
And it come to the conclusion that either we die – through peaceful massive demonstration - after this 2013 election to give Cambodia a chance to live or we cowardly stay still and let these yiekcongs eat our motherland alive. That is the choice that we have to make.
Just remember that this is not the first time that Yiekcongs occupy our country. Some ways and some how, our ancestors were able to get rid of them. We must do the same as our ancestors did.
យើងខ្មែរទូទាំងប្រទេស ត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាក្រោកឡើងបះ
ធ្វើមហាបាតុកម្ម ឬកុប្បកុម្ម វ៉ៃបណ្តេញពួកអាឆ្កែ
កញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន, ហេងសំ រិន, ជាស៊ីម,
សុខ អាន, ហោ ណាំហុង, ឱម យិនទៀង, ចៀម យីប,
វ៉ា គិម ហុង, ស ខេង, ងួន ញ៉ឹល ។ល។ និង ។ល។
វ៉ៃបណ្តេញឱ្យពួកវាដួលរលំរត់ទៅចៅហ្វាយរបស់វានៅ ហាណូយ ដែលជាប្រទេសម៉ែ ឪទី២របស់ពួកវា។
យើងខ្មែរទូទាំងប្រទេស គួរយកគំរូពី ប្រទេសទុយនេហ្ស៊ី
ទៅ ប្រទេសអេហ្ស៊ីប, យេមែន, បារ៉ែន, លីប៊ី... « បដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាម្លិះ » ជាគំរូ!
After seeing this, its strange how many Cambodian continue to vote for CPP. I would like to know who or where are those Cambodian living? Boung Kak Lake?
នែ+ពួកអាកងប្រដាប់អាវុធខ្មែរកញ្ជៈ ហ៊ុន សែននិងយួនហាណូយ! អញសូមប្រាប់ពួកអាឆ្កែអស់ឯងថា៖ អំពើរដែលពួកអាអស់ឯងកំពុងតែធ្វើមកលើពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរខ្លួនឯងនេះ គឺជាអំពើររំលោភសិទ្ធមនុស្សដ៏ធ្ដន់ធ្ងរនិងថោកទៀបជាទីបំផុត។ ពួកឯងកុំភ្លេចឱយសោះថា៖ នៅថ្ងៃដ៏ខ្លីខាងមុខនេះពួកអាឆ្កែអស់ឯងនឹងត្រូវបានង៉ាប់តៃហោងវិញជាក់ជាមិនខាន! យួនបានប្រើល្បិចឱយខ្មែរសម្លាប់ខ្មែរគ្នាឯង ដូច្នេះពួកអស់ឯងមុននិងក្រោយគឺត្រូវតែតៃហោង (ព្រលឹងលោកតាឃ្លាំងមឿង)។
these group of people don't respect property authority, so, of course, they are in trouble, ok!
why don't they respect authority?
This is acts of evil, This is terrorism!
I hope Hanoi, hoon sen will reaps what they sow!
Hun Sen must be brought to the International Court of Justice for so many crimes that Hun Sen has committed to innocent Cambodian.
Removing Hun Sen is one good thing but understanding why Hanoi Hanoi formed CPP in 1951 for is far more good thing .
So the root of the problem is youn Hanoi ( Indochina Federation ) .
So Khmer need the power of all Khmer people power both home and abroad to uproot this root cause of the problem otherwise we will face the same fate as Champa and Laos.
1:34 AM,
Evil is your name!
You are hiding in the US and on welfare!
Stop concentrating on the Vietnamese. We can't do anything about it.
Deal with Hun Sen and the CPP first. These crooks are bad whether the Vietnamese are behind them or not. That is the absolute truth about the Khmer leaders and that is why Dr. Peang-Meth asked cleverly and with a vision: then what next?
Sihanouk, Lon Nol and Pol Pot used security forces to kill and put down any demonstrations against them and there were no Vietnamese putting a gun to their head.
Accept the fact that Khmer leaders have been bad and then move on to dealing with them. Stop blaming other races since you can't change them anyway!
Just make sure in the new era of new change whenever that comes that two-term limit is in place in the constitution for all public offices including the prime minister office.
Also it is time to say good-bye to the useless monarchy!
We had no monarcy from 1970 to 1993 so maintaining it is a waste of public fund when our monarchy is being used as a rubber stamp anyway. In addition the king does not possess any qualities or courage to defend the poor so his presence is not serving even as a counterbalance to the abuse of power and constitution of the country and for that reason he represents a mockery of the modern-time monarchical institution.
Pissed off
I have been wondering why America cooperate with the terrorist Hun Sen to fight the terrorist. why America cannot see that Hun Sen is the dictator, the killer, the Pol Pot #2.
could anybody explain why?
ខ្ញុំ ជឿថា បើមានការបះបោរ កើតឡើងនៅកណ្តាល
ក្រុងភ្នំពេញ និង នៅតាមខេត្តនាៗ ដើម្បីវ៉ៃបណ្តេញ
អាឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួន ហ៊ុន សែន មែននោះពួកអាទាហាន
អីចឹង គឺពួកអាទាហានខ្មែរឆ្កែកញ្ជះយួនវានឹង បាញ់
បើយោងទៅតាមអំពើរយ៉ាងសាហាវឃោរឃៅ ព្រៃផ្សៃ
យើងត្រូវតែនាំគ្នាជេរ អាក្បត់ជាតិហ៊ុន សែន និងរដ្ឋាភិបាលវាថា៖
"ពួកអាឆ្កែកញ្ជះ យួនហាណូយ"
ជេរហើយជេរទៀត ដើម្បីអោយជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ
ដឹងឮ ពីអំពើក្បត់ជាតិនឹងអំពើអាក្រក់របស់ពួកវា
នែ+ពួកអាកងប្រដាប់អាវុធខ្មែរកញ្ជៈអាឆ្កែ ហ៊ុន សែន និង
អាឆ្កែយួនហាណូយ! អញសូមប្រាប់ពួកអាឆ្កែអស់ឯងថា៖ អំពើរដែលពួកអាអស់ឯងកំពុងតែធ្វើមកលើពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ
និងថោកទៀបជាទីបំផុត។ ពួកឯងកុំភ្លេចឱយសោះថា៖ នៅថ្ងៃដ៏ខ្លីខាងមុខនេះពួកអាឆ្កែអស់ឯងនឹងត្រូវបាន
ង៉ាប់តៃហោងវិញជាក់ជាមិនខាន! យួនបានប្រើល្បិចឱយខ្មែរសម្លាប់ខ្មែរគ្នាឯង
តើអស់លោកគណបក្សសម រង្សីទៅង៉ាប់ឯណាអស់?តើហេតុដូចម្តេចបានជាបណ្តោយឱយពួកអាឆ្កែអស់នេះវាយធ្វើបាបសកម្មជនខ្លួនហើយគ្មាននណារត់មកជួយការពារគ្នាឯងយ៉ាងដូច្នេះ?ចោលម្សៀត! មានន័យថា៖ សមរង្សីនិងអា ហ៊ុន សែនគ្នាវាតែមួយ អញ្ជឹងហើយបានជាបណ្តោយ អាណាង៉ាប់អីង៉ាប់ទៅ!
stupid, i told you, violence don't solve violence, ok! when you wake up, learn from this lesson, ok! stop being stupid forever, ok!
Opposition, you are doing so well today, you showing your courage standing side by side to support the Cambodian villagers. Your high sperit of fighting will trancend to your family, friend and neighbors and other oversea. Your suffer is our suffer and with your struggle to fight for your Freedom, the world will watch over and will not stand still, "where is the oppression, there is the revolution. Be strong and I am with and for you all the way.
Khmer Baphnom
dear, khmer folks
all polices in cambodia are viet cong or Bo Doi expert's children disguise as real khmer police man.if you don't raise up early cambodia it's gonna be Kampouchear Krom ok!
how else are you suppose to teach them if individuals are so rude and unruly and disrespect the rule of law, etc, you know! we can't kill them as there are rule of law against that in cambodia, you know! we can't deprive them of food and water either, so beating is a lesson to be learned, i think! of course, they didn't intend to kill him, just to teach him a lesson to respect the law, really!
Using force is not the way to go. For country that run by Vietnamese government. Stop lying to your self. You and I know and all the people know. Cambodian Country have to be strong stop working for the dog and the dogs itself.
Why Ah Kantorbs, behind Ah Kwack's force, have been able to destroy Khmer Nationalists one by one such as beating up this brave young Khmer, Suong Sophorn ?
This puppet government has been facilitating its master’s plan of colonizing Cambodia by pushing Khmer people to live farther and farther from the city, encountering stiff hardships stemming from the lack of foods, cleaned water, school, etc…Thus shorten their life span. This is another way to kill Khmer people.
Look at the newcomers Yiekcongs who have penetrated freely into Cambodia occupied all the places that possess all natural resource and enjoy easy life while the indigenous Khmers deprive almost everything.
With the extreme discontent among Khmer people toward the puppet government, the 2013 election should heavily favor the opposition parties to win this most crucial election.
However, if the puppet government wins the election again that would surely imply that the number of yiekcongs inside Cambodia has surpassed the expert’s estimate. So, the puppet government got the votes from Yiekcongs, not from Khmer people.
That circumstance will leave Khmer people no choice, but to mount a popular uprising against this monster expansionist Yiekcong.
And it come to the conclusion that either we die – through peaceful massive demonstration - after this 2013 election to give Cambodia a chance to live or we cowardly stay still and let these yiekcongs eat our motherland alive. That is the choice we have to make.
Just remember that this is not the first time that Yiekcongs occupy our country. In the past, some ways and some how, our ancestors were able to get rid of them. We must do the same as our ancestors did.
This is the animal act of Hun Sen Government,including all dummies Polices without A good education.Love to beat the protesters
that protect their own right.One of these day God will destroy them and send Hun Sen to international Court,and all Dummies polices will beat their own families(Wifes and kids).when you wake up to see your future?.Going to be Viet's Dog.
១- យុវជនស្រីប្រុស រាស្រ្តខ្មែរករកុះ ចុះឈ្មោះបោះឆ្នោត យើងគួរតែគិត
ចោលគំនិតឆោត ទើបគង់ដើមត្នោត ដីចម្ការស្រែ ។
២- យើងរាល់គ្នាដឹង មេសព្វថ្ងៃហ្នឹង គិតតិចយើងខ្មែរ គេគិតយួនច្រើន
ឱ្យកំណើតគេ គ្មានបោះឆ្នោតទេ ពេលគេឡើងធំ ។
៣- គេសងគុណយួន គេសងផ្ទួនៗ ពេលរាស្រ្តខ្លួនយំ យួនវាតយកដី
ទីព្រៃវាលភ្នំ ទន្លេតូចធំ ទីផ្តុំហ្វូងវៀត ។
៤- ឆ្នាំកៅសិបបី រាស្រ្តខ្មែរប្រុសស្រី ស្គាល់យល់មារយាទ បោះឱ្យស្តេចហើយ ព្រោះឆ្អែតនឹងវៀត តែស្តេចចោលម្សៀត គ្មានស្នៀតគ្រងរដ្ឋ ។
៥- ខ្លួនជាបណ្ឌិត តែបញ្ញាគិត អន់ជាងក្មេងវត្ត ខ្មែរជឿបង់ចិត្ត ស្មើត្រូវស្តេចក្បត់! តើឱ្យប្រាកដ កំហុសនរណា?
៦- យើងឃើញកំហុស ខ្មែរអើយ! ឈប់ខុស ខ្មែរត្រូវពិចារណ៍ បោះឆ្នោតលើកនេះ ប្តូរមេរដ្ឋា ជាជនអន្ធការ ប្រហារជាតិខ្លួន ។
៧- លើកនេះមិនឈ្នះ តែត្រូវបម្រះ ទៅមុខផ្ទួនៗ រំដោះជាតិយើង ចេញពីឈ្លើងយួន ត្រូវគិតមាំមួន បោះឱ្យលោកណា?
ពួកអាចុយម៉ែហ្អែង!ពួកអាចុយម្រាយឈាមនិងមុខយួន ពួកអាចង្រៃឯងម៉េចក៏ចិត្តអាក្រក់និងសាហាវម្ល៉េះ។បន្តិចទៀតកូនខ្មែរនឹងដេញកាប់ពួកអាចុយម្រាយឯងវិញហើយ ពួកអាចង្រៃឯងចាំមើលចុៈ!
It sounds like the polices in those Military uniforms are not really Khmer/Cambodian soldiers, but they are Communist Yuon/Vietnamese bodyguards (pretending to be Khmer/Cambodian polices or military). We would be better ask those fucking Communist CPP bodyguards, "are you Yuon/Vietcong who hit and beat people like that?" Those fucking Communist CPP bodyguards are serving the Communist CPP government and officials who are illegal Yuon/Vietnamese assholes and bitches and who pushed the Communist CPP PM, dumbest and blind Hun Sen who married to his Yuon wife Bun Rany (fake Khmer name).
The International Donors, Journalists or UN should also ask those fucking Communist CPP bodyguards the questions, "are you Yuon/Vietnamese?" Why have you beaten or attached those innocent people like that? These should be reported to the UN, USA, NATO, and International Communities and Donors.
តើយើងហ៊ានសាកល្បងដេកក្នុងផ្ទះពេលដែលExcavator របស់ ឡៅ ម៉េងឃីន ចូលមកបំផ្លាញនោះ?
Khmer yeung min srof knea tae,neak hean taer 2-3 neak ponnos.
Kour oy sdie!
Mn'eak mn'eak sok jet chhor meul.
Toeur pel na tov,ah yuon mun neung kroy vea kong tae samlab yeung jea dor del!
He wanted to be a hero.
Ok, so am just a woman, i wanna know, so do khmer ppl despise youn? N if so, why do khmer guys still like Srey youn? They disregard their own khmer woman, interwine Love, have affairs with srey youn n continue on helping youn- khmer generations form, like parasites throughout cambodia.
Does this qualify as relations with youn,? In a love relationship perspective or its just for ppl in politics.
Now the khmer-youn children gets all the life opportunities taken away from our own blood khmer kids, the youn- khmer youth now feel more prettier n superior.
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